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Playing sports is a good way to be healthy.

In this chapter, we are going to talk about the world of sports.

To start, discuss the questions below with a friend.

A woman stretches before playing sports.

Do you play any sports?

Do you have a favourite sport? Which one?

Do you think sports are important to our health? Why?


What are the benefits that sports bring?

If you could be a professional sports player, which sport(s) would you practice?

I love sports!
Practising sports is a great choice. Do you know why?

Read the text below and find some evidence of the importance of practising sports.

An illustration of different objects related to sports.

The first reason why it's important to practice sports is that it influences the quality of life.
A healthy, quality life requires both body and mind in perfect conditions, which brings

disposition, energy and strength. Let's see, below, some benefits of sport.

1) It benefits the body and mind.

2) It increases brain oxygenation.

3) It stimulates cognitive activities.

4) It increases "good cholesterol" and decreases "bad cholesterol".

5) It strengthens bones.

6) It improves sleep.

7) It strengthens muscles.

8) It increases cardiorespiratory capacity.

It is important to remember that doing any physical activity requires care and preparation.

You need to wear appropriate clothing and check your health status to see what physical

activity is proper for your health conditions.

 Glossário
Cognitive: connected with thinking or conscious mental processes.

Increase: become or make greater in size, amount, intensity or degree.

Oxygenation: the addition of oxygen to any system, including the human body.

Strengthen: become or make stronger.

Agora é com você

Questão 01

Read the text again and answer the questions below.


What's the first reason why it's important to practice sports?


Mention below some benefits of playing sports.

Motivation in sports
Some studies show that people who play sports feel happier and motivated, but how can

you find the motivation to play sports?

Read the text below and reflect on motivation in sports.

A picture of a motivated person.

In addition to discipline, commitment and natural ability, the key to a good performance in
sports is mental strength. Still, some people do not understand exactly how the mind can
affect the chances of success.

For example, motivating a team efficiently is a key skill for anyone who works in the sports
field. Achieving high performance requires more than technical skills. It is necessary to
cultivate the right attitude.

Each person has a form of motivation, personal goals and inspiration. What is the
motivation of a team that is in the last position? What motivates an athlete who is not on
the official team? What makes an athlete want to continue training after losing a game?

It is important to analyse the internal and external aspects and discover the real
motivation. A good example is whether the athlete takes the sport to the competitive level
or only participatory level; if he/she wants to be among the first or if the satisfaction of

participating is enough. Whatever it is, the important thing is always to be motivated.

 Glossário
Achieve: to succeed in finishing something or reaching an aim, especially after a lot of
work or effort.

Participatory: involving or characterized by participation.

Skill: the ability to do something well, expertise.

Express yourself!

Now, answer the questions (orally) below in pairs.

Why are sports so good for us?

How do you feel when you exercise?

Agora é com você

Questão 01

Answer the questions below according to the text.


What is necessary besides discipline, commitment and skill in sports?


In addition to technical skills, what else is required for high performance in sports?


Do all people have the same forms of motivation?


Give an example of an athlete who has motivation.


When you do something, what motivates you? Share it with your friend.

It's time to read: we want to play soccer

Soccer or football is one of the most popular sports in the world. There are different
championships and events involving this famous sport.

Read the letter below and then answer the questions.

A letter to the principal

Illustration of a ball being kicked.

Dear Mr Firzlaff:

Imagine you have a favourite sport that you love to play, and it is not offered at your middle school?
Soccer, softball, gymnastics, baseball, and lacrosse are some just to name a few. I enjoy playing
soccer a lot! I have played soccer since I was 5 years old. I wish it was offered to play after school
with all my classmates. I hope someday Roosevelt Middle School will offer soccer for an after-school
sport so students can try it before high school.

One reason to have after-school soccer is that it provides an excellent opportunity for exercise.
When I go to soccer practice and count my steps on my fit bit, I am usually between 4000-
7000 steps after practice. Soccer is a fantastic way to burn calories and stay in shape. Playing soccer
for 30 minutes, you can burn between 150-300 calories. Soccer gets your heart rate up and uses
coordination. Getting outside in the sunshine gives you vitamin D.

Soccer is a sport that boys and girls can participate in and play together. Schools could offer teams
for just girls and just boys or combine them. I would prefer that it was just a girls’ team because boys
can be more intense when they play; at least that is what my coach says. The more students that
sign up, the more teams we could have to play each other. Other schools should offer soccer too, so
we would have many teams to play against each other. The sport of soccer does not require a gym
because we can just use an open field.

Lastly, if Roosevelt offered soccer after school it would be something new for students to try. The
only equipment each person would need is; tennis shoes and long socks. The school hopefully would
provide soccer balls and nets. After school soccer would be a chance for kids to see if they like it

before high school and meet new friends. Mostly teacher helps coach after school sports, so it would
be a chance for kids to see their teacher as a coach!

On the other hand, there are budget cuts and the school might not be able to pay for equipment and
coaches. It might also be difficult to find coaches for this sport. Schools might feel that they offer
enough choices for sports, and they do not need it anymore. Kids might be happy with their other
sports and activities and not want to try soccer. If the weather is bad or the fields are muddy, teams
might not have a place to play. Besides, families might not want to purchase long socks.

