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Development Of Digitized Learning
Objectives At the end of the session, the teachers should be able to:
1. develop digitized learning resource materials for all subject matter.
2. encode the test items to be converted into test or learning materials

Key Understandings 1. Development of digitized learning resource sapproaches or tactical

procedures teachers use to reach a goal and gauge pupils’ learning
through ICT.

Resources/Materials Laptop
& Alloted Time
Wi-Fi Connection 4hour & 30 minutes
Test Questionnaires (Soft Copy)

References ICT-based instructions

Procedure Present the computer program to be used for the digitized learning
resources.(Video Clip)
Introduction: Getting to know the system.
1. Installation of the computer program on each laptop.
(5 min) 2. Step by step walkthrough

Activity A A. Group Eyes View

(5 minutes) 1. Divide the group into 3.
2. Ask the leader to draw their group task.
3. Choose one ready-made lesson plan. Groups identify a type of assessment
embedded on it.
4. Study the assessment and say something about it through a:
Diagnostic – Rap singing
Formative – Role Play
Summative – Talk Show
5. Present group output.

ACTIVITY 1 (15 min) B. Group Eyes View

(10 minutes) 1. Divide the participants into 2.

2. Ask them to give/share what they know about formative and summative
3. Let them do their presentations by:
 Rap singing
 Role Play
 Talk show
 Poetry writing
Present Group Output

Present the following questions to the teachers then discuss their responses.
Analysis B
(10 minutes) 1. How did you find the activity?
2. What type of assessment were highlighted in the presentations? How were
each assessment administered?
3.Were your presentations applicable to the present challenge of our profession?

Abstraction 1. Present the basic concepts in the following order:

(40 minutes) a. Meaning of classroom assessment based on DepEd Order No. 31, s.
2020: “Classroom assessment is the ongoing process of identifying,
gathering, organizing, and interpreting quantitative and qualitative
information about what learners know and can do.

b. Formative assessment refers to the gathering of information about

learners’ progress. It is known as assessment for learning because it
helps to improve instruction while learners learn. Learners also
develop an understanding of what is involved in their learning and
how to take responsibility for improving it.

c. Summative assessment is known as assessment of learning as it

summarizes learning that has occurred over a period for all learners.
It is administered at the end of a block of learning to measure the
extent learners have mastered the content and performance
standards; the results of summative assessment are used as the basis
for computing grades.
d. Grading is the way of reporting assessment data by assigning a value
to the results as a record of students’ ability, achievement or
progress ( Association for Supervision for Curriculum Development
Policy Statement
The Deped is committed to ensure educational continuity in this time of crisis
while looking after the health, safety, and well-being of all its learners, teachers
and personnel. School must adopt aseesment and grading practices that can
most meaningfully support student development and respond ro varied contexts
at this time.

Principles Governing the Policy Statement:

A. Assessment should be holistic and aauthentic in capturing the attainment
of Most Essential Learning Competencies;
B. Assessment is integral for understanding of student learning and
C. A variety of assessment strategies is necassary, with formative assessment
taking priority to inform teaching and promote growth and mastery;
D. Assessement and feedback should be a shared responsibility among
teachers, learners and their families; and
E. Assessment in grading should have a positive impact on learning.

Say: Amid the pandemic COVID 19 where safety and health of all in the
education battlefield are the major issues for consideration, teachers
should devise ways especially in the name of assessment and grading.
There are limitations which need to be crossed like providing immediate
feedback, planning and designing tasks that relate to the context of our

Planning the Assessment:

Teachers need to be creative and flexible in assessing student learning,
while still adhering to the principles of quality assessment practice. With safety,
health, and well-being foremostin mind, assessment decisions must be made in
the best interest of all learners, ensuring that all assessment activities:

a.Align with the most essential learning competencies,

b.Are reliable, valid and transparent;
c.Are fair, inclusive and equitable;
d.Are practical and manageable for both learners and teachers;
e.Give learners a range of ways to demonstrate their learning; and
f.Provide timely and accurate information as basis for feedback.

Distance learning:
Face-to-face learning delivery in no longer the demand of our time. The
sudden shift to distance learning - modular delivery, teachers should consider the
resources on the reach and on the level of the capacity of learners.
When deciding on which assessment methods to use, it is important to
consider the following questions:

a. What is the purpose of the assessment?

b. What will be assessed?
c. Which method would best allow learners to demonstrate what they have
learned, considering their learning modality?
d. Which method would make it easy to gather evidence of learners’
progress over time?
e. Will the assessment be completed individually or in groups?
f.Will the assessment be takenat the same time or submitted within a specific
g. How can technology help?

To evaluate student learning at particular points in each quarter,

summative assessments shall continue in the form of written works and
performance tasks.

a. Written works shall be administered to assess essential knowledge and

understandings through quizzes and long unit tests. Items should be distributed
across the Cognitive Process Dimensions(Deped, 2015, p.4) using a combination
of selected-response and constructed-response formats so that all are
adequately covered.
b. Performance tasks refer to assessment tasks that”allow learners to show
that they know and are able to do in diverse ways. They may create or innovate
products or do performance-based tasks (including) skill demonstrations, group
presentations, oral work, multi-media presentations, and research projects. It is
important to note that written outputs may also be considered as performance
tasks” (DepEd, 2015, pp. 7-8). Annex B provides a list of sample summative
assessments that fall under performance task for the purpose of this policy.

Performance tasks must be designed to provide oppurtunities for learners

to apply what they are learning to real-life situations. In addition, teachers should
take into consideration the following:
a. Each task must be accompanied with clear directions and appropriate
scoring tools (i.e. checklists, rubrics, rating scale, etc.) to help learners
demonstrate their learning (see Annex C for sample scoring tools).

b. Teachers are advised to collaboratively design and implement

performance tasks that integrate two or more competencies within or across
subject areas. Complex tasks may be broken down into shorter tasks to be
completed over longer periods of time (see Annex D for sample integrative
assessment tasks)

c. Learners must be given flexibility in the accomplishment of the

performance tasks to consider time and resources available to them.
Nonetheless, all learners within a class should be assessed on the same
competencies using the same scoring tool.

d.Teachers must exercise their professional judgment in carrying out

summative assessments, providing enough oppurtunities for learners to
practice and to redo their work whenever necessary, so that they can reach
their learning targets with the least amount of pressure.

With all these insights shared and captured, it is a sure fact that we are
now ready to honestly and fairly assess and give grades to our pupils.
The E-Class Record provides us ease in computing individual grades.

Weight Distribution of the Summative assessment Components per

learning Area for grade 1 to Grade 10

Assessment Weights
Components Languages/AP/EsP Science/Math MAPEH/TLE/EPP
Written Works 40% 50% 30%
Performance 60% 50% 70%

Application Individual Work

(20 minutes)
1. Prepare an E-Class Record using the data gathered for the First Quarter about
your pupils.
2. Use the provisions in DedEd Order 30 s. 2020 as your guide.
3. Present sample outputs.

“When the cook tastes the soup, that’s formative assessment; when the
custumer tastes the soup, that’s summative assessment.”

Paul Black

Prepared by:

Bea Clarice B. Tarrazona

Teacher I

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