SCRAWL - 2. Deathswamp (No Rules)

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Small SCRAWL book 2 by Stuart Lloyd

Text copyright © 2019 by Stuart Lloyd
All illustrations in this book, including the cover are public
Many thanks to all the followers of and contributors to Lloyd of
Gamebooks and of course my lovely wife Nicky and my
adorable children.
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This gamebook was written using the excellent Gamebook
Authoring Tool.

The map was made with the awesome versatile mapmaking

tool Hexographer.

This book uses the SCRAWL rules. SCRAWL is a simple solo

fantasy RPG which you can get here (Pay What You Want)
To get more SCRAWL products, keep checking my page on
Drive Thru RPG.

Looking for more gamebook goodness? Try Malice from the

Middle Vale on Drive Thru RPG!

Small SCRAWL 2

Welcome to Deathswamp! In this adventure you explore a swamp full of decay and evil magic to get
to the bottom of the malevolent creature that lives in it.

Location: This adventure can take place on a swamp hex or a forest hex.

Travelling and time

This adventure requires you to move around a hex map and turn to the relevant section. You start in
the hex with the village in it and you may only move to adjacent hexes. If you need to move through
the river (the grey line) and you are not on the village hex (which has a bridge), you will have to swim
across the river. For example, if you entered a hex with the river from the south and you want to
move to the hex to the north, you will have to swim.

If you must swim across the river, make a note of the section you are on and turn to 37

You must record your time in days as normal, but in this adventure, you also need to record the time
in hours. Whenever you record your time, as soon as it reaches 12 hours or more, then night has
fallen and you must rest. This involves turning to the section indicated below – you must do this
before you read the normal section for that hex. If you are on a raft, turn to the section for the land
terrain you are on as you have moored your raft on the shore.

If you rest in the village, turn to 67

If you rest one a forest hex, turn to 72

If you rest on a swamp hex, turn to 110

Once you have rested, reduce your hours to 0, add 1 to your days and you may then read the section
for that hex.

Your travel time depends on which hex you are travelling towards.

It takes 1 hour to travel onto a plains hex (including the village)

It takes 2 hours to travel onto a forest hex.

It takes 3 hours to travel onto a swamp hex.

It takes 1 hour to travel along a river on a raft from one hex to another

If you move onto a hex, unless you have been given a section number in the text to turn to (in this
case if you are using a raft to travel along the river), turn to the section number in the hex.

If you are on a hex on the edge of the map and you wish to leave the map and leave the adventure,
turn to section 64.
The map

6 94 43
42 79

49 31
100 66
87 96 73
78 76

52 39 1
83 86
Map key


Forest Village
Codewords to tick off

Arrow □ Grab □ Haul □ Recover □ Stern □

Notes for this adventure

The village of Oakbridge was bad news. You knew that when you saw the pale, sore
covered, ragged peasant cough up blood as he lay on the ground, propped up against a hut.
The farm workers looking quite thin and pale aroused a slight suspicion in you, but this
confirmed it. Was it too late? Have you caught the plague?
‘Welcome, traveller!’ bellows an old man with an impressive beard from across the street
‘There is no plague here – Gunrick there has a condition that does not spread. He is cursed.’
You are not sure if that was meant to comfort you. In normal circumstances, you would have
walked on through the village, but you are exhausted after a long travail already. You decide
to stay for just a few hours.
The old man whose name is Tennick, takes your arm and leads you to the village inn. As
you both walk through the door, he announces you loudly and calls for a tankard of ale.
Soon, you are sitting with some pale, quiet villagers, sipping your drink. They seem keen to
tell you their story.
‘Was one time the village of Oakbridge was surrounded by a mighty forest.’ Said Gunrick.
‘I remember that.’ Said another old man ‘I also remember when the blight started.’
It seems that over the last thirty or so years, a swamp has appeared on the edge of the
forest and started to grow. No one knows why it came about, but every year, a bit more of
the lush green forest turned into decaying muck. About five years ago, the tributes started.
‘One morning, a box made of black wood appeared on the edge of our field. We are
destroying it, thinking it was cursed. A week later, sickness spread across the village. The
crops wilted and Jinna’s boy died. The day after the boy died, another black box appeared.
We put as much gold as we could spare into it – about 20 gold. The next day, the box had
disappeared and the plague had abated. Now it appears once a year, just before harvest
time. We daren’t refuse it. Every year, we gather our 20 gold pieces and watch it disappear.’
‘Where does it go?’
‘No one knows, but I’ll wager that it goes into that accursed swamp. People have gone in
there, but only a few come back. And those don’t talk of what they’ve seen. They name it the
‘I reckon it’s the Miller. He’s always violating things.’ Says one man, who probably hasn’t
picked up on the mood.
‘I never violated anything natural!’ replies the miller.
There’s a nervous chuckle and the peasants change the subject.
When you are about to leave the inn, Gunrick approaches you’
‘Listen stranger – we have to make another tribute in a month. If you can stop whatever is
punishing us, we could give the tribute to you instead. As well as our undying gratitude.
There is a druid who lives to the north of here. She will know how you can stop this. Visit her
and then do what she says to save us all. What say you?’

You can’t really refuse in front of the village, so you say that you will do what you can. That
seems to be enough. You begin your quest in the village.

Turn to 1.
Oakbridge is a large village that has clearly seen better days. Many of its huts are now unoccupied and those
that are falling into disrepair. Its inhabitants are pale, quiet and sickly. The crops seem the same, as if a general
malaise has descended on all the living things here.

If you wish to leave the village and explore elsewhere, look at the map and choose which hex to move to.

If you have a black, shrivelled claw, turn to 68

To visit the general store, turn to 61
To visit the wise woman, turn to 11
To visit the inn, turn to 65
If you visit the woodcutters, turn to 108
If you visit the carpenter, turn to 90
If you visit the jetty by the river, turn to 115
If you spend a day resting in the village, turn to 85
If you wish to store anything here, turn to 114

You continue up the river on your raft. You are very close to the lake now.

Make a fate roll.

If you roll a 1-2, you are attacked by a blighted creature! turn to 69

If you roll a 3-6, you encounter nothing dangerous, turn to 91

You get on your raft and head off to another part of the swamp.

If you punt to the shore, turn to 6

If you go back up the river towards the village, turn to 2

You start to work on the wood and lash it together to hold the logs together. You hope it will hold for the lake.

Engage in a battle of wills with the crafting.

Difficulty 3 (Craft, carpenter’s tools) Will 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience 1

If you succeed, you make a raft. Make a note that there is a raft on this hex.

