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Small SCRAWL book 9 by Stuart Lloyd

Created using the GameBook Authoring Tool

Through choice or necessity, you have decided to turn your back on civilisation and throw your
lot in with some peasants who are building a village in a remote forest.

Location: This adventure can take place in any woodland hex.

Codewords to tick off

Blob □ Carry □ Found □ Hunter □ Puddle □

Staunch □ Warning □ Exalted □
Notes for this book

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Maybe you needed a break from the deceit and decadence of civilisation. Maybe you wanted a
new challenge. You had joined the Pilgrims of Goldorn, a group of about a hundred people who
want to start a new life in a remote area. Three months later and you are traipsing through the
forest to find a new site for your village.

Add 90 days to your time. Gain 3 experience points.

When you return to the camp, the leader of your group, Goldorn announces that he has found a
site for the new village. ‘There are some tough times ahead, but we are a step closer to our new
community. We are strong and soon, we will have a village that we can call our own.’ Goldorn’s
speech ends and you all celebrate with food, drink and song.

What lies in wait for you?

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Numbered sections

The next morning you wake up and get ready to begin your part in building the village. Tasks are assigned and your
companions energetically go about their jobs.

What do you volunteer to do?

If you decide to stay in the camp, turn to 34

If you decide to go hunting, turn to 30

The bear is about to apprehend you when it hears a rustle from the undergrowth. Upon hearing this, the bear
backs away from you slowly before turning around and dashing off into the woods, in the hope that it will find
easier prey.

Eventually, Hathar and the other hunters emerge from the undergrowth, just in time to see you nursing your
wounds. Turn to 49

As you run from the blob, the villagers throw rocks at it and loose of arrows at it.

The blob cannot take it and eventually expires under the barrage. Turn to 10

You return to the village and tell the elders of the terrible blob that slew Hathar and his men when they were
exploring a cave. You take a group of armed peasants to the cave.

If you have the box for the codeword puddle ticked off, turn to 10
If you don't, turn to 27

You carry the body of Felris back to the camp. People weep for him in despair and plan a funeral for him. Later the
hunting party returns with a moose but two of their number are missing. The leader of the party, Hathar said that
they searched for hours but they couldn't find their companions. You help in the preparations for the village

You all eat your food in glum silence, thinking about what you have lost since you have come here. Turn to 12

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'Well get back in there!'

If you do as you are told and head back into the cave, turn to 91
If you fight them, turn to 8

Your efforts only make the wolf more angry.

If you attack the wolf, turn to 16

If you flee, turn to 52

You prepare the fight the hunters.

HUNTERS Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 3. Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 2

If you escape, turn to 97

If you beat them, turn to 64

You come to a dead end where there are pools of green slime. There are also weapons and mining tools here. The
parts that are in contact with the slime are corroded away. These pools of slime are strongly acidic. If you have any
potion bottles, you may fill them up with acid.

You may throw these bottles of acid at a creature as a ranged weapon before combat. If you do, make an ability
test with a difficulty equal to the creature's (Ranged Combat). If you succeed, you hit them and deal 3 damage.
This breaks the bottle so you lose it.

You return to the central cavern. Turn to 41

You show the villagers the remains of the hunters' bodies and the body of the blob that killed them. The villagers
take what parts them can salvage to give them a proper burial.

Tick off the box for the codeword Exalted. Gain 1 Fate point.

After the ceremony, you think about your options.

If you wish to stay in the village, turn to 94

If you leave the village behind and strike out into the wilderness, turn to 43

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After an hour's walk, you come to a small cave.

If you have the box for the codeword Hunter ticked off, turn to 53
If you enter the cave, turn to 75
If you go back the way you came, turn to 73

The next morning, you are approached by Hathar and the hunting party. 'We are going to do a search again. Can
you join us? You are skilled in the woods and can hold your own in combat.'

If you agree to join them, turn to 78

If you refuse to join them, turn to 54

Yarrick busts into the clearing, followed by six villagers wielding clubs and staves. 'I told ye that Hathar was up to
no good. Get 'em!' The villagers engage the hunters in combat leaving you to face Hathar.

You do not need to fight any hunters, only Hathar. Turn to 64

Yarrick approaches you. 'Don't worry, my friend, we'll clear this up with the elders. let's get you home.'

