SCRAWL Dungeon Tables

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Dungeon Tables
Text copyright © 2021 by Stuart Lloyd
Front and back cover illustration by J. Pingo Lindstrom

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Exploring the Underdark: Dungeon Crawling .............................................................................. 4
Abandoned mine ............................................................................................................................. 11
Bandit lair.......................................................................................................................................... 13
Blighted mansion ............................................................................................................................. 15
Coastal ruins ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Druidic camp .................................................................................................................................... 19
Eldritch dungeon ............................................................................................................................. 21
Foreboding wood ............................................................................................................................. 25
Frozen Ruins ..................................................................................................................................... 27
Icy caves ............................................................................................................................................ 29
Jungle ruins....................................................................................................................................... 31
Machine dungeon ............................................................................................................................ 33
Natural cave ..................................................................................................................................... 35
Overgrown Ruins............................................................................................................................. 37
Ravager keep .................................................................................................................................... 41
Ruined district .................................................................................................................................. 43
Ruined Structure .............................................................................................................................. 45
Sand Choked Ruins ......................................................................................................................... 47
Sunken ruins ..................................................................................................................................... 49
Undercity tunnels ............................................................................................................................ 51
Volcanic caverns............................................................................................................................... 53
Wizard’s tower ................................................................................................................................. 55
Exploring the Underdark: Dungeon Crawling
This SCRAWL chapter covers the dungeon generation. Here, you can find out what you will
find in the different dungeons found in the world and how to map them.

We are going to start with the rules associated with dungeon exploration.

Variables in the dungeon

The level that the party are in determines several things in the dungeon. The number L
refers to the level that the party are on.

Sometimes, there are multiples of L. For example, 2L means 2 times L, 3L means 3 times L

Arriving at a dungeon
Remember that when you first arrive at a dungeon, before you enter, make a Party Fate roll.
If you roll a 1, the party encounters the wandering monster for that dungeon outside the

Time in the dungeon

Time in the dungeon is measured in turns. Characters have plenty of other options that they
can do that take a certain number of turns. These are stated in the encounters.

6 Turns equates to 1 hour. Keep track of the turns and hours. When the characters get up to
6 Turns, reduce the number of turns to 0, add 1 to the number of hours and make L Party
Fate rolls. If at least 1 Fate roll is a 1, then the party encounters a wandering monster.

When the characters accrue 24 hours of time, the turns clock and the hours clock both reset
and the days increase by 1.

If the party leaves the dungeon with between 1-5 turns on the counter, reset the turn counter
to 0 and add 1 hour to the party’s time.

Wandering monsters
Wandering monsters can be found almost anywhere. When the characters encounter a
wandering monster, make a Party Fate roll for the dungeon to determine what kind of
wandering monster they encounter.

Eating a meal in a dungeon

Characters are free to eat a meal in a dungeon. Eating a meal takes 1 hour (6 turns).
Remember that the party needs to make a Party Fate roll every 1 hour to check to see if a
wandering monster attacks them. Since the characters are awake while eating a meal, they
can see the wandering monster coming and the wandering monster has no advantage. The
characters will still get the benefits of eating the meal, but the wandering monster may
negate the benefits of eating a meal!
Resting in the dungeon
Characters are free to rest in the dungeon. A dungeon counts as shelter, so they can restore
Will if they have a long (12 hour) rest there. Of course, the party still need to make Party
Fate rolls every 1 hour in the dungeon. If a wandering monster attacks the characters and
they are all resting, the monster gets First Strike. It might be prudent to have a character on
watch (in game terms, not resting) to prevent this. A wandering monster attack does not
negate the benefits of resting in itself, but of course, fighting the monster might damage the

Light sources
Each dungeon will state if you need a light source to explore it. The most common light
sources are torches. Torches last for 1 hour (6 Turns)

Only 1 character in the party needs to hold a light source (if the party splits up, then each
sub-party needs its own light source). A character carrying a light source cannot use a shield
or a two-handed weapon.

If, for some reason, no one in the party has a light source, then they are stumbling about in
the darkness. Characters in darkness have the following disadvantages:

Each room and each corridor takes at least 1 Turn to walk through (if going through a
corridor or room already takes a number of Turns, it now takes that many Turns plus 1).

Characters cannot search for anything.

The 1st character in the battle order will automatically spring any traps.

All creatures that attack the characters have the First strike characteristic.

In combat, characters only have 2 Action Points per round rather than 3 Action Points.

Battle Order
Battle order is the order the characters go in if they have to walk in single file. Battle order
needs to be noted to make sure who is in which position.

The most dangerous position in battle order is usually the 1st. The character who is 1st in
battle order will be the one who sets off most traps (and also suffers the effects of most
traps). They will also have to face wandering monsters in corridors.

The 2nd most dangerous position in battle order is last. This is because wandering monsters could
attack from behind.

Remember that narrow corridors work both ways. If a corridor is only wide enough for 1 character to
fight, then they will be able to fight their opponents 1 at a time.

Characters who can’t join in melee combat are able to use ranged weapons or use powers on friends
or foes each round.

Characters are able to change Battle Order whenever they are not in combat. It takes no time to do so.
Whenever the characters come to a new door, make a Fate roll to determine its nature.

Every dungeon has a door type that all doors are usually made from. Most of the time, there
are no doors or they are broken, wooden, metal, stone or secret (made to look like a wall).
Stranger dungeons have other types of doors!

Some doors are locked. Opening a locked door requires a special key (which is used up in
the process) or the lock can be picked. Picking a door lock is an ordeal that costs 1 turn
(Required: Tinkering, Picklocks).

Wooden doors can be broken down. 1 person in the party can attempt to break the door
down. This is an ordeal that costs 1 Turn. The character smashing it down will also lose 1
Will unless they have either the Strength or Hardiness abilities. If the door is broken down,
it counts as a broken door.

Stone doors cannot be broken down by bashing. They can be smashed with a pick. Smashing
the door is an ordeal that will cost 4 Party Turns (Required: Pick) (Stonecraft, Strength).
Also, everyone that undergoes the ordeal loses 1 Will unless they have the Hardiness ability.

Secret doors: If any of the doors on the map have been rolled up as secret doors, the
characters need to search for them. Revealing a secret door is an ordeal that costs 4 Party
turns (Perception, Clue*). Secret doors are always unlocked.

It is possible to jam doors that aren’t broken. This requires a set of iron spikes. Jamming
doors takes 1 Turn and uses up the spikes. Monsters cannot get through jammed doors and
the only way to get through a jammed door involves breaking it down or by using a pick or
an explosion. This means that jamming a reinforced door makes it virtually impossible to

Door traps
Whenever a character first walks through a door, they make L Fate rolls. If at least 1 Fate roll
is a 1, then the door is trapped. Look at the door trap section for the dungeon to see what
kind of trap it has. Characters may wish to search a door before they open it. Performing a
search is an ordeal that depends on the door (see the relevant door section). After the search,
perform L Party Fate rolls. If at least 1 Fate roll is a 1, then the door is trapped, but the
characters have not sprung it.

Room contents
When a character first enters a room, they make a double Fate roll to determine what is in
the room. The room contents are what the character always finds.

Lairs are rooms that contain hostile creatures. A lair also contains 1 chest. When the characters find a
lair, make a Party Fate roll on the lair table for that dungeon to determine what creatures are in a lair.
Quest rooms
Quest rooms are in rooms that have the stairs icon and when the party enter the room, and
have made L Party Fate rolls, at least 1 of the rolls is a 1. Instead of rolling up the contents of
the room, they quest room contains a quest room encounter and a quest room chest.

Chests contain treasure and items. Chests are usually guarded by monsters – there is always
a chest in a lair and in a boss room. Sometimes, characters may find lone chests in a room.

Chests may be locked and/or trapped.

To determine whether a chest is locked and/or trapped and what its contents are, go to the
chest section in each dungeon.

Quest room chests contain more treasure than regular chests.

Searching rooms and corridors

Characters may have to search rooms or corridors for certain things.

Search the room according to the instructions: Some rooms have instructions for searching
them. In those instructions, they will state how long the search will take and what the party
will find. Remember to roll for wandering monsters at the end of every search.

Search the room for secret doors: If any of the doors on the map have been rolled up as
secret doors, the characters need to search for them. Revealing a secret door is an ordeal that
costs 4 party turns (Perception, Clue*). Secret doors are always unlocked.

Searching for traps: characters may search a corridor or room for traps. Searching a room or
corridor for traps is an ordeal that costs 4 party turns (Perception, Clue*). At the end of the
ordeal, all of the traps in the corridor count as being detected – however, they are still active
and they need to be disarmed.

Searching for treasure: Some rooms have hidden treasure. Finding the treasure is an ordeal
that costs 4 Party turns (Appraise). Once the characters find a treasure, they get L silver

Number of levels in a dungeon

The number of levels in a dungeon is determined by Party Fate rolls as the characters get to
the room with the stairs symbol in the dungeon.

