SCRAWL - 1. Madness On The Mountain (No Rules)

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Madness on the Mountain

Small SCRAWL book 1 by Stuart Lloyd

Created using the GameBook Authoring Tool
Madness on the Mountain
Text copyright © 2019 by Stuart Lloyd
All illustrations in this book, including the cover are public domain.
Many thanks to all of the followers of and contributors to Lloyd of
Gamebooks and of course my lovely wife Nicky and my adorable
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This gamebook was written using the excellent Gamebook
Authoring Tool.

The map was made with the awesome versatile mapmaking tool

This book uses the SCRAWL rules. SCRAWL is a simple solo

fantasy RPG which you can get here (Pay What You Want)
To get more SCRAWL products, keep checking my page on Drive
Thru RPG.

For more simple and fun roleplaying games, check out the Trollish
Delver page and blog.

Created using the GameBook Authoring Tool
Madness on the Mountain

Small SCRAWL 1

Welcome to Madness on the Mountain! In this adventure, you traverse a mountain rumoured for its
treacherousness and deadly inhabitants for the chance of gold and glory!

Location: This adventure can take place on a hills hex or a mountain hex.

Travelling and time

This adventure requires you to move around a hex map and turn to the relevant section. You start in the
hex with the village in it and you may only move to adjacent hexes. You may not move through any black
lines as these indicate impassable cliffs. Each mountain hex has a different section associated with it. If
you move onto a hills or plains hex, you go to the same section for them and roll a random encounter.

If you move onto any hills hex, turn to 68

If you move onto any plains hex, turn to 52

If you move onto a mountains hex, turn to the section number in the hex

You have to record your time in days as normal, but in this adventure, you also need to record the time
in hours. Whenever you record your time, as soon as it reaches 12 hours or more, then night has fallen
and you must rest. This involves turning to the section indicated below – you must do this before you
read the normal section for that hex.

If you rest in the village, turn to 84.

If you rest on a plains hex, turn to 26

If you rest on a hills hex, turn to 3

If you rest on a mountain hex, turn to 73

Once you have rested, reduce your hours to 0, add 1 to your days and you may then read the section for
that hex.

Your travel time depends on which hex you are travelling towards.

It takes 1 hour to travel onto a plains hex (including the village)

It takes 3 hours to travel onto a hills hex.

It takes 6 hours to travel onto a mountains hex.

If you ever increase the number of days of your time, your time in hours also resets to 0.

If you are on a hex on the edge of the map and you wish to leave the map and leave the adventure, turn
to section 31.

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The map



60 79

44 17



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Map Key

Icon Location




Impassable cliff

Codewords to tick off

Bag □ □ Boulder Collection □ □ □ □ Darn Dive Stick

Summit □ □ Valley

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The village of Brierwater is barely more than a hamlet, a collection of ramshackle huts huddled around a spring, a
source of a mighty river further south. Its inhabitants are grim and humourless, bought on by a mixture of the
weather, their diets of scrawny goats and rabbits their unforgiving professions as miners and the fact that they live
beneath a deadly mountain.

However, the people of the village are hospitable enough, figuring that the money of doomed travellers is as good
as any persons.

The village is quiet as you approach. The miners are all in the mountains, searching for iron. There are a few old
women in the square, darning clothes and chatting. They go quiet as you walk past.

If you have the word Valley in your notes, turn to 64

If you don't have the word Valley in your notes, turn to 47

The bear lies dead at your feet. This gives you time to explore the cave at your leisure. Eventually, you find
something interesting in a leather sack.

Roll on the treasure table. Tick off the box for the codeword bag.

Once you have finished, you leave the cave., turn to 32

You prepare for a night sleeping rough in the hills.

Make a Fate roll.

If you roll a 1, turn to 20

If you roll a 2, turn to 35
If you roll a 3-4, turn to 8
If you roll a 5-6, turn to 50

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You remember seeing them when you entered the village. It seems that some of the mountain's deadly reputation
comes from the villagers themselves! Clever ploy, though. Spread the word that the mountain is deadly, then kill
and rob its climbers. No one will ever ask any questions.

Your ambushers have very little. You search the bodies of any you killed and the surrounding area. You find the
following items tucked behind a large rock in a hole ridden sack:

Flint and steel

1 provision
1 waterskin (full)
1 wood

Every bandit you killed has the following items on him:

1 axe
1 dagger
1 sling

Tick off the box for the codeword Darn.