If you wish to return to the village, turn to 94

If you head out into the wilderness, Turn to 43

Yarrick busts into the clearing, followed by six villagers wielding clubs and staves. 'I told ye that Hathar was up to
no good. Get 'em!'

The villagers engage the hunters in combat leaving you to face Hathar, turn to 87

You attack the wolf.

WOLF Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2 Vitality: 5 Special: None Experience: 1

You manage to return the boy to his parents who are eternally grateful for your help. Turn to 37
If you flee, turn to 52

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You think about what to do next.

If you return to the village and explain what happened, turn to 47

If you return to the village and keep quiet about what happened, turn to 94
If you strike out into the wilderness, Turn to 43

You burst out of the undergrowth and take Hathar and his hunters by surprise. You hit one of them before they
can organise themselves.

Reduce the Vitality of one of your opponents by your Damage score. Turn to 88


As you enter the village, Darrick runs ahead ‘I just need to speak to someone!’ You wonder where he is going.
You shuffle past the buildings and towards the elders' tent to bump into the smiling Darrick. He is with the elders
who all look pleased to see you. 'Welcome back!' Says Darrick 'I explained everything to the elders and they want
you to stay with them. You are an asset to the community!'

Tick off the box for the codeword Exalted. Gain 1 Fate point.

If you wish to stay in the village, turn to 94

If you wish to strike out across the wilderness, Turn to 43

You shuffle past the buildings and return to the village.

If you tell the villagers that Hathar was a bully and was not the upstanding citizen he appeared to be, turn to 47
If you just say that he was found outside the cave with his friends, dead, turn to 100

You, Hathar and the hunters meet up just outside the village and strike out north. You trek for an hour through the
woods, looking for trails or other signs of living things. Eventually, you find some large prints in a muddy patch of
earth. 'This might be our monster.' Says Hathar. Your group follow this trail for another half an hour until you come
to a clearing where you stand face to face with a bear. The bear looks at you and rears on its hind legs, roaring.
Hathar immediately runs into the undergrowth, his men following him. Before you can follow them, the bear
charges at you.

If you have the box for the codeword Carry ticked off, turn to 36
If you haven't, turn to 70

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A minute later, you hear a rustling in the bushes. You quickly hide just in time for a green blog with several
writhing tentacles on it to slither into the cave. A few minutes later, you start to hear screams coming from the
cave, then silence.

If you enter the cave, turn to 93

If you return to the village, turn to 4
If you head out into the wilderness, Turn to 43

Yarrick approaches you. 'Don't worry, my friend, we'll clear this up with the elders. let's get you home.'

Tick of the box for the codeword Exalted. Gain 1 Fate point.

If you wish to return to the village, turn to 94

If you wish to strike out on your own, Turn to 43

You wait a few hours before you see the hunting party leave the village. You follow them for an hour until they
stop to rest in a clearing. That is when you strike.

If you have the box for the codeword Carry ticked off, turn to 35
If you don't, turn to 99

Yarrick busts into the clearing, followed by six villagers wielding clubs and staves. 'I told ye that Hathar was up to
no good. Get 'em!' The villagers engage the hunters in combat leaving you to face Hathar.

You do not need to fight any hunters, only Hathar. Turn to 87

After another hour of searching, Hathar tells you all to split up and return here in three hours.

You go in the direction that Hathar pointed you in. Turn to 11

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You then hear a slithering sound at the entrance of the cave and the blob appears, ready to attack you. Most of the
villagers run in fear, but one brave soul stays to help you. This villager has a Vitality of 4. While they fight with you,
you may increase your damage by 1. If you lose a round, the villager will take half the damage rounded down.
You take the rest. If their Vitality is reduced to 2 or less, the villager falls back and you lose the damage bonus and
you must take full damage from the blob.

BLOB Type: Outsider Difficulty 4 Damage 2 Special: Magical attack 1 Vitality 10 Experience 2

If you win, tick off the box for the codeword Puddle and turn to 10
If you escape, turn to 3

You follow the moose's trail, the thought of delicious moose meat driving you on. After three hours of stalking, you
see the moose again, sleeping under a tree. Before it can react, you sneak up on it and slay it. Your joy at catching
the moose, however, is overshadowed by the realisation that you are completely lost.

Finding your way out of the forest is an ordeal that costs 4 Will points (Hardiness, Pathfinding, navigator’s kit,
provision*, Water*)

You eventually find your way back to the village where you discover that two of the hunting party, Darrick and
Savris, did not return.