When at least 1 character gets to the downstairs symbol on the map they must make L Party
Fate rolls. If at least 1 Fate roll is a 1, then the room contains a boss monster and no stairs
down. If none of the Party Fate rolls are a 1, then make a double Party Fate roll on the room
contents table. In addition to the standard room contents, the room contains a means to get
to the next level. They may be stairs down, stairs up or a long corridor or path (whatever
makes sense for the dungeon).
Symbols in a dungeon

The starting square for the party. If the party has just come from another level, this is
also the stairs up to the level they have just come from.

This room either contains a boss monster or the way to the next level (usually stairs,
but it might make more sense in some cases if it was a big door or path). When the
characters get to this room, make L Party Fate rolls. If at least 1 Fate roll is a 1, then this room
is a quest room and there are no stairs. If no 1s are rolled, then roll on the normal room
contents table for this room. There is also an entrance to another level.

1, 2, 3… Numbers on the dungeon map represent rooms. When you come to a room, roll
for the contents of the room.

A, B, C…Capital letters represent corridors. When a character enters the corridor, make a
Party Fate roll to determine its contents.

Rectangles represent doors. Each door has a lower case letter (a, b, c…)
near it so that you can note in a table the nature of the door.

Recording encounters in the dungeon

Some encounters may still be in the dungeon even if the characters deal with them. This may
be because they are monsters that the heroes haven’t killed or scared away or because it is a
trap that the characters haven’t sprung or because it is an obstacle that needs to be overcome
every time the characters come across it (such as a climb). For this reason, it is important to
record what the characters encounter in the dungeon and whether it has been dealt with.
This can be done by printing out the map and writing on it or by taking a snapshot of the
map, saving it as a picture file and writing over it in another program.

Each room on the map has a number on it, so you use the table to state what is in each room,
state whether your party has searched it for treasure yet and state whether it has dealt with
the encounter.

Each corridor on the map has a capital letter on it, so you can use the table to state what is in
each corridor and state whether your characters have dealt with it.

Each door on the map has a lower-case letter on it, so you can use the table to state the
nature of the door.
Returning to a dungeon
Characters can return to a dungeon. However, when they come to a corridor or room where
they have completed an encounter, they will find any treasure and useful items they left
have gone.

Returning to the exit

When characters return to the exit, they need to be mindful of any encounters that they will
still have to deal with on the way out and keep track of how many turns they have and roll
for wandering monsters at an appropriate time.

If the party leaves the dungeon with between 1-5 turns on the counter, reset the turn counter
to 0 and add 1 hour to the party’s time.

Splitting the party

Splitting the party is an option. Each group that the party is split into makes its own party
Fate rolls, so that each group may encounter wandering monsters each turn. Remember, if
the number P is used for numbers of monsters or treasure that the P represents the number
of characters in the party, NOT the number of characters that just happen to be in that
encounter. So, if a lone character from a party of 4 characters encounters a room with P
monsters in it, they will face 4 monsters, not 1.

Getting treasure
There are plenty of opportunities to get treasure in the dungeon. Characters can find hidden
treasure, get treasure from chests or find it in other ways.

Wandering monsters
Wandering monsters turn up in rooms and corridors sometimes. Whenever the turn counter
hits 6 (and so adds 1 hour and then returns to 0). Make L Party Fate rolls. If at least 1 Fate
roll is a 1, the party encounters a wandering monster. Make a Party Fate roll to determine
what the monster is and refer to the relevant section in the dungeon.

If the party is in a corridor

Make a Fate roll. On the roll of a 1-3, the wandering monster appears in front of the group
(the 1st person in the battle order must face them). On the roll of a 4-6, the wandering
monster appears behind the group (the last person in the battle order faces them).

If the party is in a room

The wandering monster appears in the room. If there are fewer wandering monsters than
characters, randomly determine which characters they attack.

Quest rooms
There is a quest room in the bottom level of the dungeon. The boss creature is located in the
room with the downward stairs symbol. The nature of the boss creature depends on the
nature of the dungeon and the level the creature is on. There is always a chest in a boss
creature room and that chest has a higher probability of having more treasure in it.
Not every furnishing has been detailed in the room furnishings – only décor that has an
effect on the game. If it suits your imagination, you can imagine that there are some chairs
scattered around, or graffiti or broken bits of wood and pottery littering a floor. Whatever
you think suits the dungeon.

There are traps in the dungeon either in rooms, in corridors or on doors. There is a chance of
springing a trap when characters enter a trapped room or corridor or when a character goes
from one door to the other. Characters could search an area for traps before they enter them.

Detect: This gives the chance of detecting the trap. It states who in the party can detect it and
the roll they need to make. Traps can be detected either by searching or by making an ability
test. Detected traps can be avoided or disarmed.

Avoid: The ability roll a character who has detected the trap and who wants to not spring it
has to make. If they fail, they spring the trap.

Disarm: The ability required to disarm the trap and the time required. This is an automatic
success, but takes time.

Sprung!: The effects when someone sprints the trap. Who in the party is hit, what happens to
them and whether the trap can be sprung again.
Abandoned mine
An abandoned mine has been abandoned either because its resources have run dry or
because something may have scared off the miners.

Light source
Characters need a light source to explore an abandoned mine.

Lairs, quest rooms and wandering monsters

Fate roll Table to roll on

1-3 Vermin
4-5 Caves
6 Ruins

All doors in an abandoned mine are openings. Characters need to roll for traps when they
walk through them.

Door traps
If a door is rolled up to be trapped, then it is a collapsing archway trap.


Fate Corridor contents Fate Corridor contents Fate Corridor contents

roll roll roll
11 Unstable structure 31 Floor crack 51 Pile of scrap
12 Flooded corridor 32 Boulder 52 Dark hole
13 Ledges 33 Boulder 53 Abandoned cart
14 Gas pocket 34 Rubble 54 Abandoned cart
15 Gas pocket 35 Rubble 55 Fungus
16 Gust 36 Narrow tunnel 56 Wooden box
21 Gust 41 Corpse, lithopede 61 Wandering alchemist
22 Wandering monster 42 Empty 62 Wandering prospectors
23 Wandering monster 43 Empty 63 Coal
24 Wandering monster 44 Empty 64 Stream
25 Wandering monster 45 Empty 65 Minecart track
26 Floor crack 46 Light 66 Minecart track

Corridor traps
If there is a trap in a corridor or a room, make a Fate roll to determine what kind of trap it is.

Fate roll Trap

1-2 Trap, collapsing ceiling
3-6 Trap, pit
Room contents

Fate Room contents Fate Room contents Fate Room contents

roll roll roll
11 Unstable structure 31 Fungus 51 Empty
12 Unstable structure 32 Fungus 52 Empty
13 Flooded room 33 Den, lithopede 53 Dwarves
14 Flooded room 34 Den, lithopede 54 Pool
15 Gust 35 Lair 55 Tar pit
16 Gust 36 Lair 56 Coal
21 Chasm 41 Lair 61 Room under construction
22 Chasm 42 Lair 62 Rubble strewn floor
23 Ledges 43 Wandering monster 63 Rubble strewn floor
24 Ledges 44 Wandering monster 64 Junk pile
25 Climb 45 Empty 65 Metal deposit
26 Climb 46 Empty 66 Vein

Room traps
The room traps in an abandoned mine are always a collapsing ceiling.

Chest traps
If a chest is rolled up as trapped, then it has the explosion trap.
Bandit lair
A bandit lair is a place where thieves, burglars, bandits and other ne’er do wells gather for

Light source
Characters don’t need a light source to explore a bandit lair.

Lairs, quest rooms and wandering monsters

Fate roll Table to roll on

1-3 Rogue
4-5 Ruins
6 Warrior

Make a Party Fate roll to determine the nature of a door.

Fate roll Door type Roll for traps?

1-2 Wooden, locked Yes
3 Secret No
4 Puzzle No
5-6 Wooden, unlocked Yes
Door traps
If a door is trapped, it has a hail of darts trap on it.


Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents
11 Gremlins 31 Empty 51 Wooden box
12 Gremlins 32 Empty 52 Wooden box
13 Wandering monster 33 Pile of rags 53 Abandoned bottle
14 Wandering monster 34 Pile of rags 54 Abandoned bottle
15 Wandering monster 35 Dark hole 55 Bloodstains
16 Wandering monster 36 Dark hole 56 Bloodstains
21 Wandering monster 41 Discarded junk 61 Inscription
22 Wandering monster 42 Discarded junk 62 Inscription
23 Tripwire 43 Corpse, humanoid 63 New holy symbol (trickery)
24 Tripwire 44 Corpse, humanoid 64 New holy symbol (trickery)
25 Empty 45 Loose flagstone 65 Mounted object
26 Empty 46 Loose flagstone 66 Mounted object

Corridor traps
Fate roll Trap
1 Trapdoor
2 Hail of poisoned darts
3-4 Hail of darts
5 Poisoned dart
6 Dart
Room contents
Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents
11 Latrine 31 Empty 51 Kitchen
12 Latrine 32 Dungeon exit 52 Kitchen
13 Gremlins 33 Torture room 53 Table and chairs
14 Lair 34 Training room 54 Table and chairs
15 Lair 35 Communal sleeping room 55 Locksmith
16 Lair 36 Communal sleeping room 56 Crates
21 Lair 41 Gong 61 High shelves
22 Wandering monster 42 Prison 62 Junk pile
23 Wandering monster 43 Barrels 63 Puzzle box
24 Empty 44 Well 64 New holy symbol (Trickery)
25 Empty 45 Larder 65 Shrine, new (Trickery)
26 Empty 46 Larder 66 Chest

Room traps
Fate roll Trap
1-2 Trapdoor
3-4 Trap, hail of poisoned darts
5-6 Trap, hail of darts

Chest traps
Fate roll Traps
1 Explosion
2 Gas trap
3 Hail of poisoned darts
4-6 Hail of darts
Blighted mansion
A blighted mansion is a once opulent abode that has come under some kinds of curse.

Light source
Characters don’t need a light source to explore a blighted mansion

Lairs, quest rooms and wandering monsters

Fate roll Table to roll on

1-3 Undead
4-5 Ruins
6 Undercity

Make a Party Fate roll to determine the nature of a door.

Fate roll Door type Roll for traps?

1-3 Wooden, locked Yes
4-6 Wooden, unlocked Yes

Door traps
If there is a door trap, it is a hail of poisoned darts trap.

Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents
11 Unstable structure 31 Empty 51 Dark hole
12 Unstable structure 32 Empty 52 Dark hole
13 Ledges 33 Empty 53 Corpse, humanoid
14 Ledges 34 Empty 54 Corpse, humanoid
15 Wandering monster 35 Pile of rags 55 Bloodstains
16 Wandering monster 36 Pile of rags 56 Bloodstains
21 Wandering monster 41 Broken pottery 61 Inscription
22 Wandering monster 42 Broken pottery 62 Inscription
23 Wandering monster 43 Discarded junk 63 New holy symbol (Death)
24 Wandering monster 44 Discarded junk 64 New holy symbol (Death)
25 Tripwire 45 Loose flagstone 65 Mounted object
26 Tripwire 46 Loose flagstone 66 Mounted object

Corridor traps
If there is a trap in a corridor, make a Party Fate roll to determine what kind of trap it is.

Fate roll Trap

1 Pit trap
2 Trap, rune of fear
3-4 Trap, gas
5-6 Trap, hail of poisoned darts
Room contents

Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents
11 Latrine 31 Empty 51 Ritual room
12 Latrine 32 Empty 52 Opulent furnishings
13 Stench 33 Empty 53 Larder
14 Stench 34 Empty 54 Well
15 Ghost 35 Skeletal remains 55 Master bedroom
16 Ghost 36 Crypt 56 Kitchen
21 Lair 41 Communal sleeping room 61 Study
22 Lair 42 Tapestry 62 Torture room
23 Lair 43 Painting 63 Table and chairs
24 Lair 44 Tended garden 64 New holy symbol (Death)
25 Wandering monster 45 Butcher 65 Shrine, new (Death)
26 Wandering monster 46 Lab, taxidermy 66 Chest

Room traps

Fate roll Trap

1 Pit trap
2 Rune of fear
3-4 Gas
5-6 Hail of poisoned darts

Chest traps
If a chest is trapped, make a Fate roll.

Fate roll Traps

1-2 Gas trap
3-4 Hail of poisoned darts
5-6 Hail of darts
Coastal ruins
This is the remains of a structure on the coastland. There may be tunnels and caves running
under them.

Light source
Characters do not need a light source to explore a coastal ruin as it is above ground.

Lairs, quest rooms and wandering monsters

Fate roll Table to roll on

1-3 Aquatic
4-5 Ruins
6 Rogue

Make a Party Fate roll to determine the nature of a door.

Fate roll Door type Roll for traps?

1 Stone, locked Yes
2 Stone, unlocked Yes
3 Opening Yes
4-6 None No

Door traps
If a door is trapped, it is a collapsing archway trap.
Corridor contents

Fate Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents Fate Corridor contents
roll roll
11 Unstable structure 31 Flooded corridor 51 Floor crack
12 Unstable structure 32 Flooded corridor 52 Empty
13 Ledges 33 Wet sand 53 Empty
14 Ledges 34 Wet sand 54 Broken pottery
15 Ghost 35 Wandering monster 55 Wooden box
16 Ghost 36 Wandering monster 56 Dark hole
21 Rubble 41 Wandering monster 61 Corpse, humanoid
22 Rubble 42 Wandering monster 62 Loose flagstone
23 Freezing fog 43 Wandering monster 63 Ancient holy symbols
24 Freezing fog 44 Wandering monster 64 Ancient holy symbols
25 Incoming tide 45 Sharp coral 65 Inscription
26 Incoming tide 46 Sharp coral 66 Inscription

Corridor traps

Fate roll Trap

1-2 Unstable structure
3-4 Pit, water filled
5-6 Pit

Room contents

Fate Room contents Fate Room contents Fate Room contents

roll roll roll
11 Unstable structure 31 Wandering monster 51 Fountain
12 Ghost 32 Empty 52 Rubble strewn floor
13 Slime 33 Empty 53 Well
14 Flooded room 34 Empty 54 Sundial
15 Sharp coral 35 Empty 55 Crystal
16 Incoming tide 36 Pool 56 Ancient holy symbols
21 Freezing fog 41 Giant oysters 61 Shrine, ancient
22 Lair 42 Rust filled room 62 Inscription
23 Lair 43 Statue 63 Coral deposit
24 Lair 44 Pillars 64 Deep pool
25 Lair 45 Grate 65 Flotsam
26 Wandering monster 46 Mosaic 66 Chest

Room traps
Traps in the rooms of a coastal ruin are always collapsing ceilings.

Chest traps
If a chest is trapped, it has a hail of darts trap.
Druidic camp
A druidic camp is a settlement where those associated with nature gather. These beings are
not necessarily benevolent.

Light source
Characters don’t need a light source to explore a druidic camp.

Lairs, quest rooms and wandering monsters

Fate roll Table to roll on

1-3 Druidic
4-5 Forest
6 Fae

Make a Party Fate roll to determine the nature of a door.

Fate roll Door type Roll for traps?

1-2 Wooden, unlocked Yes
3-5 Opening Yes
6 None No
Door traps
If there is a door trap, it is a thornstrike trap.


Fate Corridor contents Fate Corridor contents Fate Corridor contents

roll roll roll
11 Wandering monster 31 Empty 51 Fungus
12 Wandering monster 32 Empty 52 Fungus
13 Wandering monster 33 Empty 53 Orbs of light
14 Wandering monster 34 Empty 54 Orbs of light
15 Wandering monster 35 Pile of rags 55 Bloodstains
16 Wandering monster 36 Wooden box 56 Abandoned bottle
21 Tripwire 41 Discarded junk 61 Inscription
22 Tripwire 42 Flower patch 62 Inscription
23 Webs 43 Flower patch 63 New holy symbol (Nature)
24 Webs 44 Pile of wood 64 New holy symbol (Nature)
25 Empty 45 Pile of stones 65 Mounted object
26 Empty 46 Corpse, humanoid 66 Mounted object

Corridor traps
If there is a trap in a corridor, make a Fate roll to determine what kind of trap it is.

Fate roll Trap

1-2 Trap, bear
3-6 Trap, pit
Room contents

Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents
11 Fey 31 Empty 51 Hollow tree
12 Soporific plants 32 Empty 52 Communal sleeping room
13 Shrieker 33 Empty 53 Compost heap
14 Hedge, regenerating 34 Empty 54 Kitchen
15 Latrine 35 Strange plants 55 Lab, herbal
16 Kennels 36 Satyrs 56 Well
21 Lair 41 Beehive 61 Table and chairs
22 Lair 42 Rust filled room 62 Larder
23 Lair 43 Mystic tree 63 Inscription
24 Lair 44 Tended garden 64 New holy symbol (Nature)
25 Wandering monster 45 Pool 65 New shrine (Nature)
26 Wandering monster 46 Brewery 66 Chest

Room traps
If there is a trap in a room, make a Fate roll to determine what kind of trap it is.

Fate roll Trap

1-2 Trap, bear
3-6 Trap, pit
Chest traps
If a chest is rolled up as trapped, then it has the hail of poisoned darts trap.
Eldritch dungeon
An eldritch dungeon is a structure where the fabric of reality is weak, allowing extra
dimensional beings to crawl through into the plane.

