Activity No 2 NSTP (1) Trosado Richnond U

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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Sta Cruz, Main Campus

College of Business Management and Accountancy

Activity no. 2

Name: Richmond U. Trosado Date: 4/24/22

Section: BSOA 1-C Score:

Direction: Answer the following questions below.

1. What are the topics included in the video for disaster preparedness?
The topic included on video for disaster preparedness are the important things that
you should put in your bag like the foods, flashlight, and radio. And it also add the
important number you should call when there are a disaster.

2. What are the things needed to prepare in case of disaster? Explain the importance
of preparing those things.
• Water- Store at least one gallon of water per person per day for several days, for
drinking and sanitation
• Foods- Following a disaster there may be power outages that could last for several
days. Stock canned foods, dry mixes and other staples that do not require
refrigeration, cooking, water or special preparation. Be sure to include a manual
can opener and eating utensils.
• Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with
tone alert
• Flashlight- for calling signals
• First aid kit- it’s important to have a first aid kit to be more ready if there a
injured person
• Whistle (to signal for help)
• Dust mask (to help filter contaminated air)
• Plastic sheeting and duct tape (to shelter in place)
• Cell phone with chargers and a backup battery

3. What to do before, during and after the disaster?

• Before disaster you should create an emergency plan for your own family
at home make sure that everything you is easily accessible in case of
sudden disaster. Also be knowledgeable on protective measures. List also
the local emergency number.

Activity No. 2 – NSTP

Maria Rellie Kalcas and Maria Rossa Agataha Ermino-CWTS Coordinators
• During a disaster the most important thing is to stay calm and wait for
further instructions and follow your area protocols on how to evacuate to
ensure everyone is safe.

• You should find a safe place to stay and check in with your local officials for
their instructions. Before you return home you should make sure it is safe
and only do so when officials have instructed to go home.

4. Who do we call for help if there is a disaster?

• Family
• Local Barangay
• Fire Department
• Local police station
• Local Hospital
• 911
5. Give two 2) facts on disaster occurred in the Philippines and give your key take
away from those facts.

The Philippines sits within the Pacific Ring of Fire, where its horseshoe shape
engulfs an area of 40 thousand kilometers, and its basin in the Pacific Ocean are
prone to a lot of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Second is the typhoon
Ulysses and taal volcano eruption. My key take away for those facts are be ready
in disaster don’t rely to much on other be knowledgeable so you can also share
your knowledge with others.

Activity No. 2 – NSTP

Maria Rellie Kalcas and Maria Rossa Agataha Ermino-CWTS Coordinators

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