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Dungeon of the Orc Boss

A SCRAWL dungeon by Stuart Lloyd

Dungeon of the Orc Boss
Text copyright © 2016 by Stuart Lloyd
All illustrations in this book, including the cover are public
domain. Dungeon maps are created using Dungeonographer.

Many thanks to all of the followers of and contributors to Lloyd

of Gamebooks and of course my lovely wife Nicky and my
adorable children.

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Dungeon of the orc boss

Welcome to Dungeon of the Orc Boss! Orcs are raiding villages and stealing their food and valuables.
The villagers ask you to clear out the dungeon and kill the orc boss that is leading the raid.

Location: You can use this dungeon in place of any savage lair.


Orcs and goblins have been raiding the nearby villages, taking their food and their gold. Several
brave parties of peasants have set out to find them. Eventually, a wounded man staggers into the
village saying that his party found the entrance to the orc’s dungeon, but the guards were too strong
and the rest of his party were slaughtered. The villagers put out a call for brave adventurers to slay
the leader of the raiding party and put an end to the raids.

You are allowed to buy any regular goods, alchemical items and services from the village at the
normal price listed in the SCRAWL rulebook.

Travelling and time

The dungeon is a few hours walk from the nearest village. There is no need to track time in this

Quirks of the creatures here

If you wish, you can make a fate roll to see what quirk this particular gang of orcs and goblins have.

Fate roll Monster feature

1 The skin of the orcs and goblins is covered in tattoos of kittens they have eaten.
2 The orcs and goblins have blue skin that sparkles in the sunlight. Other orcs and goblins
consider them wimpy.
3 The creatures in the lair are covered in mould and fungus.
4 The creatures here have small withered vestigial limbs hanging off them. These are in
addition to their normal limbs.
5 Each orc and goblin has at least a dozen piercings.
6 The orcs and goblins wear the hair of their slain foes.
Dungeons maps

The dungeon maps were generated with Dungeonographer, a great product from Inkwell ideas.
Check it out, along with Hexographer (for wilderness maps) and Cityographer (for settlement maps).

You start in the room marked stairs up. Every time you come to a numbered room, if you have not
been there before, turn to the first number in the box. If you have been there already, turn to the
second number in the box.

Level 1

57/80 48/



Level 2



60 95

Level 3

34/ 22/
72 45



Chitin □ Mandible □ □
Cuckoo Primary □ Cracked □

You enter the village of Westray, hoping for a place to sleep and a hot meal. What you get is
completely different. Your first hint of trouble came when you walked past some of the farms on the
outskirts of the village and saw the burnt out husk of a barn. The fire must have been recent as
smoke still rose from the remains. As you entered the village, you saw that everyone had a worried
look on their faces. You entered the inn, which was silent. As you sat at the bar and asked for a drink,
the barkeep looked you up and down ‘You staying here long, stranger?’ He asked. You replied that
you weren’t sure. ‘Well, we will welcome your custom. Yesterday, an orc raiding party came here,
attacked our village and stole the food we had spent the last few weeks harvesting. It’s going to be a
hard winter.’ Then another villager approaches you ‘Hey, you look like the type of person who
explores dungeons and the like. We know where the orcs went. If you clear out the dungeon so we
can get out food back, we’ll give you all the hospitality you need. And you can keep any treasure the
orcs have stolen from other poor unfortunates.’

How can you refuse…?

Turn to 1.
The villagers wish you luck on your journey. They bring you a torch (1 encumbrance), a flint and steel (0
encumbrance), 2 provisions of food (1 encumbrance each) and a full waterskin (1 encumbrance). The wise man
also brings two bottles of yellow liquid to you. This liquid contains an infusion of orcsbane. You may throw this
liquid at an orc as a ranged weapon. If it hits, it deals 3 damage to any creature with the word orc in its name.
Each bottle has an encumbrance of 1.

If you wish, the wise man can attend to your wounds and restore 1 Vitality point.

The innkeeper can also provide ale and a hot meal - restore 1 Will point.

When you have finished here, you set out. Turn to 76

You quickly leave the room, not eager to meet whatever made that hole.

Turn to the map and decide where to go to next.

The surviving goblin flees, seeing that it is outmatched. You wait to see if it brings any help, but nothing
happens. This goblin just wanted to save its own skin.

You look around the kitchen. The poor unfortunate dwarf is definitely dead. You can take a cleaver or a knife
as a weapon. The cleaver counts as a medium weapon (damage 2, encumbrance 2) and the knife counts as a
dagger (damage 1, encumbrance 1)

When you have finished here, you move on. Turn to the map and decide which room you want to go to next.

With the orcs dead, you look around the room. The food and drink look disgusting, but looks could be
deceptive. You wonder what is hidden in the box.

Pick an option that you have not already chosen.

If you wish to explore another room, turn to the map.

If you try the food and drink, turn to 25

If you open the box, turn to 91

The orcs, all injured, run away. Gain 1 experience point.

Turn to the map and decide which room to go to next.

The shaman has several ingredients for his potions. Most of them are body parts of one form or another. He
also had an empty bottle, which you may take. If you do, add it to your equipment list. It has an encumbrance
of 1.

