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Structure and Written Expression Answer Key Note: In exercises where corrections are to be made, suggested corrections are given. Others may be possible, wi EXERCISE 1A page 137 1. The girls like to shop. NNounphnse —Iniiive 2. We haven't completed our assignment yet. Prone ‘Noun phrase 3. What L want is to be happy. ‘NourCluse Infinitive pete 4. Patricia put the plate on the table Pi Now "Noun phrase Noun phrase 5. Clark enjoys singing ‘Noun ‘Goran 6. What Susan wants most is to succeed. EXERCISE 1B page 137 1. Whatever he does will be the right thing. s c 2, Carol makes very good meals for us. s 00 Oct ep 3. Swimming is not permitted at this beach. 3 Seitep 4, Jerome loves to laugh, s 0 5. [thought that he would be hi ma s pO 6. The receptionist handed the doctor a nate. 5 1 DO EXERCISE 1C page 138 Needed: A subject Needed: A direct object Needed: A complement Needed: A subject Needed: An indirect object Needed: A complement Needed: A subject Needed: The object of a preposition Needed: A direct object Needed: A direct object Needed: A subject PS eeuaapens SON>OTOD TEN 562 Structure and Written Expression Answer Key Gv2 EXERCISE 2A page 141 Note: Suggested corrections are given, Other corrections may be possible for some items, te 1_ 1. Last year bought a new computer. C2, Whendwas sick, Qrook him some chicken soup. be pressed. stews 4, clearing away the dead leaves to plant a garden, 5. My brother's best frienstaying ‘with us this weekend. 6, Last weekend @@played basketball together af the new gym. Tey Biseadie contains more coffee than The other one does. 8, Che party last nj was alot of fun. 9, Cen our vacation even though {was very short 10. Qhope that@will do well on my nextSpanish exam. he 1, When graduates € will give me his stereo. 12. Che aisplanthat lien small one EXERCISE 2B page 142 1. B_ Needed: The verb Needed: The subject and the verb Needed: The verb Needed: The ver Needed: The subject and the verb Needed: The subject and the verb EXERCISE 2C page 143 1. A. Wrong: Missing verb Correction: Iwas not 2. © Wrong: Missing subject (in the subordinate clause) Correction: which they find fea Fae Fae tElOvt at nase 2. 3 4, 5. 6 3 B Wrong: Repeated subject Correction: lives 4, A Wrong: Repeated verb 5, Correction: makes A Wrong: Unnecessary clause marker Correction: are 7. Karen’s portfolio provided me with ‘nation a clear indications of her qualifications. I 8. Marilynis very talented artist 6. A. Wrong: Missing verb whose works are being displayed ‘Care dont wae ed. in an art gallery on First Avenue 9, The post office is a very busy place during the holiday season,when Gv3 ‘well-wishers send cards and EXERCISE 3A _ page 145 packages to their families 1 and friends. several cars a a few cars 10. A honest person always returns borrowed things. gome cars 11. Craig bought his new camera at 2. too much advice to their children “Uicount store. sevetahediviente their chiean eter advicetotheirchidren 12, Charles has the oldest car in the alittle advice to their children parking lot some advice to their children less advice to their children than fathersdo “EXERCISE 4B page 148 EXERCISE3B page 145 1. A Conection: Under the table pice 2A Correction: Happiness Din Camere 3.B Correction: an coe arene 4. B Correction: the computer 3. B_ Correction: a number of een aeae . A Correction: less a ee eae 6 C Correction: the 5.A Correction: many 6.B Correction: much/most G5 ows EXERCISE 5A page 150 EXERCISE 4A page 148 1. their 9. they 2. him 10. His, gine 1. After @ hour of waiting patiently, ene ee Larry left the doctor's office Ste age enters Me att 6. themselves 14. she 2. They don’t have much money, so 7 its 15, myself they can’t buy a house 8 he 5. Thellon’s generally considered © eecige 5B page 151 bbe the ferocious animal 1. B Corrections its _1_ 4. Many dogs are bred for a specific 2B Correction: his pup 3. C Correction: their the or 1. 