The rest of the hunters searched for them but could not find them. Turn to 66

You leave the cave to find Hathar and the two other hunters waiting for you, axes drawn. 'Well done for surviving
the cave.' says the smug hunter. 'Now all you have to do is give us the money that we hid there before that
monster moved in and then never return to the village. Then we'll all be happy.'

Words cannot describe how angry and used you feel. What will you do?

If you have the boxes for the codewords Staunch and Warning, turn to 13
If you don't have both boxes for the codewords ticked off, turn to 77

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You join a group of six men on a hunting mission. You spread out and patrol the woods, looking for game.
Eventually, you see a moose. You may try and kill the moose with a ranged weapon or chase and catch it.

If you attack it with a ranged weapon make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Ranged Combat).

If you try to stalk the moose make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Survival, Running, Stealth).

If you succeed at the test you chose, you catch and kill the moose. If you fail, the moose escapes.

If you kill the moose, turn to 72

If the moose escapes, turn to 28

What will you do?

If you have 40 silver pieces and wish to give it to them, turn to 56

If you say you didn't find the money, turn to 74

Yarrick is also well liked by the elders. Maybe he will convince them that Hathar is the poisonous element in the

If you wish to risk returning to the village, turn to 61

Otherwise, your only option is to live in the wilds. Turn to 43

Hathar order the hunters to get you.

If you have both the boxes for the codewords Staunch and Warning ticked, turn to 15
If you don't, turn to 88

The pilgrims are cutting down trees and using the wood to make planks and other items for building. Norrick, the
blacksmith is unpacking his anvil, bellows and other tools of his trade from his cart. Soon, the pilgrims are planning,
cutting and building in order to make their village a reality.

If you decide to help with the building, turn to 60

If you decide to patrol the area, turn to 65

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Darrick has recovered and is with the hunters. They are teasing him mercilessly. When you attack the group,
Darrick will join you against them! This means that if you win a round, you deal 1 extra point of damage. If you lose
a round, Darrick will take half the damage rounded down and you take the rest of the damage. Darrick has 4
Vitality. If his Vitality is reduced to 2 or less, he will fall back from the combat and you lose the benefits of him
joining in.

You ambush the hunters. Turn to 18

Darrick has healed and he is with the hunting party. He refuses to flee with the others while you are in danger
since you saved his life. He will help you in combat. For this combat and all future combats, you may increase your
damage by 1. Whenever you lose a round against the bear, Darrick will take half the damage (rounded down) and
you will take the rest. Darrick has 4 Vitality points and 4 Will points and he will fall back from combat if his Vitality
is reduced to 2 or less (you lose the damage bonus and take full damage). From now on, keep track of Darrick's
Vitality. If his Vitality is 2 or less, he will not take part in combat. If you have any items or spells that heal him, you
may use them on him.

You then face the bear. You can try to calm it. Otherwise, you can fight it or escape. If you fight the bear, it will
escape once its Vitality has been reduced to 5 or less.

BEAR Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Vitality: 10 Special: None. Experience: 4

If you escape, turn to 2

If you beat or calm the bear, turn to 49

You manage to return the boy to his parents who are eternally grateful for your help.

Tick the box for the codeword Staunch.

After a few more hours of working, the hunting party returns with a moose but two of their number are missing.
The leader of the party, Hathar said that they searched for hours but they couldn't find their companions. You help
in the preparations for the village dinner.

You all eat your food in glum silence, thinking about what you have lost since you have come here. Turn to 12

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You run through the trees to find young Felris sporting an animal bite which is bleeding quite profusely. The animal
has gone, so you turn your attention to the boy, barely in his teens, who is sobbing hysterically. You can heal him if
you do one of the following things:

Use 1 herb on him and succeed at an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Herbalism)
Give him a healing salve.
Give him a potion of Cure.
Cast the Cure spell on him.
If you make a Fate roll and roll a 6.

If you manage to staunch the boy's wounds, turn to 37

If you don't manage to staunch his wounds, he dies. Turn to 5

'Don't worry.' Says Darrick. 'We can say that the monster killed them all. I know where the monster lives because
Hathar was going to send you in there so that you could get its treasure. I'm glad he's dead.'