Look at the map and decide on your next location to move to.

You are awoken by loud sniffing and grunting. By the dim starlight, you make out a large, warty creature picking up
rocks to see if anything is under them. It is a troll! You can fight it, sneak away from it or try to persuade it to leave
you alone.

TROLL Type: Humanoid Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 12. Special: None. Experience: 3

The troll has nothing apart from its club and a sack of meat and plants, none of which you would want to eat.

After a night's rest, you get up to move on. Look at the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

You finally find a hole in the earth. You dig a little more to find a rotten wooden box. You gingerly open it, but it
isn't trapped. Inside is some treasure.

Roll on the treasure table.

Add the word Collection to your notes and find a new hex to travel to.

There are many goats around here and catching one should be easy enough.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Survival, ranged weapon, Stealth, Running)

If you succeed, turn to 69

If you fail, turn to 16

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Strong winds blow and grey, heavy clouds fill the sky. You start to get struck by drops of rain.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Survival, Hardiness, tent, furs, Fire*). If you fail, lose 1 Will point.

Despite the bad weather, the night passes peacefully, and, when the sun's pink light starts to creep over the hills,
you get up and prepare to continue your journey. Look at the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

The trail up to the summit is narrow and precarious.

Before you get to the summit, however, you are going to have to do some very dangerous climbing and

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Climbing, Nimbleness). If you fail, lose 1 Vitality point and try again until
you succeed.

If you give up, look at the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

If you succeed, have you ticked off the box for the codeword Dive?

If you do not have the codeword Dive, turn to 43

If you have the codeword Dive, turn to 13

You head out of the village and prepare for your journey.

If you want to continue your quest up the mountain, look at the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

If you wish to leave the area, turn to 31

You carry on with your walk along a trail and down a dip, surrounded by large stones. That's when you hear the
battle cry. Three ragged men jump out from behind the rocks, brandishing axes and charge at you, screaming.

There is no time to use a ranged weapon before this combat. You must fight your ambushers at the same time.
However, if you reduce a bandit's Vitality to 2 or less without killing him, he will run away.

First BANDIT: Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None Experience: 1
Second BANDIT: Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None Experience: 1
Third BANDIT: Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None Experience: 1

If you win, turn to 4

If you escape, turn to 77

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You quickly put the stone back just as the earth elemental reaches the threshold of the circle, but it stops. The
circle is preventing the earth elemental from escaping.

If you leave the area, choose a new hex to go to.

If you step into the circle to fight the earth elemental, turn to 54

The highest point of the mountain is very close. It is also where the roc's nest is. Now you can claim your prize. You
must climb to get to it.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Climbing, climbing gear)

If you fail, you fall. Lose 1 Vitality point. You may try again or move onto another hex.

If you succeed, turn to 80

As you strike the final blow, the creature's rocky form falls apart into several pieces until only a pile of rubble
stands before you. On top of the pile is the valuable crystal. You may take it. It counts as a quest treasure
(remember to gain 1 Fate point!)

You search through the bags of the earth elemental's victims too.

Roll on the treasure table 3 times.

Tick off the box for the codeword Boulder.

When you have finished here, you leave. Look at the map and decide which hex to travel to next..

You do your best to placate the peasants, saying that you were starving, saying that you thought the goats were
wild, saying that you wanted to pay someone for the goat.

You have to offer the peasants 10 gold pieces. If you cannot or will not, you must flee the village before they lynch
you. If you do give them 10 gold pieces, remove the word Valley from your notes.

When you have finished here, you may either look around the village (turn to 3) or go elsewhere. Look at the map
and decide which hex to travel to next.

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Whilst stalking a goat, you hear a grunt behind you. You turn around to see a ram with massive horns and fury in
its eyes looking straight at you. It lowers its head and charges.

RAM Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1

If you escape the ram or calm it, you decide where to go next. Pick a hex to travel to.

If you kill the ram, you decide that you will use its body. You may either skin it for leather or use it for food.

Either way, make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Survival)

If you succeed, you get everything you need. You get 3 provisions or 1 leather. If you fail, you mangle the job, but
you can get some meat. Gain 1 provision.

If you killed the ram, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-4, add the word Valley to your notes. If you roll 5-6, do nothing.

