Leadership - Unit 2 Written Assignment

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Leading in Today's Dynamic Contexts

BUS 5411-01 - AY2023-T3

University of The People

Instructor: Dr. Chris Lorenz Marcelo

Unit 2, Written Assignment

Trait Theory and Lewin's Classic Leadership Styles Theory

Feb. 08, 2023



Is leadership a natural talent or can it be developed? This is a crucial query, particularly for

individuals who aim to lead teams or organizations, represent a cause, or support others in

reaching excellence. There is a perspective that authentic leaders are inborn. However, while

certain individuals might possess an innate inclination towards leadership, just like they might

have a natural talent for sports or music, others think that it is possible to develop the attributes

and competencies needed to become a leader (Arak, 2020). In this study, I will express my

viewpoint on the topic by presenting some arguments and illustrations.


The first theory, known as the "theory of the great man and traits," holds that leaders are

innate and not developed, asserting that individuals possess certain qualities and traits that make

them more suited for leadership. As Thomas Carlyle stated, the idea that leaders do not come

into the world with exceptional abilities undermines the notion that people are born with equal

talents and abilities. Certain inborn characteristics predispose individuals to leadership. There is

a significant distinction between acquiring a skill and becoming an expert at it, much like how

some people possess an innate musical or athletic talent and excel in those areas while others

may struggle. Natural leaders are distinct from those who are artificially created. All exceptional

leaders have a remarkable background, demonstrating leadership qualities from the start of their

journey (Hyacinth, 2014).

The second theory “Leaders are Made, Not Born”: Behavioral theories maintain that

individuals can become leaders through education, observation, and learning. Leadership is a

collection of abilities that can be acquired through training, observation, repetition, and practical

experience. The development of leadership skills is a lifelong process. Effective leaders

continuously seek opportunities for growth and learning to refine their skills.

This concept is widely embraced by the military, as evidenced by its comprehensive leadership

training program (Hyacinth, 2014).

In my opinion, I believe that individuals are born with certain innate traits that allow them to

reach leadership positions more quickly, but these innate traits are not enough without training

and refining their skills. According to Indeed (no date), leadership is both an art and a science,

blending innate traits with honed skills through education, training, and experience. However,

being in the right place at the right time is also important, as a leader's talents can only shine if

they are in a position to do so. A fear of leadership can prevent a person from becoming a leader,

while those with the potential can be taught how to lead through education and training.

However, not everyone has the potential to become a leader, and some people may always be

followers. A leader is someone who rises to meet challenges, and if a leader emerges from the

crowd, they were already a leader from the start. A person may have the best training and

opportunities, but if they are unwilling to step up and lead, they are not a leader.

According to the GLOBE research across 60 countries, the attributes of a leader include

integrity, charisma, inspiration, vision, positivity, effective communication, intelligence, and

problem-solving skills. These attributes are a mixture of personality, character, skills,

communication ability, and emotional intelligence. Hence, a leader is a combination of being

born with certain traits, developing them, honing communication skills, and cultivating through

life experiences. The research estimates that leadership is roughly one-third inherent and two-

thirds developed through training and experience (Hyacinth, 2014).



Arak, J. (Jun. 19, 2020). Real Talk: Are Leaders Born or Made?. Retrieved from The

Muse: https://www.themuse.com/advice/real-talk-are-leaders-born-or-made

Hyacinth, B. (Oct. 26, 2014). Are Leaders Born or Made? A True Story. Retrieved from

Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20141026042807-150905450-are-


Indeed (No Date). What Are the Qualities of a Born Leader? Retrieved from Indeed:


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