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Software Requirements



Multi-institutional Online
Admission Counseling System
Version 1.5

By - Ahmad Raza Shibli (20CAB118)


Dr. Shahid Masood

Dr. Zubair Hashmi

Aligarh Muslim University

Session: 2022-23

1st December 2022

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

Table of Contents
Table of Contents...........................................................................................................................1
Revision History.............................................................................................................................1
1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................2
1.1 What is counseling management system?.......................................................................................3
1.2 A brief description about the existing system and their problems...................................................4
1.3 A case study....................................................................................................................................4
1.4 Proposal of a new system and solution to existing problems..........................................................4
1.5 Document convention.....................................................................................................................4
1.6 Intended audience and reading suggestions....................................................................................4
1.7 Product Scope.................................................................................................................................5
1.8 References......................................................................................................................................5
2. Overall Description..................................................................................................................6
2.1 Product Description........................................................................................................................6
2.2 Product Functionalities...................................................................................................................6
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics.....................................................................................................7
2.4 Operating Environment...................................................................................................................9
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints.......................................................................................10
2.6 User Documentation.....................................................................................................................10
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies....................................................................................................12
3. External Interface Requirements.........................................................................................13
3.1 User Interface and Functionalities.................................................................................................13
3.2 Hardware Interface.......................................................................................................................14
3.3 Software Interface.........................................................................................................................14
4. System Features.....................................................................................................................15
4.1 Account creation and login...........................................................................................................15
4.2 Downloadable Materials...............................................................................................................15
4.3 Live seat update............................................................................................................................15
4.4 Notice module...............................................................................................................................16
4.5 Some miscellaneous admin privileges..........................................................................................17
4.6 Some miscellaneous counselor privileges.....................................................................................17
4.7 Some miscellaneous super admin privileges.................................................................................17
5. Nonfunctional Requirements................................................................................................18
5.1 Performance..................................................................................................................................18
5.2 Security.........................................................................................................................................18
5.3 Reliability.....................................................................................................................................19
5.4 Scalability.....................................................................................................................................19
5.5 Maintainability..............................................................................................................................19
5.6 Supportability...............................................................................................................................19
5.7 Packaging.....................................................................................................................................19
5.8 Implementation.............................................................................................................................20
5.9 Interfacing.....................................................................................................................................20
5.10 Copy write and Legal....................................................................................................................20
Appendix A: Glossary..................................................................................................................22
Appendix B: Models....................................................................................................................23
Appendix C: Design Model.........................................................................................................23
Appendix D: Feasibility Analysis...............................................................................................32
Appendix E: Increment Model...................................................................................................32

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

Revision History
Name Date Reason For Changes Version

Ahmad Raza Shibli 14/10/22 Basic introduction and functionalities. 1.1

Ahmad Raza Shibli 12/11/22 Added Non functional requirements. 1.2
Ahmad Raza Shibli 17/11/22 Added wireframes and other diagrams 1.3
Ahmad Raza Shibli 22/11/22 Added feasibility study 1.4
Ahmad Raza Shibli 28/11/22 Made final changes 1.5

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

In this era of globalization and interconnected world, everyone is striving towards a
better tomorrow. There are various ways in which humans can grow, education being a
key component. With the widespread internet and the increasing use of smart devices
like mobile phones and tablets, any information we wish to have is just a few clicks
away. Today we can learn and understand any topic we want from the internet for free.
There are many sources that provide free training and learning sessions. Various ed-
tech giants like Byjus, Unacademy etc has also emerged from this domain. They are
using the technology to their advantage and helping students learn in a very interactive
environment. Hence it is needless to say that technology is shaping the way we learn.

There are various positive impacts of online learning. With the use of latest technologies
like AR(Augmented Reality) or VR(Virtual Reality) teachers can use interactive models
to explain a concept to the students and it is seen that visual learning is way more
effective. The reach of such technologies is not just limited behind the walls of a
classroom but is accessible to everyone around the globe

As the world gets more and more connected we are no longer tied by the boundaries of
our nation but can choose the best institutions around the globe. But with more options,
we tend to feel overwhelmed and with the ever growing list, confused too. Students
across the globe feel the need of an Online Admission Counseling System that won’t
just help them through the process of admission but also guide them through the
complete process, ranging from selection of the subject that is best fit for them to getting
admitted into a good institution.

At present, the need for an online based system is very high as at there exists no such
system that would help the students in the process of admission and also guide them
while selecting the subjects that might suit best for them. There are many benefits that
an online system carries, the main purpose being connectivity between the student and
the institute. With the help of modern technology, communication gap between the
student and administration of the institute can be minimized.

The system will be user friendly and will function as a one stop destination for all the
student’s problems that are relating to his/her admission. The end result, being a web
based product will be very cost effective and time saving, for both the administration as
well as the students. This will help in managing the student’s records and other
resources. The product will have an easy navigation along with user friendly and good
user interfaces. It has been implemented using core web technologies like HTML, CSS,
JS, PHP and MySQL. Apart from this various frameworks like bootstrap, Sass etc has
been used in the process.

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

1. Introduction

1.1 What is counseling management system?

A counseling management system is a system that is the bottle neck of any institute. It
is the system that filters out the students that ultimately makes the institute alive. Even
today at many places the process is still done using the old conventional ways of pen
and paper which is very time taking and hard to manage. Some places have adopted
the hybrid system of admission process, in which a few modules has been implemented
online while the rest has to be done in a physical fashion. The process of admitting
students should be smooth and done in a way that feels frictionless to students.
Following the conventional ways does the opposite. It is time consuming and confusing

Beside this, in the traditional way of counseling, there is no or very little transparency.
Due to this students have to analyze the trends or guess make their final choices based
on guess work. This at times becomes frustrating. To tackle such problems, a new
system has been proposed in this SRS to make the job easier for both the students and
the institutes.

For building this project we will be using Agile Methodology. It is one of the most
famous software development methodologies which came to prominence in the early
2000s. It consists of five main activities which are as follows: Communication, Planning,
Modeling, Construction and Deployment. We will only focus on the first three activities
while writing this SRS. The Communication activity is concerned with interaction and
collaboration in order to determine the project's objective and requirements. In the SRS,
this section will include in the project scope, purpose, and so on. The Planning activity
will deal with project requirements, including functional and non- functional
requirements, as well as in the increment model. The Modeling activity will deal with the
creation of models (design models) that will assist the user in better understanding the
web application requirements.

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

A brief description about various phases of Agile Methodology.