When you have finished here, look at the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

17 □
At this point, the slope starts to descend as you go down into a valley. You spend about an hour going down the
slope to the bottom where a stream trickles through. It is easy to find some stones in the water to jump between
and cross the stream.

You may refill any waterskins here.

If the above box is ticked, you have a rest before moving on. Look at the map and decide which hex to travel to

If the box above is not ticked, turn to 63

You reach the top of the peak. There is not much room to stand here, but you get to look in the nest. There are
three large eggs here in addition to There is something else of interest.

You may take up to 3 provisions.

Roll on the treasure table.

Tick off the box for the codeword Stick.

When you have retrieved the treasure, make a Fate roll.

If you roll a 4-6, nothing happens and you carefully climb down the peak to move on. Look at the map and decide
which hex to travel to next.

If you roll 1-3, you hear a screech from overhead. Turn to 81

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The wise man of the village is quite young, but a prodigy when it comes to herbalism. He is clean shaven and
smartly dressed. His hut is clean and tidy.

The wise man can apply healing herbs and poultices to you. He charges 5gp for every 1 point of Vitality he restores.

If you ask the wise man for legends about the area, turn to 70
If you decide to go elsewhere, turn to 47

As you sleep, two wolves creep up on you.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Perception, Survival). If you fail, you cannot use a ranged weapon against
the wolves before combat.

First WOLF Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2 Vitality: 5 Special: None Experience: 1
Second WOLF Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2 Vitality: 5 Special: None Experience: 1

If you reduce a wolf's Vitality to 2 or less, it flees.

If you win, you go back to your rest. In the morning you move on. Look at the map and decide which hex to travel
to next.

You are nearing the summit now. As you get closer, you see that there is a massive collection of sticks arranged in
the shape of a nest near the top. It looks like some giant bird lives here.

If you have ticked off the box for the codeword Summit, there is nothing left for you here. Look at the map and
decide which hex to travel to next.

If you don't have the codeword Summit on your notes, turn to 9

As you approach it, the wind picks up and you hear a voice in your head

'Find your reward in the mound!'

If you decide against it, tick off the box for the codeword Collection and find a new hex on the map to travel to.

If you dig through the mound, turn to 62

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You have reached the highest point of Demon's Run Mountain! You feel a sense of pride well up in you as you look
at the view. Gain 1 Fate point.

You are now free to loot the nest at your leisure. There are many shiny objects in here. Some are worthless, but
some are valuable treasures.

Roll 5 times on the treasure table.

Tick off the box for the codeword Summit.

Without creatures attacking you, the climb down is quite easy. You climb off the peak and think of where to go
next. Look at the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

Then you see the ambush. There are several large rocks up ahead surrounded a dip in the ground. You see
something move near the rock. At first, you think nothing of it, but then you think about the area you are heading
for. It would be the perfect place to surround someone and attack them. You walk on, slowly, thinking about your
plight. The movement you saw must have been an ambusher. You don't know how many there are, but you can't
go into the dip as this is where they would surround you. They must know that you are here and are simply waiting
for the right time to strike.

You start to walk sideways and head off the trail. As you do, you see one of your ambushers from a far, hiding
behind the rock. It is a ragged man holding an axe. You duck behind a rock. Cautiously, you peep over the rock to
see that the band have come out of their hiding places. There are three of them, ragged men wielding axes. They
are looking around in confusion and frustration. Slowly, they approach your spot whilst arguing loudly over who
should have been keeping an eye on you.

You are going to have to deal with these bandits somehow. You could try to sneak past them, or you could face
them in combat, or you could try to persuade them to let you go either with deceit and intimidation or by being

In this combat, if you reduce a bandit's Vitality to 2 or less without killing him, he will run away.

First BANDIT: Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None Experience: 1
Second BANDIT: Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None Experience: 1
Third BANDIT: Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None Experience: 1

If you beat them in combat, turn to 4

If you sneak past them or persuade them to let you past, turn to 42

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As you climb the slope to the summit, you realise that you are surrounded by several smaller rocky peaks. You
normally wouldn't have any interest in them until you hear a screech from overhead. You look up to see an eagle
circling overhead. You then notice that there are several eagle nests on top of these peaks. You have known that
eagles' nests sometimes have treasure in them. You could investigate the nests, but it would take quite a climb and
you may get attacked by a territorial eagle.

