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University of Bahrain

College of Engineering
Department of Architecture and Interior Design

Graduation Project I (ARCG 511)

2022/2023 - Semester 1


of neuropsychology rehabilitation

Name: Ula Mustafa Al-Hassan
ID: 20177043

of neuropsychology rehabilitation
Section: 10
Instructor: Islam El-Ghonaimy

1. Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................................................................ 4
1.1. Project description ................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Significance of Bahrain’s 2030 vision ....................................................................................... 4
1.3. Project objectives..................................................................................................................... 4
2. Chapter 2: theoretical literature .................................................................................................... 5
2.1. The evolution of neuropsychology rehabilitation...................................................................... 5
2.2. Therapeutic architecture philosophy in designing .................................................................... 5
2.3. Relationship between architecture and treatment ..................................................................... 5
2.4. The Impact of Indoor, Outdoor, and Urban Architecture on Human Psychology ....................... 5
2.5. Creativity for curing through art therapy .................................................................................. 5
2.6. The phenomenology theory of the bodily experience ............................................................... 5
2.7. The impact of meditation on the individual ............................................................................... 6
2.8. Colors and their impact on therapy and visual comfort ............................................................ 6
2.9. Conclusion............................................................................................................................... 6
3. Chapter 3: Case studies analysis ................................................................................................. 7
3.1. Case study a: Stanford health care neuroscience ..................................................................... 7
3.2. Lessons learned ....................................................................................................................... 7
3.3. Case study a: Think Behavior and Development Center ........................................................... 7
3.4. Lessons learned ....................................................................................................................... 8
3.5. Case study a: head and heart psychotherapy and counseling .................................................. 8
3.6. Lessons learned ....................................................................................................................... 9
4. Chapter 4: The spatial program .................................................................................................. 10
4.1. The Main Entrance Zone's Spatial Program ............................................................................ 10
4.2. The Waiting Zone Spatial Program ......................................................................................... 11
4.3. Non-Patients Public Zone Spatial Program ............................................................................. 11
4.4. Non-Patients Private Zone Spatial Program ............................................................................ 12
4.5. Patients’ mental health zone spatial program ......................................................................... 12
4.6. Patients’ learning zone spatial program ................................................................................. 14
4.7. Inpatient accommodation zone spatial program ..................................................................... 15
4.8. Services zone spatial program ............................................................................................... 16
4.9. Outdoor zone spatial program ................................................................................................ 17
5. Chapter 5: The selected sites ..................................................................................................... 18
5.1. The Site Selection Criteria ...................................................................................................... 18
5.2. The Site Selection .................................................................................................................. 18
5.3. Site A: Diyar Al Muharraq ....................................................................................................... 18
5.4. Site B: Al-Seef ........................................................................................................................ 19
5.5. Site C: Al-Durah – Southern Government ............................................................................... 19
5.6. The selection site ................................................................................................................... 19
6. Chapter 6: Passive environmental control techniques and sustainable renewable energy systems
6.1. The technical aspect of the façade (Kinetic façade) ................................................................ 20
6.2. The influence of building form on microclimate...................................................................... 20
6.3. Interior technologies .............................................................................................................. 20
6.4. Passive design's important aspects ....................................................................................... 21
6.5. Wind energy ........................................................................................................................... 21
6.6. Greywater recycling ............................................................................................................... 21