With that, you drag the bodies in the direction that Darrick points out. Turn to 11

Hathar and the other hunters lie dead at your feet.

Tick off the box for the codeword Hunter.

They do not have much of value. This is what they have:

3 axes (2 damage, 2 encumbrance)

3 daggers (1 damage, 1 encumbrance)
3 bows (2 damage, 2 encumbrance)
4 torches (encumbrance 1)
2 flint and steel (0 encumbrance)
3 provisions (1 encumbrance each)
3 full waterskins (1 encumbrance each)

How are the elders going to take this? Hathar was well thought of in the village. You don't think that you could
make it sound like his fault.

If you have both the boxes for the codewords Staunch and Warning ticked off, turn to 23
If you have the box for the codeword Carry ticked off, turn to 39
If you neither apply, you could search the forest for a place to hide the bodies. Turn to 11
You could return to the village and tell the villagers about what happened. Turn to 47
Of you can leave the village behind you and head out into the wilderness. Turn to 43

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You return to the slime covered, corpse ridden cavern.

Make a Fate roll.

If you roll a 1, something is here. Turn to 67

If you roll a 2-6, it is still empty. Turn to 91

While searching, you hear a faint cry. You run towards the sound to see your Darrick lying on the ground with a
vicious wound in his leg. You pick him up and help him back to the village. Darrick tells you what happened 'Savris
and I were heading back to the meeting point when some horrible beast with tentacles and sharp teeth attacked
us. It wrapped Darrick up in its tentacles and tried to do the same to me, but I managed to cut one of them with
my trusty hunting knife. I turned to run and it bit my leg as I did. I stabbed it and it let go and scuttled off. I ran as
far as I could but this wound is terrible and I would have died in the woods if you hadn't come along.' You get
Darrick back to the village and get him to the healer's hut. Everyone thanks you for your actions.

Tick the box for the codeword Carry.

When you are sure that Darrick will be fine, you go to eat some dinner. Turn to 12

You strike out across the wilderness. What new adventures lie in wait for you? Where will you go? Who will you
meet? What will you find?

There are many other adventures that await, but for now this adventure is over.

'This is too much Hathar!' Cries Darrick who sides with you against the hunters. You feel a lot better about this.
Darrick will join you against the hunters This means that if you win a round, you deal 1 extra point of damage. If
you lose a round, Darrick will take half the damage rounded down and you take the rest of the damage. Darrick has
4 Vitality. If his Vitality is reduced to 2 or less, he will fall back from the combat and you lose the benefits of him
joining in.

You face the hunters. Turn to 8

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You come to a passage full of fungus.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, Herbalism). If you succeed, you find some mushrooms that have
healing properties - they have an encumbrance of 1 and count as a salve. If you fail, you brush some fungus and it
releases spores. Lose 3 Will. If you survive, gain 1 experience point.

You return to the central cavern. Turn to 41

As the creature expires, it melts into a puddle of smoking green goo on the cave floor. You have no idea how it
came to be, but you have done the world a service in ridding it of the abomination.

Tick off the box for the codeword Puddle.

You no longer need to make Fate rolls to see if you encounter the blob and may proceed as if you had rolled a 2-6.

You plan your next move. Turn to 91

You return to the village and explain to the elders what happened to Hathar.

If you Prestige is 3 or more, turn to 71

If it is 2 or less, turn to 81

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Survival, 1 provision*)

You manage to return the boy to his parents who are eternally grateful for your help. Turn to 37
If you fail, turn to 7

You are furious. Once the bear has been dealt with, Hathar and his men pop out from the bushes to congratulate
you. 'Where did you run off to, you cowards?' You scream. 'Shut up moron,' Yells Hathar. 'We thought we heard
another bear in the undergrowth. Did you want to be attacked from the rear. Turns out it was a false alarm
though. That's all the thanks I get for helping you out I suppose.'

If you refuse to go any further with the hunters, turn to 89

If you quell your anger and continue onwards, turn to 26

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'Now you don't want to be doing that.' Says Hathar as he draws his axe. His two companions do the same.

If you change your mind and ask Hathar for a light source, turn to 79
If you change your mind and you have a light source, you can go back to the cave and enter it. Turn to 73
If you fight Hathar and the hunters, turn to 33

This passageway looks like it has been mined. At the end of the passageway, you find old rusty picks and shovels.
However, you also find a wooden box that looks brand new, despite being covered by slime. You open it to find a
set of shiny tools of all kinds.