If you decide to ignore the nests, or, if you have ticked the box for the codeword Stick, continue to another hex.

If you decide to look for treasure amongst the nests, turn to 65

You must sleep under the stars in the plains. You prepare your camp and get ready for the night.

Make a Fate roll

If you roll 1, turn to 20

If you roll 2-3, turn to 8
If you roll 4-6, turn to 50

A boar is sniffing around nearby. You can calm it, sneak past it or attack it.

BOAR Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2 Vitality: 5 Special: None Experience: 1

If you kill the boar, you can attempt to get some of it for meat.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Survival, Fire*)

If you succeed, you can get 3 provisions. If you fail, you get 1 provision.

As you scramble up the slope, you feel a massive force strike the side of your head.

Lose 1 Vitality point.

As you are recovering from the blow, you see a large hairy ape jump out from behind the rock. It grunts and howls
as it charges at you.

APE Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2 Vitality: 6 Special: None Experience: 2

When you have dealt with the ape, you continue your journey. Look at the map and decide which hex to travel to

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You walk down the tunnel for several minutes, spying nothing but a few alcoves and short tunnels leading to dead
ends until you come to a large cavern. In the centre of the cavern is a large, sleeping bear. It is surrounded by
skeletons of animals and humans and some bags are strewn about the cave. Could there be anything of use here?

If you risk sneaking into the cave to investigate the bags, turn to 76
If you feel that you can't bare it, you back off and leave the bear be, turn to 32

You are in a large peaceful grassy area in the valley of the mountains and hills. Goats wander this area, munching
lazily on grass and staring into the distance. There is very little else here besides a stream and the odd goatherd
who you see patrolling the valley.

If you decide to go elsewhere, look at the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

If you kill a goat for food, turn to 7

You leave the village and the mountain behind, reflecting on your journey and what you have achieved. However,
it is time to move on to new areas and new quests. What does the future hold?

Keep your list of ticked off codewords. If you return here, you may continue where you left off…

You leave the bear's cave and think about what to do next.

If you decide to leave the cave, choose a new hex to travel to.

If you explore the left fork, turn to 67

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You enter the ramshackle store. As the door swings open, it knocks over some pickaxes leaning against the wall
nearby. The old, one legged man sitting behind some crates he uses as a counter. He curses as the pickaxes hit the
floor, so you helpfully lean them against another part of the wall so they won't fall over again.

The shopkeeper offers the following items:


Weapon Type Melee or ranged Encumbrance To buy To sell Haggle

(gp) (gp) Modifier
Dagger Light Melee/ranged 1 1 - -
Sling Light Ranged 1 1 - -
Axe Medium Melee/ranged 2 5 3 +/-1
Staff/Club Medium Melee 2 5 3 +/-1


Item To buy To sell Haggle Encumbrance

(gold pieces) (gold pieces) modifier
1 provision 1 - - 1
Waterskin 1 - - 1 (full)
0 (empty)
Flint and steel 1 - - 0
Torch (light source, 1 use) 1 - - 1
Lantern (light source, any 10 5 +/-2 1
number of uses)
Shovel 2 1 - 2
Tent 10 5 +/-2 3
Pick 5 3 +/-1 2
Climbing gear (rope, 10 5 +/-2 2
grapple, mallet and iron

When you have finished here, you think about where to go. Turn to 47

As you remove a stone from a circle, you hear a rumbling sound as the boulder stands up, taking on a giant
humanoid form with the crystal lodged where its heart should be. You are facing an earth elemental! It strides
towards you purposefully.

If you put the stone back, turn to 12

If you keep hold of it, turn to 66

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You are awoken by a high-pitched screeching. A flock of bats is flying around you!

BATS Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 1 Vitality: 3. Special: None. Experience: 1

If you win or if you avoid or calm them, you go back to your rest. In the morning you move on. Look at the map and
decide which hex to travel to next.

You warily climb the other side of the valley, keeping an eye out for more rockslides.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Perception)

If you succeed, turn to 72

If you fail, turn to 28

In the middle of the circle is a large, angular boulder. Embedded in the boulder is a large, clear crystal, which must
be worth a lot of money. And surrounding the boulder are the skeletons and possessions of several people.