5. He tried to tell truth about the A Correction: he accident, but he was too upset to 4. Correction: them remember all of the details. 5. A Correction: she Berge aus aoa Sheds 6. B Correction: themselves new director of the library, is her husband. Structure and Written Expression Answer Key 563 564 eis Gwe EXERCISE 6 page 153 D Correction: dollars Correction: magnificent costumes Correction: months seconds thousands of territorial creature Correction: six-year-old Correction: five-man Correction: popular bicycle Correcti clear Correction: hot bath SIS DOD WAND Grammar Checkpoint Test One for Gv through G¥6 page 154 1.C G¥5 Correction: his 2.D G¥4 Correction: an aroma 3.D G¥5 Correction: their 4.B G¥6 Correction: physical changes 5.C G¥4 Correction: measurement 6D Gv3 Correction: thousand 7. & G¥3 Correction: less 8B GvI 9A G2 10.4 Gi uD G2 Gw7 EXERCISE 7A page 157 SIMPLE PAST. PAST PAST CONTINUOUS PERFECT 1. sat was had sat were sitting 2came was had come were coming, 3. walked — was had walked were walking 4. played was had played were playing 5. had was had had were having 6 made was had made were making 7. forgot was had forgotten were forgetting 8. opened was had opened were opening, Structure and Written Expression Answer Key 9. looked was had looked were looking 10. thought was had thought were thinking 11. showed was had shown “were showing EXERCISE 7B page 157 LA 5A 9.8 28 6.8 WA 3.8 7A nL. B 4A BA cvs EXERCISE8A page 160 x bE 1 Corlaae pot 366 snow before coming to New York. fore 2. TheydeeSInere since 1942. 5. Yeatrday wee shopping for a new motorydle. 4, The children of today computers to bring them the information they: ea), 5. In the early part of last week, Americans everywhe to the polls to vote. 6. Recently, the weather baSD very unpredictable. 7. We GoughDthat our original plan ave modified Gxada good one, but we modifyita great deal over the past few weeks. 9. Uae ust receiveDhis message ina few minutes. 10. Although we sometimes {oto a restaurant, we usually @eaGRD at home, 11. We€élebrat>Halloween every year on October 31 12. Weave bes worried about our a project during several months EXERCISE 8B page 161 on 1. B Correction: is now studyin; Cire ose en te el Ee aase 3. B. Correction: has become 1. are 9. offers 4. Correction: fee! 2 lives 10. is 5. B Correction: was 5. is, grows 11. wants 6. A. Correction: go 4. are 12. was 5. are Bis 6 want 14. are, come ovo 7 is 15. was | 8. are 16. are EXERCISE 9A page 163 | 1. have been sold /were sold | 2. was repaired /had been repaired Grammar Checkpoint Test Two for 3. was determined Covel Gui rien 7 through G¥11_ page 171 5. are called on/have been called on 6. are thought 1.B G¥I1 Correction: aid 7. was produced 2.A G¥7 Correction: built 8. was favored /had been favored 3.B Gv8 Correction: became 9. was withdrawn 4B G¥9 Correction: was given 10. was broken 5.D Gv8 Correction: have found I1. are given/were given/will be given 6A G¥Il Correction: is 7. G7 Correction: dominated EXERCISE 9B page 164 ac Gvi0 1. C Needed: The active form of the verb 9B G¥9 (and Gv2) 2.C Needed: The passive form ofthe verb 10. D G¥Il_ (and G¥2 and Gv9) 3. A Neecied: The passive formofthe verb ‘11, C_Gv10 (and Gv2) 4, D_ Needed: The passive form of the verb 5. D_ Needed: The passive form of the verb Gy ' 6.B Needed: The active form of the verb EXERCISE 12A_ page 174 | Gv10 _1_ 1. Please look after my things while 1 | EXERCISE 10A_page 167 am to the doctor's examining room. | 1. B Needed: A modal-like verb _C_ 2. Wemust think about our | 2.D_ Needed: A modal passive arguments before we take up our 3. B Needed: A modal concerns with the president. 4. A. Needed: A modal passive ® 5. C Needed: A modal passive -L__ 3. Prior yesterday, I thought we had ! 