In conclusion, I hope you consider offering soccer at Roosevelt. Soccer is an awesome exercise,
exciting for boys and girls to play, and something new for kids to try. It does not require much
equipment and anyone can join! Maybe someday Dubuque Middle schools offer soccer for after
school sport, and this would make my day! Thank you for your consideration.



Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 2 fev. 2019


 Glossário
Budget cuts: the act of reducing budgeted (sumo of money) expenditures.

Coach: someone whose job is to teach people to improve at a sport, skill or school subject.

Heart rate: the speed of the heartbeat measured by the number of contractions.

Lastly: in the last place (used to introduce the last of a series of points or actions).

Muddy: covered in or full of mud.

Provide: make available for use, supply.

Agora é com você

Questão 01


What is the subject of Emily's letter?


At what age did Emily start playing soccer?


What reasons does Emily mention for the director to accept her request?


What is Emily's suggestion for forming teams?


Emily mentions some difficulties that may not allow soccer after school. What are they?


What sports would you like your school to offer after class? Discuss this with your

Mão na massa:
a new sport

As you know, soccer is a popular sport and people love it, but the principal of

the school suggested an activity to Emily and other students who want to play

Dear Emily,

What about creating a new sport with your friends? If you create a very
interesting sport, you can play soccer and the other sport too, what do you

think? My suggestion: Think about a new sport with your colleagues and present

your idea next week, ok?


Mr. Firzlaff

Check what materials you will need for this task.


• Pen, pencils.

• Cardboards.

• Pictures or drawings.

Considering this, pretend you are one of Emily's friend, who is going to help
her create a new sport. Group up with your classmates. Think about the

answers to the questions below as a guide to help you in the procedures.


Is it a team or an individual sport?

How many players are needed?

What are the rules?

Do you need equipment to play it? If you do, what equipment?

Where is it played? In a court, a pool, a field?

What is the name of your sport?


After the presentation to the class, it is a moment for the class to discuss the

sports that were created. Ask questions and discuss relevant points.

Pratique: sports' vocabulary

Pratique: sports' vocabulary
Questão 01


What are the most common sports in Brazil?


What is your favourite sport?

Questão 02


How many sports can you find? Find 12 sports and write them down.



Now, relate the pictures to the words.






















Questão 03

Name the pictures with the corresponding sports.

A) Polo.

B) Equestrian.

C) Fencing.

D) Lacrosse.

E) Water polo.

F) Bowling.










Questão 04

Do some research and complete the table with the number of players for each sport. Use a

dictionary if necessary.

Questão 05

Do you have the habit of watching sports? Which ones do you watch? Why? Have you ever

watched a sport you didn't know the rules? Was it a good experience?

It's time to read: women in sports

Nowadays there are many women that practice sports, but in the past this scenario was
very different. Read the text below and understand how things were back then.

They can do it!

A boxer punching.

Women should have the same chances as men in all activities, but did you know that in sport there is
still a difference between genders? In Ancient Greece people believed that women would become
masculine with exercise and didn’t have conditions for the practice of sports.

After that, the International Olympic Committee recognized women as Olympic athletes only in 1936
and women only had the right to participate in all Olympic sports in 2012.

Since the beginning, many women fight to change this reality. There are many incredible women who
inspire us everyday showing how great woman can be in sports.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: maio 2020 (adaptado).

Now, watch the video below. Answer: what sport is represented?

Then, answer the questions about it.


Agora é com você

Questão 01

Watch the video again and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).


Some girls from California won at the Junior Olympics in 2017.


Sandra Tovar only has time to do her homework before boxing training.


The girl-boxers from California are very motivated to win.

Great women in sports

Get to know some great women of the sports: Viktoriya Fiodorovna Azarenka, a tennis
player, and Marta Vieira da Silva, a football player.

A picture of Victoria Azarenka.
Neale Cousland /

Viktoriya Fiodorovna Azarenka, also known as Victoria Azarenka, was born in Minsk on
31 July 1989. At age 14, Azarenka moved from Minsk to Scottsdale in the United States to

practice tennis.

She is a Belarusian tennis player who became junior world champion in 2005. As a
professional, she came to the top of the WTA world ranking on January 30, 2012.

By reaching the position in the WTA ranking, she became the Belarusian with the best

ranking in tennis history. She currently ranks second in the WTA singles ranking. In
January 2012, she became the first Belarusian to reach the top of the list and win a Grand
Slam by beating Maria Sharapova in the Australian Open final in 2012. That same year she

won Belarus's first Olympic medal in tennis by conquering bronze in the single's category
at the 2012 London Olympics.

On July 15, 2016, without playing since the 2016 Roland Garros Tournament because of a
right knee injury, Azarenka announced via social networks that she was pregnant, which

will leave her off the court for months, including Olympic Games.

A picture of Marta.
Antonio Scorza /

Marta Vieira da Silva was born in Dois Riachos, Alagoas, on February 19, 1986. She is a

Brazilian soccer player who plays as an attacker. She currently plays for Orlando Pride in

the United States.