If you decide to leave this strange area be, look at the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

If you step into the circle, turn to 46

If you remove a stone from the circle, turn to 34

You find a hermit living in a cave, meditating. He has healing powers. He won’t accept money, but he can heal 1
Vitality point for the following things: 1 provision or 1 torch or 1 flask of oil or paper or chalk or charcoal.

When you have finished with the hermit, you move on. Look at the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

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Apart from a flaky sign of a mountain and an eagle painted on the wall of the hut, the inn is indistinguishable from
any other abode in the village. You enter. There are a few grizzled men sitting around tables, drinking their ale with
a distinct lack of enthusiasm.

The innkeeper is an older man with a stoop and a squint. You walk up to the bar and ask him what he has to offer
growls that he can offer the finest goat stew and miner's friend ale as well as rooms to rest in.

You may pay 5 gold pieces here to restore 1 Will point. You may do this any number of times.

If you talk to the customers, you will need to buy them some drinks for 2 gold pieces. If you do this, turn to 71
If you leave and go elsewhere, turn to 47

You begin your climb up the trail. It is gentle enough. You have certainly faced worse on other journeys. The sharp
rocks are easily avoided and the weather is now quite pleasant. Despite the occasional blast of wind, the sky is
clear and the sun is shining. You traverse this trail for an hour without any difficulty and almost start to enjoy your

If you have ticked the box for the codeword Darn, turn to 57
If you do not, turn to 49

You dash out of the circle with the earth elemental in pursuit, but, as you expected, it stops just before the

You may leave the area. If you do, note that the earth elemental will be back at full strength if you return here to
fight it again. If you leave the area, choose which hex to go to next.

If you go back into the circle to face the earth elemental (it will have not recovered yet), turn to 54
If you remove a stone from the circle, turn to 34

You leave the bandits to their squabbling and shouting, wondering if they have ever managed to ambush anyone in
their lives.

Tick the box for the codeword Darn.

Look at the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

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You are close to the nest now. However, before you can make the climb to get to it, you hear a screech from
overhead. The roc has returned to protect its young.

The creature dives at you, screeching, aching to rip you to shreds. You cannot calm the roc.

Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 4. Damage: 3. Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 3

If you escape, go to the map and go to a new hex. Take note that if you return here, the roc will be at full strength.

If you defeat the roc tick the box for the codeword Dive and turn to 13

As you scramble up the rocky incline, you see the dark entrance to a cave in the side of the rock. Dare you take a
detour to explore this place? You may only do so if you have a light source (or the Darkvision talent).

If you decide to continue onwards, look at the map and decide on another hex to go to.

If you enter the cave, turn to 83

You are standing at the foot of Demon's Run mountain. Its sharp, rocky trail seems to betray its dangerous and
unpredictable nature. A cold, biting wind howls around you as if it is shouting a warning to you to turn back. It
won't work. The nearby villagers tried the same when you had declared your intentions in the inn, and their
protestations fell on deaf ears. You were going to traverse the mountain and show your worth. Maybe you will slay
the beasts the villagers whispered about. Maybe you will prove that such beasts are simply folklore. Whatever
happens, you will prevail over this mountain.

You look up at your adversary. The sharp rocks are very prevalent. And you can see several steep - even vertical -
climbs. Are you prepared? You start to wonder about what you have bought and whether it is going to help you on
your quest. Maybe it won't hurt to return to the village and buy a few more things?

If you feel that you are not ready to tackle the mountain yet, look at the map and continue your journey.

If you start your climb, turn to 40

As soon as you step into the circle, you hear a rumbling noise as the boulder starts to shake. It then starts to move
upwards and take on a humanoid form. The large crystal is where the form's heart should be. The rock is an earth

If you face the earth elemental in combat, turn to 54

If you step out of the circle, turn to 41

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There are few places to go to in the village. The store, run by a one-legged old man, has sturdy equipment for
traversing the mountain. There is also the inn if you feel like resting up some more. Or, if you feel that your quest is
at an end, you can leave the village and head elsewhere to find new quests.

Choose where to go. You may return to any place you have visited before.

If you go to the store, turn to 33

If you go to the inn, turn to 39
If you leave the village and head elsewhere, turn to 10
If you visit the wise man, turn to 19
If you rest here for the day, turn to 85

You start climbing on the slope. The going is hard and precarious.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Climbing, climbing gear).

If you succeed, you make it to the top. If you fail, you fall and lose 1 Vitality point. You must then try again.