Light source
Characters do need a light source to explore an eldritch dungeon as it is below ground.

Lairs, quest rooms and wandering monsters

Fate roll Table to roll on

1-3 Eldritch
4-5 Demonic
6 Wizardly

Make a Party Fate roll to determine the nature of a door.

Fate roll Door type Roll for traps?

1 Energy barrier No
2 Secret No
3 Puzzle No
4-5 Wooden, locked Yes
6 Wooden, unlocked Yes
Door traps
If a door is trapped in an eldritch tower, it has a rune of fear trap.

Corridor contents

Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents
11 Stifling heat 31 Gust 51 Corpse, humanoid
12 Stifling heat 32 Gust 52 Corpse, humanoid
13 High gravity 33 Wandering monster 53 Magical field
14 High gravity 34 Wandering monster 54 Magical field
15 Freezing area 35 Wandering monster 55 Dark hole
16 Freezing area 36 Wandering monster 56 Dark hole
21 Gremlins 41 Wandering monster 61 Orbs of light
22 Gremlins 42 Wandering monster 62 Orbs of light
23 Bizarre corridor 43 Empty 63 Ancient holy symbol
24 Bizarre corridor 44 Empty 64 Ancient holy symbol
25 Voices 45 Empty 65 Inscription
26 Voices 46 Empty 66 Inscription

Corridor traps

Fate roll Trap

1 Trap, rune of fear
2 Trap, rune of flame
3 Trap, rune of lightning
4 Trap, rune of summoning
5 Trap, rune of teleporting
6 Trap, gas
Room contents

Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents
11 Runed floor 31 Nightmare 51 Glowing rocks
12 Darkness, magical 32 Nightmare 52 Magnetic field
13 Darkness, magical 33 Lair 53 Rust filled room
14 Ghost 34 Lair 54 Chaotic magical field
15 Disruptive magical field 35 Lair 55 Ritual room
16 Disruptive magical field 36 Lair 56 Trapped djinn
21 High gravity 41 Wandering monster 61 Crystal
22 High gravity 42 Wandering monster 62 Crystal
23 Bizarre geometries 43 Empty 63 Tapestry
24 Bizarre geometries 44 Empty 64 Statue
25 Voices 45 Empty 65 Portal
26 Gremlins 46 Empty 66 Chest

Room traps

Fate roll Trap

1 Trap, rune of fear
2 Trap, rune of flame
3 Trap, rune of lightning
4 Trap, rune of summoning
5 Trap, rune of teleporting
6 Trap, gas
Chest traps
If a chest is trapped, make a Fate roll.

Fate roll Trap

1-2 Hidden beast
3-4 Explosion
5-6 Gas trap
Fae grove
A fae grove is an overgrown, confusing, twisted wood where the strange, unpredictable fae
creatures hold sway.

Light source
Characters do not a light source to explore a fae grove. Enough sunlight can penetrate the

Lairs, quest rooms and wandering monsters

Fate roll Table to roll on

1-3 Fae
4-5 Forest
6 Druidic

Make a Party Fate roll to determine the nature of a door.

Fate roll Door type Roll for traps?

1-4 Opening Yes
5-6 None No

Door traps
If a door is trapped in a fae grove, it has the thornstrike trap.

Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents
11 Gremlins 31 Webs 51 Mist
12 Gremlins 32 Webs 52 Mist
13 Mud 33 Wandering monster 53 Flower patch
14 Mud 34 Wandering monster 54 Flower patch
15 Soporific plants 35 Wandering monster 55 Pile of wood
16 Soporific plants 36 Wandering monster 56 Pile of wood
21 Undergrowth 41 Wandering monster 61 Pile of bones
22 Undergrowth 42 Wandering monster 62 Pile of stones
23 Fey 43 Empty 63 Stream
24 Fey 44 Empty 64 Stream
25 Annoying imp 45 Empty 65 Orbs of light
26 Annoying imp 46 Empty 66 Orbs of light

Corridor traps
If there is a trap in a corridor or a room, make a double Fate roll to determine what kind of trap it is.

Fate roll Trap

1-4 Strangleweed
5-6 Pit trap
Room contents
Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents
11 Gremlins 31 Lair 51 Treehouse
12 Gremlins 32 Lair 52 Beehive
13 Mud 33 Lair 53 Fungus
14 Soporific plants 34 Lair 54 Mist
15 Soporific plants 35 Wandering monster 55 Mystic tree
16 Undergrowth 36 Wandering monster 56 Pool
21 Undergrowth 41 Empty 61 Strange plants
22 Fey 42 Empty 62 Tended garden
23 Fey 43 Empty 63 Bizarre plants
24 Annoying imp 44 Empty 64 Stream
25 Annoying imp 45 Wood elves 65 Unicorn
26 Webs 46 Wood elves 66 Chest

Room traps

Fate roll Trap

1-4 Strangleweed
5-6 Pit trap

Chest traps
If a chest is trapped, it has a hidden beast trap.
Foreboding wood
A foreboding wood is not like any wood. The trees are ancient, twisted and close together.
Many creatures have made it their home.

Light source
Characters do not a light source to explore a foreboding wood. Enough sunlight can
penetrate the trees.

Lairs, quest rooms and wandering monsters

Fate roll Table to roll on

1-3 Forest
4-5 Druidic
6 Fae

Make a Party Fate roll to determine the nature of a door.

Fate roll Door type Roll for traps?

1-4 Opening Yes
5-6 None No

Door traps
If a door is trapped in a foreboding wood, it has the thornstrike trap.

Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents
11 Mud 31 Wandering monster 51 Pile of rags
12 Mud 32 Wandering monster 52 Stream
13 Soporific plants 33 Wandering monster 53 Stream
14 Soporific plants 34 Wandering monster 54 Corpse, humanoid
15 Undergrowth 35 Empty 55 Orbs of light
16 Undergrowth 36 Empty 56 Orbs of light
21 Fey 41 Empty 61 Bloodstains
22 Fey 42 Empty 62 Inscription
23 Webs 43 Flower patch 63 Inscription
24 Webs 44 Flower patch 64 Wandering woodfolk
25 Wandering monster 45 Pile of wood 65 Wandering hunters
26 Wandering monster 46 Pile of wood 66 Wandering herbalist

Corridor traps
If there is a trap in a corridor or a room, make a double Fate roll to determine what kind of trap it is.

Fate roll Trap

1-3 Strangleweed
4-5 Bear trap
6 Pit trap
Room contents
Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents
11 Mud 31 Lair 51 Beehive
12 Mud 32 Lair 52 Fungus
13 Soporific plants 33 Lair 53 Fungus
14 Soporific plants 34 Wandering monster 54 Giant pitcher plant
15 Undergrowth 35 Wandering monster 55 Pool
16 Undergrowth 36 Mist 56 Strange plants
21 Fey 41 Empty 61 Strange plants
22 Webs 42 Empty 62 Hollow tree
23 Webs 43 Empty 63 Hollow tree
24 Den, brown bear 44 Empty 64 Sundial
25 Den, brown bear 45 Wood elves 65 Stream
26 Lair 46 Treehouse 66 Chest

Room traps

Fate roll Trap

1-3 Strangleweed
4-5 Bear trap
6 Pit trap

Chest traps
If a chest is trapped, it has a hidden beast trap.
Frozen Ruins
These are ruins left by an ancient civilisation that are now covered in ice.

Light source
Characters do not need a light source to explore frozen ruins.

Lairs, quest rooms and wandering monsters

Fate roll Table to roll on

1-3 Ice
4-5 Ruins
6 Undead

Make a Party Fate roll to determine the nature of a door.

Fate roll Door type Roll for traps?

1 Stone, locked Yes
2 Secret No
3 Ice No
4 Stone, unlocked Yes
5 Opening Yes
6 None No

Door traps
If a door has a trap, it is a collapsing archway trap.

Corridor contents
Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents
11 Unstable structure 31 Rubble 51 Empty
12 Unstable structure 32 Rubble 52 Empty
13 Falling icicles 33 Climb 53 Corpse, humanoid
14 Falling icicles 34 Climb 54 Corpse, humanoid
15 Freezing area 35 Floor crack 55 Dark hole
16 Freezing area 36 Floor crack 56 Loose flagstone
21 Icy floor 41 Wandering monster 61 Broken pottery
22 Icy floor 42 Wandering monster 62 Bloodstains
23 Voices 43 Wandering monster 63 Ancient holy symbols
24 Voices 44 Wandering monster 64 Ancient holy symbols
25 Ghost 45 Empty 65 Inscription
26 Ghost 46 Empty 66 Inscription

Corridor traps
If there is a trap in a corridor, make a Party Fate roll to determine what kind of trap it is.