Marta has been chosen as the best footballer in the world six times, five of them in a row,

a record for women and men. She was considered by Revista Época to be one of the 100
most influential Brazilians of the year 2009. In 2015, she became the greatest striker in the
history of the Women's World Cup with 15 goals and also became the greatest striker in the

history of Brazilian Selection (counting the Masculine and the Feminine) with 101 goals. She
is considered the greatest footballer of all time.

Agora é com você

Questão 01

Answer the questions about the tennis player Victoria Azarenka.


What happened to Victoria in 2005?


What other great tennis player was beaten by Victoria?


When did she reach the top of the WTA world ranking?

Questão 02

Answer the questions about the soccer player Marta.


For what team does she play?


What is she considered?

Express yourself!

Answer the questions below, in pairs (orally):

Who are your favourite athletes?

What are other women athletes you know?

Pratique: inspiring personalities in sports

Questão 01

Read the text and answer the questions.

Illustration of the Olympic torch.

Olympic Games

Olympic Games is a global multi-sport event with summer and winter modalities, where

thousands of athletes participate in various competitions. Currently, the Games are held
every four years. Originally, the Olympic Games of Antiquity were held in Olympia, Greece,
from the century BC to the century AD. In the twentieth century, the games were

adapted, including the creation of the Winter Games for ice and snow sports, the
Paralympic Games for physically and visually impaired athletes and the Youth Olympic
Games for teenage athletes.

The Games have grown, and almost all nations participate. Unfortunately, growth also has

drawbacks, such as boycotts, doping, corruption and terrorism. Every four years, the
Olympic Games media provide unknown athletes with the chance to achieve national fame
and, in special cases, international fame. The Games are also an important opportunity for

the city and the country to promote and show itself to the world.


What is the definition of the Olympics presented in the text?


Do the Olympics happen every year?


Where did the Olympics take place in the beginning?


What happened to the Olympic Games in the twentieth century?


The growth of the Olympics was great, but it also brought negative factors. Which ones are


Why is it important for a country to host the Olympics?

Questão 02

After reading LeBron James's profile, answer the questions below.

Picture of LeBron James.

LeBron James Raymone was born in Akron on December 30, 1984. He is an American
basketball player who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers of the NBA. James has been a three-

time NBA Finals best player in the 2012, 2013 and 2016 seasons and has been named the
most valuable player of the regular season on four occasions in 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013.
Individually, he holds numerous brands in the NBA, as the highest scorer in the history of

the Cleveland Cavaliers, All-Star Game and Play-offs, as well as being the All-NBA First Team
selection record. With the American Team, he was a two-time Olympic champion in 2008
and 2012, receiving after winning the 2012 London Men's Athlete of the Year award for USA



Where and when was LeBron James born?


What happened to him in 2012, 2013 and 2016?


What team does he play for?

Questão 03

Do some research about your favourite athlete and write a short paragraph about him/her.
Include the following information:

• What his/her full name is.

• Where he/she is from.

• His/her birth date.

• What sports he/she practices.

• What achievements he/she has accomplished.

• Curiosities about him/her.

After you gathered some information about your favourite athlete, write a short paragraph
about him/her. Your paragraph should have about 50 words.

Questão 04

A day in the life of an athlete

Have you ever wondered what it's like being an elite athlete? In 2013, Seb Rogers, a 400 m hurdles
athlete, won a silver medal at the European U23 Championships and reached the semifinals of the
World Championships. He also represented Great Britain at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil. This is what Seb Rogers says about it:

Being an athlete our normal routine can be very boring. We are creatures of habit. I usually get
8 hours of sleep. Sleeping is so important for us to recover. I always listen to music. Most days I
train at 10:30 in the morning, I make sure I finish breakfast a good hour before I get to
training, it is essential for me to be hydrated and fuelled for my training session. I train 6 days
a week, with Sunday being my only full day off. I usually eat a lot of chicken, pasta, salad, and
vegetables. Sport has given me so much, so much happiness, a lot of tears, a lot of sacrifices but
I wouldn’t change it for the world. It is where I truly feel free, focused and determined to be the
best athlete and person I can be. Every time I step on the track or gym, I am looking forward to
learning something new about myself.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: maio

2020 (adaptado).


What does Seb Rogers say about athletes?


What does he usually eat?


"Sport has given me so much, so much happiness, a lot of tears, a lot of sacrifices but I wouldn’t
change it for the world."

Is his general view of sports positive or negative?

A Positive.

B Negative.

Questão 05

The Olympics website has many examples of sports. Choose a sport from the website, do

some research and then find an important athlete of this sport.


• Reading and text comprehension of texts related to sports; the benefits for physical and
mental health sports bring (such as brain oxygenation, sleep quality, among others).

• Vocabulary related to sports, individual as well as group sports; the motivation sports
may bring; great women in sports and the prohibition for women in many ancient
Greek cities.

• Adjectives in the context of sports and athletes, how to identify and use these
adjectives correctly. The meanings of them and their opposite.

• What prepositions are, how to use them and some classifications (place, time and to
express ability). The most common ones are: in, on, at.


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