If you give up, you don't waste any materials and you can try again, but the will of the battle will be restored to

Whatever happens, each attempt to build a raft will take 2 hours.

When you have finished crafting, turn to 14

You avoid the pools of brown slime and decide to move on as quickly as possible. Look at the map and decide
which hex to move to.
6 □
The smell of decay here is overpowering. Occasionally, you see a bubble break the surface of the thick, oily
swamp water and add to the stench that infects this place. You can't hear any animals - no frogs croaking, no
birds calling, nothing. It is eerie. You are standing at the edge of a lake. It is like no lake you have ever seen.
The water is think and gloopy and is completely still. Black patches float on top of it. You investigate it but see
no living thing at all. In the centre of the lake, you can see an island with a ruined tower on it.

If the box above is unticked, you may search for any usable wood. If you do, tick the box, add 1 hour to your
time and make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, axe). If you succeed, you get 1 wood. If it is ticked,
you may not search for any more wood.

You may leave any items you want to here. If you do, not them in the box below.

If you have 10 wood here, you may attempt to make a raft.

You could also leave some wood here in preparation for building a raft later. If you do, make a note of it in the
box below.

If you wish to leave, look at the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

If you attempt to make a raft, turn to 8

If you already have a raft here and wish to punt it across the lake, turn to 45
If you wish to swim across the lake, turn to 57

You wake up to a buzzing noise. A giant mosquito is hovering above you, ready to suck your blood! It dives and
you roll out of the way. You must fight it (it cannot be calmed)!

BLIGHTED MOSQUITO Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: Plague. Experience: 1

Once you have dealt with it, you stay awake for the rest of the night, keeping an eye out for more creatures.
Eventually, the dirty ink light of the sun can be seen on the horizon. Without hesitation, you continue your
journey. Look at the map and decide which hex to go to.
You start to work on the wood and lash it together to hold the logs together. You hope it will hold for the lake.

Engage in a battle of wills with the crafting.

Difficulty 3 (Craft, carpenter’s tools) Will 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience 1

If you succeed, you make a raft. Make a note that there is a raft on this hex.

If you give up, you don't waste any materials and you can try again, but the will of the battle will be restored to

Whatever happens, each attempt to build a raft will take 2 hours.

You consider your options. Turn to 6

Now that your quest is over and the land will recover, the druid offers to heal you and aid your recovery. She
also tells you many wonders of the natural world.

Restore all lost Vitality and Will points. Gain 1 experience point.

Eventually, you decide that you must leave. Look on the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

You wake up in the night, feeling terrible. You try to get up but feel there's something holding you back. You
look at your arm to see that vines have wrapped themselves around you. spiked vines are now creeping
towards you to take your blood. You will have to rip yourself free!

VINES Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2 Vitality: 4 Special: None Experience: 1

When you have finished, the rest of the night is uneasy. Eventually, you are relieved that morning is here. Look
at the map and decide which hex to move to.

The wise woman is young and full of energy. Her hut is in the best repair in the village. She seems cheerful
when she greets you and asks you what ails you.

The wise woman can restore 1 Vitality point for 5 gold pieces. You may do this any number of times.

The wise woman also has 1 herb that she can sell you for 5 gold pieces.

If you ask the wise woman what she thinks is causing the swamp and the aura of death, turn to 16
If you go elsewhere in the village, turn to 1

The carpenter works for an hour, lashing the wooden logs together. It is soon done and you, the carpenter and
two villagers carry the raft to the river.

Make a note that you have a raft in the village. You will find it if you go to the jetty.

You decide where else you want to go. Turn to 1

You enter a clearing and come face to face with a bear. You prepare for combat, but a voice says 'Be still. He
won't harm you.' You turn to see a woman in white druidic robes wielding a sickle and with a crown of
mistletoe on her head.

If you have ticked off the box next to the codeword Recover, turn to 26
If you do not, turn to 30

You are near the shore of the dead river in the swamp.

You could build a raft and set it out onto the water. To build a raft, you need 10 wood.

You could also leave some wood here in preparation for building a raft later. If you do, make a note of it in the
box below.

When you have finished here, you may continue. Choose a hex and decide which hex you want to go to.

If you wish to build a raft here, turn to 4

If you have a raft on this hex and wish to set off along the river, turn to 40
You see a man dressed in green on the path. He has a sheathed sword and carries a bow. He is aiming at you.
You wonder how he managed to get there without you noticing and think about tactics, but almost as soon as
you notice him, he lowers his bow.

'Good day, stranger. I'm sorry about the ambush, but all kinds of horrible creatures wander these woods
thanks to that swamp.'

The man introduces himself as Gerron the ranger. He has been protecting these woods from the blighted
creatures from the swamp.

'They are dangerous and powerful, but their cursed nature gives them weaknesses. I once faced a zombie here
in these woods. I fled it for fear of being cornered and overwhelmed. eventually, I thought I had lost it and
took a magical potion of cure from my rucksack. Once I had recovered, I would face the zombie again.
However, the zombie caught me off guard and grabbed the potion from my hand. It crushed the bottle.
Wounded and ambushed, I thought I was a goner, until I saw what the potion had done to that zombie's hand.
It dissolved it away, like acid. I took advantage of the distraction, picked up my sword and cut the zombie's
head off. So there you are stranger. Healing magic damages these creatures more than any weapon can.'

You thank the ranger who leaves to patrol another part of the forest.

Make a note that if you ever face a creature with the word "blighted" in its name, then if you cast the cure
spell on it before combat, you will inflict 3 points of damage on it. Also, you could throw a cure potion at it. If
you do, make an ability test equal to the creature's difficulty (Ranged Combat). If you succeed, the potion hits
it and it loses 3 Vitality.

Tick the box for the codeword Arrow.

You leave this woodland to explore elsewhere. Look on the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

'Powerful death magic.' She says 'I have friends amongst the druids. There was a large grove of druids in our
forest, but as the swamp grew, some left. Some remain however to try to turn back its growth. I hear that they
are coming up with ways to counter the evil that lives in the swamp.

You thank the wise woman, turn to 1

You are facing a treefolk, but this one has been blighted by the swamp! Its wood is white, its leaves are brown
and its face is contorted with pain and rage!

You cannot calm this creature.

BLIGHTED TREEFOLK Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: Plague Experience: 2

If you escape or slay the treefolk, look at the map and decide which hex to travel to.

'If we can find the means by which this creature came about, we can stop others being tempted. If you find the
tablet, please return it to me.'