You may try any liquid that you have not already tried.

If you wish to leave here, turn to the map and decide which room to go to. You may descend to the room in
level 3 which has stairs up.

If you try the green liquid, turn to 68

If you try the red liquid, turn to 82
If you try the brown liquid, turn to 86
If you try the yellow liquid, turn to 10

You are back in the room with the swinging axe trap. The trap has been triggered and you can move through
the room safely.

Turn to the map and decide which room to go to.

You lift up the flagon and hear the sound of stone grinding. The stone door is opening before you. The flagon is
full of orc ale.

If you want to go to another room, turn to the map and try a new place to go. You may also descend to the
room in level 2 that has stairs up.

If you try the orc ale, turn to 79

The other goblin turns to flee. You must catch it before it raises the alarm!

If you chase it, turn to 64

If you use a ranged weapon to bring it down, turn to 40

As you unstopper this bottle, a familiar smell hits you. This is orcsbane - the same stuff the wise man gave you.
You may take this bottle with you and use it as a ranged weapon before combat. It will deal 3 damage to any
creature with the word orc in its name if you hit it.

You wonder why the shaman had a poison for its people. Maybe it sought to depose its boss? You will never

You think about what to do next. Turn to 6

The shaman lies dead at your feet. Before your eyes, its body and claws shrink until it is the same size as it was
before it drank the potion. You look around the room. There is nothing in the cauldron yet - the shaman was
preparing something. You can see what is on the shaman's table.

If you wish to leave here, turn to the map and decide which room to go to.

If you look at the shaman's table, turn to 6

If you wish to go down the stairs, turn to 34

This room is full of junk - piles of objects are scattered across the floor, on shelves and in crates. This must be
all the things that the orcs have looted, but don't want.

You spend time searching through the items and find all kinds of things – pebbles, rocks, lumps of wood, rusty
nails and knives, rags, broken glass and lumps of clay and find the following things that might be useful:

1 lantern (encumbrance 1)
7 torches (encumbrance 1 each)
2 Flint and steel (encumbrance 0)
3 empty waterskins (encumbrance 0)
2 empty bottles (encumbrance 1 each)
1 lump of chalk (encumbrance 0)
1 lump of charcoal (encumbrance 0)
10 sheets of paper (encumbrance 0)
1 net (encumbrance 1)
1 fishing line (encumbrance 1)
5 wood (encumbrance 1 each)
2 minerals (encumbrance 0)
1 random spell scroll (encumbrance 0)
3 codices written in an ancient language (encumbrance 0)

When you have finished the adventure, you may try to read the codices to gain their knowledge. You must
engage in a battle of wills with each codex.

CODEX Difficulty: 3 (Languages) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1

When you have collected whatever items you want, you head off to another room. Turn to the map and
decide where to go to next.

Cautiously, you climb into the tunnel and start to climb through it. It feels like ages before you get to a large
cave, riddled with other tunnels. This must be the lithopede's nest. As you walk across it, you notice several
bones littering the floor - orcs that the lithopede caught. Then you notice a glint in the bones. Maybe the
lithopede also found some treasure. You wonder why the lithopede bought the bodies back here. Surely it
could have just feasted on them where it found them. Then something rises up next to you. It looks like a giant
maggot with a toothy mouth. You have disturbed the lithopede's young, giant hungry grubs. Two more rise up
ready to fight you. You must fight them at the same time. You cannot calm them.

First LITHOPEDE GRUB Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1
Second LITHOPEDE GRUB Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1
Third LITHOPEDE GRUB Type: Wildlife. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1

If you kill them all, turn to 104

If you flee, turn to 93
As you flee, the orcs jeer at you.

Turn to the map and decide which room to go to.

You are back in the orc's junk room. Here are the items you found. If you wish, you may take any of them.

1 lantern (encumbrance 1)
7 torches (encumbrance 1 each)
2 Flint and steel (encumbrance 0)
3 empty waterskins (encumbrance 0)
2 empty bottles (encumbrance 1 each)
1 lump of chalk (encumbrance 0)
1 lump of charcoal (encumbrance 0)
10 sheets of paper (encumbrance 0)
1 net (encumbrance 1)
1 fishing line (encumbrance 1)
5 wood (encumbrance 1 each)
2 minerals (encumbrance 0)
1 random spell scroll (encumbrance 0)
3 codices written in an ancient language (encumbrance 0)

When you have finished the adventure, you may try to read the codices to gain their knowledge. You must
engage in a battle of wills with each codex.

CODEX Difficulty: 3 (Languages) Will: 3 Special: Non-lethal Experience: 1

When you have collected whatever items you want, you head off to another room. Turn to the map and
decide where to go to next.

You open the door and emerge into a hall. It has long wooden tables and benches. On the tables are steaming
bowls of stew and tankards of orc ale. In one corner is a box. Sitting at the tables are four orcs, singing in a way
that makes you want to rip your ears off. Upon seeing you, they stagger to their feet, reach for their weapons
and charge at you angrily!