Figure 1 The façade of the health care ................................................................................................... 7
Figure 2 Basement plan .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3 Ground floor plan ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 4 First floor plan ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 5 3D picture of the center............................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 6 Site zoning of the center ........................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 7 Zone 1 plan ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 8 Zone 2 plan ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 9 Zone 3 plan ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 10 Zone 4 plan ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Figure 11 The front façade of the therapy center .................................................................................................. 9
Figure 12 Ground floor zoning plan ........................................................................................................................ 9
Figure 13 First floor zoning plan ............................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 14 The site selection of the Bahrain map .................................................................................................. 18
Figure 15 Location of Diyar AL-Muharraq site ..................................................................................................... 18
Figure 16 Location of Al-Seef site ......................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 17 Location of Al-Durrah site ..................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 18 Kinetic façade on a building .................................................................................................................. 20
Figure 19 Detail element of the kinetic facade ..................................................................................................... 20
Figure 20 Daylight stimulation to kinetic facade .................................................................................................. 20
Figure 21 openings in kinetic facade .................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 22 Vertisolacoustics sound proofing......................................................................................................... 20
Figure 23 Eco style environment in the interior space ......................................................................................... 20
Figure 24 Double skin facade ................................................................................................................................ 21
Figure 25 Solar panels generating method ........................................................................................................... 21
Figure 26 Generating electrical power through wind energy ............................................................................... 21
Figure 27 Benefiting from the greywater recycling to benefit the surrounding environment ............................. 21
1. Chapter 1: Introduction
\Rehabilitation is founded on the premise that everyone has a natural propensity and right to be an
expert in their health care while developing a set of treatments meant to enhance functioning and
minimize handicaps in people with health issues who interact with their environment specially
common and as brain problems are becoming more common the neuropsychology is a specialty
dedicated to understanding brain-behavior relationships and applying such knowledge to the
assessment of cognitive, affective, and behavioral functioning
1.1. Project description
, a special place that is directly connected for the users who suffer from it which will
make freedom while not feeling different from the local communities by bonding them, especially
because in the middle east mental problems aren't taken seriously and most people feel ashamed to
admit it due to the society. Innovation in architecture and space provides visitors with fresh
experiences with contemporary relations in connection with building the multifunctional material that
is the main concept of the resort project while also paying attention to treating neuropsychology
patients by combining them with the normal community which gives opportunities to socialize and
create a new treatment for patients in that idea can be done based on the expanding requirements
and opportunities of demand in this direction. Such growth was seen in the corporate, sports,
entertainment, religious facilities, and theme parks, which describes the potential for tourism-related
services also taking this resort to be used by the patients in the neuropsychology rehabilitation center
which is an open-access journal program under supervision for those with the nervous system,
memory, and attention that indicates patients’ zones which divides into inpatient and outpatient and
zones for kids that are different from the adult’s section and each one of those sections has their own
specific treatments style and needs which will help for people who came specifically for direct
treatment and learning to provide it for them and it for the people who can feel better while just
incorporating through the integration of communities so they won’t be feeling different from the
normal people and feel bonded together as a one by creating this safe place that no one would feel
isolated or unique.
1.2. Significance of Bahrain’s 2030 vision
Bahrain will be a regional leader in modern medicine, providing high-quality, financially sustainable
health care. As the system caters to the healthcare demands of its fast-rising and aging population
and addresses significant risk factors, patients will have a choice of public and private providers that
match worldwide standards for healthcare service. The government will be critical in enhancing the
health system Through the process of providing a sense of safety in the patient to encourage and
promote a healthy lifestyle
1.3. Project objectives
Developing a healing therapeutic architecture for the individuals wellbeing in which this resort will
work as a detoxification feature for them to get rid of their bad sentiments, allowing them to develop,
cope with, adapt for, and adjust to these situations. This will introduce a new approach of treating
people as one without creating a separation between patients and people and without making the
patients feel like their different, this will create a more fun experience for the project as they are being
treated as one and not separating or isolating them from the community or the open environmental
spaces and pertains to the comfort of the building's occupants, both physically and mentally.
2. Chapter 2: theoretical literature
Creating a continuous line that projects the evolution of the neuropsychology rehab and what are the
most important principles that should be taken into consideration for the patients to create full
treatment measures. The future of rehabilitation is also considering creating the best solutions for the
users when it comes to creating enlightenment with normal to special activities such as special
meditation methods, and special visual art therapy sessions with different types to create the vision
2.1. The evolution of neuropsychology rehabilitation
The Institute for Research into the Consequences of Brain Injuries was founded by Goldstein during
World War 1 and identified numerous tactics, many of which are still used in current vocational
rehabilitation programs. Emotions are a complex set of interactions between subjective and objective
variables that are med by neural and hormonal systems. These interactions can give rise to affective
experiences of emotional valence. The relationship between learning theory and behavior
modification is fundamental, and it has been applied in rehabilitation in problem-solving and cognitive
2.2. Therapeutic architecture philosophy in designing
"Therapeutic architecture" refers to an idea that captures the hope and potential of creating beautiful
architectural spaces that encourage healing. This idea does not imply that the architecture itself can
heal patients, but rather that architectural manipulation of structures and space can allow for other
environmental factors such as sound, color, views, smell, and light, all of which contribute to a
therapeutic environment being created and when it comes to building rehabilitation centers would
benefit from architectural designs that tended toward calm places can be done by connecting nature
with physical activity, which promotes health, and by engaging in socializing it can be done by
connecting nature to physical activity.
2.3. Relationship between architecture and treatment
Studies on artificial ventilation and its impact on health outcomes are also being conducted in this
regard. Healthcare facility design should take this recovery and rehabilitation pathway's elasticity and
flexibility into account. The human body can become relaxed and happy by listening to music. This
increases body warmth while decreasing neuroendocrine and sympathetic nervous system activity
allowing patients to fully participate as partners in their care, providing flexibility to personalize each
patient's care, and encouraging caregivers to be responsive to patients and foster a connection to
nature and beauty are all factors that can directly affect a patient's outcome.
2.4. The Impact of Indoor, Outdoor, and Urban Architecture on Human Psychology
The interaction and link between the architectural plan and human brain psychology are important in
understanding the relationship between humans and human design, as well as the influence of the
environment. The study of human participation and performance, particularly in the context of human
design or influence, is known as architectural psychology.
2.5. Creativity for curing through art therapy
some types of art therapy like movement therapy, drama therapy, music therapy and visual art
therapy will create a viable alternative to other treatment modalities when they are no longer working
and can help them manage and cope with these issues.
2.6. The phenomenology theory of the bodily experience
. Bodily experiences in architecture are environments in which people can sense and experience their
body's sensing system. The sensory system of the human body is comprised of several sensory
processes. To truly appreciate places and architecture, one is required to employ several sensory
faculties such as touch, taste, hearing, smell, and sight, which can be accomplished by Researchers
can assess user perceptions and learn the values of each region by moving and walking in this section
of the city. as well as each space Designing spaces that focus on the geometric qualities of space is
free of emotions, feelings, and memories.
2.7. The impact of meditation on the individual
Using the technique of meditation can unwind our bodies and minds while also clearing our minds of
unimportant thoughts and mental activity one must focus his or her mind at one specific point and
still the mind. popular types of meditation like yoga meditation, vipassana Meditation, mindfulness
meditation, walking, and vibration meditation.
2.8. Colors and their impact on therapy and visual comfort
"The psychological impacts of color" refers to a variety of emotional, mental, and behavioral reactions
and associations related to particular hues. Affect, preference, and cognitive judgments colors affect
psychological factors as warm hues are supposed to stimulate individuals and make them feel
energized and happy. Cool hues, on the other hand, are said to be calming and make people feel
secure and relaxed. Low color transparency, low purity, cold color, and simple texture can produce a
receding feeling, making people feel quiet, and it shows profound and simple cultural deposits; high
color transparency, high purity, warm color, and rich texture can produce a feeling of advance,
boisterousness, and prosperity, making people excited.
2.9. Conclusion
People can utilize their imagination to generate happy outcomes and be anxiety-free through art
therapy is particularly useful in treating mental health difficulties and behavioral disorders.
Architectural elements such as creating a special corner for people who suffer from anxiety and
depression to feel more on the safer side as these people could have some kind of panic attacks will
help them feel more isolated and have specific colors that represent the natural color scheme would
help to feel relaxed while creating one color that could stand out to create a contrast for creating a
specific language for each color it could be yellow for energizing and blue for relaxation. Circulation
and the interior spaces play one major point to support the psychological mind, creating unconscious
activities will help the patients not think about their disease or be afraid of doing a specific activity
this will lead them to be more independent and feel like a normal person to create a decision making.
3. Chapter 3: Case studies analysis