You tell the lady that you will. Turn to 82

You come across lots of bushes with berries on them. The berries are red, but a dirty kind of red as if it were
mixed with grey. Curious, you pop one into your mouth and immediately spit it out. It tastes of a mixture of
mould and acid. The blight is definitely spreading.

Look at the map and decide which hex to travel to.

You are on the shore of the island. It is cold here. The smell of death is at its strongest too. You guess that
whatever created the swamp must be here.

If you have ticked the box for the codeword Recover, turn to 50
If you haven’t ticked the box for the codeword Recover, turn to 101

The fish's corpse floats on the lake, oozing black blood into the polluted water. The smell of dead fish joins the
symphony of other smells of decay and marsh gas.

You think about where to go next.

If you head towards the lake, turn to 45

If you head back towards the village, turn to 92
If you head towards the shore and explore this area, turn to 42

After some time punting, you get to the village of Oakbridge.

You punt under the bridge and moor your raft at a small jetty. Turn to 1

23 □
This place is lifeless. In fact it seems to actively suck the life out of anything it inhabits. There are no plants
here. Occasionally, you see the brittle husk of a tree lying in the black ooze. You carefully pick your way
through the marsh, searching for anything solid to put your feet onto.

If the box above is unticked, you may search for wood. If you wish to collect some wood, add 1 hour to your
time, tick the box and make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, axe). If you succeed, you get 1 wood.
If you fail, you get nothing and you may not search again.

Make a Fate roll.

If you roll a 1-2, you encounter a blighted creature! turn to 51

If you roll a 3-6 you encounter nothing, turn to 56

You reach towards the box, eager to see what treasures it contains.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Perception)

If you succeed, turn to 99

If you fail, turn to 74
You start to work on the wood and lash it together to hold the logs together. You hope it will hold for the lake.

Engage in a battle of wills with the crafting.

Difficulty 3 (Craft, carpenter’s tools) Will 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience 1

If you succeed, you make a raft. Make a note that there is a raft on this hex.

If you give up, you don't waste any materials and you can try again, but the will of the battle will be restored to

Whatever happens, each attempt to build a raft will take 2 hours.

Once you have finished crafting, turn to 81

'I have noticed a change in the area recently' Says the woman in a sing-song voice 'I feel that the land can
finally recover. Did you slay the beast that bought this blight upon us?'

You tell the lady of the dragon-like creature on the island in the swamp and she smiles.

'Then we can rejoice. The creature that tried to gain power at the cost of life around it is gone. The land can
recover. But tell me, did you find any record of the spells the creature used?'

If you have a stone tablet and wish to give it to the druid, turn to 89
If not, turn to 18

The lid is on the box. There does not appear to be a lock. Dare you open it?

If you open it, turn to 24

If you leave the box and get off the island, turn to 102

You see a person nearby. They are wearing rags and have a leather bag on their back. They look in your
direction. As they do, you see that their skin is pale and white. As soon as the person sees you, it draws an axe
and charges towards you across the muck, screaming. As it charges, you see that its eyes are pure black and its
teeth are sharp.

SCAVENGER Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1

If you persuade the scavenger to stop, or escape, look at the map and decide which hex to travel to.

If you kill the scavenger, turn to 55

You start to work on the wood and lash it together to hold the logs together. You hope it will hold for the lake.

Engage in a battle of wills with the crafting.

Difficulty 3 (Craft, carpenter’s tools) Will 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience 1

If you succeed, you make a raft. Make a note that there is a raft on this hex.

If you give up, you don't waste any materials and you can try again, but the will of the battle will be restored to

Whatever happens, each attempt to build a raft will take 2 hours.

When you have finished crafting, turn to 111

'The land is blighted and you can stop this. For years, I have protected this wood and used my proximity to the
blight to study it. I know what has caused this. The ancients came up with spells that could grant them great
power, but the cost came to the others around them. The more powerful they became, the more life they
drained from the land around them. The more powerful they became, the more life they drained. Some of the
land they destroyed became desert and some became swamp. However, it is not too late to reverse the effect.
You need to slay the creature that is using these spells and slay it. I also want you to find anything that these
spells are written on and bring them to me. I don't want them to fall in the wrong hands again. I can help you
do this. I have come up with recipes for concoctions to protect you, but you must provide me with herbs to
help you.'

If you have no herbs, you tell the druid that you will return with some later. Look on the map and decide which
hex to travel to next.

If you have any herbs and want the druid to use them to help you, turn to 103

31 □
The mud and oil here has a dark brown colour. The dead wood here is black and rotten.

If the box above is unticked, you may search for wood. If you wish to collect some wood, add 1 hour to your
time, tick the box and make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, axe). If you succeed, you get 1 wood.
If you fail, you get nothing and you may not search again.

When you are ready, make a Fate roll.

If you roll a 1-2, something slimy lurches up from the mud. Turn to 48
If you roll a 3-6, nothing happens. Turn to 5

The villagers are sad about losing their offerings, but they are still happy that the land around them is no
longer blighted. They all thank you for your work and offer you free shelter with them until you have

Restore your Will to its maximum.

Eventually, you decide to leave and go on more adventures. Where will the road take you...?
You see a ball of light flying towards you. It is a Will-o-Wisp. It launches itself at you.

WILL-O-WISP Type: Monster. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 1. Vitality: 3 Special: Magical Attack. Experience: 1

When you have dealt with it, look on the map and decide which hex you want to move to.

The fog descends around you. It is thick and cold, hampering your sight and sucking the warmth from you.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Hardiness). If you fail, lose 1 Vitality point.

After a few minutes, the fog leaves you. You see the cloud creep across the surface of the swamp. Turn to 111

You are very close to the village now and not very far into the swamp. The smell of decay is starting to get
stronger. This part of the swamp seems to have been most recently forest as there are many leafless, petrified
trees sticking out from the muck.

Make a Fate roll.

If you roll a 1-2, you are assailed by putrid gas, turn to 47

If you roll a 3-6, nothing happens, turn to 60

You manage to piece together the message of the tablet. It tells of a series of spells of rituals to gain power
and immortality by leeching the life from the surroundings. You guess that this swamp is the result of such a
use of the magic.

The tablet gives you great insight into the workings of magic, but it also greatly disturbs you. Gain 1 Experience
point and lose 1 Will point.

You may decide to take the tablet or leave it. If you take it, it has an encumbrance of 2.

There is nothing left here, so you leave the island, turn to 102

You decide to swim across the river. The water flows very slowly, making it easy y to swim across, but it is
unnaturally cold. It leeches the life from you whilst you are in it. You need to get out fast.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Swimming, Hardiness). If you fail, you lose 1 Vitality point due to the
life draining qualities of the water.