You must fight all four orcs at once. However, because of their state, they are severely weakened. One hit is
enough to get them to fall over into a heap. You can fight the four orcs as two pairs.

First ORC PAIR Type: Humanoid Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1
Second ORC PAIR Type: Humanoid Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1

If you win, turn to 4

You have defeated both the goblin guards and the orcs. The goblin is nowhere to be seen. You leave the room
and see an open door to the right, leading to a hall. You enter the hall. It has long wooden tables and benches.
On the tables are steaming bowls of stew and tankards of orc ale. In one corner is a box.

If you ever go to the room with 16/18 on it, turn to section 18.

Pick an option that you have not already chosen.

If you wish to explore another room, turn to the map.

If you try the food and drink, turn to 25

If you open the box, turn to 91

You are back in the orc mess hall. There is nothing different here except the stew and ale and the box.

Pick an option that you have not already chosen.

If you wish to explore another room, turn to the map.

If you wish to try the food and drink, turn to 25

If you wish to open the box, turn to 91

You emerge down the stairs into another guard room. There is a table and chairs like the top one, but there
are three guards here - a muscular orc springs to its feet and grabs a barbed scimitar. Behind him are two
goblins - they grab small bows and start taking aim at you. You have to fight the Orc guard whilst the goblins
fire arrows at the combat.

At the end of each round of combat, make two fate rolls, one for each goblin. If you roll a 1, a small arrow hits
you and you lose 1 Vitality point. If you roll a 2-5, the arrow misses both you and the orc. If you roll a 6, the
arrow hits the orc and it loses 1 Vitality point.

You must kill the orc guard quickly.

ORC Type: Humanoid Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None. Experience: 1

If you win, turn to 32

You head up the lithopede's tunnel and get to its nest. You may take anything that you haven't already taken.

1 ruby - counts as a quest treasure (encumbrance 1) - if you take it, gain 1 Fate point!
3 minerals (encumbrance 0)

When you have finished here, you head back through the tunnel and back into the room. Look at the map and
decide which room to travel to next.
You are in the room with the stairs down to level 2 and the stone table.

You leave here. If you want to go somewhere on this level, turn to the map and decide where to go to next.

If you wish to go down the stairs, turn to 50

The door to this room has a brown/black cross daubed on it. At first you think it is paint, but on closer
inspection, you realise that this is orc blood. You enter the room and find nothing at all. The room is empty.
Rubble litters the floor. There is a large hole in the wall. As you investigate it, you hear a rumbling noise.

If you wait here, turn to 77

If you leave the room, turn to 2

You put the two runes in the holes. As you do, you feel an electrical shock that injures you and exhausts you.
Lose 1 Vitality point and 1 Will point.

If you wish to give up and go elsewhere, turn to the map and decide which room to go to next.

If you wish to try another combination, turn to 108

The ogre is dead. You look in its stinky cell, but don't find anything other than bones and hay. You investigate
the ogre's body and find a strange tattoo on the back of its head.

It is a rune - ᛰ
You wonder what it means. Turn to the map and see where you want to go next.

You try some of the stew, but spit it out in disgust. You drink only a little orc ale, but it goes straight to your

If you have not already done so, you can open the box. Turn to 91

You get to the statue and reach out for a gem. It feels searing hot to the touch.

Lose 1 Vitality point.

The gems start glowing again. You take the hint and leave. Turn to the map and decide where to go to next.
You wait with bated breath. It is not long before four orcs burst into the guard room, holding their weapons.
However, they stink of booze and look unsteady on their feet. The goblin must have alerted some orcs resting
and drinking a bit too much orc ale.

You must fight all four orcs at once. However, because of their state, they are severely weakened. One hit is
enough to get them to fall over into a heap. You can fight the four orcs as two pairs.

First ORC PAIR Type: Humanoid Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1
Second ORC PAIR Type: Humanoid Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1

If you win, turn to 17

With the snake dealt with, you look in the box. It contains some hay, half a mouse and some small pebbles,
pieces of metal and pieces of wood. You look at the objects and realise that one of them can be used as a key.

Add a special key to your equipment list. It has an encumbrance of 1.

If you wish, you can turn to the map and go to another part of the dungeon.

If you haven't done so already, you can try the food and drink. Turn to 25

The vault is open and you may take any items that you haven't already taken.

A jewelled dagger - this counts as a quest treasure (gain 1 Fate point if you take it). It has an encumbrance of 1.
Decorative weapons, bronze ornaments and iron bars with a value equal to 1 unit of metal trade goods.
Coins, ornaments and semi-precious stones worth 98 gold pieces.

When you have finished here, turn to the map and decide which room to go to next.
You look around the room and find that it is completely bare. The mutant was a prisoner here.

Unless you have already become immune to it, you have contracted the mutant plague. In 7 days’ time, you
will start to get symptoms where you must make a Fate roll.

1: You writhe in agony for several days. Every day for the next 7 days, you cannot travel, do any adventures or
do anything. After that time, you have been permanently weakened by the virus. You must reduce your initial
Vitality by 1. Make a note that you cannot be infected by a mutant plague ever again.

