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3 - D - ingles

Ingles (eg Ingles)

2 0

1. Board game: Juego de mesa 5. Solar-powered: func con energia solar
2. Floor: suelo, piso 6. Spacesuit: Traje espacial
3. Mars: Marte 7. Sun: sol
4. Send(v): enviar 8. Sweet: dulce

A white house .

2 0
1. Number of floors: .
2. Rooms downstairs: .
3. Households objects: .
4. Number of bedrooms: .
5. Electricity: Yes / No
6. Internet: Yes / No

1. Is the house in Hawaii or on Mars? .

2. Who lives in the house? .
3. What are the scientists interested in? .

1. New : modern .
2. A color: .
3. Not big: .
4. Nice to be in: .
5. Nice to look at: .

1.Big: small.
2.Old: .
3.Uncomfortable: .
4.Ugly: .

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1. Average: 6. Size:
2. Cheap: 7. Square: .
3. Everything: . 8. These: .
4. Feet: . 9. Tiny: .
5. Home: . 10. Upstairs: .

1. Is your house or apartment big? .

2. How many rooms are there in your house or apartment? .
3. Are big houses popular in your country? .

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