You may add a miner's kit to your equipment list. It has an encumbrance of 2.

You return to the central cavern. Turn to 41

You run from the wolf who turns its attention to the boy. You have left an innocent to the mercy of a savage killer.
The villagers hear the boy's screams and Hoxon, one of the carpenters appears in time to see you fleeing the
scene. When you later return to the village, you find out that Hoxon and some other villagers chased the wolf
away, but they are disgusted by your cowardice. The villagers, brandishing pitchforks in a threatening way, tell you
to leave their village and join the wolves where you belong.

There is nothing here for you anymore, so you leave the village and live in the wilds. Turn to 43

You put the bodies outside the cave and make it look like a wild animal dragged them there.

If you return to the village, turn to 84

If you wish to explore the cave, you may. If Darrick is with you, he will refuse to enter. Turn to 75

'You don't want to help save lives? There could be some horrible beast out there. I always had my doubts about
you. I guess you shouldn't be here if you don't care about the village.'

If you change your mind and agree, turn to 78

If you continue to refuse to join the search party, turn to 96

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The first passageway ends abruptly. At the end of the tunnel, you find several large quartz crystals lodged in the
rock, but can you find any lying around?

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Perception). If you succeed, you find 1 crystal.

If you wish to get more crystals, you may mine the rock for them, but getting each crystal is an ordeal that costs 5
Will (Strength, Hardiness, miner's kit)

You return to the central cavern. Turn to 41

You hand over your gold to Hathar who grins like a wolf. 'Now get lost. And I don't want to see you again.'

If you head off into the countryside, Turn to 43

If you attack him and the hunters, turn to 8

The village seems like a happier place without Hathar.

Tick the box for the codeword Exalted. Gain 1 Fate point.

If you wish to stay here, turn to 94

If you leave the village behind and head out into the wilderness, Turn to 43

You continue your work until the hunting party gets back with a moose. They also carry the body of Felris, a young
boy. People weep for him in despair and plan a funeral for him. Later the hunting party returns with a moose but
two of their number are missing. The leader of the party, Hathar said that they searched for hours but they
couldn't find their companions. You help in the preparations for the village dinner.

You all eat your food in glum silence, thinking about what you have lost since you have come here. Turn to 12

You search for your friends as the Sun goes down.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Perception, Darkvision, light source)

If you succeed, turn to 42

If you fail, you find nothing so you return to the camp. Turn to 66

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You spend hours chopping wood and dragging to where the sawyers are cutting it up.

This is an ordeal that costs 3 Will (Strength, Hardiness)

You are dragging a log to the sawyers when you hear a scream of pain.

If you investigate it, turn to 38

If you continue to do your work, turn to 58

You enter the village apprehensively. You shuffle past the buildings and towards the elders' tent to bump into the
smiling Yarrick. He is with the elders who all look pleased to see you. 'Welcome back!' Says Yarrick 'I explained
everything to the elders and they exiled Hathar. They want you to stay with them. You are an asset to the

If you wish to stay in the village, turn to 94

If you wish to explore the wilderness alone, Turn to 43

You escape the blob's onslaught.

If you return to the village, turn to 4

If you head out into the wilderness, Turn to 43

You head back to the meeting point where Hathar and the hunters are waiting. Hathar says 'You didn't go in the
cave did you, you cowardly worm. Get into that cave!'

If you do not have a light source and ask Hathar for one. Turn to 79
If you do have a light source and decide return to the cave and enter it, turn to 75
If you refuse to enter the cave, turn to 50

You face Hathar in combat. He looses off an arrow to you. Make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Dodging). If
you fail, the arrow hits you and you lose 2 Vitality.

HATHAR Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: None Experience: 1

If you escape, turn to 97

If you win, turn to 90

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You walk around the camp, keeping an eye out for predators and bandits. As you do your patrol, you see Felris, a
teenager, tormenting a wolf. The wolf is growling and ready to launch itself at the boy, who, oblivious to the
danger, continues to taunt and poke at it with a stick.

You could try to calm the wolf and then take Felris with you. Or you can just attack the wolf. Of you could flee.

If you try to calm the wolf, turn to 48

If you attack the wolf, turn to 16
If you flee, turn to 52

The news of the hunting trip casts a shadow over the already glum mood of the village. There was another death
today - a boy died from a wild animal attack. You help in the preparations for the village dinner.