2-5: You come down with a fever for 7 days where you cannot travel or go on any adventures. Make a note
that you cannot be infected by a mutant plague ever again.

6: You writhe in agony for 7 days, where you cannot travel or go on any adventures. After that, you have been
significantly changed. you must reduce your initial Vitality by 1, but your body has also improved in one way.
Pick one ability from Strength, Running, Nimbleness, Dodging or Hardiness. From now on, you get an extra
reroll when making an ability test with that ability. This reroll is in addition to having that ability. Make a note
that you cannot be infected by a mutant plague ever again.

At the moment, you are unaware that you have a horrible mutant plague, so you are in blissful ignorance. You

notice a strange tattoo on the back of its head. It is a run that looks like this - ᛎ.
You wonder what it means.

Turn to the map and decide which room to go to.

The room you enter has several sacks piled up against the walls and on top of each other. Shelves line the walls
with several leather bags on them. Lumps of salted meat hang from the walls on chains - you are not sure
which meat it is. Against the far wall are a few barrels. You have found the orc's larder. You look in the sacks
and find that most are full of grain. This must have been stolen from the peasants.

There is enough food here for 3 food worth of trade goods. You find some preserved food here that you are
sure is suitable for your stomach too.

You may take any number of provisions from this room (encumbrance 1 each).

You open up the barrels and the smell of orc ale hits you.

If you are finished here, you move on. Look at the map and decide which room you want to go to.

If you try some orc ale, turn to 105

Before the orc's body has hit the ground, the goblins make a run for it. There is nothing you can do to catch
them. The whole level will be alerted to your presence now. You search the room but find nothing of use apart
from a lever at the bottom of the stairs. As you pull it, you hear a rumbling noise and see the stone door at the
top of the stairs grind open. So now you know how to get out.

You leave here. Turn to the map and decide where to go to next.

If you wish to go up the stairs, turn to 21

You put the two runes in the holes. As you do, you feel an electrical shock that injures you and exhausts you.
Lose 1 Vitality point and 1 Will point.

If you wish to give up and go elsewhere, turn to the map and decide which room to go to next.

If you wish to try another combination, turn to 108

You come down the stair to come face to face with two orcs holding spears. Upon seeing you, they both level
their spears at you and charge!

First ORC Type: Humanoid Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None. Experience: 1
Second ORC Type: Humanoid Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None. Experience: 1

If you win, turn to 46

You have opened the first door to the vault, but you now need to get the correct runes.

If you wish to go elsewhere, turn to the map and decide which room to go to.

If you try a rune combination, turn to 108

The orc boss lies dead at your feet. You use his own axe to cut its head off and then store it away to show to
the villagers as proof of your victory. Add the orc boss's head to your equipment list. It has an encumbrance of

With that done, you look for the orc boss's treasure. However, there is nothing of value in the throne room.
Then you see a large stone door in one wall. The door has an indent where a key should go.

If you don't have a special key, you can't open the door. Turn to the map and decide where you need to go

If you have a special key and wish to use it on the door, cross it off your equipment list and tick off the box for
the codeword Primary. Turn to 108

You enter a room with a large stone door. In the centre of the room is a stone block and on it are three things -
a lever, a button and a flagon full of orc ale. You look at the stone door and try to open it, but you get no luck.
Maybe the objects on the stone will help...

If you want to go to another room, turn to the map and try a new place to go.

If you pull the lever, turn to 75

If you press the button, turn to 101
If you pick up the flagon, turn to 8
You walk into what you think is supposed to be a throne room. There is a stone chair, roughly carved against
one side of the room. Along the walls are many paintings of orcs in battles. Sitting on the throne is a large orc
with an iron crown and two other orcs. The orc on the throne has a huge axe. The other two have maces. The
orc on the throne shouts at the other two orcs who advance on you unenthusiastically.

You may use two ranged attacks before this combat instead of one. Then you fight the bodyguards at the same

First ORC BODYGUARD Type: Humanoid Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None. Experience: 1
Second ORC BODYGUARD Type: Humanoid Difficulty: 3 Damage: 2. Vitality: 6. Special: None. Experience: 1

If you win, turn to 59

The mutant orc was carrying the virus that made it a mutant. Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4

If you succeed, turn to 51

If you fail, turn to 30

You attempt to hit the goblin with your missile before it escapes. Make an ability test with a difficulty of 3
(Ranged Combat).

If you fail, the goblin escapes and starts screaming. Turn to 27

If you succeed, your missile hits the goblin, making it fall to the floor. You finish it off. Turn to 109

The water here is refreshing and full of minerals.

Restore 1 Will point.

What will you do now?

If you wish to leave, turn to the map and decide on another place to go.

If you look at the weapons, turn to 49

You are back in the room with the stone door and the stone table.

If you wish to go to another room, turn to the map and decide which room to go to.

If you pull the lever, turn to 75

If you press the button, turn to 101
If you lift up the flagon, turn to 8
As soon as you open the door, a twisted, screaming mutant orc leaps at you. The creature is a deformed knot
of muscle with clawed hands and foaming at its toothy mouth. However, it also looks like it's in agony. It
cannot be placated.