When you have done the ability test, if you are still alive, return to the section you came from.

The box is open. If you left anything here, it is still here for the taking.

Once you have finished here, you decide to move on. Turn to 102
39 □
You push your way through the spiky undergrowth of the wood. The ground here is muddy and oily. The
swamp is spreading here.

If you wish to collect some wood, add 1 hour to your time and make an ability test with a difficulty of 3
(Survival, axe). If you succeed, you get 1 wood.

If the box above is unticked, you may search for any herbs. If you do, tick the box, add 1 hour to your time and
make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, Herbalism). If you succeed, you get 1 herb. If it is ticked, you
may not search for any more herbs.

If you don't wish to search this area, you can move on. Look at the map and choose which hex to move to.

If you search this area, turn to 84

You continue your journey on your raft.

If you punt your raft to the shore, make a note that your raft is on this hex and, turn to 14
If you head up the river, towards the lake, turn to 92
If you head down the river, towards the village, turn to 35

Once again, you must enter the life draining water to get to the shore.

Engage in a battle of wills with the lake.

Difficulty: 4 (Swimming, Hardiness) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1

If you succeed, lose 1 Vitality point as the lake drains your life from you.

If you survive, you make it back to the shore. Turn to 6

42 □
The stench here is almost overwhelming. A breeze blows in from the lake carrying the smell of decay, adding
to the smell of decay of the swamp.

If the box above is unticked, you may search for wood. If you wish to collect some wood, add 1 hour to your
time, tick the box and make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, axe). If you succeed, you get 1 wood.
If you fail, you get nothing and you may not search again.

When you have finished here, make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Hardiness). If you fail, the stench
makes your stomach turn. Lose 1 Will point.

You could build a raft and set it out onto the water. To build a raft, you need 10 wood.

You could also leave some wood here in preparation for building a raft later. If you do, make a note of it in the
box below.

If you wish to build a raft here, turn to 117.

If you have a raft here and wish to board it, turn to 91
Then you think about where you need to go. Look on the map and choose which hex to move to.

43 □
You don't know how, but the swamp gives way to some vibrant woodland. The surprising sound of birdsong
relaxes you as you walk along the well-tended trail. As you go deeper into the wood, the stench weakens. You
could almost think that you weren't surrounded by a swamp.

If you wish to collect some wood, add 1 hour to your time and make an ability test with a difficulty of 3
(Survival, axe). If you succeed, you get 1 wood.

If the box above is unticked, you may search for any herbs. If you do, tick the box, add 1 hour to your time and
make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, Herbalism). If you succeed, you get 1 herb. If it is ticked, you
may not search for any more herbs.

When you are finished here, you walk through the wood until you come across a figure. Turn to 13
You look up to see a thin and angry vulture hovering above you. With no carrion to pick at, the bird looks
starved. And starved animals get desperate. Sometimes desperate enough to attack living prey. The creature
dives, eager for flesh.

As you are on a raft, you cannot escape the vulture, but you may try to calm it.

VULTURE Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1

Once you have dealt with the vulture, turn to 35

You are on the dead, oily lake. In the centre of the lake, you can see a small island with a ruined tower on it.
There is also the mouth of the river nearby.

If you punt over to the island, turn to 106

If you decide to head back up the river towards the village, turn to 2
IF you wish to head back to the shore, turn to 6.

The water stinks. The land stinks. The silence is deafening. There are no birds here, no insects, no plants. It is

If you decide to put your raft to the shore of the river, turn to 111
If you continue up the river towards the lake, turn to 2
If you continue down the river towards the village, turn to 59

Horrible gas bubbles its way up from the muck, making you wretch and heave.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Hardiness). If you fail, lose 2 Will points.

Eventually, you get used to the smell, turn to 60

A brown patch of mud suddenly rises from the ground. It is some form of brown translucent jelly that oozes
towards you, ready to engulf you and digest you.

ROT JELLY Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: Plague. Experience: 2

Once you have dealt with the rot jelly, if it dealt any damage to you, make a Fate roll. If you roll 1-3, one of
your provisions or one of your skins of water has been spoilt.

Once you have finished here, you move on. Look at the map and decide which hex to move to.
49 □
This area of the swamp is the same as the others. Lifeless, flat and oily. occasionally you see a rotting branch
from a dead tree in the soil.

If the box above is unticked, you may search for wood. If you wish to collect some wood, add 1 hour to your
time, tick the box and make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, axe). If you succeed, you get 1 wood.
If you fail, you get nothing and you may not search again.

Make a Fate roll.

If you roll a 1-2, a fog descends from nowhere. Turn to 34

If you roll a 3-6, you encounter nothing. Turn to 111

You head towards the tower. Its top has fallen off and lies horizontally on the thick, oily swamp. However, the
ground floor is still there and you walk through the archway into the room. In the gloom, you see a black
wooden box.

If you have ticked the box for the codeword Offering, turn to 38
If you haven’t, turn to 27

Then you hear a splashing sound. You turn around to see a humanoid corpse lurching towards you in the
water. It is bloated and covered in muck and slime. It reaches for your eager to drag you down to the polluted
water of the swamp.

BLIGHTED ZOMBIE Type: Undead. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 8. Special: Plague. Experience: 2

If you defeat it, turn to 56

52 □
The forest here has well-kept trails and seems quite lush. The smell of decay is not so bad here.

If you wish to collect some wood, add 1 hour to your time and make an ability test with a difficulty of 3
(Survival, axe). If you succeed, you get 1 wood.

If the box above is unticked, you may search for any herbs. If you do, tick the box, add 1 hour to your time and
make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, Herbalism). If you succeed, you get 1 herb. If it is ticked, you
may not search for any more herbs.

When you are finished here, if you have ticked the box for the codeword arrow, you find nothing of interest.
Look on the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

If you haven’t ticked the box for the codeword arrow, turn to 15

Horrible gas bubbles its way up from the muck, making you wretch and heave.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Hardiness). If you fail, lose 2 Will points.

Eventually, you get used to the smell. Turn to 81

The fog descends around you. It is thick and cold, hampering your sight and sucking the warmth from you.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Hardiness). If you fail, lose 1 Vitality point.

After a few minutes, the fog leaves you. You see the cloud creep across the surface of the swamp.

You are left on the river with no sign that the fog was there. Turn to 46

You get a close look at the scavenger's body. Is this the effect of staying in the swamp too long?

You may take the scavenger's axe if you want. The scavenger also has some treasure in the bag, presumably
taken from the swamp.

Roll on the treasure table.

Tick off the box for the codeword Haul on your adventure sheet.