1.2 A brief description about the existing system and their problems.
At present the admission process in many institutes are done manually. Most of them
follow a hybrid system that is the physical process alongside computerization of some
modules or a part of the process. Even at places where the automation has been done
there is a lack of proper maintenance of the system leading to loopholes and problems
arising during the process of admission.

Another major flaw in the current system is that the student is not sure about the seat
allocation and has to guess the probability based on various conditions. It takes a lot of
time and the student has to make a lot of efforts in order to get admitted in the desired
institute. The process also gets increasingly hectic and complex as time passes by, and
with so many options at hand it gets difficult to choose the right subject or course one
wants. Above that the real time proceedings of counseling is kept hidden, at times this
may raise suspicion among the candidates who are appearing for their counseling.

Lack of guidance during the process and not getting their queries addressed properly is
another factor that increases friction towards the traditional method and increases the
need for an online based system.

At present there are a few institutes that have implemented a complete online
admission counseling system, AMU being one of them. Possibly the largest online
counseling system is maintained and implemented by National Informatics Center or
NIC. In the year 2019 alone it had managed over 35 counseling boards, helped more

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

than 3000 institutes in the process, allocated over 7 lakhs seats that were distributed
over 37 different examinations for which they had to process more than a total of 89
lakhs applications. A lot of institutes rely on this portal for their screening process.

1.3 An exploratory data analysis of student’s satisfaction with the

admission counseling process: A case study
A survey was conducted in which more than 100 students participated and answered
various questions regarding their experience with the admission and course selection
process. A questionnaire was prepared and the responses of students were collected
with the help of Google forms. The records have been saved for further analysis. Later
on, the data was processed and the information is being displayed in various graphs
and charts to make it easy to understand. Other sources like Google scholar and
various survey reports published by multiple organizations and individuals are also used
for better understanding.

1.3.1 Dataset description. The study has been done based on the survey report of
college students who have faced any kind of online admission counseling at least once
in their life. The data contains entries from over 100 students, out of which around 77%
were male and 22% female. As the final process of admission counseling depends on
various factors like position, marks obtained, etc. The questions that were framed during
the survey were prepared in a way to extract most of those details, including how it
would affect the admission process of an individual. The questions that were asked are
described in table 1.

Attribute Name Attribute Description

Name For record purpose
Gender To know which gender, pursue which field
Which entrance test did you appear for?
To remove biases and to evaluate their
overall experience
How much did you score? To see the scoring trend
What was your rank? To know the subject trend based on
Year of Appearing? To find the volume of students who appear
every year
Preference list of Subjects? How student prioritize their subjects
Which course did you get? How ranking affects the result of
Which round do you get the course? How the round of counseling affects
student’s choices
On what basis did you prioritize your To know the mindset of students
preference list?

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

1.3.2 Findings and indices

Demographic data analysis. As fig1 describes the data of the students who appeared
for the survey, they consisted of around 77% males and 22% females. The students
who gave the survey appeared to be very well acquainted with the admission process
as they had faced the admission process in recent years. Most of them appeared in the
year 2020 while the data ranged from 2018-2022.

Fig 1. Gender percentage of people who volunteered for the survey

Analysis of the survey: With the help of the survey conducted it was found that most
of the students have trouble finding the right course for themselves and even after being
admitted a large chunk of them were unsatisfied with the course they got admitted into.
As shown in fig 2, more than 18% had little to no idea about the course and for a lot of
them, it was almost random (approximately 11%). Students who had someone to guide
them during the process are the ones who do not wish to change their major. Still, we
find that a large chunk of the population (approximately 51%) that knew what they want
and are happy with the course they are admitted into. We can say that the complete
admission process is lengthy both for the teacher and the student by looking at the
graph in fig 3, as it shows that at least 4 rounds of counseling were conducted. Out of all
the students who volunteered to answer the questions almost all of them preferred the
online system over the traditional system based on how easy it is to proceed with it.

Fig 2: Pie chart depicting how students prioritize Fig 3: Bar graph representing the round in
their subject preference list which the students got their admission

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

1.4 Proposal of a new system and solution to existing problems.

In today’s world there are many options available in almost anything and everything that
we choose to do. Be it with our shopping or studies. At times what we choose does not
make a lot of difference in our day to day activity but some choices can alter the flow of
our life as they are the basis of what might lie ahead. One such decision we all make is
during the time of our admission. Most of us are unaware of the subjects we want to
major in and a huge chunk of people just follow the heard and take up something trendy
and regret later. The motivation behind this project is not only to make it easy for the
students to apply for various institutes but also be a guiding light to those who are not
very sure or confused at this stage of their life. As we can infer from the survey that a lot
of people (almost 50%) were unaware or were not very sure about what they wanted.
Our motive is to make it easy and help students get the subject that would fit best for
them, as this is very important for the growth of the individual as well as the country. As
depicted from the bar graph below, around 60% of students are satisfied by their
subjects after the admission has been done. Rest are not very much satisfied by the
end result as they want to change it or they might have choose a different course, due
to various factors like poor score, lack of guidance etc.

In our institute, students generally choose their major based on a guess that depends
on the admission trend of the university. This is largely because of the very un-
predictive nature of the whole process.

Bar graph describing the situation of students after admission

The choices of students will improve drastically if they have someone to guide them and
if they know the proceedings of the system in real time. This project will also make the
whole process a bit more transparent that will ultimately help the students. So the need
of a system that makes the process transparent and helps them in selecting subjects is
the need of the hour.

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

1.5 Document Convention

To make the SRS and other related documents, we will be using the font “Arial” with the
font size of 12 for content, 14 for headings and 13 for subheadings. We have used italic
font style, with a darker shade of grey, alongside a font size of 10 that is aligned center
for writing captions to any pictures or tables that may be used. The headings in this
SRS file has been made bold, we will also be marking some important word as bold to
make emphasis and show its importance. The complete document has been indented
with the justified alignment.

1.6 Intended audience and Reading suggestions

This project is made keeping in mind the hardships faced by both, the institutes as well
as the students.

For the ease of the readers the document has been divided into various parts. For
anyone interested in a particular part, shall skip to it. We start with an Introduction that
gives a brief idea about the project and its functionalities. It also encompasses the
scope of the project along with a literature survey. The problems of the existing system
have been defined here along with solutions and proposal of a new system.

Following the introduction is the Overall Description of the project which has a
comprehensive account about the working of the project. Under this section we find the
functionality of the project, how various models have been implemented and how it
works. There is also a brief use case diagram to depict the interaction various group of
users will have with the system. It also describes the design constraints, dependencies
and other assumptions we made while developing this project.