MUTANT ORC Type: Humanoid Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 2

If you win, were you wounded by the mutant orc?

If you were wounded, turn to 39

If you weren't, turn to 74

You charge at the orcs. You must fight them to the death.

First YOUNG ORC Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 1. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1
Second YOUNG ORC Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 1. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1
Third YOUNG ORC Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 1. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1

If you win, turn to 97

You are back in the rubble covered room that rumbles.

If you have the codeword Chitin ticked off, turn to 103

If you have the codeword Mandible ticked off, turn to 53
If you have the codeword Cuckoo ticked off, turn to 107

Having defeated the orcs, you look around. This guard room has a table and chairs like the others, but nothing

If you wish to explore elsewhere on this level, turn to the map and decide which room you want to go to.

If you wish to go up the stairs, turn to 54

You run from the snake to the door. With you gone, it loses interest in combat and slithers off through the
door, looking for a way out or some juicy rats to eat. With the snake gone, you look in the box. It contains
some hay, half a mouse and some small pebbles, pieces of metal and pieces of wood. You look at the objects
and realise that one of them can be used as a key.

Add a special key to your equipment list. It has an encumbrance of 1.

If you wish, you can turn to the map and go to another part of the dungeon.

If you haven't done so already, you can try the food and drink. Turn to 25
The room you enter has a fireplace, a large table and a pit. There is also a barrel of dirty water. On the table
are several cooking implements - cleavers, skewers, knives, pots and pans. Hanging up on manacles is a dwarf,
that two goblins are stabbing with short swords. Upon seeing you, they turn and angrily shout. It seems that
they do not want you to steal their dwarf corpse and they are willing to kill over it. You have to fight them!

FIRST GOBLIN Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1
SECOND GOBLIN Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1

If you kill one goblin, turn to 3

There are several vicious weapons on the wall. You may take any of the following things:

3 vicious looking daggers (damage 1, encumbrance 1)

1 curved sword (damage 2, encumbrance 2)
1 warhammer (damage 2, encumbrance 2)
1 axe (damage 2, encumbrance 2)
1 claymore (damage 3, encumbrance 3)

When you have finished here, you decide what else to do. Pick an option you haven't already chosen.

If you wish to leave, turn to the map and decide on another place to go.

If you drink from the pool, turn to 41

You emerge in the guard room on the second level. Nothing has changed from your last visit. The lever is by
the door.

If you want to go somewhere on this level, turn to the map and decide where to go to next.

If you wish to go up the stairs, turn to 21

You have resisted the mutant plague. You look around the room and find that it is completely bare. The
mutant was a prisoner here. However, you notice a strange tattoo on the back of its head. It is a rune that

looks like this - ᛎ.

You wonder what it means.

Turn to the map and decide which room to go to.

You open the door and hear a fearsome roar! An enraged ogre crashes towards you, eager for revenge against
its captors. It doesn't seem to care that you aren't one of them! It cannot be placated and you cannot flee from

OGRE Type: Humanoid Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 12. Special: None. Experience: 3

If you win, turn to 24

The lithopede's body is still here. Its hole is still unexplored.

If you wish to leave this room, turn to the map and decide which room to go to next.

If you wish to enter the lithopede's hole, turn to 13

You are back in the orc shaman's room.

If you wish to leave here, turn to the map and decide which room to go to. You may descend to the room in
level 3 which has stairs up.

If you look at the shaman's table, turn to 6

You are back in the weapon room. You may take any items that you haven't already taken.

2 daggers (damage 1, encumbrance 1)

2 swords (damage 2, encumbrance 2)
3 axes (damage 2, encumbrance 2)
1 mace (damage 2, encumbrance 2)
1 large club (damage 3, encumbrance 3)
1 crossbow and bolts (damage 3, encumbrance 3)

When you have finished, you move on. Turn to the map and decide which room to go to.

This room seems bare. There is a door on the other side of the room. However, there as a swinging axe trap
that can be triggered by walking across the room.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Perception, Disarming, Dodging, Craft). If you fail, you are hit by the
axe and lose 3 Vitality points.

After this, you continue on your journey. Turn to the map and decide where to go.

You emerge from the tunnel into a room where two goblins are sitting on wooden chairs at a table. They are
dozing. Upon seeing you, they groan and get up. You must fight them!

FIRST GOBLIN Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1
SECOND GOBLIN Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 2. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1

If you kill one goblin, turn to 9

You emerge into a room which looks like an orc's attempt at luxury. In the centre of the room is a pool. Ragged
curtains hang from the walls, playing at being tapestries. On another wall is a collection of weapons displayed
proudly for all to see. In one cupboard is a lot of salted and dried feet. Looks like the orc boss has a favourite

You may move on from here. If you do, turn to the map and decide which room to go to.

If you want to explore the room, pick an option you have not already chosen.

If you drink from the pool, turn to 41

If you look at the weapons, turn to 49

The orc boss grunts in annoyance and gets off the throne ready to finish you off. He runs at you quickly.