When you have finished, look at the map and decide which hex to travel to.

You cannot see anything else here that you would want to stay around for.

When you are ready to leave, look at the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

You dive into the lake and start swimming for the island. The water is cold and seems to leech the life from
you. You must keep going.

Engage in a battle of wills with the lake.

Difficulty: 4 (Swimming, Hardiness) Will: 3 Special: None Experience: 1

If you succeed, lose 1 Vitality point as the lake drains your life from you.

Eventually, you make it to the island, turn to 20

The box is full of gold coins - the offerings that the villagers made to the creature. You count 121 gold pieces

As you take the coins out of the box, you see at the bottom that there is a stone tablet, etched with runes. You
may take it with you. It has an encumbrance of 2.

If you try to read it, turn to 112

If you decide that it is time to leave the island, turn to 102
You travel down the river. The village seems big now. You look around at the swamp. The land is completely
flat. For as far as you can see the swamp, all you can see is oily, watery soil. You can't see any movement or
hear any animals.

Make a Fate roll.

If you roll a 1-2, you hear a screech from overhead, turn to 44

If you roll a 3-6, you encounter nothing. Turn to 40

You are not far from the village. The swamp spreads outwards beyond you. It is hard going, punting your raft
as the gloopy, oily water flows quite slowly.

If you head to the village, turn to 22

If you head away from the village and towards a lake, turn to 59
If you put your raft to shore, make a note that you have a raft on this hex and, turn to 81

The general store in Oakbridge is a larger building than most of the huts and cottages in the village. You enter
to find a large room with items neatly placed on shelves. A young woman stands behind a desk. She asks you
what you want. You ask to see her wares and she simply waves her hand around the room. You walk around
looking at the items on the shelves.

Item To buy To sell Haggle Encumbrance

(gold (gold pieces) modifier
1 provision 1 - - 1
Waterskin 1 - - 1 (full)
0 (empty)
Flint and steel (makes fire with 1 - - 0
wood, lights torches)
Torch (light source, 1 use) 1 - - 1
Furs 3 2 - 1
Shovel 2 1 - 2
Tent 10 5 +/-2 3
Net 5 3 +/-1 1
Fishing line 5 3 +/-1 1
Carpenter’s tools 5 3 +/-1 2

The store also sells some weapons

Weapon Type Melee orEncumbrance To To Haggle

ranged buy sell Modifier
(gp) (gp)
Dagger Light Melee/ranged 1 1 - -
Sling Light Ranged 1 1 - -
axe Medium Melee/ranged 2 5 3 +/-1
Staff Medium Melee 2 5 3 +/-1

When you have finished here, turn to 1

As you strike the killing blow, the creature howls with rage and anger. It writhes about, lashing at you as a last-
ditch attempt to strike you down. Clouds of gas emanate from its mouth and its skin. You jump back and run
from it, eager to get away from its wrath.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Dodging, Running). If you fail, lose 1 Vitality point.

Eventually, the creature lies dead at your feet. You take a closer look at it. It looks like a cross between a
dragon and a human. What happened to it?

You have slain the creature that caused the swamp to grow. It will take many years to recover, but one day,
the land will become the lush forest it once was.

You take a trophy from the creature as proof of your victory. You pull one of its claws from its hand and put it
in your pocket.

Add the black shrivelled claw to your equipment. It has an encumbrance of 0.

Tick the box for the codeword Recover.

Your thoughts turn to the tower. Turn to 50

There is a lake to the west and a wood to the east. You wonder how the wood could have survived the blighted

Look at the map and decide which hex you want to travel to.

You leave the area, eager to escape Deathswamp. Maybe you will return here one day to face the swamp
again. Maybe you have completed your quest and you can rest easy knowing that the curse of the
Deathswamp has been lifted.

The inn is a gloomy place, filled with woodcutters and farm workers. Apart from talking about the
Deathswamp, none seem particularly keen to talk to you, but you may purchase food, drink and a room from
the inn.

You may pay 5 gold pieces here to restore 1 Will point.

When you want to go elsewhere, turn to 1

66 □
You continue to traipse through the swamp. The oily water now covers your boots and your legs. It feels icy
cold. The swamp is unchanged - just muck and oil. Occasionally, you see the remains of a dead tree or some
rotting wood. You cannot hear any animals.

If the box above is unticked, you may search for wood. If you wish to collect some wood, add 1 hour to your
time, tick the box and make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, axe). If you succeed, you get 1 wood.
If you fail, you get nothing and you may not search again.

Make a Fate roll.

If you roll a 1-2, you hear a screech from overhead, turn to 107
If you roll a 3-6, you encounter nothing. Turn to 14

You find an empty hut and pass a relatively comfortable night in the village. In the morning, you decide to
move on. Look at the map and decide which hex to move to next.

You find Gunrick and present him with the claw (remove it from your equipment list). When he asks you what
it is, you explain. His face lights up. The old man snatches the branch from you, and, with uncharacteristic
energy, runs through the village shouting.

'It's over, it's over!' The villagers come out, confused at first, but they eventually start smiling and cheering.

Gain 1 Fate point.

Then, in front of the crowd, Gunrick asks 'Did you find our offerings?'

You see the thin faces of the crowd looks at you expectantly.

If you give them 100 gold pieces (or more), turn to 97

If you give them more than 50 gold pieces, but less than 100 gold pieces, turn to 98
If you give them less than 50 gold pieces, (including no gold), turn to 32

As you punt, you see some water moving, lazily, like oil. Then you see something coming up from the water. It
is a giant white fish with sharp, knife-like teeth and one single black eye in the centre of its head. It swims
quickly towards you, eager to devour your warm flesh.

BLIGHTED FISH Type: Undead. Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: Plague. Experience: 1

If you escape, you will have to jump into the water and swim to the shore. Turn to 113
If you win, turn to 21

You fling open the lid and immediately jump backwards. A cloud of green gas emanates from the box. You
avoid the worst of it, but you still breathe some of it in.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Hardiness). If you succeed, you avoid the gas. If you fail, lose 1
Vitality point.

If you survive, you look in the box, turn to 58

Grey clouds form overhead and rain starts to fall on you. Given your circumstances, however, it feels
refreshing to have something untouched by the swamp to touch you. However, you might get cold quickly.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Survival, Hardiness, tent, furs, Fire*). If you fail, lose 1 Will point.

If you survive, after an uncomfortable and fraught night, you get up and prepare to move on. Look at the map
and decide which hex to move to.

You prepare to sleep in the forest, hoping no insane creatures will attack you in the night.

Make a Fate roll.