3.1. Case study a: Stanford health care neuroscience

Location: United States, Year: 2016

Architect: TEF Architects
California Area: 95,000 square feet

Figure 2 Basement plan

Figure 1 The façade of the health care

Figure 3 Ground floor plan

Figure 4 First floor plan

3.2. Lessons learned

It combines a physically and emotionally supportive care setting with reducing technology ad focuses
on the autonomy of the individual ad creates a depending method for the patients, some of the spaces
in the building can create activities and treatment methods that integrate the family of the patients
with the patient to feel more comfortable in the space
3.3. Case study a: Think Behavior and Development Center

Location: Bahrain, Saar Year: 2013

Figure 6 Site zoning of the center
Figure 5 3D picture of the center

Figure 8 Zone 2 plan

Figure 7 Zone 1 plan

Figure 10 Zone 4 plan

Figure 9 Zone 3 plan

3.4. Lessons learned

Engaging with the behavior Analysis, Occupational Therapy, and Speech and Language Therapy that
cares for children and teenagers with neurodevelopmental disorders and behavioral issues Both in-
person and virtual evaluation, treatment, and training.
3.5. Case study a: head and heart psychotherapy and counseling

Location: Bahrain, Saar Year: 2015

Figure 11 The front façade of the therapy center

Figure 12 Ground floor zoning plan

Figure 13 First floor zoning plan

3.6. Lessons learned

The focus on the therapy and psychology aspect of the patients who got into traumas of their
incidents and having these sessions to support them and make their mental health a priority. By
getting good mental health the whole improvement journey will be much easier to heal.
4. Chapter 4: The spatial program
4.1. The Main Entrance Zone's Spatial Program

Space Users Area/Person Area m2 Inside No. of Total Outside Total Reference Sub-Total Design Criteria
Circulation% Units Area m2 Circulation% Gross Area

1- Main entrance zone

Public spaces

• Info desk 2 2.5 5 Included 1 5 - 5 NEU.303 Ground floor- open plan

• Lobby - 0.8 80 30% 1 104 - 104 Assumed Ground floor- Double height-
Natural light- open plan - flexible
• WC - 0.5 15 Included 2 2(15) - 30 NEU.207 -

• Praying hall - 0.5 15 Included 2 2(15) - 30 Assumed -

• Lounge 30 1.6 50 Included 1 50 30% 50 Assumed Ground floor- Double height-

Natural light- Semi outdoor
• Security office 2 25.6 25.6 Included 1 25.6 - 25.6 Assumed Controlled access

Ground floor- Double height-

Natural light- open plan –
• Café ( kitchen + storage ) 15 3.3 50 30% 1 65 30% 84.5 NEU.311 flexible- natural ventilation

• Reception 2 2.5 5 Included 1 5 - 5 NEU.303 Open plan

• Lobby - 0.8 80 30% 1 104 - 104 Assumed

Open plan – double heights-
• Waiting area 8 1.25 10 20% 1 12 - 12 Space Stnds. 9
2011) Open plan – natural light
• Project manager zone 1 25.6 25.6 Included 1 25.6 - 25.6 NEU.412