Fate roll Trap

1-2 Collapsing ceiling
3-6 Pit trap
Room contents

Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents
11 Unstable structure 31 Lair 51 Pillars
12 Unstable structure 32 Lair 52 Pinefolk
13 Falling icicles 33 Wandering monster 53 Pinefolk
14 Falling icicles 34 Wandering monster 54 Ancient holy symbols
15 Icy floor 35 Empty 55 Shrine, ancient
16 Icy floor 36 Empty 56 Clay pots
21 Freezing area 41 Empty 61 Rubble strewn floor
22 Freezing area 42 Empty 62 Junk pile
23 Ghost 43 Den, yeti 63 Loose flagstone
24 Ghost 44 Den, polar bear 64 Inscription
25 Lair 45 Preserved corpse 65 Ice encased treasure
26 Lair 46 Statue 66 Chest

Room traps
When there is a trap in the room, make a Party Fate roll.

Fate roll Trap

1-2 Collapsing ceiling
3-6 Pit trap
Chest traps
If a chest is trapped, it has a hail of darts trap.
Icy caves
An icy cave is a natural underground formation that also has lots of ice in it.

Light source
Characters need a light source to explore an icy cave.

Lairs, quest rooms and wandering monsters

Fate roll Table to roll on

1-3 Ice
4-5 Caves
6 Eldritch

Make a Party Fate roll to determine the nature of a door.

Fate roll Door type Roll for traps?

1-2 Ice No
3-4 Opening Yes
5-6 None No

Door trap
If a door has a trap, it is a collapsing archway trap.


Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents
11 Unstable structure 31 Climb 51 Corpse, lithopede
12 Unstable structure 32 Climb 52 Corpse, lithopede
13 Falling icicles 33 Gas pocket 53 Empty
14 Falling icicles 34 Gas pocket 54 Empty
15 Icy floor 35 Boulder 55 Empty
16 Icy floor 36 Boulder 56 Empty
21 Ledges 41 Rubble 61 Bloodstains
22 Ledges 42 Rubble 62 Bloodstains
23 Freezing area 43 Wandering monster 63 Dark hole
24 Freezing area 44 Wandering monster 64 Dark hole
25 Gust 45 Wandering monster 65 Inscription
26 Gust 46 Wandering monster 66 Inscription

Corridor traps
If there is a trap in a corridor or a room, make a Party Fate roll to determine what kind of trap it is.

Fate roll Trap

1-2 Collapsing ceiling
3-6 Pit trap
Room contents

Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents
11 Unstable structure 31 Gust 51 Empty
12 Unstable structure 32 Gust 52 Empty
13 Falling icicles 33 Den, yeti 53 Stalactites and stalagmites
14 Falling icicles 34 Den, polar bear 54 Crystal
15 Icy floor 35 Lair 55 Rubble strewn floor
16 Icy floor 36 Lair 56 Coal
21 Freezing area 41 Lair 61 Inscription
22 Freezing area 42 Lair 62 Preserved corpse
23 Chasm 43 Wandering monster 63 Ice encased treasure
24 Chasm 44 Wandering monster 64 Crystalline walls
25 Gas pocket 45 Empty 65 Vein
26 Gas pocket 46 Empty 66 Chest

Room traps
The room trap in an icy cave is the collapsing ceiling.

Chest traps
If a chest is trapped, it has a hidden beast trap.
Jungle ruins
This is the remains of an ancient structure overgrown with vines and infested with many
jungle creatures.

Light source
Characters do not need a light source to explore jungle ruins as it is above ground.

Lairs, quest rooms and wandering monsters

Fate roll Table to roll on

1-3 Jungle
4-5 Ruins
6 Primordial

Make a Party Fate roll to determine the nature of a door.

Fate roll Door type Roll for traps?

1 Stone, locked Yes
2 Stone, unlocked Yes
3 Opening Yes
4-6 None No
Door traps
If there is a trap on the door, it is a collapsing archway trap.

Fate Corridor contents Fate Corridor contents Fate Corridor contents
roll roll roll
11 Unstable structure 31 Tripwire 51 Pile of bones
12 Unstable structure 32 Tripwire 52 Pile of stones
13 Ghost 33 Floor crack 53 Pile of wood
14 Ghost 34 Floor crack 54 Humanoid corpse
15 Rubble 35 Empty 55 Stream
16 Rubble 36 Empty 56 Orbs of light
21 Wandering monster 41 Empty 61 Broken pottery
22 Wandering monster 42 Empty 62 Bloodstains
23 Wandering monster 43 Dark hole 63 Ancient holy symbol
24 Wandering monster 44 Dark hole 64 Ancient holy symbol
25 Wandering monster 45 Loose flagstone 65 Inscription
26 Wandering monster 46 Loose flagstone 66 Inscription

Corridor traps
If there is a trap in a corridor or a room, make a Fate roll to determine what kind of trap it is.

Fate roll Trap

1 Collapsing ceiling trap
2 Pit trap
3 Hail of poisoned darts trap
4 Hail of darts trap
5 Poisoned dart trap
6 Dart trap
Room contents

Fate Room contents Fate Room contents Fate Room contents

roll roll roll
11 Unstable structure 31 Lair 51 Giant pitcher plant
12 Unstable structure 32 Lair 52 Statue
13 Ghost 33 Wandering monster 53 Pillars
14 Ghost 34 Wandering monster 54 Oracle
15 Flooded room 35 Shrieker 55 Mosaic
16 Flooded room 36 Empty 56 Fountain
21 Dust 41 Empty 61 Strange plants
22 Dust 42 Empty 62 Rubble strewn floor
23 Undergrowth 43 Empty 63 Inscription
24 Undergrowth 44 Pool 64 Ancient holy symbol
25 Lair 45 Hollow tree 65 Ancient shrine
26 Lair 46 Webs 66 Chest

Room traps
Fate roll Trap
1-3 Trap, pit
4-6 Trap, collapsing ceiling

Chest traps
If a chest is trapped, it has a hail of poisoned darts trap.
Machine dungeon
A machine dungeon contains advanced technology from a long-lost civilisation and it is
home to mechanical creatures, such as brassfolk.

Light source
Characters need a light source to explore a machine dungeon.

Lairs, quest rooms and wandering monsters

Fate roll Table to roll on

1-3 Construct
4-5 Undercity
6 Undead

Make a Party Fate roll to determine the nature of a door.

Fate roll Door type Roll for traps?

1-3 Metal, locked Yes
4 Secret No
5 Puzzle No
6 Metal, unlocked Yes
Door traps
If there is a trap on a door, make a Fate roll.

Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents
11 Unstable structure 31 Floor crack 51 Loose flagstone
12 Unstable structure 32 Floor crack 52 Pile of parchment
13 Ledges 33 Narrow corridor 53 Broken pottery
14 Ledges 34 Narrow corridor 54 Dark hole
15 Gust 35 Wandering monster 55 Discarded junk
16 Gust 36 Wandering monster 56 Discarded junk
21 Boulder 41 Wandering monster 61 Vending machine
22 Boulder 42 Wandering monster 62 Vending machine
23 Rubble 43 Empty 63 Inscription
24 Rubble 44 Empty 64 Mounted object
25 Gas pocket 45 Empty 65 Pile of scrap
26 Gas pocket 46 Empty 66 Pile of scrap

Corridor traps

Fate roll Trap

1 Trap, spiked pit
2 Trap, pit
3 Trap, swinging axe
4 Trap, spears
5 Trap, hail of darts
6 Trap, arrow
Room contents

Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents
11 Latrine 31 Musical box 51 Brassfolk
12 Enchanted eye 32 Puzzle box 52 Brassfolk
13 Lair 33 Fabricator 53 Magnetic field
14 Lair 34 Lightning coil 54 Communal sleeping room
15 Lair 35 Machine 55 Smithy
16 Lair 36 Lever 56 Glowing rocks
21 Wandering monster 41 Repair room 61 Junk pile
22 Wandering monster 42 Locksmith 62 Inscription
23 Empty 43 Workshop 63 Inscription
24 Empty 44 Larder 64 New holy symbol (Artisan)
25 Empty 45 Armoury 65 Shrine, new (Artisan)
26 Empty 46 Kitchen 66 Chest

Room traps

Fate Trap
1 Trap, spiked pit
2 Trap, pit
3 Trap, swinging axe
4 Trap, spears
5 Trap, hail of darts
6 Trap, arrow

Chest traps

Fate roll Traps

1-2 Explosion
3 Gas trap
4 Hail of poisoned darts
5-6 Hail of darts
Natural cave
A natural cave has been carved out of the rock over millennia by water, or earthquakes or
other natural means.

Light source
Characters need a light source to explore a natural cave.

Lairs, quest rooms and wandering monsters

Fate roll Table to roll on

1-3 Cave
4-5 Vermin
6 Goblinoid

Make a Party Fate roll to determine the nature of a door.

Fate roll Door type Roll for traps?