The successive segment describes different Interfaces that have been used in this
project in much detail. It describes the various modules of the project and how it will be
used. This will describe the hardware requirements, software requirements and other
third party requirements that the project needs to operate in the desired manner

The subsequent part in the documentation includes System Features. This section of
the documentation guides us through various modules of the system in much detail. It
guides us through the dynamic time table, alumni data management and other modules
of the project. To understand the details of these functionalities the reader must go
through the specific sub headings. This part of the documentation also includes various
functional requirements of each module. The part is followed by Non-functional
Requirements that includes the running conditions and other details related to the

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

system. It deals with issues like scalability, maintainability, performance, portability,

security, reliability, and many more.

The final part contains Appendixes. Appendix A contains a list of abbreviations,

definitions, acronyms and other conventions that has been used throughout the project.
Appendix B has the analysis model of the project that includes Entity Relation diagram
(ERD), Data Flow Diagram (DFD) and class diagrams. Following it is Appendix C has
the design model that contains the activity diagram, schema and wireframe. Appendix
D depicts the feasibility study of the whole model in much detail. And the final part,
Appendix E, describes the increments in which the whole project has been mad. Future
developments have also been mentioned under the same heading.

1.7 Product Scope

This product will provide the institutes the ability to maintain the records of the students
who have applied for admission in their institute. This will also help the students
throughout the admission process by guiding them in selecting the major they want.
This project will serve as a one stop destination for all the queries related to the
process. With an easy to use and elegant user interface, it won’t only please the user’s
eye but will also give the administration a low maintenance easy to use management

The end product can help in reducing the time and effort it will take if the process is
done manually.

1.8 References
[1] IEEE SRS template

2. Overall Description

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

2.1 Product description

The online admission counseling system is a web application that lets the institute
conduct the admission process in an online fashion. This web application will be very
helpful for the institutes as it will have a well defined and indexed database for easy
retention and storage of information and will be monitored by an admin or its team.
Students will also benefit from the system as they will have the information and all the
data that is required in the process of admission. They will also have the previous year
trends available at with them and to help them with their subject selection the system
will provide suggestion based on their rank and preferences. While the processes
will start, the students will have the live seat update module available with them to help
them decide better. Above that the students can also view the departments and the
courses that they wish to major, their course materials and other specifications. This
might enhance the decision making of the students. The features of the system have
been defined in section 4 in much detail.

The main features include:

Cross platform support: Since this will be primarily based on web technologies, it can
be accessed from any device that has access to internet connection and will work on
almost all the known operating system.

User friendly: The end product will be user friendly and easy to manage. It is done to
provide every user of the application an equal ground to start with. Every person can
use it with ease and the chances of errors can be minimized with clean and properly
arranged web pages.

Round the clock availability: The users of the system can access it from anywhere
and at any moment of the day with the help of internet.

Multiple user support: The system is built in a way to handle the data of multiple users
at the same time. It will allow the students to make an account while they are the part of
the institute and once they have completed their degree the admin can shift his/her
profile on the alumni channel. This will help in keeping the record of every person who
was once enrolled in the institute.

Good user Interface: A well laid visual user interface and the ease with which it the
website could be navigated makes it simple for a range of users.

Easy navigation: The complete system, apart from having a good user interface has
an easy navigation system so that the user does not have any problem navigating the

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

Transparency: The system is very transparent. The live seat count module that
updates in real time with every admission makes the whole process more transparent
and helps the students make choices accordingly.

Cost efficient: The cost of conducting an admission counseling session in a traditional

way costs a lot of money both for the institute as well as the students. As the institute
has to make all the necessary arrangements and the students has to travel all the way
to the institute to get their admission. In contrast to this an online system saves a lot of
money as it eliminates the travel expenses for the students and also reduces the cost
that an institute might have to spend.

Centralized data handling: All the data will be handled by the admin and his team that
are part of the institute.

Time efficient: The implementation of various aspects of the admission process will
make the whole process time efficient as the counselor can work at his comfort and the
students won’t have to wait in long queues to get their work done

Reach to geographically scattered students: The internet has along reach and with
the help of an online system for the admission process; the reach of an institute will no
longer be bound to any physical boundary.

Operational efficiency: The overall operation of an online system is much more

efficient as compared to the traditional ways. It saves a lot of time, paper work and

2.2 Product Functionalities

This project provides users with many functionalities, following points describes the
functionalities in a brief manner:

 View the details about the subjects he/she wishes to apply to

 Have a track of the live seat allocation process, the number of seats left and the
round in which the counseling is being held.
 Upload and view the documents that can be updated before a predefined date,
after which any change that will be made will be not considered valid.
 View important dates of the counseling.
 View details about different departments.
 The student can upload their preference list and related details that will be asked
by the system to know what subject would suit them the best. This functionality
will be an optional one, as students can choose to use it.

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

 The admin/ counselor can view the student’s records and make changes if
required. In extreme cases they can also delete the profile of the student.
 They can view the live seat update.
 The counselor can view and approve the documents that have been uploaded by
the students.
 The admin has the privilege to appoint the counselor.
 The admin can call for extra round of counseling if needed. He updates the list of
students and also the admission criteria like number of seats in each department
 The admin also manages the details of the departments that are to be displayed
on the website.

2.3 User classes and characteristics

On a broad scale the user base is divided into two main fragments, i.e., The Admin and
user. They both have different functionalities based on the level of access they have
over the data that is fed into the system. Their basic functionalities can be defined as

1. Super Admin

Super admin is the person who manages the main site. He manages the account of the
admin as the admin has to make his account on the main site first. The super admin
also manages the website along with the accounts of the admin.

 Can approve the account of the admin.

 Manages and maintains the main site.

2. Admin

Admin is the most important person who will be responsible for handling various tasks.
There are various levels of restrictions present at different user level but the admin can
access almost everything present on the system. The admin can help create
accounts, retrieve it in case the user has lost his/her credentials. He is responsible for
updating and managing the course details. He can also perform various other
operations on other functionalities like updating the merit list, selected list etc. He/she is
responsible for maintaining proper record of the process and retrieves data wherever
required. He can also add or remove users if required. Following are some of the
important functionalities that the admin can perform:

i) Can read all the information relating to a course.

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

ii) Can update the course details.

iii) Can manage the data that is to be fed into the system.
iv) Update information about various departments.
v) Can add or remove students/counselors if required.
vi) Have access to modify the information entered by the user.
vii) Define the details that is required for the counseling process, like number of
seats, important dates etc.
viii) Can call for extra round of counseling if needed.
ix) Can perform CRUD operation on notice and admission related details.