- Lounge - 16 16 Included 1 25.6 - 25.6 NEU.320 -

- Meeting room 8 2.75 22 30% 1 28.6 - 28.6 Space Stnds . 8

- WC 1 15 15 Included 1 15 - 15 NEU.207

- Office 1 25.6 25.6 Included 1 25.6 - 25.6 NEU.412

- Storage - - 9 30% 1 11.7 - 11.7 NEU.350

• HR zone - -

- Lounge - 16 16 Included 1 25.6 - 25.6 NEU.320

- Meeting room 8 2.75 22 30% 1 28.6 - 28.6 Space Stnds . 8

- WC 2 7.5 15 Included 2 2(15) - 30 NEU.207

- Office 1 25.6 25.6 Included 1 25.6 - 25.6 NEU.412

- Storage - - 9 30% 1 11.7 - 11.7 NEU.350

• IT & Accountant zone - -

- Lounge - 16 16 Included 1 25.6 - 25.6 NEU.320

(Bauhaus, n.d.)

- Meeting room 8 2.75 22 30% 1 28.6 - 28.6 Space Stnds . 8

- WC 2 7.5 15 Included 2 2(15) - 30 NEU.207

- Co-working space - 50 50 Included 1 50 - 50 Assumed

- Storage - - 9 30% 1 11.7 - 11.7 NEU.350

• Archive - - 9 30% 1 11.7 - 11.7 NEU.350

• Kitchenette zone -

- Kitchenette 2 1 12 30% 1 15.6 - 15.6 Space Stnds . 8

- Sitting area 5 2 10 Included 1 10 - 10 NEU.320

• Services - - 89 30% 1 15.6 - 15.6 NEU.350 Controlled access zone

AREA = 813 m2
4.2. The Waiting Zone Spatial Program

Space Users Area/Person Area m2 Inside No. of Total Outside Total References Sub-Total Design Criteria
Circulation% Units Area Circulation% Gross Area
m2 Area

2- Waiting building
Public spaces

Open plan – Natural light –

natural ventilation- Flexible-
• Waiting area - 1.1 55 Included 1 55 Included 55 NEU.311 double height
( 10%)
Digital computers Double height- outdoor
( 10%) access- mechanical ventilation
Reading areas – ground floor- acoustic
• Library 30 2 60 ( 10 % ) 1 78 25% 97.5 NEU.205 consideration
Open plan- mechanical
ventilation- natural light
• Book café ( kitchen + storage ) 20 2.5 50 Included 1 50 Included 50 NEU.311 outdoor access
Open plan- mechanical
ventilation- natural light
outdoor access- semi-outdoor-
• Café ( kitchen + storage ) 15 3.3 50 30% 1 65 30% 84.5 NEU.311 ground floor
Open plan- mechanical
ventilation- natural light
• Restaurant ( kitchen + storage ) 20 3 60 30% 1 78 30% 101.4 NEU.311 outdoor access

• WC - 15 15 Included 2 2(15) 20% 36 NEU.207 -

mechanical ventilation-
• Art exhibition 30 13.3 40 30% 1 52 0% 52 Assumed natural light outdoor access

• Galleries / displaying 30 13.3 40 30% 1 52 0% 52 Assumed

Open plan- mechanical
ventilation- natural light
• Kids area 35 1.4 50 30% 1 65 20% 78 Assumed outdoor access
Total gross area 530 m2

4.3. Non-Patients Public Zone Spatial Program

Space Users Area/Person Area m2 Inside No. of Total Outside Total References Sub-Total Design Criteria
Circulation% Units Area Circulation% Gross Area
m2 Area

3- non-patient building
Public spaces

Open plan- mechanical

ventilation- natural light
• Café ( kitchen + storage ) 15 3.3 50 30% 1 65 30% 84.5 NEU.311 outdoor access
Open plan- mechanical
ventilation- natural light
• Restaurant ( kitchen + storage ) 35 1.5 50 30% 1 65 30% 84.5 NEU.311 outdoor access

• WC - 0.5 15 Included 2 2(15) 20% 36 NEU.207 -

Ground floor- Double height-
• Lounge - 30 16 Included 1 16 30% 20.8 NEU.320 Natural light- Semi outdoor
Open plan- mechanical
ventilation- natural light
• Exhibition 30 13.3 40 30% 1 52 0% 52 Assumed outdoor access
4.4. Non-Patients Private Zone Spatial Program

Space Users Area/Person Area m2 Inside No. of Total Outside Total Gross References Sub-Total Design Criteria
Circulation% Units Area Circulation% Area Area

Meditation zone
Acoustic consideration –
- Meditation cabin 2 10 20 15% 6 6(20) 20% 166.8 Assumed natural ventilation – Flexible
Acoustic consideration –
- Collaborative meditation 8 2.5 20 15% 2 2(20) 0% 46 NEU.317 natural ventilation – Flexible

- Yoga MEDITATION 8 2.5 20 15% 2 2(20) 20% 55.2 NEU.317 natural ventilation – Flexible