ORC BOSS Type: Humanoid Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Vitality: 8. Special: None. Experience: 3

If you beat the orc boss, turn to 36

You are back in the ogre's cell. The corpse is still here and the rune ( ᛰ) is still on the back of its head. There is
nothing else to do here, so you look elsewhere.

Turn to the map and decide which room to go to.

With the killing blow, the lithopede writhes around, smashing into the walls. It is all you can do to avoid being
crushed by its mass.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Dodging). If you fail, lose 3 Vitality points.

Finally, the lithopede lies dead. Tick off the box for the codeword Mandible.

If you wish to go elsewhere, turn to the map to decide where to go to next.

If you wish to explore the lithopede's tunnel, turn to 13

As you approach the door, you can hear a real ruckus going on. You hear a guttural orcish voice barking what
sounds like orders and making demands. You can hear other orcish voices too. It sounds like it will be a tough

If you wish to not go in here yet, turn to the map and decide which room to travel to.

If you wish to enter the room, turn to 38

As you arrive back at the village, you are greeted by a crowd of expectant people.

If you have the orc boss's head, turn to 73

If you don't, turn to 88
You attempt to catch the goblin before it escapes. Make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Running).

If you succeed, you catch up with the goblin and strike it so that it falls down. You finish it off. , turn to 109
If you fail, the goblin escapes and starts screaming. Turn to 27

You have come back to the larder. The food is still here.

You may take any number of provisions from this room. Each one has an encumbrance of 1.

If you are finished here, you move on. Turn to the map and decide which room you want to go to.

If you try some orc ale, turn to 105

As you approach the statue, the green eyes glow brighter until a bolt of green fire flies out of them towards

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Dodging). If you fail, you are struck by the fire and must lose 2
Vitality points.

If you flee this room and go elsewhere, turn to the map and decide which room to go to.

If you try to get closer to the statue to take the gems, turn to 26

You put the two runes in the holes. As you do, you feel an electrical shock that injures you and exhausts you.
Lose 1 Vitality point and 1 Will point.

If you wish to give up and go elsewhere, turn to the map and decide which room to go to next.

If you wish to try another combination, turn to 108

You drink the green liquid. As you do, a feeling of rage comes over you. You grow in size and feel like smashing
things. You have drunk the same berserk potion that the shaman drunk.

In your next combat, you may get 1 extra reroll per round. You may also increase your damage by 1. However,
at the end of every round, you must lose 1 Vitality point.

You think of something else to do. Turn to 6

You are back in the kitchen with the dwarf corpse which is beginning to smell. If you have not taken them
already you can take a cleaver or a knife as a weapon. The cleaver counts as a medium weapon (damage 2,
encumbrance 2) and the knife counts as a dagger (damage 1, encumbrance 1)

When you have finished here, you move on. Turn to the map and decide which room you want to go to next.
You are in a room where several hay dummies are propped up against poles. Against one wall is a weapon
rack. There is no one here at the moment. You look around the room for anything useful. The only thing of use
are the weapons. You may take anything from the following:

2 daggers (damage 1, encumbrance 1)

2 swords (damage 2, encumbrance 2)
3 axes (damage 2, encumbrance 2)
1 mace (damage 2, encumbrance 2)
1 large club (damage 3, encumbrance 3)
1 crossbow and bolts (damage 3, encumbrance 3)

When you have finished, you move on. Turn to the map and decide which room to go to.

You are back in the mutant orc's cell. There is still nothing here.

Turn to map and decide which room you want to go to.

You are back in the guard room. The orcs' bodies are still here along with the table and chairs.

If you wish to explore elsewhere on this level, turn to the map and decide which room you want to go to.

If you go up the stairs, turn to 54

The crowd cheer when you present the head. Immediately, they prepare a group of people to get their food
back. You lead the villagers through the hills to the dungeon which is now deserted. The villagers get to the
larder and haul sacks back to the village. Once you return, there is a feast held in your honour.

Gain 1 Fate point.

Restore all lost Vitality and Will points.
Gain any number of provisions.

After 3 days of celebrations, you decide that it's time to move on. You head off to look for adventures new...

The small room has nothing else in it. It seems to have been a cell for the orc. However, you notice a strange

tattoo on the back of its head. It is a run that looks like this - ᛎ.
You wonder what it means as you move on.

Turn to the map and decide which room to go to.

As you pull the lever, you hear a noise and you are struck by something sharp. You set off an arrow trap.

Lose 1 Vitality point.

What will you do now?

If you want to go to another room, turn to the map and try a new place to go.

If you want to see what else happens, make another choice.

If you press the button, turn to 101

If you lift up the flagon, turn to 8

The orc dungeon is a day's trek away. As you get closer to it, the land becomes more hilly. Engage in a battle of
wills with the terrain.

Difficulty: 4 (Survival, Hardiness, Pathfinding, Climbing, Climbing Gear, Mount, Provision*) Will: 3 Special:
None Experience: 1

Eventually, you reach the entrance to the dungeon.

You delve into the cave, turn to 57

As you wait, the rumbling gets louder and the room starts to shake. Then a gigantic centipede type creature
bursts out of the hole. It has an exoskeleton as thick as plate and mandibles like scimitars. It heads towards
you gnashing its jaws. It cannot be calmed.