2. User

The users are the one who makes the system alive. There are different sets of users
who can perform various activities. Basically a user can perform the following activities:

i) Can make an account.

ii) Can get access to information related to the admission process.
iii) Can look for various details like courses, about department etc.
iv) Will get notified about any official notices.
Furthermore the users are divided into 2 sub categories; they have various
functionalities based on their roles.

User Roles and description

Student Can look up their schedules and other important dates. They
can also navigate through the course syllabus and related
materials. They can upload their documents and get them
verified there. They can also choose to have a prediction about
the subject that will suit them the best by answering some
questions. Before the closing date, the students can update
their details if required. Once their admission has been
approved by the counselor they can accept or reject the
acceptance letter and notify the institute accordingly.
Counselor They will be responsible to approve the admission of the
students. The can also verify the documents and other
records of the students and can make any remark if required.
They have the right to suspend the account of any candidate
(if required) with proper reasoning.

The interaction of the users and the admin has been described in the use case diagram
given below. To understand it better skip to the Analysis model present in Appendix B.

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

Use case diagram for admin.

Use case diagram for user.

2.4 Operating Environment

While the system is in its development and testing phase, everything will be done
primarily on my system that is Windows 10. I will be using XAMPP which is a cross
platform application that acts as a dummy server. For the development we are using the
following technologies and tools:

1. phpMyAdmin: It is a database that uses MySQL and runs on Apache server.

We are using it during our development and testing phase.
2. XAMPP: As described above it acts like a dummy server to test our project.
3. HTML, CSS, JavaScript: These technologies are used in the front end. Various
frameworks of CSS and JavaScript have also been used wherever needed.
4. PHP: It has been primarily used to write the logic and backend of the whole
For the testing of the project we will be using various other tools like FakerJS to
generate fake data and perform load testing, Burpsuite to perform brute force attack
and other security tests to check its robustness against cyber attacks.

After the testing has been done in the local environment we will deploy it to any cloud
based hosting company like W3, Heroku, Netlify or any other hosting services. After
the deployment has been done successfully anyone from across the world can access
the site and enjoy its functionalities.

2.5 Design implementation and constraints

This document provides a systematic plan and a template for designing an online
admission counseling system. Following are some constraints that might limit the users
or other developers who are looking to use or develop a similar system.

 The system needs to be online 24*7.

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

 The project needs a server to run, both during development and deployment
 The database is centralized which makes it vulnerable at some points. If any
hacker gets into the database s/he can have access to most of the data.
 In addition to the point mentioned above another concerning drawback of
centralized DBMS is that if we do not keep any backup we may lose all the data
if the tables or the database itself gets corrupted.

2.6 User Documentation

Navigation as a Student

Once successfully registered and logged in, the student can update their profile
accordingly. They can navigate to the section to upload documents and upload the
required documents. There the students will also have the option to view the
documents that were uploaded by him/her. This has been provided so that the
students can cross verify the documents that they are uploading.

Students will also be provided with a separate section to view past year trends and
also have a prediction based on their score and rank in the exam they appeared for.
Apart from this the students can view the details about various subjects and also
have all the admission related details and FAQ under the same section. The student
can also view the details about the department he/she wishes to apply. Apart from this
the students can view the important dates that are relating to his/her admission and
also have the option to view the live seat update section, from here the student can
keep a track of all the seat allocations that are being made in real time.

The student can also update his profile whenever required before a defined date after
which the updates will stop. To do so, he will have to navigate to the profile section from
where he can update his profile. To logout from the application he can do so by clicking
on the logout button available in the profile section.

Navigation as an Admin/Counselor

The admin and the counselor will have an almost similar interface. The admin has still
been provided with more functionality as compared to the counselor. The admin
interface has been made separately for a better user experience. After being
successfully logged in, the admin will be redirected to the page from where he can view
the content and manage it. S/he also has the option to manage the users. The Admin
can navigate to the manage student section by clicking on the button present in the

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System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

dashboard on the left side of the screen. Here the admin can make changes to the
student’s profile and even delete it if required. In a similar fashion he can navigate to
manage counselor section by clicking on the respective button present on the

The admin has been denied the right to create any new user due to security issues.
The admin can manage the contents that will be displayed on the website. Be it any
sort of notice or other course related material. The admin has complete privileges to
create, read, update or delete them. To do so, the admin must click the “manage”
button to manage any content available; the view button can be clicked to perform the
CRUD operation wherever required. The admin can update the number of seats any
department have and can also update the details relating to various departments
that are to be displayed. The admin also has the option to call for extra round of
counseling if required. Both the admin and the counselor can view the live seat
update module that will be present.

To logout the admin must navigate to the header click on the admin button and select
logout from the dropdown.

The counselor also has similar interface as the admin as he can also view the
student’s documents, dismiss any account if required and verify the documents.
Apart from all these functionalities, the counselor can approve any student’s
application. At the same time the counselor does not has the privilege to create
any new counselor. He can also make any remark in the students profile if needed.

These are the basic differences in the accounts of admin and counselor.

Navigation as a Super Admin

The super admin dashboard has the feature to manipulate the main website’s
information. Apart from that he can approve the admin account and also manage them.
It is done in order to prevent random people from claiming their position to be the admin
of some institute.

2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies

 The end product is self sufficient but it depends heavily on the hosting site as it
contains its database and other server side logic.
 We have made a centralized database for the whole project and the website
has complete access to it while making it secure at the same time.
 During the development phase the project depends on XAMPP to function like a
dummy server where we can run, test and develop our project.

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

 The end product will run on various platforms like Windows, Mac OS, Linux
and other related system. In addition to it, the system could also be accessed
from android and iOS.
 The system will work smoothly in every system and provide an easy at hand
user interface.

3. External Interface Requirements

3.1 User Interface and Functionalities

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System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

The user interface has been designed to be as user friendly as possible. We have
made it easy to navigate for the end user, be it Student, Teacher or Admin. With the
help of visually appealing buttons and good web design we hope the end user has a
good time using our product. In the following points we have describes how to navigate
through the site.