Once you reach the top, turn to 82

You eventually arrive at a flat area, strewn with large rocks and boulders.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Survival, Perception)

If you succeed, turn to 24

If you fail, turn to 11

The night passes peacefully under the clear sky with small clouds floating by. You wake up ready to continue your

Look at the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

The gentle slope starts to get steeper. The rocky trail gets more treacherous.

Eventually, you come across an almost vertical slope of rock and dirt. If you want to go onwards, you will have to

If you turn back, turn to 40

If you take on the climb, turn to 48

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The flat land around the village is lush and grassy and mainly used to rear goats for the villagers to eat, though
there are a few fields of crops, struggling to be as fruitful as the crops you have seen in the better soil of the lower

If you roll a 1-3, turn to 30

If you roll a 4-5, turn to 78
If you roll a 6, turn to 59

As you poke sneak around, you accidentally kick a human skull. It clatters across the floor and rolls into the bear's
head. The large creature opens its eyes and looks around lazily. However, as soon as it sets eyes on you, it springs
up and roars. You will have to face it!


Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Vitality: 10 Special: None. Experience: 4

If you kill it, turn to 2

If you calm it or escape, turn to 32

You prepare to face the rocky creature. If you have wounded the creature, but then left this hex and returned,
then the earth elemental will be back to full strength.

Type: Outsider. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3 Vitality: 15. Special: None Experience: 6

You may escape by running out of the circle. If you do, turn to 41
If you kill the earth elemental add the word Boulder to your notes and turn to 14

You run away from the earth elemental. Thankfully, it ignores you and heads off down the mountain. You have
saved yourself, but you have freed a creature that will wreak untold havoc on the world.

Lose 1 Fate point.

Now that the earth elemental has left, you decide to search the remains of the earth elemental's victims.

Roll on the treasure table 3 times.

Tick the box for the codeword Boulder.

When you have finished here, you leave. Look at the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

You poke around but the mound seems just that.

Look at the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

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You are in the rocky area where you encountered the bandits. Whatever happened, all trace of them is gone now.

Look at the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

There is a bear poking around nearby. You can try to sneak past it, calm it or attack it.

Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Vitality: 10 Special: None. Experience: 4

When you have dealt with the bear, look at the map and decide which hex to go to next.

You travel along the flat land for a while until you see a large mound of earth.

If you have ticked off the box for the codeword Collection, turn to 56
If not, turn to 22

You are higher up the mountain now. You can see the village below. Its buildings look tiny.

You are standing on the edge of a precipice. You need to jump across to another rocky outcrop. In fact, there are
several drops that you need to jump over to get to the rocks. And you can't jump too far because you might miss
them and fall into another drop. The drops aren't deep, but they will hurt if you fall into them.

If you turn back, look at the map and go to the hex you came from.

If you want to continue onwards, make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Nimbleness). If you fail, you fall and
lose 1 Vitality point.

When you have made your way across, look at the map and decide which hex to go to next.

You come across a small stone altar with some symbols on. They remind you of shrines to the gods of travellers
that its followers erect in remote areas. They offer prayers to the gods to protect them on their journey and grant
them rest.

You may rest here. If you do, make a Fate roll. If you roll 4-6, gain 1 Will point.

When you have finished here, look at the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

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You start your laborious dig.

Engage in a battle of wills with the mound:

MOUND Difficulty: 3 (Strength, Hardiness, Shovel) Will: 4 Special: None Experience: 1

If you give up and leave, add the word collection to your notes and find a new hex to move to one the map.

If you succeed, turn to 6

Just as you start to ascend the rocky slope of the other side of the valley, you see a small stone roll to your foot.
You look up to see more stones rolling and bouncing towards you, some small, some large. You are going to have
to get out of the way!

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Dodging). If you fail, lose 1 Vitality point.

If you survive, turn to 36

As you enter the village, you hear a cry 'That's the thief who killed one of me goats!'

You see an angry goatherd pointing at you ahead of a large group of angry looking villagers. Looks like you aren't
welcome here any more.

If you have no way of placating the villagers, you need to flee before things get ugly. Look at the map and decide
where to go next.

If you try to placate the villagers, turn to 15

You decide to climb the easiest peak you can find.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Climbing, climbing gear)

If you fail, you fall and hurt yourself. Lose 1 Vitality point.