You all eat your food in glum silence, thinking about what you have lost since you have come here. Turn to 12

You return to the cave to find its inhabitant waiting for you. You see a giant green blob with several writhing
tentacles protruding from it. When you enter the cave, several mouths on the green blob open revealing sharp

BLOB Type: Outsider Difficulty 4 Damage 2 Special: Magical attack 1 Vitality 6 Experience 4

If you escape, tick off the box for the codeword Puddle. Turn to 95
If you kill the blob, turn to 46

'I never trusted that Hathar.' says Yarrick. 'He's up to something, I'll bet. He's always off on hunting and search trips
and doesn't come back with half the stuff a proper hunter should. He's looking for something else, but I don't know
why, though. Good luck, you'll need it.'

Tick the box for the codeword Warning.

You go to your house, collect your gear and meet up with Hathar. Turn to 21

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The blob and the hunters lie dead at your feet. You search them and find the following things.

3 axes (2 damage, 2 encumbrance)

3 daggers (1 damage, 1 encumbrance)
3 bows (2 damage, 2 encumbrance)
4 torches (encumbrance 1)
2 flint and steel (0 encumbrance)
3 provisions (1 encumbrance each)
3 full waterskins (1 encumbrance each)
40 silver pieces

If you return to the village, turn to 4

If you strike out into the countryside, Turn to 43

You then face the bear. You can try to calm it. Otherwise, you can fight it or escape. If you fight the bear, it will
escape once its Vitality has been reduced to 5 or less.

BEAR Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Vitality: 10 Special: None. Experience: 4

If you escape, turn to 2

If you beat or calm the bear, turn to 49

The elders take your word. You are able to stay in the village if you want.

If you have the box for the codeword Hunter ticked off tick the box, turn to 57
If you haven't, turn to 85

You all meet back at the gnarled oak. As well as your moose, the other hunters have found a boar, several rabbits,
birds and other game. You have a good haul. However, two of the hunters, Darrick and Savris are missing. No one
heard or saw anything out of the ordinary. Hathar, the leader of your group orders a search, but after two hours of
fruitlessly scouring the woods, the men are getting very fearful and decide to head back.

If you go back to the village, turn to 66

If you continue the search, turn to 59

You head back the way you came.

If you have the box for the codeword Hunter ticked off, turn to 84
If you don't have the box for the codeword Hunter ticked off, turn to 63

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'Fat lot of use you are. Did you kill the monster?'

If you say that you did, turn to 83

If you say that you didn't, turn to 6

You may only enter the foreboding cave if you have a light source.

If you do not, you will have to go back. Turn to 73

If you do have a light source, you enter the cave. Turn to 91

The men come out with a leather sack. Hathar turns to you 'Now get lost. And I don't want to see you again.'

If you do as you are told and head out into the wilderness, Turn to 43
If you attack them, turn to 8

The hunters close in.

If you have the box for the codeword Carry ticked off, turn to 44
If you don't, turn to 31

'Excellent! We leave in the hour. Don't tell anyone about this, mind. The elders want us to just look for food, not
people, but I think they're short sighted. If there's a monster out there, we have to kill it.' With that, you go back to
your hut to collect your gear. On the way, you see Yarrick, an old woodcutter. 'Where are you off to in a hurry,
young un?'

If you decide to tell him, turn to 68

If you do not tell him about the search, you go to your house, collect your gear and meet up with Hathar. Turn to

'What kind of idiot doesn't have a torch in case of exploring caves?' Hathar gets a torch and a flint and steel and
throws them at you. 'Now get into that cave!'

If you go back to the cave and enter it, turn to 75

If you refuse to enter the cave, turn to 50

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There is nothing in this tunnel but rubble.

You return to the central cavern. Turn to 41

If you wish to convince the villagers of Hathar's guilt, make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Etiquette, Perform,
Philosophy, Carry, Staunch)

If you succeed, turn to 71

If you fail, or if you don't want to convince the villagers anyway, turn to 98

The rubble in this passageway seems to be piled up neatly. When you remove it, you find a leather bag full of

Add 40 silver pieces to your money.

You return to the central cavern. Turn to 41

Hathar and the hunters push past you and rush into the cave.