 Almost every page consists of a header, footer and the body. The header
contains the name and logo of the website. Apart from it, various important links
has been presented at the top to keep a smooth navigation through various
pages. The body contains the main content that changes based on where the
user is. The footer contains the copy write text and a few links.
 The home page briefly describes the project and has a small section about
the developers. Following it is the notice page that is open to all. We decided
to keep it public as anyone who wishes to see the notice can do so without being
logged in. There is also a contact page to reach out to the institute in case of
any query or emergency. At the end we have the login page that lets the user
to login.
 When anyone goes to the login page, s/he is prompted to use the type of user
s/he is. After successfully selection, s/he will be redirected to a dedicated page
from where s/he can login and have the pre defined privileges.
 To make a new account, information about the users will be collected based on
their type. This information will be validated before being stored into the
database. There will be dedicated sections for each user to signup. All this
can be achieved by clicking on the make new account button.
 Once logged in various users have different privileges and hence they have
been provided different user interfaces.
 The student after being logged in can edit his details and also read notices
and related information about the admission process. They also have the
option to view in detail about any particular section of the notice by expanding it
to full view which will have the complete detail of it.
 The counselor also has quite a similar interface as of the student. They enjoy all
the facilities that the students have and in addition to it they are the one who has
to verify the student’s admission and documents.
 The counselor can view any student’s details he/she wants and verify his
documents by clicking on the view button. If the documents are not up to the
mark he/she can make a remark that will notify the student to update his/her
documents accordingly.
 The counselor can also remove any student if required.
 Following is the admin, which has access to virtually everything. The admin
can verify the accounts of the alumni that have registered to the portal.
 The admin can manage contents that are available in the website. He has the
privileges to perform CRUD operation on various contents like notices.

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System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

 The admin also has complete access to the accounts of users. He can make
changes and/or delete if required. The admin has been denied the privilege to
create any user due to security concerns.
 The admin can fetch virtually any information he wants.
 All kinds of users can logout whenever they want using the logout button present
in the header section under their profile name.
 In addition to all these points, the website has been made responsive It
responses to the size of the screen in which it is viewed. It is done to
maintain a good user interface throughout varied screen size.

Refer to Design model for detailed view of user interface.

3.2 Hardware Interface

The hardware interface of the proposed system is very minimal. As it is an internet
based product any device that has access to the internet can use it. All kind of users
can access the web portal from around the world without any specific hardware

3.3 Software Interface

The web portal can run on almost every operating system that is available to the
common public. The application is built with the use of HTML, CSS and JavaScript in
the front end that makes it light weight and helps it render the page easily. In the
backend, we have used MySQL database and PHP to write logic with. Various
frameworks of JavaScript and CSS have also been used during the development of the
project. All this has been bundled and deployed into the internet.

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System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

4. System Features
The system has various features and it provides different privileges based on the type of
users. Following points describes the features and functionalities in greater detail. To
keep it detailed and precise to the point we have tried to segregate the features based
on the user and the common functionalities has been describes above.

4.1 Account creation and login:

4.1.1 Description and Priority

The end product is useless without users. And to maintain a well organized user base
we need to keep track of each of them. And hence this is a high priority module as the
web portal will be useful only once the users are logged into their respective accounts.

4.1.2 Response Sequence

Whenever someone looks up for this website they will be guided to the home page.
From there they can navigate themselves to log into their accounts. When the login
button is clicked the user will be prompted a question on what type of user s/he wants to
login into. After selecting one of the given choices the user will be redirected to the login
page. If the user is new s/he can make a new account by clicking on the “create new
account” button.

4.1.3 Functional Requirements

 There are broadly 2 types of users, the admin and the user. Further user is
divided into counselor and the student. They all can use the login functionalities.
 The admin account is made by the system and has complete access over the
 The user needs to make an account and log into it to use the application
features. The only feature that can be used without login is viewing the notice
section of the website.

4.2 Downloadable Materials:

4.2.1 Description and priority

The function to download materials from the website will be available at various
instances like downloading the course material, student’s documents to verify and also
to view if the right document has been uploaded. This is thus a medium priority

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System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

4.2.2 Response Sequence

Once the student has logged in and has uploaded the documents required he can view
them, the counselor and the admin can also view the documents in the individual
student’s profile. Apart from the documents the student can download the materials
available at the website that is related to admission process.

4.2.3 Functional Requirements

 There are some basic documents available in the website that can be
downloaded by any user like yearly booklet etc.
 Once the student has logged in and uploaded his documents it will be available
to view under his profile.
 The admin and the counselor can also view the documents that the students has
uploaded to verify it under his profile.

4.3 Live Seat update:

4.3.1 Description and priority

The main feature around which the product revolves is the live seat update feature.
Every user can view it. This is also a high priority module.

4.3.2 Response Sequence

Once the user (the counselor or the student) has logged into the system the first thing
they will see is the seat count. It will be present on the home page after login has been
done. For the admin it will be present under the “Manage content” button.

4.3.3 Functional requirements

 Every user has been provided with the privilege to view the live seat update
 The admin has special functionalities defined that is, s/he can perform any define
the number of seats and update the numbers accordingly.
 The users can also tap into the detailed view of it by clicking onto it.

4.4 Notice module:

4.4.1 Description and priority

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System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

A dedicated page to view the official notices has been developed and everyone can
view it. The admin has more functionality defined over the module. This is a moderate
priority module.

4.4.2 Response Sequence

Once the user (the teacher or the student) has logged into the system they can navigate
to the notices page using the “notice” button present beside the course name. The
admin can navigate it through the “Manage notice” button.

Keeping in mind the need of quickly circulating the notice, we have designed a page on
the website from where anyone including the alumni can read the notice. This page will
not need any authentication.

4.4.3 Functional requirements

 Every user has been provided with the privilege to view the notice after s/he has
logged in. If the alumni or any other person wants to view the notice they can do
so from the website without logging into their account too.
 The admin has special functionalities defined that is, s/he can perform any CRUD
operation on it.
 The user can expand the view of each notice to read it in its complete glory.
 There is also an index made for all the notices that has been published, that
everyone can access. This has been made to make the navigation and retrieval
of notices easy.

4.5 Some miscellaneous admin privileges:

4.5.1 Description and priority

For the admin various remarkable privileges has been provided that no other user has.
This will allow him to gain access to almost every data present on the system except the
user confidential information, such as password. This module is also important as it will
help the admin to maintain the user account and manage the content that is present
over the website. This makes it a high priority module.

4.5.2 Response Sequence

After being successfully logged in, the admin will have a dashboard to help him navigate
to different sections. The admin can use “Manage content” button to navigate to the
notice and related pages to perform the desired operations. He can also use “Manage
user” to navigate and perform operations on user account.

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

Another important functionality that the admin have over other user is that he can verify
the delete any account if required. This is done to prevent chaos and prevent any
unwanted behavior from people over the internet.