If you decide to give up, you may move on to another hex.

If you succeed, turn to 18

The earth elemental strides out of the circle and heads straight towards you, ready to crush you to dust. You must
face it.

EARTH ELEMENTAL Type: Outsider Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3 Vitality: 15 Special: None Experience: 6

If you kill it, turn to 14

If you escape, turn to 55

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67 □□□
You travel down the cool, damp tunnel for some time, past alcoves and dead ends, but not seeing anything of
interest. Eventually, the tunnel branches off into several tunnels. You go down each one and come to a dead end
after a few minutes walking. However, you find nothing of interest beyond some discarded, rusty mining
equipment. Down one tunnel, however, you find glittering minerals lodged in the rock. It appears that this seem
was never mined completely.

If you wish to mine the minerals, engage in a battle of wills with the rock.

Difficulty: 5 (Strength, Hardiness, Pick, Shovel) Will: 6 Special: None Experience: 2

If you succeed, you get 1 mineral or 1 iron (your choice). Add it to your equipment list and tick one box above. If
there are still unticked boxes, you may repeat the battle of wills to mine another mineral. If all the boxes above are
ticked, all the minerals have been mined.

When you have finished here, you may either explore the right fork or leave the cave and choose a new hex to
travel to.

If you explore the right fork, turn to 29

You wander the hills around the village, wondering if they hold any secrets or treasure.

Make a Fate roll.

If you roll a 1, turn to 58

If you roll a 2, turn to 75
If you roll a 3, turn to 27
If you roll a 4, turn to 61
If you roll a 5, turn to 30
If you roll a 6, turn to 38

You manage to catch a goat and kill it. Now to get what you want.

Either way, make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Survival)

If you succeed, you get everything you need. You get 3 provisions or 1 leather. If you fail, you mangle the job, but
you can get some meat. Gain 1 provision.

Next, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-4, add the word Valley to your notes. If you roll 5-6, do nothing.

When you have finished here, look at the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

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The wise man is more than keen to tell you about the legends of the area. He says that the mountain was created
by an earth elemental who wanted to horde as many rocks as possible and who travelled the land, collecting them
and piling them up here. Eventually, fearing for their safety, the people hired a wizard who trapped the elemental
to prevent it ripping up the countryside. The wise man also points out that there are several eagles that live on the

You decide to go elsewhere., turn to 47

The customers are a dour, taciturn lot, but the drinks loosen their tongues. They tell you that one of their friends
was chased by a bear in the mountains. Another one said that giant eagles live on the mountains and attack
miners. Everyone else scoffs at this story. One old miner warns you to leave and stone circles alone as they are
cursed. The other miners scoff at this too. Eventually, the miners run out of stories and start playing dice.

You decide to search elsewhere., turn to 47

For a moment, you see a hairy face peeping out from behind a rock. You draw your weapon and get ready for
combat, just as a large hairy ape jumps out from behind the rock and throws a stone in your direction. However,
since you are ready, you effortlessly dodge it. The ape grunts and howls as it charges at you.

APE Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2 Vitality: 6 Special: None Experience: 2

When you have dealt with the ape, you continue your journey. Look at the map and decide which hex to travel to

The mountains are a harsh place to spend the night, but you must sleep here anyway. You prepare for an
uncomfortable and possibly dangerous night.

Make a Fate roll.

If you roll a 1, turn to 5

If you roll a 2-3, turn to 20
If you roll 4-6, turn to 74

The winds howl around the exposed rock and rain lashes down on your camp.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Survival, Hardiness, tent, furs, Fire*). If you fail, lose 1 Will point.

When you have finished, choose a new hex to travel to.

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As you walk through the hills, you hear excited screaming. Ahead, you see three goblins squabbling over the
rotting corpse of a rabbit. They haven't seen you yet. You may fight them, sneak past them or try to persuade them
to let you move on.

First GOBLIN Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1
Second GOBLIN Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1
Third GOBLIN Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1

When you kill your first goblin, make a Fate roll. If you roll 5-6, the other two goblins flee.
If the other two goblins don't flee and you kill your second goblin, then the third goblin will flee. You may try to
catch up with it and finish it off if you make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Running). If you succeed, the goblin
will fight to the finish.

If you win, you find 1 gold piece on each goblin you killed.