If you roll a 1, you are attacked by a wolf! Turn to 109

If you roll a 2-3, some vines creep up on you. Turn to 10
If you roll a 4-6, it starts to rain. Turn to 71

73 □
This part of the swamp seems to have only recently been changed. Once mighty oaks still stand here, though
they are dead now and their poisoned wood has become brittle and useless. Massive tree trunks lie in the
muck, slowly sinking and decaying. You might be able to find some useful wood here.

If the box above is unticked, you may search for wood. If you wish to collect some wood, add 1 hour to your
time, tick the box and make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, axe). If you succeed, you get 1 wood.
If you fail, you get nothing and you may not search again.

Make a Fate roll.

If you roll a 1-2, you are assailed by a putrid gas. Turn to 53

If you roll a 3-6, nothing happens. Turn to 81

As you lift the lid, you hear some glass shatter. A cloud of green gas envelops you, causing you to cough and

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Hardiness). If you succeed, you lose 1 Vitality point. If you fail, lose 2
Vitality points.

If you survive, you look in the box. Turn to 58

You get on your raft, untie it from the jetty and start punting it up the river.

You float under the village's oak bridge and head out into the swamp. Turn to 35
76 □
You are travelling in a wood, but the influence of the swamp can still be felt. Some of the leaves on the trees
are brown. There is very little birdsong and the undergrowth seems to have fewer leaves and more spiky
branches and thorns.

If you wish to collect some wood, add 1 hour to your time and make an ability test with a difficulty of 3
(Survival, axe). If you succeed, you get 1 wood.

If the box above is unticked, you may search for any herbs. If you do, tick the box, add 1 hour to your time and
make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, Herbalism). If you succeed, you get 1 herb. If it is ticked, you
may not search for any more herbs.

When you are finished here, look at the map and decide which hex to travel to.

If you wish to search this area, turn to 19

There is nothing for you here, though a small but healthy looking woodland nearby piques your curiosity. How
is it still here?

look at the map and decide which hex to travel to.

78 □
This area is a lot wetter than usual. There are several pools of water here. There might be some pools hidden
under a layer of mud. You will need to be careful here.

If the box above is unticked, you may search for wood. If you wish to collect some wood, add 1 hour to your
time, tick the box and make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, axe). If you succeed, you get 1 wood.
If you fail, you get nothing and you may not search again.

When you have finished searching for wood, make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Perception, Survival,
Nimbleness). If you fail, you fall into a pool of water. It feels icy cold as if the swamp itself is trying to leach the
warmth and life from your body. Lose 1 Vitality point.

If you succeed, you manage to avoid the pools of water.

When you have made the ability test, you move on. Look at the map and decide which hex to travel to.

79 □
You traipse through the mucky swamp, occasionally getting some rest on a rotting log.

If the box above is unticked, you may search for wood. If you wish to collect some wood, add 1 hour to your
time, tick the box and make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, axe). If you succeed, you get 1 wood.
If you fail, you get nothing and you may not search again.

When you have finished searching for wood, if you have the codeword Haul ticked off, turn to 77.

Otherwise, make a Fate roll.

If you roll a 1-2, you encounter a scavenger, turn to 28

If you roll a 3-6, you encounter nothing, turn to 77
You try to disarm the trap by dismantling the clasps on the back.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Disarming). If you succeed, you disarm the trap and render it

If you fail, you set the trap off. A cloud of green gas envelops you. Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4
(Hardiness). If you succeed, you lose 1 Vitality point. If you fail, you lose 2 Vitality points.

If you survive, you look in the box, turn to 58

You are standing on the most solid patch of ground you can find. The swamp smells putrid. All around you,
there is nothing but death and decay. The air smells of death. You can't hear any animals. The whole place
feels like death. The polluted river flows nearby.

You could build a raft and set it out onto the water. To build a raft, you need 10 wood.

If you wish, you could leave some wood here in preparation for building a raft later. You can make a note of it
in the box below

When you want to move on, look at the map and decide which hex you want to travel to.

If you decide to make a raft here, turn to 25

The land is now able to recover and the druid helps you recuperate here.

Restore all lost Vitality and Will points.

Eventually, you decide that you must leave. Look on the map and decide which hex to travel to next.
83 □
The forest here is starting to feel the effects of the swamp. The trees have some brown leaves and brambles
and weeds are the prevalent undergrowth.

If you wish to collect some wood, add 1 hour to your time and make an ability test with a difficulty of 3
(Survival, axe). If you succeed, you get 1 wood.

If the box above is unticked, you may search for any herbs. If you do, tick the box, add 1 hour to your time and
make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, Herbalism). If you succeed, you get 1 herb. If it is ticked, you
may not search for any more herbs.

Make a Fate roll.

If you roll a 1-2, one of the trees comes to life and attacks you! Turn to 17
If you roll 3-6, you encounter nothing. Turn to 95

You search through the wood, looking for anything that might be useful to you. You find a clearing. In the
centre is a pile of broken wood and stones. You look at the pieces to see some runes engraved on them. From
what you can make out, this was a shrine to a nature god or goddess.

If you wish, you can attempt to repair the shrine. If you do, engage in a battle of wills with the shrine.

Difficulty 4 (Craft, carpenter's tools, wood*) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1

If you succeed, you manage to put the shrine back together and a sense of calm descends on the area. Restore
all lost Will points.

If you fail, you are unable to put the shrine back together, but you may try the battle of wills again.

When you have finished here, you may move on. Look at the map and decide on a hex to go to.

You spend a day sitting, passing the time, chatting to the villagers and generally relaxing. You eventually feel
better and ready to face your next challenge.

Gain 1 Will point.

Increase the number of days by 1. Reduce your hours to 0.

When you have finished here, you explore elsewhere. Turn to 1

86 □□□
The influence of the swamp is definitely lessened here. The trees seem healthy and the undergrowth seems
less hostile. Only a few brown leaves and brambles remind you of the blighted land to the north.

If you wish to collect some wood, add 1 hour to your time and make an ability test with a difficulty of 3
(Survival, axe). If you succeed, you get 1 wood.

If a box above is unticked, you may search for any herbs. If you do, tick a box, add 1 hour to your time and
make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, Herbalism). If you succeed, you get 1 herb. If all three boxes
are ticked, you may not search for any more herbs.

When you are finished here, look at the map and decide which hex to travel to.

87 □
This part of the swamp is covered in oily muck and rotting trees like the others, but there are also great
mounds of brown leaves, plants and brambles piled up in various places.

If the box above is unticked, you may search for wood. If you wish to collect some wood, add 1 hour to your
time, tick the box and make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, axe). If you succeed, you get 1 wood.
If you fail, you get nothing and you may not search again.