4.5.3 Functional requirements

 The admin has been provided all the privileges EXCEPT the freedom to create
account of any user. This has been done due to security concerns.
 The admin can perform CRUD operation on notice and related modules and is
responsible for updating and maintaining it.
 The admin can update or even delete any account in case it is needed.
 The admin can manage all the content that is available in the website.
 The admin is responsible for calling for extra round of counseling.
 The admin updates the admission related details.
 The admin can create counselors.

4.6 Some miscellaneous counselor privileges:

4.6.1 Description and priority

For the counselor various privileges have been provided to help him in the pocess. This
will allow him to smoothly conduct the admission process. This module is also important
as it will help the counselor to conduct the proceedings of the counseling process. This
makes it a high priority module.

4.6.2 Response Sequence

After being successfully logged in, the counselor will have a dashboard to help him
navigate to different sections. The counselor can use “Manage Students” button to
view the students profile and their documents.

4.6.3 Functional requirements

 They can verify the documents of the students.

 Can delete the account of any student if needed with proper reasoning.
 Can make remark on any student’s profile.
 Can approve the admission of a student.
4.7 Some miscellaneous super admin privileges:

4.7.1 Description and priority

The super admin is responsible for managing and maintaining the main site. This makes
it a high priority module.

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

4.7.2 Response Sequence

After being successfully logged in, the super admin will have a dashboard to help him
navigate to different sections. The super admin can use “Manage content” button to
manage the contents that are visible on the website. He can also use “Manage user”
to navigate and perform operations on admin’s account.

Another important functionality that the admin have over other user is that he can verify
the delete any account if required. This is done to prevent chaos and prevent any
unwanted behavior from people over the internet.

4.7.3 Functional requirements

 Can manage the contents of the website.

 Can manage the admin’s account and verify them

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System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

5. Non functional Requirements

Non-Functional Requirements are the constraints or the requirements imposed on the
system. They specify the quality attribute of the software. It deals with issues like
scalability, maintainability, performance, portability, security, reliability, and many more.
Non-Functional Requirements address vital issues of quality for software systems. If
NFRs not addressed properly, the results can include:

 Users, clients, and developers are unsatisfied.

 Inconsistent software.
 Time and cost overrun to fix the software which was prepared without keeping
NFRs in mind.
 Various security issues.
Non-functional requirements may exist for the following attributes. Often these
requirements must be achieved at a system wide level rather than at a unit level.
Following are some of the non functional requirements:

5.1 Performance

The overall performance of the system will be very smooth as there will be very little to
no downtime for the end users to wait while they are using the website. Also
performance should not be an issue because all of our server queries involve small
pieces of data. Changing screens will require very little computation and thus will occur
very quickly. Server updates should only take a few seconds as long as the device can
maintain a steady signal.

The internet based product’s performance solely depends upon the user’s network

5.2 Security

The product will undergo various tests to make sure that the end product is safe and
secure for the users. The first level of security starts with proper Authentication
system. With this only the authenticated person can enter into the account and use the
functionalities provided by the website.

Next level of authentication involves encryption of database wherever required. With

the help of hashing algorithms like md5, shah256 etc, encryption of password will make

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System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

sure that the user credentials is not tampered even if the database has been
compromised. In addition to it salting of passwords has been done to ensure that the
passwords are more secure than the time of creation.

Following these we will also be testing the website in extreme conditions like load
testing; stress testing and other related tests will be performed to ensure safety of the
users. To prevent any further breach into the website we will perform brute force
attack on the website, apart from this SQL attacks like SQL injections; signal
interception tests will also be made. To prevent SQL attacks the first level of defense
that has been added is client side validation followed by prepared statements. In
addition to it, any loophole or vulnerability found during any of these tests will be fixed
immediately and we will try to eliminate any zero day vulnerability that might exist.

All these tests will be done to make sure the end product is safe and sound for all the
users out there.

5.3 Reliability

The users of the system especially the students and the teachers will be provided with a
constant flow of accurate and official information. Since this will be meant for official
use, hence all the information present here will be verified. To prevent any
unidentified entry in the notice and time table modules, authentication has been made
mandatory and various other security tests will be performed to keep it safe (read the
non functional requirement for security to know more).

Apart from this the database has been encrypted wherever required which ensures
data security and integrity. The end product will work as a one stop destination for all
the members of the institute and will be maintained by the institute.

5.4 Scalability

The product has been designed to scale up to the requirements of the institutes without
making any major change in the system. The well designed and indexed database can
handle a magnitude of users at once. It can maintain resources and enable efficient
working even at extreme conditions. It can store the data of various uses from different

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System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

5.5 Maintainability

A centralized system to maintain student records and other details is very important.
Most of the management systems present today lacks some functionalities. With this
project, managing information becomes much easier. Maintaining this project is also
made easy with various CMS that has been included to provide different level of
functionality to the admin and other user.

5.6 Supportability

The software is made to function even on systems with the most basic
configuration. It can function on any system due to the fact that it has been deployed
over a remote serve over the cloud. In the near future when more developments will be
made to the project, to maintain the scalability and compatibility with devices will be our
priority. Even if third party API’s has been used the minimalistic design has been kept

5.7 Packaging

The software must be compatible with all versions of Windows, and other operating
systems. A systematic deployment of the system on the cloud is also very crucial. An
authentication method using the license key must be included in the software. A
user's guide explaining how to use the system and the program must be included in
the packing.

This handbook could be provided with the software as either a booklet or a digital file.

5.8 Implementation

For the development of the system various technologies and tools has been used. For
frontend we used HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Other frameworks of CSS and
JavaScript have also been used like Bootstrap, ReactJS etc. For backend, we have
primarily used PHP to write the logic with and MySQL database to store and retrieve
information. Later it will be packed into a bundle and shifted to production.

Microsoft tools like VS code, MS office and power point has also been used during
the development.

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System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

5.9 Interfacing

The interface of the product will be kept simple and easy to use as there will be users
from a varied age group. Easy navigation and good visual appeal will enhance the
user experience. Proper linking of different pages together also makes navigation

5.10 Copy write and Legal

Any organization or institute that wants to have access to the system must contact the
developers. Any means of copying or illegal mean taken to replicate the website will
result in legal action against the individual or the organization. In case of any security
breach or database being compromised the developers are not responsible in any
way as the application has been tested in presence of the client. The license of the
project can be bought from the developers and the EULA must be accepted before
using the end product.

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

Appendix A

Throughout the project there have been various terms that were used. In this section we
have defined the meaning of those terms.