If you have the box for the codeword Puddle ticked off, turn to 76
If you don't, turn to 22

With Hathar dead, you are not sure that you will be welcome in the village.

If you have the box for the codeword Carry ticked off, turn to 19
If you don't, turn to 20

Hathar eventually returns to the village, but the villagers, armed with their axes and bows, prevent him from
entering. He is exiled to the wilderness.

Tick off the box for the codeword Exalted. Gain 1 Fate point.

If you wish to stay in the village, turn to 94

If you wish to head out into the wilderness, Turn to 43

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You enter the village apprehensively. You shuffle past the buildings and towards the elders' tent. Darrick explains
what happened to them and the elders decide that you can stay if you want.

If you decide to stay in the village, turn to 94

If you head out into the wilderness, Turn to 43

You face Hathar in combat. He looses off an arrow to you. Make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Dodging). If
you fail, the arrow hits you and you lose 2 Vitality.

HATHAR Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: None Experience: 1

If you escape, turn to 97

If you win, turn to 40

You prepare the fight the 2 hunters.

HUNTERS Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 3. Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 2

If you escape, turn to 97

If you win, there is only Hathar left. Turn to 87

'Now you don't want to be doing that.' Says Hathar as he draws his axe. His two companions do the same.

If you change your mind and move on with them, turn to 26

If you still refuse, turn to 33

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Hathar and the other hunters lie dead at your feet. They have the following items:

3 axes (2 damage, 2 encumbrance)

3 daggers (1 damage, 1 encumbrance)
3 bows (2 damage, 2 encumbrance)
4 torches (encumbrance 1)
2 flint and steel (0 encumbrance)
3 provisions (1 encumbrance each)
3 full waterskins (1 encumbrance each)

If you handed over some money, or if they got some money from the cave, you can get a bag containing 40 silver

How are the elders going to take this? Hathar was well thought of in the village. You don't think that you could
make it sound like his fault.

If you have both the boxes for the codewords Staunch and Warning ticked off, turn to 14
If you have the box for the codeword Carry ticked off, turn to 92
Of you could strike out into the wilderness. Turn to 43
If you go back to the village and explain what happened, turn to 47
If you hide the bodies and go back to the village without mentioning what happened, turn to 94

You enter the smelly cave. It reeks of rotting flesh and the walls are covered in some kind of slimy substance. After
a minute of walking, you come to a cavern, its walls and floor covered in slime. Lying, also covered in slime, are the
bodies of several people, all in different stages of decay. The freshest one, you recognise as Savris, the missing

If you haven't already done so, tick off the box for the codeword found.

If you wish to leave, turn to 95

For the first passage, turn to 55
For the second passage, turn to 80
For the third passage, turn to 51
For the fourth passage, turn to 82
For the fifth passage, turn to 45
For the sixth passage, turn to 9

You and Darrick put the bodies outside the cave and make it look like a wild animal dragged them there.

If you return to the village with Darrick, turn to 86

If you decide to head out into the wilderness, Turn to 43

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You enter the cave to see a disgusting site. The remains of the 3 men are scattered around the cave. The blob is
tossing body parts around with its tentacles while green slime oozes from its wounds. When it sees you, it attacks.

BLOB Type: Outsider Difficulty 4 Damage 2 Special: Magical attack 1 Vitality 2 Experience 1

If you win, tick off the box for the codeword Puddle and turn to 69
If you escape, turn to 62

You return to the simple life of trying to build a new settlement with the trailblazers.

You may stay with the villagers for as long as you like. If you do, do the following process

1) Work for 6 days as a labourer, hunter, artisan or guard (your choice)

2) After that, make a Fate roll on the table below to see if you encounter anything.
3) Then you get 4 days where each day you may rest for free without rolling for an encounter, collect wood,
forage, hunt or fish and collect water.
4) If 30 days have passed and you don’t have the box for the codeword exalted ticked off, make a Fate roll. If
you roll a 1-3, the bodies are discovered and you are blamed for the death of Hathar. You must flee. You
must escape into the wilderness. Turn to 43.
5) If 30 days have passed, gain 1 experience point for helping to build the frontier village.
6) If 360 days have passed, the village is ready. It is now a full settlement and you have helped build it. Gain
1 Fate point. Roll up the features for this settlement as normal. In this settlement, your Prestige will
always count as being 1 higher than your current score and your Infamy will count as being 1 lower than
your current score (minimum 0).