6 C Needed: A modallike verb a good working atmosphere in | EXERCISE 108 168 eae es | lps 1 4. Ithink Carla's answer is different | 1, B Correction: can fly fom | 2.B Correction: is going to be 4 yours. | ge cotrecnon: (been able to. C5. Marion was pleased with the work $A Correction: is supposed to the children had done on their own, ‘orrection: can be foun 6. A Correction: give C_ 6. Inspite of recent setbacks, employees of this company shouldn’t have to give up any benefits. | 1_ 7, Thecolor yellow, in contrast to the color blue, is associated warmth and sunshine, Structure and Written Expression Answer Key 565 1 8, Thestudents enjoy going te downtown on Saturday afternoons. 1. 9. Regardless of how you feel today, you should have your sore shoulder looked by a doctor. LL. 10. While we were on our way at my mother’s house, she was preparing for our arrival C_ IL. The dog sat under the table during the dinner. EXERCISE 12B page 174 1. B Correction: from 2. B_ Correction: similar to those 3. A Correction: According to my science professor 4. A. Correction: together with his teachers 5. D_ Cortection: on Friday afternoon/ Friday aftemoon 6. C_ Correction: being in a warm country ovi3 EXERCISE 13A page 177 1. Lawgence likes pumpkin pie; Eqaestlout) | prefer mince pie. 2, They may want to go to New York this weekend; @ Yon other hand), they may prefer to stay home, 3. Flower gardens are beautiful, (howevers6u they age alot of work, 4, We would like to give you this card, (inadeition@D we all waps to congratulate you on your great success. 5. Duting the storm, the lights went out (@BYand) the telephone lines 6. Maria dicin‘t yective her check; (as resull/ Car she has no money for the weekend. 566 Structure and Written Expression Answer Key EXERCISE 13B page 177 Adjective clauses who/whom 1. The man that QQGoR9 to was in a hurry. 2. Tho-pqzon to whomeGls BIDET be BIBS ismy mother. 3. The police osicel aR me gave me a ticket for speeding. which/ 4, [don’t understand the assignment that ‘he professoD Gave us for next Monday. 5. Crystal, @hicb G used in making fine glassware, contains lead, 6, My sister, (@hfivedin Cincinnati is coming to my house next week Noun clauses 7. Lwould like to know what ou) a about, 8. would also like to know how much EB 9. From what(i¢hderstand, the meeting has been cancell 10. His idea is that @BehGuld allZoto the movie together 1. Th leave work ear! rise me, Adverb clauses 12. Jack chews gum because@Gelpd him. concentrate. 13. Although e)(ad)very sad, Bill acted asif/ ° as though nothing had happened. 14, lfranBrtad not helpay me study, I would never have passed my exam. until/ 15. [won't come unless GSDE€aB)me to Although /Even though/ 16. Trough ) tat wally wadhto babysit tonight, I will doit anyway. EXERCISE 13C_ page 178 Correction: which Correction: What Correction: and Correction: to whom Correction: Even though Correction: that/which Correction: in addition Correction: In spite of the fact that Correction: who Correction: as a result Correction: whose PS cmuageene PRD>PE>oaES aera Guia EXERCISE 14A_ page 182 Lape | 5.MC 9. ADV 2. PREPP 6. PREPP_— 10. ADVC 3. NC 7.MC 11. ADJC 4. PREPP 8 ADJC EXERCISE 14B page 183 tun 1_ 1, Student life while the 1960s ‘was chaotic C2, What worries me the most is your health. 3. what he said in his letter, he will be home next week 4, The three people who they were here early were Joyce, Lee, and Tom. I 5. Marcia cannot come with us because ef she has a play rehearsal tonight. C_ 6, Icannot tell you how you should budget your time. EXERCISE 14C page 183 1c ce 9c 2.8 6.B 10. D 3.B 7B wc 4B 8A ovis EXERCISE 15A page 186 L 1 Last week, an old friendycame to see me. £2 Lobster, is served fresh at this restaurant. L_ 3, Bthan Allen, hewascCiamous Aerican revolutionish lived in lived Vermont. Bor on June 22, 1973, my-son he soCharle> will be twenty-three years old on his next birthday. -C_ 5, Old Maid atfavarite children’s, “Hai is played with cards. Structure and Written Expression Answer Key fb 6. For Christmas, Charles wants a new stereo. : -C_ 7. Huckleberry Finn eBook which 5 Gif Tead to GATED remains popular with adults as well, Ls 8. My father, ofan who loved to. Head gaye books to his children every Christmas, 9. Broccoli, #isecvegetable which car many essential vitamins and minerals. 