- Multi-purpose meditation 10 10 20 15% 2 2(20) 20% 55.2 NEU.317 natural ventilation – Flexible

- Farming meditation 10 10 20 15% 2 2(20) 20% 55.2 NEU.317 natural ventilation – Flexible

- Storage - - 9 30% 1 11.7 25% 14.625 NEU.350 -

- Lounge - 2.2 16 Included 1 25.6 30% 33.28 NEU.320 Ground floor- Double height

Therapy zone

- Visual art therapy 10 10 20 15% 2 2(20) 20% 55.2 NEU.317 Acoustic consideration –
natural ventilation – Flexible-
- Quran therapy 10 10 20 15% 2 2(20) 20% 55.2 NEU.317 double heigh- semi-outdoor-
- Music therapy 8 2.5 20 15% 2 46 0% 46 NEU.317 natural lighting

- Storage - - 9 30% 1 11.7 0% 11.7 NEU.350

- Lounge - 2.2 16 Included 1 25.6 0% 25.6 NEU.320

Workshop zone

- Pottery workshop 15 2.3 35 15% 2 2(35) 20% 96.6 Assumed

- Art workshop 15 2.3 35 15% 2 2(35) 20% 96.6 Assumed

- Storage - - 9 30% 2 23.4 0% 23.4 NEU.350

- First aid 4 2 8 15% 1 9.2 0% 9.2 NEU.380
- Lounge - 2.2 16 Included 1 25.6 0% 25.6 NEU.320
semi-outdoor- natural
• WC - 3 15 Included 2 2(15) 20% 36 NEU.207 lighting
• Sharing lounge - 2.2 16 Included 1 25.6 0% 25.6 NEU.320
semi-outdoor- natural
• Therapeutic garden 15 2 30 15% 1 34.5 20% 41.4 Assumed lighting
TOTAL GROSS semi-outdoor- natural
AREA = 974.41 lighting

4.5. Patients’ mental health zone spatial program

Space Users Area/Person Area m2 Inside No. of Total Outside Total References Sub-Total Design Criteria
Circulation% Units Area m2 Circulation% Gross Area

4- Patients’ mental health treatment


Assumed by Ground floor- natural lighting

• Lobby - 0.8 50 15% 1 57.5 0% 57.5 student

• Reception 2 2.5 5 Included 1 5 Included 5 Neu.303 Ground floor- open plan

• WC - 3 15 Included 4 4(15) 0% 60 Neu.207 -

• Staff breakout 7 2.2 16 Included 1 25.6 0% 25.6 Neu.320 -

• Cafeteria 20 2.5 50 Included 1 50 Included 50 Neu.311 Double height- open plan

Therapy zone
2(20) Acoustic consideration- natural
- Group therapy 10 10 20 15% 2 0% 46 Neu.317 lighting- Controlled access

- Family therapy 4 5 20 15% 2 2(20) 0% 46 Neu.317 Acoustic consideration- natural

lighting- Controlled access-
- Individual therapy 1 20 20 15% 2 2(20) 0% 46 Neu.317 natural ventilation
• Art workshop 15 2.3 35 15% 2 2(35) 20% 96.6 Assumed

Meditation zone

- Yoga meditation 8 2.5 20 15% 2 2(20) 0% 46 Neu.317

- Music meditation 4 5 20 15% 2 2(20) 0% 46 Neu.317

- Family meditation 4 5 20 15% 2 2(20) 0% 46 Neu.317

Space Users Area/Person Area m2 Inside No. of Total Outside Total Gross References Sub-Total Design Criteria
Circulation% Units Area Circulation% Area Area

Private zone

Therapy zone
2(20) Acoustic consideration-
- Family therapy 4 5 20 15% 2 0% 46 Neu.317 natural lighting
2(20) Acoustic consideration-
- Individual therapy 1 20 20 15% 2 0% 46 Neu.317 natural lighting
2(20) Acoustic consideration-
- Farming therapy 10 10 20 15% 2 20% 55.2 Neu.317 natural lighting

Meditation zone

- Meditation cabin 2 10 20 15% 6 6(20) 20% 166.8 Assumed Semi outdoor

- Tools meditation 2 10 20 15% 6 6(20) 20% 166.8 Assumed Acoustic consideration

- Farming meditation 10 10 20 15% 2 2(20) 20% 55.2 Neu.317 Acoustic consideration

• WC - 15 15 Included 4 4(20) 0% 60 Neu.207 -

• Lounge - 16 16 Included 1 25.6 0% 25.6 Neu.320

Acoustic consideration-
• Therapeutic garden 15 2 30 15% 1 34.5 20% 41.4 Assumed natural lighting- Controlled
Private zone access- natural ventilation

Therapy zone

- Family therapy 4 5 20 15% 2 2(20) 0% 46 Neu.317

- Pottery workshop 15 2.3 35 15% 2 2(35) 20% 96.6 Assumed

Staff zone

Acoustic consideration -
natural lighting- Controlled
• Break out room 7 2.2 16 Included 1 25.6 0% 25.6 Neu.320 access- natural ventilation
• Meeting room 8 2.75 22 30% 1 28.6 0% 28.6 Space stnds . 8
Therapist zone