When you have finished, look on the map and decide which hex to go to next.

You cautiously sneak into the cave and start to gingerly poke through the bags.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Stealth)

If you succeed, you find a leather bag that contains something valuable. Roll on the treasure table then tick the box
for the codeword Bag.

If you fail, turn to 53

You manage to put some distance between yourself and the ragged bandits.

Tick the box for the codeword Darn.

Look at the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

You are standing in a peaceful field. There is a clear brook running through the field. A few peasants are working
here. There is nothing much to do here, but it is a peaceful place.

You may refill your waterskin here.

Look at the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

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You climb on to what a small plateau is and take a moment to drink in the view. It is a clear day and you can see
the hills, the fields and villages for miles around. However, there is a strange sight closer to you. Before you is a
circle of white stones.

If you have ticked the box for the codeword Boulder, there is nothing left here for you to do. Look on the map and
decide which hex to travel to next.

If you have not ticked the box for the codeword Boulder, turn to 37

You eventually reach the top of the peak and get to the nest. You see a glint, a hint of treasure there. But then a
beak shoots out at you and makes you jump back. You stop at the edge of the precipice, on the brink of falling off.
Then you see them before you - two giant pink, featherless baby rocs, screeching for food and snapping their
beaks. They cannot be calmed. You must fight them!

First YOUNG ROC Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1
Second YOUNG ROC Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1

In any round where you are wounded, make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Nimbleness). If you fail, you fall off
the edge and lose 1 Vitality point. Turn to 60.

If you wish to escape, you must jump off the edge. If you do, lose 1 Vitality point.

If you win, turn to 23

You look up to see an eagle hovering above you before it dives at you. You must face it. Since you are on top of a
small peak, you cannot escape, but you can try to calm it.

Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1

Every time you lose a combat round, make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Nimbleness). If you fail, you fall of
the peak and lose 1 Vitality point. However, the eagle stops attacking you.

When you have dealt with the eagle, look on the map and decide where to go next.

You walk across a small plateau before you come to a downward slope that you must climb down.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Climbing, climbing gear).

If you succeed, you make it to the bottom. If you fail, you fall and lose 1 Vitality point, but you don't have to try
again because you are already at the bottom.

You then continue your journey. Look at the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

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You enter the dark cave. Littered around the stone floor are several rusted pickaxe heads and shovel heads. Some
metal wheels from a cart lie nearby. This must have been a mine at some point. You walk down the tunnel and
eventually come to a fork.

You may leave the old mine and head explore elsewhere. If you do, choose which hex to go to.

If you explore the left fork, turn to 67

If you explore the right fork, turn to 29

You find a barn and settle down on a pile of hay. You sleep quite well and after a long, unbroken rest, you awake,
ready to continue your journey.

You may leave the old mine and head explore elsewhere. If you do, choose which hex to go to.

You spend the day with the villagers, enjoying the food, the ale and the company. When night falls, you sleep in a
barn. In the morning, you awake refreshed.

Gain 1 Will point.

Increase the number of days by 1 and reduce the number of hours to 0.

You then think about what to do next. Turn to 47.

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Random number table
In case you don’t have any dice, you can use this random number table. How you use it is up to you, but
here are two suggested methods:

1) Picking a number on the grid at random (closing your eyes and poking at a number).
2) Starting at a square and then every time you need to roll a die, you pick the next number in the

4 3 2 2 2 3 1 4 3 2 4 5
2 5 3 2 4 4 4 5 2 4 5 4
5 5 2 2 4 5 2 3 4 5 5 3
5 2 4 3 5 1 1 2 3 2 3 2
1 3 2 2 5 2 3 2 4 1 4 5
1 4 5 5 1 4 2 1 1 5 1 3
1 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 2 5 2 5
5 4 2 2 4 2 5 5 3 5 2 2
1 5 4 2 2 3 1 4 3 4 1 1
1 4 1 1 1 3 2 3 3 4 2 2
5 3 2 1 1 4 3 5 2 2 3 1
2 1 3 5 2 5 2 4 1 4 2 5

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Dare you climb Demon’s Run Mountain?

Demon’s Run mountain is the tallest peak in the area and rumours are rife
about what lies on it. Some say treasure, others say only death. Dare you
climb it and claim its prizes?

This gamebook uses the SCRAWL rules system.

You can get the SCRAWL rulebook here.

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