10. Montana, ech Fourth IaGeE hhgs a population of about 200,00. —L. 11. Onthe table, Haroldyfound the pen he thought he had lost EXERCISE 15B page 186 LB 3.D 5.c 2D 4A 6c Grammar Checkpoint Test Three for Gv12 through G¥15_ page 187 ovis Gvi4 cvi4 cvs Giz ova cvs ova Giz G13 Gis : during which : though > o> >ONeNOeD 367 cvi6 EXERCISE 16 page 189 1. exciting 7. Working 2. boring 8. polished 3, Tired 9. startled 4, annoying 10. embarrassed 5. burning 11, visiting 6. involved oi7 EXERCISE 17A page 191 108 1 While (he lighidwent out. L c 2 Gayond wanting tickets should gatisline 3. There are eight children in Shouts Dlivest on B Street. 4. Hoping to see her father, ‘thei il ted he try. 5. We were frightened by ema) Sanding inthe comer moved ‘to Miami, ewes been beautiful. Casey. car (oa) must shop carefully. 8, Ididn’t understand e instruction. eer a teaching assis 9. Hoping to get business, "eel mectans sponsored asa 10. How many of given to you yesterday have you corrected? 11, After losing his ws times, eS. EXERCISE 17B page 192 LD BA 2c 4D 5B 6B 568 Structure and Written Expression Answer Key ovis EXERCISE 18A_ page 195 ‘The two brothers we s 1 b ee eating when the shi cam pe ten 2. Her adinp is improving a litle bit everyiay. 3. CQIBDis becoming less and less popular with the American public, ing made me want @aancd 5. 7 vrintaureatepes you fins your housework, 6. They are discussing Going oubfor dinner. 7. |was advised © cal)Doctor Smith about my eyes checked. 8. The man is considering: new toaster for their anniversary. 9. The guests were thinking about @aving?> when the phone started agin 10. Lhate@aitingfor the mail. ay 11. You should tryG wallto school every day: EXERCISE 18B page 195 his wife a 1. giving 7, togo 2. tohelp 8. toknow * 3, tosee 9, eating 4. going 10. walking 5. to visit U1. tocall 6. receiving EXERCISE 18C page 196 1. The creation 2. To explain 3. Eliminating 4, To consume 5. The generation 6, recommendation EXERCISE 18D page 196 1. A. Correction: To solve Correction: to believe Correction: to make Correction: to read Correction: leaving Correction: to go reeves Correction: to remove Correction: baking Correction: to be Correction: to complete 1. B_ Correction: to stay EXERCISE 18E page 197 Seen Pr>> x i 1D 3.8 5c 2A 48 6B cv EXERCISE 19A__ page 199 1 Itis 7. Ibis 2. There are 8 Itis 3. Itis 9. There is 4. Itis 10. Itis 5. There is U. Teis 6. There are EXERCISE 19B page 200 LA 3.D 5A 2c 4B 6C Grammar Checkpoint Test Four for G16 through G19 page 200 1.D Gv¥19 (and Gv14) 2c GvI7 3A G18 4c Gvi9 5.C Gvi7 6B Gvi8 7.D Gvi17 8.B G16 Correction: unemployed 9. B G¥18 Correction: for opening/ reopen 10. B G18 and Gv19 Correction: to avoid ll. C Gw16 Correction: leading Gv20 EXERCISE 20A page 204 Sou VERB AGJCTVE ERG : cea! cere a a icone ete teste ll ay Soy Sa, cntaoe cose Sart Say scare enetet teres cea =. = Se Sx uy EXERCISE 20B page 204 LV &.N 15. Adj 2N 9. Adj 16. N 3. Adv 10..N 7N 4. Adj i. Adv 1 Bw 2N 19. Adj 6&N 13. Adj 20.N 7V 14 Adv av EXERCISE 20C page 205 1. Ady, see 2. Adj, (redwood) tree 3. Adj, people 4. Adj, income 5. Adv, watched 6. Ady, surprised EXERCISE 20D page 205 Correction: practical Correction: easily Cortection: vigorous Correction: failed Correction: resource Correction: rare Correction: success Correction: carefully Correction: developed/ were developing Correction: rain Correction: respond >U PPBOWNwOU 10. 