LITHOPEDE Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 12. Special: None. Experience: 3

If you flee, make a note of the lithopede's Vitality. You bolt out of the door. Tick off the box for the codeword
Chitin and turn to the map to decide where to go to next.

If you win, turn to 61

You are back in the orc boss's throne room. The bodies are still here and so is the treasure room. But how far
did you get?

If you have ticked off the box for the codeword Cracked, turn to 29
If you haven't ticked off the box for the codeword Cracked, but you have ticked off the box for the codeword
primary, turn to 35
If you haven't ticked off the boxes for either codeword, turn to 99

You drink some of the orc ale and it goes straight to your head. Lose 1 Will point.

Now what will you do?

If you want to go to another room, turn to the map and try a new place to go. You may also descend to the
room in level 2 that has stairs up.
You are back in the guard room to the dungeon. You may leave the dungeon if you wish.

If you are not ready to leave the dungeon yet, turn to the map and decide where to go next.

If you leave the dungeon, turn to 106

You put the two runes in the door and wait with bated breath. You are relieved to hear the sound of grinding
as the stone door slides open to reveal the orc boss's treasure room. The orc boss has been busy collecting all
of his favourite things. In here, you find the following:

A jewelled dagger - this counts as a quest treasure (gain 1 Fate point if you take it). It has an encumbrance of 1.
Decorative weapons, bronze ornaments and iron bars with a value equal to 1 unit of metal trade goods.
Coins, ornaments and semi-precious stones worth 98 gold pieces.

You may take any items you want. Tick off the box for the codeword Cracked.

When you have finished here, turn to the map and decide which room to go to next.

You drink the red liquid and feel much better. This is actually a magical potion of curing.

Restore 1 Vitality point.

You think of something else to do. Turn to 6

You are back in the room with the pool and the weapons.

You may move on from here. If you do, turn to the map and decide which room to go to.

If you want to explore the room, pick an option you have not already chosen.

If you wish to drink from the pool, turn to 41

If you look at the weapons, turn to 49
As you enter the room a disgusting smell hits you. There is a fire in the middle of this room with a cauldron
over it. On one side of the room is a table with several bottles, animal parts, plants and other ingredients on it.
Standing at the table is an orc wearing a feather headdress. It is an orc shaman! When it sees you, it roars and
points its finger at you. A bolt of green fire flies from its hands towards you.

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 3 (Dodging). If you fail, you are hit by the bolt and must lose 2 Vitality

You try to close in on the shaman. Before you can do so, it gulps down a green potion from one of its bottles. It
seems to grow stronger and more bestial. Its claws and teeth grow longer. The orc shaman then descends
upon you in berserk fury. You must fight the berserk orc shaman. However, although the potion has increased
its strength, it also exerts a massive toll. At the end of each round, reduce the shaman's Vitality by 1 whether
you hit it or not.

BESERK ORC SHAMAN Type: Humanoid Difficulty: 4 Damage: 3. Vitality: 6. Special: None. Experience: 2

If you kill the shaman, turn to 11

The orc dungeon is a day's trek away. As you get closer to it, the land becomes more hilly. Engage in a battle of
wills with the terrain.

Difficulty: 4 (Survival, Hardiness, Pathfinding, Climbing, Climbing Gear, Mount, Provision*) Will: 3 Special:
None Experience: 1

Eventually, you reach the entrance to the dungeon.

You go back down the steps. Turn to 80

You unstopper the bottle of brown liquid and a pungent alcoholic smell hits you. This is orc ale.

If you drink some, turn to 98

You think of something else to do. Turn to 6

You leave the area and find adventures new. You may or may not have killed the orc boss, but either way, the
villagers won't get their food back.

Lose 1 Fate point.

You forget about them and head off to find some other challenge...

The crowd is disappointed, but you assure them that you want to try again. The wise man attends to your
health. Gain 1 Vitality point and 1 Will point.

Eventually, you head back. Turn to 85

You trek back through the hills to the village. Engage in a battle of wills.

Difficulty: 4 (Survival, Hardiness, Pathfinding, Climbing, Climbing Gear, Mount, Provision*) Will: 3 Special:
None Experience: 1

Eventually, you get back to the village. Turn to 63

You raise your fists and the orcs all charge at you. You must fight them. The first time you damage an orc, it
drops out of the fight and no longer takes part in it.

First YOUNG ORC Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 1. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1
Second YOUNG ORC Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 1. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1
Third YOUNG ORC Type: Humanoid. Difficulty: 3. Damage: 1. Vitality: 4. Special: None. Experience: 1

When you have struck each orc, turn to 5

You open the box and a snake leaps out at you!

Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Dodging).

If you succeed, the snake misses you. You have to fight the creature.

If you fail, the snake sinks its poisonous fangs into you! Make an ability test with a difficulty of 4 (Hardiness). If
you succeed, lose 1 Vitality point. If you fail, lose 2 Vitality points. Then you fight the snake.