1-4 Opening Yes
5-6 None No
Door traps
If a door has a trap, it is a collapsing archway trap.


Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents
11 Unstable structure 31 Gas pocket 51 Empty
12 Unstable structure 32 Gas pocket 52 Empty
13 Ledges 33 Floor crack 53 Empty
14 Ledges 34 Floor crack 54 Empty
15 Flooded corridor 35 Narrow corridor 55 Pile of stones
16 Flooded corridor 36 Narrow corridor 56 Pile of bones
21 Gust 41 Wandering monster 61 Dark hole
22 Gust 42 Wandering monster 62 Dark hole
23 Boulder 43 Wandering monster 63 Stream
24 Boulder 44 Wandering monster 64 Bloodstains
25 Rubble 45 Corpse, lithopede 65 Inscription
26 Rubble 46 Corpse, lithopede 66 Wandering prospectors

Corridor traps

Fate roll Trap

1-2 Trap, collapsing ceiling
3-6 Trap, pit
Room contents

Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents
11 Unstable structure 31 Wandering monster 51 Den, lithopede
12 Slime 32 Wandering monster 52 Stalactites and stalagmites
13 Chasm 33 Empty 53 Stalactites and stalagmites
14 Chasm 34 Empty 54 Granitefolk
15 Flooded room 35 Empty 55 Rubble strewn floor
16 Mud 36 Empty 56 Crystal
21 Lair 41 Dwarves 61 Tar
22 Lair 42 Fungus 62 Coal
23 Lair 43 Fungus 63 Metal deposit
24 Lair 44 Pool 64 Crystalline walls
25 Gust 45 Pool 65 Vein
26 Gust 46 Den, brown bear 66 Chest

Room traps
All room traps are collapsing ceiling traps.

Chest traps
If a chest is trapped, it has a hidden beast trap.
Overgrown Ruins
Overgrown ruins are the remains of a ruined settlement that have had a forest grow around
it since its fall.

Light source
Characters do not need a light source to explore overgrown ruins as they are above ground.

Lairs, quest rooms and wandering monsters

Fate roll Table to roll on

1-3 Forest
4-5 Ruins
6 Druidic
Make a Party Fate roll to determine the nature of a door.

Fate roll Door type Roll for traps?

1 Stone, locked Yes
2 Stone, unlocked Yes
3 Opening Yes
4-6 None No
Door trap

Fate roll Door trap

1-3 Collapsing archway
4-6 Thornstrike

Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents
11 Unstable structure 31 Undergrowth 51 Fungus
12 Unstable structure 32 Undergrowth 52 Pile of wood
13 Mud 33 Webs 53 Dark hole
14 Mud 34 Webs 54 Flower patch
15 Soporific plants 35 Wandering monster 55 Broken pottery
16 Soporific plants 36 Wandering monster 56 Loose flagstone
21 Fey 41 Wandering monster 61 Inscription
22 Fey 42 Wandering monster 62 Inscription
23 Ghost 43 Empty 63 Ancient holy symbols
24 Ghost 44 Empty 64 Wandering hunters
25 Rubble 45 Empty 65 Wandering woodfolk
26 Rubble 46 Empty 66 Wandering herbalist

Corridor traps
If there is a trap in a corridor, make a Party Fate roll to determine what kind of trap it is.

Fate roll Trap

1-3 Trap, collapsing ceiling
4-5 Trap, bear
6 Strangleweed
Room contents

Fate Room contents Fate Room contents Fate Room contents

roll roll roll
11 Unstable structure 31 Lair 51 Sundial
12 Mud 32 Lair 52 Treehouse
13 Mud 33 Wandering monster 53 Strange plants
14 Fey 34 Wandering monster 54 Rubble strewn floor
15 Fey 35 Mist 55 Pillars
16 Undergrowth 36 Empty 56 Mystic tree
21 Undergrowth 41 Empty 61 Tended garden
22 Soporific plants 42 Den, brown bear 62 Unicorn
23 Soporific plants 43 Fungus 63 Inscription
24 Dust 44 Pool 64 Ancient holy symbols
25 Lair 45 Satyrs 65 Shrine, ancient
26 Lair 46 Beehive 66 Chest

Room traps
If there is a trap in a room, make a Party Fate roll to determine what the trap s.

Fate roll Trap

1-2 Trap, collapsing ceiling
3-6 Strangleweed

Chest traps
If a chest is trapped, it has a hail of darts trap.
Primordial caverns
Primordial caverns are caves full of untamed energies and large bestial creatures.

Light source
Characters need a light source to explore a primordial cave.

Lairs, quest rooms and wandering monsters

Fate roll Table to roll on

1-3 Primordial
4-5 Cave
6 Volcanic

Make a Party Fate roll to determine the nature of a door.

Fate roll Door type Roll for traps?

1-4 Opening Yes
5-6 None No
Door traps
If a door has a trap, it is a collapsing archway trap.


Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents
11 Unstable structure 31 Gas pocket 51 Empty
12 Unstable structure 32 Gas pocket 52 Empty
13 Ledges 33 Floor crack 53 Empty
14 Ledges 34 Floor crack 54 Empty
15 Flooded corridor 35 Narrow corridor 55 Pile of stones
16 Flooded corridor 36 Narrow corridor 56 Pile of stones
21 Gust 41 Wandering monster 61 Pile of bones
22 Gust 42 Wandering monster 62 Pile of bones
23 Boulder 43 Wandering monster 63 Dark hole
24 Boulder 44 Wandering monster 64 Dark hole
25 Rubble 45 Corpse, lithopede 65 Stream
26 Rubble 46 Corpse, lithopede 66 Stream

Corridor traps

Fate roll Trap

1-2 Trap, collapsing ceiling
3-6 Trap, pit
Room contents

Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents
11 Unstable structure 31 Wandering monster 51 Stalactites and stalagmites
12 Unstable structure 32 Wandering monster 52 Stalactites and stalagmites
13 Chasm 33 Empty 53 Tar
14 Chasm 34 Empty 54 Coal
15 Flooded room 35 Empty 55 Metal deposit
16 Mud 36 Empty 56 Metal deposit
21 Lair 41 Den, sabre-toothed tiger 61 Crystalline walls
22 Lair 42 Den, velociraptor 62 Crystalline walls
23 Lair 43 Den, lithopede 63 Vein
24 Lair 44 Glowing rocks 64 Vein
25 Gust 45 Chaotic magical field 65 Gemstone deposit
26 Gust 46 Magnetic field 66 Chest

Room traps
All room traps are collapsing ceiling traps.

Chest traps
If a chest is trapped, it has a hidden beast trap.
Ravager keep
A ravager keep is where fighters gather to battle their way across the land for glory and
riches. Most civilised rulers fear them for they offer loyalty to nothing but strength and

Light source
Characters don’t need a light source to explore a ravager keep.

Lairs, quest rooms and wandering monsters

Fate roll Table to roll on

1-3 Warrior
4-5 Goblinoid
6 Rogue

Make a Party Fate roll to determine the nature of a door.

Fate roll Door type Roll for traps?

1-3 Wooden, locked Yes
4-6 Wooden, unlocked Yes
Door traps
If a door is trapped, it has an arrow trap on it.


Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents
11 Gremlins 31 Empty 51 Pile of rags
12 Gremlins 32 Empty 52 Pile of rags
13 Wandering monster 33 Empty 53 Loose flagstone
14 Wandering monster 34 Empty 54 Loose flagstone
15 Wandering monster 35 Dark hole 55 Abandoned bottle
16 Wandering monster 36 Dark hole 56 Bloodstains
21 Wandering monster 41 Discarded junk 61 Inscription
22 Wandering monster 42 Discarded junk 62 Inscription
23 Tripwire 43 Corpse, humanoid 63 New holy symbol (War)
24 Tripwire 44 Pile of bones 64 New holy symbol (War)
25 Empty 45 Wooden box 65 Mounted object
26 Empty 46 Wooden box 66 Mounted object

Corridor traps
Fate roll Trap
1 Trap, spiked pit
2 Trap, swinging axe
3 Trap, spears
4-6 Trap, arrow
Room contents

Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents
11 Latrine 31 Empty 51 Kitchen
12 Latrine 32 Empty 52 Kitchen
13 Gremlins 33 Empty 53 Table and chairs
14 Gremlins 34 Empty 54 Table and chairs
15 Lair 35 Communal sleeping room 55 Training room
16 Lair 36 Communal sleeping room 56 Torture room
21 Lair 41 Trophy room 61 Junk pile
22 Lair 42 Prison 62 Smithy
23 Kennels 43 Barrels 63 New holy symbol (War)
24 Kennels 44 Well 64 Shrine, new (War)
25 Wandering monster 45 Larder 65 Armoury
26 Wandering monster 46 Grate 66 Chest

Room traps
Fate roll Trap
1 Trap, spiked pit
2 Trap, swinging axe
3 Trap, spears
4-6 Trap, arrow

Chest traps
Fate roll Traps
1-2 Hail of darts
3-6 Dart
Ruined district
This is a part of a city that has fallen into disrepair.