Term Meaning
CRUD Create Read Update Delete
NFRs Non functional requirement(s)
EULA End User License Agreement
HTML Hypertext Markup Language
CSS Cascading Style Sheet
PHP Hypertext Processor
XAMPP Cross platform Apache MySQL PHP Perl
SQL Structured Query Language
API’s Application Programming Interface
MS Microsoft
CMS Content Management System
Admin The person who has control over all the modules of the system
User People who will use the system. Further divided into Students and
DBMS Database Management System
URL Uniform Resource Locator
SRS System Requirement Specification
ERD Entity relation diagram
DFD Data flow Diagram
UML Unified modeling language
AMU Aligarh Muslim University

Hi there

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

Appendix B
Analysis Model:

The analysis model defines the problem statement and is consisted of the following

Use case diagram:

A use case diagram is used to represent the dynamic behavior of a system. It

encapsulates the system's functionality by incorporating use cases, actors, and their
relationships. It models the tasks, services, and functions required by a
system/subsystem of an application. It depicts the high-level functionality of a system
and also tells how the user handles a system.

Elements of use case diagram:

Actor – Actor is someone interacting with use case (system function), named by noun.
Similar to the concept of user, but a user can play different roles; Admin/teacher/parent.
Actor triggers use case. Actor has responsibility toward the system (inputs), and Actor
have expectations from the system (outputs).

Use case – These are System function (process – automated or manual), named by
verb. Each Actor must be linked to a use case, while some use cases may not be linked
to actors.

Connection between Actor and Use Case –

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Boundary of system –

Include relationship- A base use case is dependent on the included use case(s); without
it/them the base use case is incomplete as the included use case(s) represent sub-
sequences of the interaction.

The base use case represents the “must have” functionality of a project while the
extending use case represents optional(should/could/want) behavior.

Extend relationship-The extending use case is dependent on the base use case; it
literally extends the behavior described by the base use case. The base use case
should be a fully functional use case in its own right.

The following diagram demonstrates the interaction of the admin with the system.

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System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

Use case diagram for admin

The following diagram demonstrates the interaction of various users with the system.

Use case diagram for different users._

Class diagram

A class diagram models the static structure of a system. It shows relationships between
classes, objects, attributes, and operations.


Classes represent an abstraction of entities with common characteristics. Associations

represent the relationships between classes.
Illustrate classes with rectangles divided into compartments. Place the name of the
class in the first partition (centered, bolded, and capitalized), list the attributes in the
second partition (left-aligned, not bolded, and lowercase), and write operations into the

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System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project


Use visibility markers to signify who can access the information contained within a
class. Private visibility, denoted with a - sign, hides information from anything outside
the class partition. Public visibility, denoted with a + sign, allows all other classes to view
the marked information. Protected visibility, denoted with a # sign, allows child classes
to access information they inherited from a parent class.

The class diagram describes the functionalities and attributes of the system.

Class diagram of the system_

Entity relation diagram

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ERD stands for entity relationship diagram. People also call these types of diagrams ER
diagrams and Entity Relationship Models. An ERD visualizes the relationships between
entities like people, things, or concepts in a database. An ERD will also often visualize
the attributes of these entities.

By defining the entities, their attributes, and showing the relationships between them, an
ER diagram can illustrate the logical structure of databases. This is useful for engineers
hoping to either document a database as it exists or sketch out a design of a new

Entities-These are represented by rectangles. An entity is an object or concept about

which you want to store information.

Relationships - These are represented by diamond shapes, show how two entities
share information in the database.

Attributes, which are represented by ovals. A key attribute is the unique, distinguishing
characteristic of the entity. For example, a student's admission number might be the
student's key attribute.

Connecting lines- Solid lines that connect attributes and show the relationships of
entities in the diagram.

Cardinality- It specifies the numerical attribute of the relationship between entities. It can
be one-to-one, many-to-one, or many-to-many.

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Entity relation diagram for the proposed system

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System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

Data flow diagram

DFD is the abbreviation for Data Flow Diagram. The flow of data of a system or a
process is represented by DFD. It also gives insight into the inputs and outputs of each
entity and the process itself. DFD does not have control flow and no loops or decision
rules are present. Specific operations depending on the type of data can be explained
by a flowchart. Data Flow Diagram can be represented in several ways. The DFD
belongs to structured-analysis modeling tools. Data Flow diagrams are very popular
because they help us to visualize the major steps and data involved in software-system

There are essentially two different types of notations for data flow diagrams (Yourdon &
Coad or Gane & Sarson) defining different visual representations for processes, data
stores, data flow and external entities. Visually, the biggest difference between the two
ways of drawing data flow diagrams is how processes look. In the Yourdon and Coad
way, processes are depicted as circles, while in the Gane and Sarson diagram the
processes are squares with rounded corners. We have used Gane & Sarson Diagrams.

Process Notations. A process transforms incoming data flow into outgoing data flow.

Data store Notations. Data stores are repositories of data in the system. They are
sometimes also referred to as files.

Data flow Notations. Data flows are pipelines through which packets of information flow.
Label the arrows with the name of the data that moves through it.

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System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

External Entity Notations. External entities are objects outside the system, with which
the system communicates. External entities are sources and destinations of the
system's inputs and outputs.

The data flow diagram or DFD describes the flow of the data in a system. The DFD has
been divided into logical and physical DFD.

Logical DFD

Following is the logical DFD for Admin interface.

Logical DFD for Admin.

Following is the logical DFD for Student and Teacher

Logical DFD for student and teacher.

Following is the logical DFD for Alumni

Logical DFD for Alumni

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System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

Physical DFD

Following is the physical DFD for Admin

Physical DFD for admin

Following is the physical DFD for Student

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System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

Physical DFD for student

Following is the physical DFD for Teacher

Physical DFD for teacher

Following is the physical DFD for Alumni

Physical DFD for alumni

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

Appendix C:

Design Model
The design model walks us through the solution of the problems that has been
discussed in the Analysis model in Appendix B. It consists of the following diagrams:

Activity Diagram

An activity diagram visually presents a series of actions or flow of control in a system

similar to a flowchart or a data flow diagram. Activity diagrams are often used in
business process modeling. They can also describe the steps in a use case diagram.
Activities modeled can be sequential and concurrent. In both cases an activity diagram
will have a beginning (an initial state) and an end (a final state).

Initial State or Start Point

A small filled circle followed by an arrow represents the initial action state or the start
point for any activity diagram. For activity diagram using swimlanes, make sure the start
point is placed in the top left corner of the first column.

Activity or Action State

An action state represents the non-interruptible action of objects. You can draw an
action state using a rectangle with rounded corners.

Action Flow

Action flows, also called edges and paths, illustrate the transitions from one action state
to another. They are usually drawn with an arrowed line.