- Lounge - 16 16 Included 1 25.6 0% 25.6 Neu.320

Double height- open plan
- WC - 15 15 Included 2 2(15) 0% 40 Neu.207
- Office 1 25.6 25.6 Included 1 76.8 0% 76.8 Neu.412
Controlled access
Behavior technician zone
Double height- open plan
- Lounge - 16 16 Included 1 25.6 0% 25.6 Neu.320
Controlled access
- Office 1 25.6 25.6 Included 1 76.8 0% 76.8 Neu.412
- WC - 15 15 Included 2 2(15) 0% 40 Neu.207
Space Users Area/Person Area m2 Inside No. Total Outside Total References Sub-Total Design Criteria
Circulation% of Area Circulation% Gross Area
Units m2 Area

Speech therapist zone

- Office 1 25.6 25.6 Included 3 3(25.6) 0% 76.8 Neu.412 Controlled access

- WC - 15 15 Included 2 2(15) 0% 40 Neu.207 -

- Lounge - 16 16 Included 1 25.6 0% 25.6 Neu.320 Double height- open plan

Clinical zone

- Office 1 25.6 25.6 Included 3 3(25.6) 0% 76.8 Neu.412 Controlled access

- WC - 15 15 Included 2 2(15) 0% 40 Neu.207 -

- Lounge - 16 16 Included 1 25.6 0% 25.6 Neu.320 Double height- open plan

Kitchenette zone

- Storage - - 9 30% 2 2(9) 0% 23.4 Neu.350 -

- Kitchenette 2 1 12 30% 1 15.6 20% 18.72 Space stnds . 8 -

Assumed by
- Sitting area 30 0.5 15 Included 1 15 15 student -
Total gross area
= 1914.62

4.6. Patients’ learning zone spatial program

Space Users Area/Person Area m2 Inside No. Total Outside Total References Sub- Design Criteria
Circulation% of Area Circulation% Gross Total
Units m2 Area Area

5- patients education zone

Semi private

Assumed by
• Lobby - 50 50 15% 1 57.5 0% 57.5 student Double height- open plan

• Reception 2 2.5 5 Included 1 5 0% 5 Neu.303 open plan

• WC - 15 15 Included 2 2(15) 0% 40 Neu.207 -

•Lounge - 16 16 Included 1 25.6 0% 25.6 Neu.320 Double height- open plan

• Cafeteria ( with kitchen + storage) 20 2.5 50 Included 1 50 0% 50 Neu.311 Double height- open plan

Space Users Area/Person Area m2 Inside No. Total Outside Total References Sub- Design Criteria
Circulation% of Area Circulation% Gross Total
Units m2 Area Area

Private spaces

Classrooms zone

Double height- Natural light –- semi-

- Problem-solving 10 3 30 15% 3 3(30) 0% 103.5 Neu.205 outdoor
10 Double height- Natural light –- semi-
- Cognitive behavior 3 30 15% 3 3(30) 0% 103.5 Neu.205 outdoor
10 Double height- Natural light –- semi-
- Developing communication 3 30 15% 3 3(30) 0% 103.5 Neu.205 outdoor
Learning skills zone

10 Double height- Natural light –- semi-

- Living skills 3 30 15% 3 3(30) 0% 103.5 Neu.205 outdoor
10 Double height- Natural light –- semi-
- Thinking skills 3 30 15% 3 3(30) 0% 103.5 Neu.205 outdoor
10 Double height- Natural light –- semi-
- Sensory skills 3 30 15% 3 3(30) 0% 103.5 Neu.205 outdoor
10 Double height- Natural light –- semi-
- Caregiving skills 3 30 15% 3 3(30) 0% 103.5 Neu.205 outdoor
10 Double height- Natural light –- semi-
• Visual perception training 3 30 15% 3 3(30) 0% 103.5 Neu.205 outdoor

• Storage - - 9 30% 2 2(9) 0% 23.4 Neu.350 -

• Lounge - 16 16 Included 1 25.6 0% 25.6 Neu.320 Double height- open plan

Space Users Area/Person Area m2 Inside No. of Total Outside Total Gross References Sub-Total Design Criteria
Circulation% Units Area Circulation% Area Area

Behavior technician zone

- Lounge - 16 16 Included 1 25.6 0% 25.6 Neu.320 Double height- open plan

- Office 1 25.6 25.6 Included 1 76.8 0% 76.8 Neu.412

- WC - 15 15 Included 2 2(15) 0% 40 Neu.207

Speech therapist zone

- Office 1 25.6 25.6 Included 3 76.8 0% 76.8 Neu.412

- WC - 15 15 Included 2 2(15) 0% 40 Neu.207

- Lounge - 16 16 Included 1 25.6 0% 25.6 Neu.320

Clinical zone

- WC - 15 15 Included 2 2(15) 0% 40 Neu.207 -

- Lounge - 16 16 Included 1 25.6 0% 25.6 Neu.320

Double height- open plan
- Clinical intern 1 25.6 25.6 Included 2 2(25.6) 0% 51.2 Neu.412
- Clinical supervisor 1 25.6 25.6 Included 1 25.6 0% 25.6 Neu.412
Kitchenette zone