Light source
Characters do not need a light source to explore a ruined district as it is above ground.

Lairs, quest rooms and wandering monsters

Fate roll Table to roll on

1-3 Ruins
4-5 Undercity
6 Vermin
Make a Party Fate roll to determine the nature of a door.

Fate roll Door type Roll for traps?

1 Wooden, locked Yes
2-3 Wooden, unlocked Yes
4-5 Opening Yes
6 None No
Door traps
If a door is trapped, it has a collapsing archway trap.


Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents
11 Unstable structure 31 Floor crack 51 Pile of rags
12 Unstable structure 32 Floor crack 52 Pile of rags
13 Unstable structure 33 Tripwire 53 Wooden box
14 Unstable structure 34 Tripwire 54 Abandoned bottle
15 Wandering monster 35 Empty 55 Dark hole
16 Wandering monster 36 Empty 56 Dark hole
21 Wandering monster 41 Empty 61 Loose flagstone
22 Wandering monster 42 Empty 62 Loose flagstone
23 Wandering monster 43 Corpse, humanoid 63 Bloodstains
24 Wandering monster 44 Pile of bones 64 Inscription
25 Rubble 45 Discarded junk 65 Inscription
26 Rubble 46 Pile of stones 66 Wandering trader

Corridor traps
If there is a trap in a corridor or a room, make a double Fate roll to determine what kind of trap it is.

Fate roll Trap

1-2 Trap, collapsing ceiling
3-5 Trap, pit
6 Trap, bear
Room contents

Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents
11 Unstable structure 31 Wandering monster 51 Communal sleeping room
12 Unstable structure 32 Wandering monster 52 Communal sleeping room
13 Gremlins 33 Empty 53 Brewery
14 Gremlins 34 Empty 54 Decaying corpses
15 Flooded room 35 Empty 55 Grate
16 Flooded room 36 Empty 56 Pool
21 Latrine 41 Prison 61 High shelves
22 Latrine 42 Graves 62 Junk pile
23 Lair 43 Larder 63 Rubble strewn floor
24 Lair 44 Kitchen 64 Inscription
25 Lair 45 Table and chairs 65 Well
26 Lair 46 Lab, banewright 66 Chest

Room traps

Fate roll Trap

1-3 Trap, pit
4-6 Trap, collapsing ceiling

Chest traps
If there is a chest trap, it is a hidden beast trap.
Ruined Structure
This is the remains of a ruined town, castle or city from a bygone age.

Light source
Characters do not need a light source to explore a ruined structure as it is above ground.

Lairs, quest rooms and wandering monsters

Fate roll Table to roll on

1-3 Ruins
4-5 Vermin
6 Rogue

Make a Party Fate roll to determine the nature of a door.

Fate roll Door type Roll for traps?

1 Stone, locked Yes
2 Stone, unlocked Yes
3 Opening Yes
4-6 None No
Door traps
If there is a trap on the door, it is a collapsing archway trap.

Fate Corridor contents Fate Corridor contents Fate Corridor contents
roll roll roll
11 Unstable structure 31 Floor crack 51 Loose flagstone
12 Unstable structure 32 Floor crack 52 Pile of bones
13 Ghost 33 Tripwire 53 Corpse, humanoid
14 Ghost 34 Tripwire 54 Pile of rags
15 Rubble 35 Empty 55 Bloodstains
16 Rubble 36 Empty 56 Ancient holy symbol
21 Wandering monster 41 Empty 61 Ancient holy symbol
22 Wandering monster 42 Empty 62 Inscription
23 Wandering monster 43 Discarded junk 63 Inscription
24 Wandering monster 44 Dark hole 64 Mounted object
25 Wandering monster 45 Pile of stones 65 Wandering hunters
26 Wandering monster 46 Wooden box 66 Wandering trader

Corridor traps
If there is a trap in a corridor or a room, make a double Fate roll to determine what kind of
trap it is.

Fate roll Trap

1-2 Trap, collapsing ceiling
3-5 Trap, pit
6 Trap, bear
Room contents

Fate Room contents Fate Room contents Fate Room contents

roll roll roll
11 Unstable structure 31 Lair 51 Grate
12 Unstable structure 32 Lair 52 Graves
13 Gremlins 33 Lair 53 Mosaic floor
14 Ghost 34 Wandering monster 54 Fountain
15 Ghost 35 Wandering monster 55 Junk pile
16 Flooded room 36 Empty 56 Rubble strewn floor
21 Flooded room 41 Empty 61 Sundial
22 Dust 42 Empty 62 Well
23 Dust 43 Empty 63 Inscription
24 Undergrowth 44 Pool 64 Ancient holy symbol
25 Undergrowth 45 Statue 65 Ancient shrine
26 Lair 46 Pillars 66 Chest

Room traps

Fate roll Trap

1-3 Trap, pit
4-6 Trap, collapsing ceiling

Chest traps
If a chest is trapped, it has a hail of darts trap.
Sand Choked Ruins
Sand choked ruins are the remains of a long-forgotten city holding long-lost knowledge.

Light source
Characters do not need a light source to explore sand choked ruins as they are above

Lairs, quest rooms and wandering monsters

Fate roll Table to roll on

1-3 Desert
4-5 Ruins
6 Undead

Make a Party Fate roll to determine the nature of a door.

Fate roll Door type Roll for traps?

1 Reinforced, locked Yes
2 Reinforced, unlocked Yes
3 Secret No
4-5 Opening Yes
6 None No

Door traps
If there is a trap on the door, it is a collapsing archway.


Fate Corridor contents Fate Corridor contents Fate Corridor contents

roll roll roll
11 Unstable structure 31 Wandering monster 51 Corpse, humanoid
12 Unstable structure 32 Wandering monster 52 Pile of bones
13 Ghost 33 Tripwire 53 Dark hole
14 Ghost 34 Tripwire 54 Pile of sand
15 Stifling heat 35 Floor crack 55 Pile of sand
16 Stifling heat 36 Floor crack 56 Loose flagstone
21 Rubble 41 Empty 61 Pile of stones
22 Rubble 42 Empty 62 Bloodstains
23 Wandering monster 43 Empty 63 Ancient holy symbols
24 Wandering monster 44 Empty 64 Ancient holy symbols
25 Wandering monster 45 Broken pottery 65 Inscription
26 Wandering monster 46 Broken pottery 66 Inscription

Corridor traps
Fate roll Trap
1-2 Trap, collapsing ceiling
3-6 Trap, pit
Room contents
Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents
11 Runed floor 31 Lair 51 Pillars
12 Unstable structure 32 Lair 52 Mosaic floor
13 Ghost 33 Wandering monster 53 Canopic jars
14 Enchanted eye 34 Wandering monster 54 Lab, astronomical
15 Demonic guardians 35 Empty 55 Junk pile
16 Celestial guardians 36 Empty 56 Workshop
21 Dust 41 Machine 61 Tapestry
22 Sarcophagi 42 Trapped djinn 62 Ancient holy symbols
23 Skeletal remains 43 Lever 63 Shrine, ancient
24 Darkness, magical 44 Magic mirror 64 Musical box
25 Lair 45 Magical chamber 65 Puzzle box
26 Lair 46 Statue 66 Chest

Room traps
Fate roll Trap
1-3 Trap, collapsing ceiling
4-6 Trap, pit

Chest traps
If a chest is trapped, it has a hail of darts trap.
Sunken ruins
This is the remains of a ruined town, castle or city from a bygone age.

Light source
Characters do not need a light source to explore a ruined structure as it is above ground.

Lairs, quest rooms and wandering monsters

Fate roll Table to roll on

1-3 Swamp
4-5 Ruins
6 Vermin

Make a Party Fate roll to determine the nature of a door.

Fate roll Door type Roll for traps?

1 Stone, locked Yes
2 Stone, unlocked Yes
3 Opening Yes
4-6 None No
Door traps
If there is a trap on the door, it is a collapsing archway trap.

Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents
11 Unstable structure 31 Slime 51 Pile of bones
12 Unstable structure 32 Floor crack 52 Dark hole
13 Ghost 33 Floor crack 53 Pile of stones
14 Ghost 34 Stench 54 Loose flagstone
15 Rubble 35 Empty 55 Bloodstains
16 Rubble 36 Empty 56 Orbs of light
21 Wandering monster 41 Empty 61 Ancient holy symbol
22 Wandering monster 42 Empty 62 Ancient holy symbol
23 Wandering monster 43 Pile of rags 63 Inscription
24 Wandering monster 44 Broken pottery 64 Inscription
25 Wandering monster 45 Discarded junk 65 Wandering hunters
26 Wandering monster 46 Corpse, humanoid 66 Wandering traders

Corridor traps
If there is a trap in a corridor or a room, make a double Fate roll to determine what kind of trap it is.