1 owt EXERCISE 21 page 207 sleepy 7. sleepily 8 ly quiet 9. wonderful cheerfully 10. loudly . comfortable 11. brighily . carefully cv22 EXERCISE 22 page 208 1.1 Correction: director a 3c 4,1 Correction: engineering 5.1 Correction: carpenter 61 Correction: creator 7.1 Correction: planners aC 9.1 Correction: science 10. [_ Correction: architect Lc Structure and Written Expression Answer Key 569 Gv23 EXERCISE 23 page 210 1. B_ Correction: station 2A Correction: defector 3. B Correction: stable 4. A Correction: politician 5. B Correction: a special 6. A Correction: classified Gu24 EXERCISE 244 page 212 Correction: the highest Correction: more independent than Correction: as fast as, Correction: than Correction: most exhausted Correction: most easily understood Poppe EXERCISE 248 page 213 1. This cake is the sweeter | have ever eaten, 2. The books that I am reading tI for history class are thesrest interesting by far than the ones Ym reading for science. awit 3, We bought the heavier coats that we could find, ae would like to read esshortas article of them all. 5. Mabel wanted to buy Victor the bk E est better new watch she could find, This record album is not as. interesting as the one you gave me to listen to last week. lle 7. My brother is the taller person in our family. Greg’s understanding of computers is better than mine. 9. The color that absorbs sunlight the more easily of all is black. 10. This stereo is the most expensive ofthe two that we have looked at today. -C_ Il. Tonight's concert was much more enjoyable than last night's play. Faces lett i. 570 Structure and Written Expression Answer Key EXERCISE 24C page 213, D__ Needed: Comparative degree A Needed: Superlative degree C Needed: Comparative degree © Needed: Comparative degree B Needed: Equative degree A Needed: Equative degree oesere Grammar Checkpoint Test Five for Gv/20 through Gv’24 page 215, 1. D G¥20 Correction: humor 2.C Gv23 Correction: adapters/ adaptors 3B Gv20and Gv24 Correction: considerably more 4, Gv21 Correction: mysterious 5.D G¥24 Correction: older 6.C G¥21 Correction: regularly 7.B G¥22 Correction: directors 8A G¥23 Correction: especially 9.B G¥20 Correction: dense 10. A Gv¥24 Correction: worst UL. D Gv20 Correction: construction Gw25 EXERCISE 254 page 217 1. Carol gave a book to Robin for his birthday. 2. Many animals are hurt by cars each year. 3. Bob is finishing his math homework 4. Although Nancy is a good friend, she sometimes makes me angry. 5. Over the past few weeks, Maik has developed a new opinion of biology. 6. Of the six days of vacation that we had for ‘Thanksgiving, only three days remain. EXERCISE 25B page 217 LA 3B BC 2c 4D 6A Gv26 EXERCISE 264. page 219 LL. Marion is not sure GRD she vats to ask to her party. C_ 2. Pherevedshe goes, he goes. 1 3. Only Angela can tell you! tterecipel eeipe for this wonderful pie. 4. Catosis nner stay in the United States. 5. As the fall progresses, there are fewer hours every day@hep the sun shines, 6. @hedisi baking, bread should not be disturbed 7. Lwould like to know @hepde make your final decision. ‘heplans cet b you b to finish all of this work by tomorrow is a mystery to me. C_ 9 Itisnot easy to decide exactlyfow) we should proceed with this project. 10. Maybe they should try to figure thetaty wants out@haddees-the baby-want. 1_ 11. have not been able to find the shelves place@herOdees shelve. EXERCISE 26B page 220 b LA 3B 5.D 2.D 4B 6A Gv27 EXERCISE 27A page 223 C_ 1. Sotired was he that he couldn’t keep his eyes open. ed LL 2, Scarvely had opened the door ‘when the cat ran out id eer 1 3. Notonly hestsfered from a cut on his forehead, but he also had several bruises on his left arm. had Hold et 4. Only once Hareke-hac-met Maude before they fell in love. 5. Kate left the concert early, and so ‘i John 6. Inthe basement were three old baseball bats and a glove 7. Only in Dr. Krankshaw’s class do we have a quiz every day. fetta cen 8. Nowhere Feem find the hat I want to wear to the party. C9, We couldn't find your house, and neither could Waiter, vaste broken 1. 