- Storage - - 9 30% 2 2(9) 0% 23.4 Neu.350

- Kitchenette 2 1 12 30% 1 15.6 20% 18.72 Space stnds . 8
Assumed by -
- Sitting area - 0.5 15 Included 1 15 15 student
Total gross area = 1914.62

4.7. Inpatient accommodation zone spatial program

Space Users Area/Person Area m2 Inside No. of Total Outside Total References Sub-Total Area Design Criteria
Circulation% Units Area Circulation% Gross
m2 Area

6- Inpatient zone (accommodation)

Assumed by Natural light-open plan
• Lobby - 80 80 30% 1 104 0% 104 student

• Reception 2 2.5 5 Included 1 5 0% 5 NEU.303 Natural light-open plan-

double height
Assumed by
• Security office 1 25.6 25.6 Included 1 25.6 0% 32 student

• Storage - - 9 30% 2 2(9) 0% 23.4 NEU.350

• Cleaners room 1 5 5 30% 2 2(5) 0% 13 NEU.314

• WC - 15 15 Included 2 2(15) 0% 30 NEU.207

Assumed by
•Lounge - 16 50 Included 1 50 0% 50 student

• Café ( kitchenette + storage ) 35 1.5 50 30% 1 65 30% 84.5 NEU.311

• Laundry office 1 25.6 25.6 Included 2 2(25.6) 0% 52 NEU.412

• Supermarket 20 2.5 50 Included 1 50 0% 50 NEU.271

-mechanical ventilation
• Spa 30 2.2 66 15% 1 75.9 0% 75.9 NEU.317
Assumed by mechanical ventilation
• Salon 10 3 30 10% 2 2(30) 0% 66 student
Space Users Area/Person Area m2 Inside No. of Total Outside Total Gross References Sub-Total Design Criteria
Circulation% Units Area m2 Circulation% Area Area


• Suite 2 20 40 15% 10 10(40) 0% 460 Neu.38 -

- Bedroom Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included -

- Kitchenette Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included -

- Living room Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included -

- Storage Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included -

- WC Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included -

• Room 1 22 22 15% 20 20(22) 0% 506 Neu.182 -

- Bedroom Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included -

- Kitchenette Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included -

- Storage Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included

- WC Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included

Meditation zone

• Spiritual meditation 8 2.5 20 15% 2 2(20) 20% 55.2 Neu.317

• Meditation cabins 2 10 20 15% 6 6(20) 20% 166.8 Assumed

• Yoga mediation 8 2.5 20 15% 2 46 20% 55.2 Neu.317


• Suite 2 20 40 15% 10 10(40) 0% 460 Neu.38

- Bedroom Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included
- Kitchenette Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included
- Living room Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included
- Storage Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included
• Room 1 22 22 15% 20 20(22) 0% 506 Neu.182
- Bedroom Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included
- Kitchenette Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included
- Storage Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included
• Meditation cabins 2 10 20 15% 6 6(20) 20% 166.8 Assumed
Total gross area
= 2795.00

4.8. Services zone spatial program

Space Users Area/Person Area m2 Inside No. of Total Outside Total References Sub-Total Area Design Criteria
Circulation% Units Area Circulation% Gross
m2 Area

7- services zone
Assumed by Controlled access-
Mechanical room 0 0 100 20% 1 120 15% 138 student separated access

Electrical room 0 0 40 15% 1 46 15% 52.9 Ced engineer Controlled access-separated

Assumed by
Security office 3 5 15 Included 1 25.6 0% 32 student

Cleaning room 4 0.26 2.44 35% 1 13.176 25% 16.47 Neu.28

Assumed by
Water room 0 0 80 15% 1 92 15% 105.8 student
Assumed by
General storage 0 0 50 Included 1 50 15% 57.5 student

Waste disposal 0 0 20 15% 1 23 15% 26.45 Cs

Total gross area 429.12

4.9. Outdoor zone spatial program
Space Users Area/Person Area m2 Inside No. of Total Area m2 Outside Total Gross References Sub-Total Area Design Criteria
Circulation% Units Circulation% Area

8- Outdoor area zone

Public parking

Non-patients parking 0 18 18 15% 40 40(18) 20% 993.6 Neu.391

Patients parking 0 18 18 15% 70 70(18) 20% 1738.8 Neu.391

Disable parking 0 20.5 20.5 25% 30 30(20.5) 30% 999.375 Neu.391

Mini buss parking 0 48 48 25% 5 5(48) 30% 390 Neu.398

Taxi parking 0 18 18 15% 15 15(18) 20% 372.6 Neu.391

Drop off area 0 18 18 15% 1 20.7 20% 24.84 Neu.391

Staff parking

Staff parking 0 18 18 15% 15 15(18) 20% 403.65 Neu.391

Drop off area 0 18 18 15% 1 20.7 20% 24.84 Neu.391

Service parking

Service parking 0 60 60 25% 4 60(4) 20% 360 Neu.398

Loading and unloading area 0 60 60 25% 4 60(4) 20% 360 Neu.398

Public outdoor activity area

Kids playground 25 2.4 60 25% 1 75 20% 90 Neu.190

Even area 90 1.4 130 25% 1 162.5 20% 195 Neu.28

Seating area 45 1.7 80 25% 1 100 20% 120 Neu.28

Exhibition area 50 0.26 122 30% 1 158.6 30% 206.18 Neu.208

Private outdoor activity area

Assumed by
Meditation garden 25 2.4 60 25% 1 75 20% 90 student
Assumed by
Therapeutic garden 15 2 30 25% 4 4(30) 20% 180 student