Encounter table

Fate roll Encounter

1 Boar
2 Fire
3 Undergrowth
4 No encounter
5 Herbs
6 Tranquillity

A boar (Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2 Vitality: 5 Special: None Experience: 1) bursts out of the

There is a fire in the undergrowth! You run from it. Make 4 ability tests with a difficulty of 4 (Running).
Each time you fail, you are burnt. Lose 2 Vitality points. If you survive, gain 2 experience points.

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You push through thick vegetation and vines. They then move to entangle and trap you. You have to
force your way out! Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Strength, axe, sword, dagger). If you fail,
you get tired out forcing your way through the undergrowth. Lose 4 Will. If you survive, gain 1 experience

There are some herbs growing here. If you want to find them, make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Survival,
Herbalism). If you succeed, you find some herbs. Roll on the items table to determine how many.

You find an area which gives you a great feeling of tranquillity – the view is beautiful or the weather is perfect, or
there are lights in the sky. Whatever it is, you gain 1 Will.

When you are ready to leave the village, Turn to 43

You leave the cave and blink as you face sunlight for the first time in a while.

If you have the box for the codeword Hunter ticked off, turn to 17
If you don't have the box for the codeword Hunter ticked off, turn to 29

Not affected by Hathar's words, you walk off while he shouts things such as 'I knew you'd do this! You'll be sorry!'
The hunters search the woods a few times but they cannot find anything. Life seems to go on as normal until one
day when a large group of villagers approach you. One of the elders, Jarris addresses you. 'My house was broken
into last night and my possessions stolen. Hathar found them under your bed. You have one hour to leave the
village.' Your protestations fall on deaf ears - Hathar has been very helpful recently and the elders look favourably
upon him. You have no other option but to leave the village. You could give up on the villagers and either live in
the wilds or try to return to civilisation.

if you decide to do this, turn to 43

However, if you want revenge and you hide in the woods in order to ambush Hathar, turn to 24

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Yeah, you better run!' Shouts Hathar as you flee. As you run, you hear the whistle of an arrow that Hathar has
loosed at you.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Dodging, Running). If you fail, the arrow hits you and you lose 2 Vitality.

Alone in the woods, you ponder your predicament. Hathar is well thought of in the village and he will easily
convince the elders that it is you who are up to no good unless you have managed to convince them otherwise.

If you have both boxes ticked for the codewords Staunch and Warning, turn to 32
If you don't, you can go back to the village and try to convince the villagers of Hathar's guilt, turn to 47
Otherwise, you have no option but to live alone in the wilds. Turn to 43

Hathar was well thought of in the village and the elders decide that you are lying. They exile you from the village.
The villagers follow you out with pitchforks.

You head out into the wilderness. Turn to 43

You prepare to ambush the hunters.

If you have both boxes for the codewords Staunch and Warning ticked off, turn to 25
If you don't, turn to 18

You tell the elders some story about how you found Hathar and the hunters outside a cave. The elders believe you
and welcome you back to the village.

If you wish to stay in the village, turn to 94

If you wish to head off into the wilderness, turn to 43

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Random number table
In case you don’t have any dice, you can use this random number table. How you use it is up to
you, but here are two suggested methods:
1) Picking a number on the grid at random (closing your eyes and poking at a number).
2) Starting at a square and then every time you need to roll a die, you pick the next number
in the row.

1 3 5 3 1 4 2 4 4 5 4 3
3 6 3 2 1 5 6 6 5 3 1 5
5 2 4 3 4 2 2 4 5 1 2 1
2 1 6 6 3 5 5 1 3 5 6 1
6 6 4 2 2 3 2 2 3 1 3 2
3 4 4 3 5 2 3 4 2 5 3 5
6 2 3 6 6 5 1 3 2 6 3 3
3 5 3 3 3 2 2 2 6 6 3 2
4 6 1 6 2 3 5 6 5 6 4 1
4 3 2 4 5 5 6 4 5 1 5 1
6 6 6 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 1 6
1 3 5 3 1 4 2 4 4 5 4 3

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Dare you explore the uncharted wilderness?

Ousted from civilisation, you throw your lot in with some

courageous pioneers who seek to tame nature. However,
the uncharted wilderness holds its own perils...

This gamebook uses the SCRAWL rules system.

You can get the SCRAWL rulebook here.

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