Fate roll Trap

1-2 Trap, collapsing ceiling
3-5 Trap, pit
6 Trap, bear
Room contents

Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents
11 Unstable structure 31 Wandering monster 51 Oracle
12 Unstable structure 32 Wandering monster 52 Mosaic floor
13 Ghost 33 Mist 53 Fountain
14 Flooded room 34 Empty 54 Rubble strewn floor
15 Flooded room 35 Empty 55 Sundial
16 Dust 36 Empty 56 Inscription
21 Undergrowth 41 Empty 61 Well
22 Undergrowth 42 Pool 62 Ancient holy symbol
23 Lair 43 Tar 63 Ancient shrine
24 Lair 44 Statue 64 Crystal
25 Lair 45 Pillars 65 Strange plants
26 Lair 46 Grate 66 Chest

Room traps

Fate roll Trap

1-3 Trap, pit
4-6 Trap, collapsing ceiling

Chest traps
If a chest is trapped, it has a hail of darts trap.
Undercity tunnels
This is the tunnels under the city that consist of the sewers and the forgotten remains of an
ancient city.

Light source
Characters do need a light source to explore undercity tunnels as they are underground.

Lairs, quest rooms and wandering monsters

Fate roll Table to roll on

1-3 Undercity
4-5 Ruins
6 Aquatic

Make a Party Fate roll to determine the nature of a door.

Fate roll Door type Roll for traps?

1 Stone, locked Yes
2 Stone, unlocked Yes
3 Opening Yes
4-6 None No
Door traps
If there is a trap on the door, it is a collapsing archway trap.

Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents
11 Unstable structure 31 Incoming tide 51 Broken pottery
12 Unstable structure 32 Incoming tide 52 Corpse, humanoid
13 Wandering monster 33 Flooded corridor 53 Light
14 Wandering monster 34 Flooded corridor 54 Abandoned bottle
15 Wandering monster 35 Stench 55 Wooden box
16 Wandering monster 36 Stench 56 Pile of stones
21 Gust 41 Stench 61 Dark hole
22 Gust 42 Stench 62 Pile of bones
23 Rubble 43 Empty 63 Loose flagstone
24 Rubble 44 Empty 64 Stream
25 Gas pocket 45 Empty 65 Bloodstains
26 Gas pocket 46 Empty 66 Inscription

Corridor traps
If there is a trap in a corridor or a room, make a double Fate roll to determine what kind of trap it is.

Fate roll Trap

1-2 Trap, collapsing ceiling
3-5 Trap, pit
6 Trap, gas
Room contents

Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents
11 Unstable structure 31 Stench 51 Pool
12 Unstable structure 32 Lair 52 Statue
13 Ghost 33 Lair 53 Pillars
14 Ghost 34 Lair 54 Grate
15 Flooded room 35 Lair 55 Room under construction
16 Dust 36 Wandering monster 56 Lab, banewright
21 Gust 41 Wandering monster 61 Dungeon exit
22 Gust 42 Empty 62 Rubble strewn floor
23 Mud 43 Empty 63 Inscription
24 Mud 44 Empty 64 Ancient holy symbol
25 Gas pocket 45 Empty 65 Ancient shrine
26 Stench 46 Sarcophagi 66 Chest

Room traps

Fate roll Trap

1-3 Trap, pit
4-6 Trap, collapsing ceiling
Chest traps
If a chest has a trap, it is a gas trap.
Volcanic caverns
Volcanic caverns are caves in badlands. They are very hot and have lots of rock found near
volcanoes in them.

Light source
Characters need a light source to explore volcanic caverns.

Lairs, quest rooms and wandering monsters

Fate roll Table to roll on

1-3 Volcanic
4-5 Cave
6 Demonic

Make a Party Fate roll to determine the nature of a door.

Fate roll Door type Roll for traps?

1-4 Opening Yes
5-6 None No

Door traps
If a door has a trap, it is a collapsing archway trap.


Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents
11 Lava stream 31 Stifling heat 51 Wandering monster
12 Lava stream 32 Stifling heat 52 Wandering monster
13 Steam vents 33 Gust 53 Floor crack
14 Steam vents 34 Gust 54 Floor crack
15 Unstable structure 35 Ledges 55 Empty
16 Unstable structure 36 Ledges 56 Empty
21 Climb 41 Rubble 61 Empty
22 Climb 42 Rubble 62 Empty
23 Sharp rocks 43 Boulder 63 Ancient holy symbols
24 Sharp rocks 44 Boulder 64 Inscription
25 Ash cloud 45 Wandering monster 65 Dark hole
26 Ash cloud 46 Wandering monster 66 Pile of ash

Corridor traps

Fate roll Trap

1-2 Trap, collapsing ceiling
3-6 Trap, pit
Room contents

Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents
11 Unstable structure 31 Lair 51 Rubble strewn floor
12 Unstable structure 32 Lair 52 Magnetic field
13 Lava globules 33 Lair 53 Metal deposit
14 Lava globules 34 Lair 54 Metal deposit
15 Steam vents 35 Wandering monster 55 Vein
16 Steam vents 36 Wandering monster 56 Vein
21 Ash cloud 41 Empty 61 Crystalline walls
22 Ash cloud 42 Empty 62 Crystalline walls
23 Stifling heat 43 Chaotic magical field 63 Obsidian
24 Stifling heat 44 Chaotic magical field 64 Obsidian
25 Chasm 45 Glowing rocks 65 Gemstone deposit
26 Chasm 46 Glowing rocks 66 Chest

Room traps
If a room has a trap, it is a collapsing ceiling trap.

Chest traps
If a chest has a trap, it is an explosive trap.
Wizard’s tower
An abandoned mine has been abandoned either because its resources have run dry or
because something may have scared off the miners.

Light source
Characters don’t need a light source to explore a wizard’s tower.

Lairs, quest rooms and wandering monsters

Fate roll Table to roll on

1-3 Wizardly
4-5 Construct
6 Undead

Make a Party Fate roll to determine the nature of a door.

Fate roll Door type Roll for traps?

1 Metal, locked Yes
2 Wooden, locked Yes
3 Secret No
4 Puzzle No
5 Metal, unlocked Yes
6 Wooden, unlocked Yes

Door traps
If there is a door trap, it is a rune of fear trap.

Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents Fate roll Corridor contents
11 Bizarre corridor 31 Wandering monster 51 Wooden box
12 Bizarre corridor 32 Wandering monster 52 Abandoned bottle
13 Bizarre corridor 33 Energy beings 53 Broken pottery
14 Runed floor 34 Energy beings 54 Pile of glass
15 Runed floor 35 Tripwire 55 Pile of scrap
16 Runed floor 36 Tripwire 56 Dark hole
21 Wandering monster 41 Empty 61 Orbs of light
22 Wandering monster 42 Empty 62 Orbs of light
23 Wandering monster 43 Empty 63 New holy symbol (Knowledge)
24 Wandering monster 44 Empty 64 New holy symbol (Knowledge)
25 Wandering monster 45 Pile of parchment 65 Inscription
26 Wandering monster 46 Pile of parchment 66 Inscription

Corridor traps
Fate roll Trap
1 Trap, rune of fear
2 Trap, rune of flame
3 Trap, rune of lightning
4 Trap, rune of pain
5 Trap, rune of summoning
6 Trap, rune of teleporting
Room contents
Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents Fate roll Room contents
11 Latrine 31 High gravity 51 Sorcerer’s room
12 Latrine 32 Chaotic magical field 52 Study
13 Lair 33 Magic circle 53 Kitchen
14 Lair 34 Lab, alchemical 54 Larder
15 Lair 35 Lab, astronomical 55 Table and chairs
16 Lair 36 Lab, banewright 56 Well
21 Wandering monster 41 Lab, herbal 61 Communal sleeping room
22 Wandering monster 42 Lab, monster creation 62 Classroom
23 Empty 43 Lab, taxidermy 63 Magnetic field
24 Empty 44 Library 64 New holy symbol (Knowledge)
25 Empty 45 Magical chamber 65 Shrine, new (Knowledge)
26 Empty 46 Ritual room 66 Chest

Room traps
Fate roll Trap
1 Trap – rune of flame
2 Trap – rune of lightning
3 Trap – rune of pain
4-5 Trap – rune of summoning
6 Trap, rune of teleporting

Chest traps
Fate roll Traps
1-2 Hidden beast
3-4 Explosion
5-6 Gas trap
Pillars of the community!

Dungeons could contain endless treasure or an unpleasant death. Usually, they

contain both. Use this book to determine what form both will take!

This is the SCRAWL Dungeons Table book. This is used in conjunction with the
SCRAWL Dungeons Encounter book.

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