Swimming pool 15 16.6 250 25% 1 312 20% 375 375

Total gross area
= 7697.74

Built up area Area Unbuilt up area Area

Main entrance zone 813 m2 Outdoor parking and activities zone 7697.74 m2
Waiting area zone 530 m2

974.41 m2
Non-patients zone

Patients mental health zone 1914.62 m2

Patients learning zone 1920 m2

Inpatients acconmodation zone 2795 m2

Services zone 429.12 m2

Total area of the built up = 12,000 m2 Total area of the unbuilt up =7697.74 m2

Total area of the project = 20,000 m2

5. Chapter 5: The selected sites
5.1. The Site Selection Criteria

Category Criteria Percentage

Environmental Far away from the noise 10%

Seafront location 15%

Opening and enough space for natural elements to flow to the site and its views. 10%

Exposed to the prevailing wind without obstacles 3%

Aesthetic values nearby the site for ecotherapy 5%

Vegetation nearby the site will influence the wind 3%

Physical & Social Visible to pass by foot 10%

Can the site be accessed by cars? 10%

Nearby traffic levels that are not acceptable 5%

Is the site easily accessible by GCC residents? 4%

Medical centers near the site 5%

Land & Economic Isolated from the public 10%

The price of the land is acceptable. 3%

Visibility of the Project 5%

Opportunities for investments 3%

Total 100%

5.2. The Site Selection 5.3. Site A: Diyar Al Muharraq

Figure 14 The site selection of the Bahrain map

Figure 15 Location of Diyar AL-Muharraq site
5.4. Site B: Al-Seef 5.5. Site C: Al-Durah – Southern Government

Figure 17 Location of Al-Durrah site

Figure 16 Location of Al-Seef site

5.6. The selection site

Category Criteria Percentage of site A Percentage of site B Percentage of site C

Environmental Far away from the noise 8% 1% 10%

Seafront location 15% 15% 15%

Opening and enough space for natural elements to flow to the site and its views. 7% 4% 10%

Exposed to the prevailing wind without obstacles 2% 2% 3%

Aesthetic values nearby the site for ecotherapy 5% 3% 2%

Vegetation nearby the site will influence the wind 1% 2% 1%

Physical & Social Visible to pass by foot 7% 5% 8%

Can the site be accessed by cars? 10% 8% 8%

Nearby traffic levels that are not acceptable 3% 2% 4%

Is the site easily accessible by GCC residents? 2% 1% 2%

Medical centers near the site 1% 1% 1%

Land & Economic Isolated from the public 7% 2% 2%

The price of the land is acceptable. 3% 2% 2%

Visibility of the Project 3% 3% 4%

Opportunities for investments 3% 3% 3%

Total 77% 54% 75%

6. Chapter 6: Passive environmental control techniques and
sustainable renewable energy systems
6.1. The technical aspect of the façade (Kinetic façade)

Figure 18 Kinetic façade on a building Figure 19 Detail element of the kinetic facade

6.2. The influence of building form on microclimate

Figure 20 Daylight stimulation to kinetic facade Figure 21 openings in kinetic facade

6.3. Interior technologies

Figure 22 Vertisolacoustics sound proofing

Figure 23 Eco style environment in the interior space
6.4. Passive design's important aspects

Figure 24 Double skin facade

Figure 25 Solar panels generating method

6.5. Wind energy 6.6. Greywater recycling

Figure 26 Generating electrical power through wind energy Figure 27 Benefiting from the greywater recycling to benefit the
surrounding environment
Appendix 1 ( Neufert-4th-edition .pdf )
Appendix 2 ( OfficeSpaceandGeneralFacilityDesignStandardsApril2011.pdf )
Appendix 3 ( Adaptive_Healing_Exploring_therapeutic_a.pdf )
Appendix 4 ( Colour_psychology_and_colour_therapy_Cav.pdf )
Appendix 5 ( Theraputicarchitecture.pdf )
Appendix 6
esinBahrain (1).pdf)
Appendix 7 ( Meditation_Techniques_and_Benefits.pdf )
Appendix 8 ( DOM-Publishers_-Healing-Architecture-and-EbD_-Alvaro-Valera-
sosa.pdf )

Appendix 9
Appendix 10

Appendix 11

Appendix 12 ( Decorative Acoustic Panels _ 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗹 Acoustic Panels Leading

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