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CCC Chuen Yuen College

Half-yearly Examination 2018-2019

S3 Oral Examination Marking Scheme
Total marks: 30

Preparation Time:

Parts 1 & 2: 5 minutes

Part 1 – Reading Aloud (10 marks)


-Fluently read aloud with natural flow of speech. 9-10 marks

-Pronunciation mostly accurate.

-Read with accurate intonation and stress.

-Pause at the right place.


-Fluently read aloud with little hesitation. 7,8

-Pronunciation generally accurate only with mistakes on extremely difficult words.

-Read with some intonation and stress.


-Generally fluent with hesitation. 5-6

-Common words are pronounced correctly with difficulty in difficult words.

-Read aloud plainly.

Barely failed

-Read aloud in chunks of information. 3-4

-Common words are not always pronounced correctly. Meaning impeded.

-Final consonants are not pronounced.

-Lack stress, intonation or pauses.


-Difficulties in reading aloud a sentence continuously. 1-2

-Meaning impeded because of mispronunciation.

Not attempted 0

Part 2 - Individual Presentation (10 marks)

Ideas and 3 Express ideas that are relevant to inform and explain with details; communicate ideas
organization clearly and coherently

2 Express ideas in some detail that are relevant to inform and/or explain;
communicate most ideas clearly and coherently

1 Express limited/disjointed ideas that are relevant to the topic

0 Do not express any relevant or understandable information

OR Make no attempt at all

Speech and 3 Speak clearly and fluently, with few or no errors in pronunciation;
delivery Use intonation to enhance communication

2 Speak clearly with some errors in pronunciation and occasional hesitation;

Make occasional attempts to use intonation

1 Speak with frequent errors in pronunciation

OR Hesitant/stilted speech that impedes communication

0 Do not produce any comprehensible English speech

OR Make no attempt at all

Vocabulary 3 Use varied and appropriate language patterns;

and language use appropriate vocabulary
2 Use some appropriate language patterns;
Use mostly appropriate vocabulary

1 Use basic language patterns with possible errors;

Appropriately use vocabulary drawn from a limited and very familiar range, awkward
wording may make understanding unclear

0 Do not produce any recognizable words or language patterns

OR Make no attempt at all

Eye contact 1 Show appropriate awareness of audience

0 Make occasional glances without focusing on the audience or no attempt to display

audience awareness
CCC Chuen Yuen College
Half-yearly Examination 2018-2019
S3 Oral Examination Marking Scheme

Total marks: 30

Preparation Time of Part 3: 3 minutes

Group Interaction: 4 minutes (a group of 3 students)

5 minutes (a group of 4 students)

Part 3 – Group Discussion (10 marks)

7 Accurately express and respond to ideas that are relevant with supporting details
using sophisticated words

5 Actively express and respond to ideas that are relevant, occasionally provide some
Ideas and 4 Express / respond to ideas that are relevant with supporting details
3 Give short, simple responses to ideas that are not always relevant to the topic
when invited
1 Give limited responses to ideas that are relevant to the topic, generally prompted
0 Do not express any relevant or understandable information
OR Make no attempt at all

Strategies for 3 Use appropriate meaningful expressions and/or simple turn-taking strategies
Oral to maintain interaction; proper use of eye contact
2 Use formulaic expressions and/or interaction strategies to respond to others /
maintain the interaction

1 Use limited formulaic expressions or interaction strategies to respond to others

0 Do not use any interaction strategies nor eye contact. OR Make no attempt at all

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