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System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

Decisions and Branching

A diamond represents a decision with alternate paths. When an activity requires a

decision prior to moving on to the next activity, add a diamond between the two
activities. The outgoing alternates should be labelled with a condition or guard
expression. You can also label one of the paths "else."

Final State or End Point

An arrow pointing to a filled circle nested inside another circle represents the final action

The activity diagram describes how the user might navigate through the website.

Activity diagram

Schema Diagram

The design of the database is called a schema. This tells us about the structural view of
the database. It gives us an overall description of the database. A database schema
defines how the data is organised using the schema diagram. A schema diagram is a
diagram which contains entities and the attributes that will define that schema. A
schema diagram only shows us the database design. It does not show the actual data

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System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

of the database. Schema can be a single table or it can have more than one table which
is related. The schema represents the relationship between these tables.

The schema diagram describes how the database will be made. The relations between
tables are also described here.

Schema diagram

Wireframe model

A wireframe is a schematic, a blueprint, useful to help you and your programmers and
designers think and communicate about the structure of the software or website you're

The same screen can be built in a lot of different ways, but only a few of them will get
your message across correctly and result in an easy-to-use software or website. Nailing
down a good interface structure is possibly the most important part of designing

The wireframe model shows us how the different pages of the website might look. It
describes the contents that each page would have.

Wireframe model describing the linking of pages

Wireframe model of individual pages

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Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

Appendix D:

Feasibility Analysis
Feasibility study tries to determine whether a given solution will work or not. Its main
objective is not to solve the problem, but to acquire its scope. It focuses on the following

 Meet user's requirements.

 Best utilization of available resources.
 Develop a cost effective system.
 Develop a technically feasible system.
The document provides the feasibility of the project that is being designed and lists
various areas that were considered during the feasibility study of this project such as
Technical, Economic, Operational and Schedule feasibilities.

Technical Feasibility:

Technical feasibility centers on the existing manual system of the test management
process and to what extent it can support the system. According to feasibility analysis
procedure the technical feasibility of the system is analyzed and the technical
requirements such as software facilities, procedure, inputs are identified. It is also one
of the important phases of the system development activities. It is technically feasible,
since the whole system is designed into the latest technologies like PHP and SQL
server which are the most reliable technologies to develop web based systems and
design databases. The system offers greater levels of user friendliness combined with
greater processing speed. Therefore, the cost of maintenance can be reduced. Since,
processing speed is very high and the work is reduced in the maintenance point of view
management convince that the project is operationally feasible.

Economic Feasibility:

Economic analysis is most frequently used for evaluation of the effectiveness of the
system. More commonly known as cost/benefit analysis the procedure is to determine
the benefit and saving that are expected from a system and compare them with costs,
decisions is made to design and implement the system. This part of feasibility study
gives the top management the economic justification for the new system. This is an
important input to the management, because very often the top management does not
like to get confounded by the various technicalities that bound to be associated with a

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

project of this kind. A simple economic analysis that gives the actual comparison of
costs and benefits is much more meaningful in such cases. It is economically feasible, it
will only require a single operator to operate the system, who is responsible for entering
the data into the database via a user interface provided to him, who can also able to
show all the data in html tabular form so to provide information regarding the students
who are either taken admission or to take admission, since it requires only a single
person to operate the whole system thus reduces the cost to operate the system. In the
system, the organization is most satisfied by economic feasibility. Because, if the
organization implements this system, it need not require any additional hardware
resources as well as it will be saving lot of time.

Operational Feasibility

It is Operational feasible, since the system is providing an attractive user interface to the
operator end user, so he feels very easy to work onto it. Response to operator/end user
is very fast and very good. Since, as we mentioned above that it requires much less
amount of cost, it uses computer work so it is very fast to operate and it is very easy for
user to work on it.

Behavioral Feasibility

This includes the following questions:

 Is there sufficient support for the users?

 Will the proposed system cause harm?
The project would be beneficial because it satisfies the objectives when developed and
installed. All behavioral aspects are considered carefully and conclude that the project is
behaviorally feasible.

Requirement analysis is the most important part to be considered before developing the
projects as we must be aware of the objective that wish to achieve by making this
project. This analysis finds out the problem faced by the user and clients and the
possible solutions of those problems. We can use some questionnaires to finds out the
problems faced by the clients. This System will be helping administrator for doing all the
related jobs so the analysis part include problems faced by the administration and other
facilities expected by him from the new system. The manual handling of all admission
functions may produce numerous types of problems,

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

Schedule Feasibility

Time evaluation is the most important consideration in the development of project. The
time schedule required for the developed of this project is very important since more
development time effect machine time, cost and cause delay in the development of
other systems. A reliable Online Admission Counseling System can be developed in the
considerable amount of time

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

Appendix E:
Increment Model

The increment model is a part of the agile technology where the complete project is
divided into different modules and is delivered in different increments. It has an effort
indicator (in this case, on a scale of 5) that indicates the time it would take in that
particular increment.

Effort Indicator

Card Number Functionality Effort Indicator

1 Learning about the project application and its 1
2 Creating database according to the requirements. 4
3 Making the general website interface. 2
4 Making the authentication system 2
5 Making user and admin interface 5
6 Adding admin privileges 3
7 Adding user privileges 4
8 Bundling and testing 4
9 Getting live 2

Increment Schedule


Card No. Increments 1 2 3 4 5

1 Learning about the project application and its
2 Creating database according to the requirements.
3 Making the general website interface.
4 Making the authentication system.
5 Making user and admin interface.
6 Adding admin privileges.
7 Adding user privileges
8 Bundling and bringing everything together
9 Getting live

Diagram depicting various increments of the project in weeks

1. In the first increment we will learn about the project and discuss about its various

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

2. In the second increment we will make the database according to our

requirements. Linking different tables defining primary and foreign key and
perform various other operations related to database
3. In the third increment we will make the layout and develop the general website
that will be fetched when any user searches for the website.
4. The authentication and related modules will be developed in the next module.
5. In the fifth increment we will focus on making different user interface alongside
admin interface.
6. In the subsequent increment we will be adding the privileges that the admin will
enjoy. Here we will develop all the modules that are related to the admin and
grant the required permissions.
7. Next on we will add the user privileges. All the users including students, teacher
and alumni will be granted their privileges in this increment
8. This increment will be a crucial one as we will combine all the different aspect of
the project together. We will also be testing the end product in various ways.
9. In the final increment we will get the web application live and running.

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

System Requirement Specification for Sr. Project

Ahmad Raza Shibli 20CAB118

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