POISONOUS SNAKE Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 4 Damage: 1 Vitality: 2 Special: Poison. Experience: 1

If you kill it or calm it, turn to 28

If you flee, turn to 47

This room has many paintings on the wall of orcs slaughtering many other creatures. Against the north side of
the wall is an altar. And standing behind the altar is a statue of an orc carrying an axe. This statue has large
green gemstones for eyes. This must be the orcs' god. As you look at the statue, the eyes start to glow.

If you leave the room, turn to the map and decide which area you want to go to.

If you approach the statue, turn to 66

You run out of the room and down the tunnel. The lithopede grubs do not follow you - instead, they go back to
devouring orc corpses.

When you return to these grubs, they will be back at full Vitality. Turn to the map and decide where to go to
You put the two runes in the holes. As you do, you feel an electrical shock that injures you and exhausts you.
Lose 1 Vitality point and 1 Will point.

If you wish to give up and go elsewhere, turn to the map and decide which room to go to next.

If you wish to try another combination, turn to 108

You are back in the room with the statue. Its eyes start to glow green again.

If you leave the room, turn to the map and decide which room to go to.

If you approach the statue, turn to 66

You enter the room to the sound of shouting and fighting. Three young orcs are wrestling on the floor. Upon
seeing you, they get up and growl. The orcs are unarmed.

If you attack them with your fists, turn to 90

If you attack them with the intent to kill, turn to 44
If you flee, turn to 14

The orcs have nothing of use on them, so you move on.

Turn to the map and decide which room to go to.

You only try a bit, but it goes straight to your head. Lose 1 Will point.

You try something else. Turn to 6

You are in the room. The first door is still shut. You need a special key to open it.

If you wish, you can go elsewhere. Turn to the map and decide which room to go to.

If you have a special key and wish to use it on the door, cross it off your equipment list and tick off the box for
the codeword Primary. Turn to 108

You are in the room where the young orcs were fighting. It is now empty.

Look at the map and decide which room to go to next.

You press the button and hear something whistling through the air. You have been struck by a dart.

Lose 1 Vitality point.

What will you do now?

If you want to go to another room, turn to the map and try a new place to go.

If you want to see what else happens, make another choice.

If you pull the lever, turn to 75

If you lift up the flagon, turn to 8

You put the two runes in the holes. As you do, you feel an electrical shock that injures you and exhausts you.
Lose 1 Vitality point and 1 Will point.

If you wish to give up and go elsewhere, turn to the map and decide which room to go to next.

If you wish to try another combination, turn to 108

The lithopede is here, waiting for you, having smelt you coming. It raises its head to devour you!

Continue the combat, with whatever the lithopede's Vitality was when you left it.

LITHOPEDE Type: Wildlife Difficulty: 3 Damage: 3. Vitality: 12. Special: None. Experience: 3

If you flee, make a note of the lithopede's Vitality. You bolt out of the door. Turn to the map to decide where
to go to next.

If you win, turn to 61

With the grubs dead, the treasure is yours for the taking. You head for the glint and find that it is a large uncut
ruby! The lithopede must have brought it back from an excavation. You also find some useful minerals.

1 ruby - counts as a quest treasure (encumbrance 1) - if you take it, gain 1 Fate point!
3 minerals (encumbrance 0)

When you have finished here, you head back down the tunnel with your gains. Tick the box for the codeword
Cuckoo then turn to the map and decide where to go to next.

You swallow a bit of it, but the alcohol content hits you like a sledgehammer. You cannot stomach any more
and sit down. Lose 1 Will point.

Once you feel like you can stand, you move on. Look at the map and decide which room you want to go to.
You emerge into the open air.

If you head back to the village, turn to 89

If you leave, turn to 87

You are back in the room with the dead lithopede. If you left anything in its nest, it is still there for the taking.

If you wish to get something else from the lithopede's nest, turn to 20

The stone door and it opens up. You are then greeted with another stone door, except this one doesn't have a
keyhole. It has two square holes where some blocks should go. Above those square holes are four blocks of
stone. Each one has a different rune on it. It seems that two of them are needed to open the door, but which

The runes are: ᛟ, ᛰ, ᛎ and ᛞ

If you leave the door and explore elsewhere, turn to the map and decide where to go to.

If you choose ᛟ and ᛰ, turn to 94

If you choose ᛟ and ᛎ, turn to 23

If you choose ᛟ and ᛞ, turn to 102

If you choose ᛰ and ᛎ, turn to 81

If you choose ᛰ and ᛞ, turn to 33

If you choose ᛎ and ᛞ, turn to 67

The dungeon has not been alerted to your presence. You search the room, but find nothing.

Turn to the map and decide where to go next.

An orc raiding party is causing trouble and
only you can stop them!

A violent orc warlord is raiding nearby villages. Will you be able to step
up and put an end to the peoples’ suffering? On the other hand, this is
just a thinly veiled excuse to go and slaughter some orcs. You probably
wouldn’t care if people were suffering or not. There will be treasure. Go
on. You know you want to. You’ve probably gone a whole week without
causing havoc.
This is an adventure for SCRAWL. For the SCRAWL rulebook and more
SCRAWL products, go to my DriveThru page.
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