10. Inthe garage Maen —C_ 11. Rarely have I eaten so much at ‘one meal. EXERCISE 27B_ page 223 1, Had I found the book, I would have given ito you. 2. Had Jane been more careful, she wouldn't have hurt herself. 3, Were Alexander here, he would help me with this homework. 4, Had the fire fighters not gotten here in time, the house would have burned down, 5, Should they ever change their minds, tell them to call me, 6, My father would settle this problem for me, were he here, EXERCISE 27C page 224 LA 3A 5.D 2D 48 6c Gv28 EXERCISE 28A_ page 227 _1_ 1. There are dishes to do, floors to iage ob pied mop, and eeeegey a5 2. ‘The waitress brought me a plate of beans, a spoon, and shegaveme a napkin 3. On weekends, they enjoy hiking, sailing, and to-ide horseback. After our trip, we were tired but happy. 5, Jake suggested that we take his car walk/thstwe walk or walicing 10 the auditorium. 6. Ineed to write a short but # shouldbe effective response to his letter. b Rb bE Structure and Written Expression Answer Key 571 EXERCISE 28B page 227 -€_ 1, Ithink Thave more work to do tonight than you do. 1_ 2. Thecarrots in this soup are tastier than that soup. 1_ 3. This house is bigger than the ouse/ the one we had before. —L. 4. Reading a good book can be as valine moe much fun as 2 emovie, 5. Paper sandwich bags are as good as plastic ones. 1_ 6. Tonight’s menu will be the same as righismens EXERCISE 28C page 227 1. A Correction: hunting 2.B Correction: jumping, 3.B Correction: than you do/than you 4A Correction: to life in my country/ to that in my country 5.B Correction: tomorrow 6. A Correction: than the shoes in that store/than those in that store EXERCISE 28D page 228 1c BA 5 2A 4D 6A Gv29 EXERCISE 29A_ page 231 1. A Wrong: Word order Correction: will she 2.B Wrong: Parallel structure Correction: water 3. B Wrong: The form of a paired expression Correction: nor 4.B Wrong: Subject-verb agreement Correction: is making 5. A Wrong: Parallel structure Correction: help not only 6. A Wrong: Subject-verb agreement Correction: is 572 Structure and Written Expression Answer Key EXERCISE 29B page 232 Lc 3A 5B 28 4D 6B 6v30_ EXERCISE 30A page 233 1. basis 12, very 2. Further 13, lying 3. effects 14. accept 4. so 15. especially 5. as 16, whose 6. No 17. custom 7. and 18. most 8. like 19. there 9. onthe other 20. already 10. do 21. first 11. others EXERCISE 30B page 24 Correction: lay Correction: sit Correction; Among. Correction: amount Correction: may be Correction: past Correction: Besides Correction: hard Correction: quiet Correction: remember Correction: imaginative PP WI> >> a> wD BS yenoapene Grammar Checkpoint Test Six for G¥25 through Gv’30_ page 235, Gv28 25 wa ov5 v6 ova Gv28 Gv30 Correction: effects Gv28 Correction: bent Gv29_ Correction: or Gv30_ Correction: so BS eesaunene >OO>ASIO>>O Structure and Written Expression Section Test DODESE>ATEEENNO> BN NANBOS>EYUNNOS>SBWANSYY Section 2 Structure and Written Expression Guia Gvi0 Gvi wir cv vis cv Gv26 wir cis cvs cvi4 Gv vis cv28 on Gv20 cv28 page 238 Correction: Once they have Correction: Moisture Correction: cater to Correction: region Correction: their Correction: formally Correction: eleven thousand feet Correction: or Correction: depend on/are depending on Correction: helpful Correction: it produces Correction: is ridden Correction: has Correction: tragic Correction: lack Correction: feel Correction: to assess Correction: depends on ion: creator Correction: which Correction: cooked Correction: destructive Correction: more Correction: many of which Structure and Written Expression Answer Key 373

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