When you are ready, you think about what to do next.

If you want to leave this area, look on the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

If the box above is unticked, you may wish to investigate a pile of plants. If you do, tick the box above and, turn
to 104

You look at the ground and see a gold piece lying on the mud. You see another one nearby. A quick look
reveals even more gold pieces.

Add 5 gold pieces to your adventure sheet.

If you look around some more, you might be able to find more treasure. However, this will involve scraping
through the life-leeching oil and muck. If you do, you can do the following.

1) Roll on the treasure table.

2) Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Hardiness, shovel). If you fail, lose 1 Vitality point.
3) Make a Fate roll. If you roll a 1-2, you cannot find any more treasure. If you roll a 3-6, you may repeat this

When you have finished, tick the box next to the codeword Grab.

When you have finished, look at the map and decide which hex to move to.
You hand over the tablet to the druid. She smiles, lays it on the floor and strikes it with her sickle, uttering a
word of power. The tablet shatters into a thousand pieces. The druid smiles.

'Many thanks. No one else shall be corrupted by that power again. Take this branch to the villagers and tell
them to plant it. It shall symbolise a new beginning for them.'

Gain 1 Fate point.

The druid invites you to dine with her. Turn to 9

The carpenter is a large, gruff man who is sawing a large log when you see him. You ask him if he can make you
a raft to sail down the river.

'Sure, but it's your life you're throwin' away. You provide the wood and I'll make you the raft for 5 gold.'

You may leave any wood you have here. Make a note in the box what you leave here. You need 10 wood for
the carpenter to make a raft.

If you have 10 wood and you can pay the carpenter 5 gold pieces to make the raft, turn to 12

You decide where to go on your raft.

If you head towards the lake, turn to 45

If you head back towards the village, turn to 92
If you head towards the shore and explore this area, turn to 42

You punt yourself down the slow, gloopy water. As you look across the oil choked swamp, you see a green
place some distance to the north east. How is such a green place there? You think about your more immediate

Make a Fate roll.

If you roll a 1-2, a fog descends from nowhere. Turn to 54

If you roll a 3-6, your pass on without encounter. Turn to 46

You wake up at one point and notice something odd. Although you had found somewhere dry, the oily water is
now closer to you. It’s as if it is following you. You don't know how long, but the cold water has been trying to
leech the warmth from you.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Hardiness). If you fail, lose 1 Vitality point.

After a night of trying to stay warm, eventually, the dirty pink light of the sun starts to creep over the horizon.
Even the light here seems tainted. You decide to move on. Look at the map and decide which hex to move to.
94 □
You traipse across the muddy, oily swamp.

If the box above is unticked, you may search for wood. If you wish to collect some wood, add 1 hour to your
time, tick the box and make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, axe). If you succeed, you get 1 wood.
If you fail, you get nothing and you may not search again.

When you are ready, make a Fate roll.

If you roll a 1-2, you see a light in the horizon. Turn to 33

If you roll a 3-6, you encounter nothing. Turn to 63

You pick your way through the brambles and decide where to go next, eager to move on.

Look at the map and decide which hex to travel to.

96 □
The ground here is as sticky as ever, but the oil seems different. It seems shiny and sometimes colourful.

If the box above is unticked, you may search for wood. If you wish to collect some wood, add 1 hour to your
time, tick the box and make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, axe). If you succeed, you get 1 wood.
If you fail, you get nothing and you may not search again.

If you have ticked the box for the codeword Grab, turn to 105
If you have not ticked the box for the codeword, turn to 88

As you present them with the money, the crowd cheers, lifts you up and carries you around the village, singing
your praises.

When they finally let you down, they all thank you. Now they can use the money to rebuild their village and
restore it to what it used to be. They will be forever grateful to you.

Gain 1 Fate point. The villagers give you what little they have and the wise man tends to your wounds.

Restore your Vitality and Will to their maximums. Gain 1 experience point. You may take any number of

Eventually, you decide to leave and go on more adventures. Where will the road take you...?

The villagers are sad that they have not received all their money, but they are happy at what they do have.
Now they will be able to restore some of their damaged village. The villagers let you stay with them and the
wise man attends to your wounds.

Restore your Vitality and Will to their maximum.

Eventually, you decide to leave and go on more adventures. Where will the road take you...?
You notice a trigger on the back of the box. Opening it will cause a trap to go off.

If you disarm the trap, turn to 80

If you open the box and jump back, turn to 70
If you leave the box and get off the island, make a note that you can automatically succeed at the Perception
test if you return here and try to open the box again. Turn to 102

100 □
The ground here is as wet and soggy as ever. Occasionally, you see a dead log.

If the box above is unticked, you may search for wood. If you wish to collect some wood, add 1 hour to your
time, tick the box and make an ability test with a difficulty of 5 (Survival, axe). If you succeed, you get 1 wood.
If you fail, you get nothing and you may not search again.

Then you see a stone white monolith. You head towards it and see that the land around it is dry and green. As
you approach the monolith, a sense of calm and peace comes over you.

If you spend some time here, add 1 hour to your time then make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Magic
Lore). If you succeed, gain 1 Will point.

When you have finished here, look at the map and decide which hex to travel to next.

You head across the marsh to the ruined tower. Before you can take more than five steps, something rises out
from out the muck next to you. It towers above you. It looks humanoid, but it is 7 feet tall and has black scaly
skin and small leathery wings. The creature opens its mouth to reveal sharp teeth. It looks like a cross between
a dragon and a human. Its eyes are filled with rage and hate as it bears down upon you. It moves quickly,
making escape impossible.

BLIGHTED DRAGON Type: Monster. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2. Vitality: 12. Special: Plague, Magical attack.
Experience: 6

If you win, turn to 62

You decide that there is nothing left for you here, so you decide to go back to the shore.

If you have a raft here, turn to 3

If you don't have a raft, you swim across the lake, turn to 41
The druid takes you to a hut where she has a cooking pot, pestle and mortar, clay beakers and many other
herbalist's tools.

The druid can make many potions.

If you use up 1 herb, she can make one of the following potions:

Revitalising potion (restores 1 Will point)

Healing salve: (allows 1 reroll on a Hardiness ability test)
Magebane: (allows 1 reroll on a Resist Magic ability test)

If you use up 2 herbs, she can make one of the following potions:

A potion that protects you from the effects of the creatures' diseases. For the next 14 days, you may ignore the
Plague ability of any creature (but not the Poison ability)

A potion that protects you from hostile magic. For the next 14 days, you may ignore the Magical attack ability
of any creature.

If you use up 3 herbs, the druid can make a magical potion of Cure. If you drink it, it can restore 1 Vitality point.

Each potion takes 1 hour to make.

When you are finished here, you thank the druid and leave. Look on the map and decide which hex to travel to

You approach one of the piles of brown, decaying plants. As soon as you get close, it starts to lurch towards
you. Brambles lash out at you and mould covered leaves fly out at you. You must fight this shambling mound!

BLIGHTED SHAMBLING MOUND Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 4 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: First Strike, Plague.
Experience: 3

Once you have dealt with it, look at the map and decide which hex to travel to.

There is no sign of any treasure here anymore, so you decide to move on.

Look at the map and decide which hex to move to.

You punt your raft over to the island. Despite the still water, its thickness makes punting a little harder than

However, you eventually manage to get across to the island without too much trouble. Turn to 20
You look up to see a thin and angry vulture hovering above you. With no carrion to pick at, the bird looks
starved. And starved animals get desperate. Sometimes desperate enough to attack living prey. The creature
dives, eager for flesh. If you wish, you may try to calm or flee the vulture.

VULTURE Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1

Once you have dealt with the vulture, turn to 14

You visit the hut where a lot of woodcutters bring their hauls and sell them. Obviously, they are selling wood
and there is plenty to buy.

You may buy 1 Wood here for 1 gold piece per wood. You may buy any amount of wood.

When you have finished here, you go elsewhere. Turn to 1

A wolf creeps up on you.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Perception, Survival). If you fail, you cannot use a ranged weapon
against the wolf before combat.

WOLF Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2 Vitality: 5 Special: None Experience: 1

If you reduce a wolf's Vitality to 2 or less, it flees.

If you win, you go back to your rest. In the morning you move on. Look at the map and decide which hex to
travel to next.

You look for a dry patch or a piece of dead wood that you can lie on. Once you have found a dry patch, you curl
up as best you can and try to sleep through the stench.

Make a Fate roll.

If you roll a 1-3, you are attacked by a giant insect! Turn to 7

If you roll a 4-5, the life draining water seeps into your clothes! Turn to 93
If you roll a 6, it starts to rain. Turn to 71
As you stand on the soggy ground, your feet push some black oil up from the soil. It creeps around your boots.
You look across the dead landscape. To the northwest lies the lake. You can see an island in the middle of it. It
has some kind of building on it. To the northeast is a green woodland. A strange sight amongst the dead
swamp. You feel that either of them could hold the key to this mystery.

If you have 10 wood, you could attempt to make a raft and put it to the river. If you wish, you could leave
some wood here. Make a note of what you leave here.

Look on the map and decide which hex to go to.

If you have a raft here and wish to board it, turn to 46

If you wish to make a raft, turn to 29

You try to decipher the runes on the stone tablet.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Languages, Magic Lore).

If you fail, you do not understand the runes, but you may take the stone tablet with you. It has an
encumbrance of 2. You then leave the island. Turn to 102

If you succeed, turn to 36

You jump off the raft and land in the water. The fish furiously tries to destroy your raft. While it is distracted,
you swim for your life towards the shore.

The water is cold and leeches the life from you, but you keep going.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Swimming, Hardiness). If you fail, you sped too long in the life
draining water and lose 1 Vitality point.

You look around you to see what kind of place you are in. Turn to 42
There are a few abandoned huts in the village, probably due to the misfortune it has endured over the last few
years. You have no trouble in making one your own. You may not down anything you keep in the hut here:

When you have finished, you can explore elsewhere. Turn to 1

The jetty, like most wooden things in the village, is looking worn and slightly rotten. There are some boats tied
up here, but most of them have fallen into disrepair. With no more fish in the river, the villagers have stopped
using them so much,

If you have 10 wood in the village, you can attempt to build a raft.

If you wish, you could leave some wood here in preparation for building a raft later. You can make a note of it
in the box below

If you wish to build a raft, turn to 116

If you have a raft, you can leave on it and travel down the river. Turn to 75
If you wish to explore elsewhere in the village, turn to 1
You start to work on the wood and lash it together to hold the logs together. You hope it will hold for the river.

Engage in a battle of wills with the crafting.

Difficulty 3 (Craft, carpenter’s tools) Will 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience 1

If you succeed, you make a raft. Make a note that there is a raft on this hex.

If you give up, you don't waste any materials and you can try again, but the will of the battle will be restored to

Whatever happens, each attempt to build a raft will take 2 hours.

When you have finished here, turn to 115.

You start to work on the wood and lash it together to hold the logs together. You hope it will hold for the river.

Engage in a battle of wills with the crafting.

Difficulty 3 (Craft, carpenter’s tools) Will 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience 1

If you succeed, you make a raft. Make a note that there is a raft on this hex.

If you give up, you don't waste any materials and you can try again, but the will of the battle will be restored to

Whatever happens, each attempt to build a raft will take 2 hours.

When you have finished here, turn to 42

Random number table
In case you don’t have any dice, you can use this random number table. How you use it is up to you,
but here are two suggested methods:

1) Picking a number on the grid at random (closing your eyes and poking at a number).
2) Starting at a square and then every time you need to roll a die, you pick the next number in
the row.

2 6 1 3 2 3 1 5 4 4 4 1
5 3 3 2 4 6 5 3 6 5 2 2
3 5 1 4 5 6 5 6 3 6 2 2
3 2 1 2 4 5 4 1 6 3 1 4
3 6 3 1 3 1 5 1 6 6 3 3
4 4 6 1 3 6 1 2 5 3 5 2
5 6 5 3 6 6 4 5 1 5 6 3
2 4 4 3 3 4 1 5 1 3 5 3
6 5 1 4 1 6 4 6 3 4 3 3
6 5 5 4 2 5 2 1 2 6 1 6
1 3 5 6 3 2 3 6 4 2 6 2
4 3 4 4 5 5 1 3 6 3 2 3
What has created the Deathswamp?

There are still people alive who remember the land around their village as a lush,
vibrant forest. However, in the last few decades, some of the forest has died to be
replaced by a decaying, life-sucking marshland. The marsh continues to grow,
casting a shadow over the plants and animals in the area. Crops are dying. Animals
are becoming twisted, aggressive, mutated versions of what they used to be and the
rest of the forest continues to succumb to its cloud of decay. Many who enter the
marsh never return. The people have called it Deathswamp.

Maybe you will succumb like those before. Maybe you will survive. Maybe you will
even discover the secret of the Deathswamp.

This gamebook uses the SCRAWL rules system.

You can get the SCRAWL rulebook here.

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