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targetted_decisions = {

# prisoner_macabre_banquet = {
# only_playable = yes
# filter = court
# ai_target_filter = court
# ai_check_interval = 12
# diplomacy_icon = GFX_special_bloodline_decision

# from_potential = {
# has_dlc = "Holy Fury"
# is_playable = yes
# is_adult = yes
# prisoner = no
# NOT = { trait = incapable }
# any_owned_bloodline = {
# has_bloodline_flag = bloodline_macabre_banquet
# bloodline_is_active_for = PREV
# }
# }

# potential = {
# host = { character = FROM }
# prisoner = yes
# age = 13
# }
# allow = {
# ROOT = {
# NOT = { diplomatic_immunity = yes }
# prisoner = yes
# }
# }
# effect = {
# hidden_tooltip = {
# if = {
# limit = {
# FROM = {
# has_nickname = no
# is_adult = yes
# NOT = { trait = incapable }
# }
# }
# random_list = {
# 1 = {
# FROM = { give_nickname = nick_the_cruel
# }
# 5 = {
# FROM = { give_nickname =
nick_the_dragon }
# }
# 5 = {
# FROM = { give_nickname =
nick_the_monster }
# }
# 5 = {
# FROM = { give_nickname =
nick_the_tyrant }
# }
# 300 = {}
# }
# }
# }
# if = {
# limit = {
# is_ruler = yes
# vassal_of = FROM #Executing your own vassals this
way will intimidate the others.
# }
# custom_tooltip = { text =
tooltip_decision_macabre_banquet }
# hidden_tooltip = {
# FROM = {
# any_courtier_or_vassal = {
# limit = {
# age = 5 #Old enough to witness
and understand what's happening.
# NOT = { trait = brave }
# }
# opinion = {
# who = FROM
# modifier =
# years = 4
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
# FROM = {
# add_character_modifier = {
# modifier = intimidated_plotters
# duration = 1250
# }
# }

# hidden_tooltip = {
# FROM = { character_event = { id = HF.24105 } }
# character_event = { id = HF.24106 }
# }
# hidden_tooltip = {
# mother = {
# opinion = {
# modifier = opinion_executed_child
# who = FROM
# }
# }
# father = {
# opinion = {
# modifier = opinion_executed_child
# who = FROM
# }
# }
# spouse = {
# opinion = {
# modifier = opinion_spouse_slayer
# who = FROM
# }
# }
# any_child = {
# opinion = {
# modifier = opinion_killed_close_kin
# who = FROM
# }
# }
# if = {
# limit = {
# FROM = {
# NOT = { dynasty = ROOT }
# NOT = { sibling = ROOT }
# }
# }
# any_sibling = {
# opinion = {
# modifier = opinion_killed_close_kin
# who = FROM
# }
# }
# }
# }

# FROM = {
# show_scope_change = no
# if = {
# limit = {
# NOR = {
# trait = cruel
# trait = kind
# }
# }
# random = {
# chance = 25
# add_trait = cruel
# hidden_tooltip = { character_event = { id =
38259 } }
# }
# }

# if = {
# limit = { trait = kind }
# random = {
# chance = 50
# remove_trait = kind
# hidden_tooltip = {
# character_event = { id = 38307 }
# }
# }
# hidden_tooltip = {
# if = {
# limit = {
# OR = {
# NOR = {
# trait = cruel
# trait = impaler
# trait = lunatic
# }
# is_close_relative = ROOT
# }
# }
# random_list = {
# 20 = {
# add_trait = stressed
# hidden_tooltip =
{ character_event = { id = 38282 } }
# }
# 8 = {
# add_trait = depressed
# hidden_tooltip =
{ character_event = { id = 38288 } }
# }
# 2 = {
# add_trait = lunatic
# }
# 70 = {
# #nothing
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
# tiered_piety_negative_effect = yes
# }
# }

# revoke_allowed = {
# always = no
# }

# ai_will_do = {
# factor = 0.1

# modifier = {
# factor = 0
# OR = {
# reverse_opinion = { who = FROM value = 40 }
# FROM = { NOT = { piety = 100 } }
# FROM = { LIEGE = { dynasty = ROOT } }
# }
# }
# modifier = {
# factor = 0
# FROM = {
# NOR = {
# trait = cruel
# trait = impaler
# trait = wroth
# is_rival = ROOT
# trait = arbitrary
# trait = paranoid
# trait = deceitful
# trait = proud
# trait = lunatic
# trait = possessed
# }
# }
# }
# modifier = {
# factor = 0
# FROM = {
# OR = {
# trait = kind
# trait = just
# trait = patient
# trait = shy
# trait = greedy
# }
# }
# }
# modifier = {
# factor = 10
# FROM = {
# OR = {
# trait = cruel
# trait = impaler
# trait = wroth
# is_rival = ROOT
# trait = arbitrary
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
# prisoner_dragon_burning = {
# only_playable = yes
# filter = court
# ai_target_filter = court
# ai_check_interval = 12
# diplomacy_icon = GFX_special_bloodline_decision

# from_potential = {
# has_dlc = "Holy Fury"
# is_playable = yes
# is_adult = yes
# prisoner = no
# NOT = { trait = incapable }
# OR = {
# any_owned_bloodline = {
# has_bloodline_flag = bloodline_murder_burn
# bloodline_is_active_for = PREV
# }
# culture = dragon_culture #Random World.
# }
# }

# potential = {
# host = { character = FROM }
# prisoner = yes
# age = 16
# }
# allow = {
# ROOT = {
# NOT = { diplomatic_immunity = yes }
# prisoner = yes
# }
# }
# effect = {
# hidden_tooltip = {
# if = {
# limit = {
# FROM = {
# has_nickname = no
# is_adult = yes
# NOT = { trait = incapable }
# }
# }
# random_list = {
# 1 = {
# FROM = { give_nickname = nick_the_cruel
# }
# 5 = {
# FROM = { give_nickname =
nick_the_dragon }
# }
# 5 = {
# FROM = { give_nickname =
nick_the_monster }
# }
# 5 = {
# FROM = { give_nickname =
nick_the_tyrant }
# }
# 300 = {}
# }
# }
# }
# if = {
# limit = {
# is_ruler = yes
# vassal_of = FROM #Executing your own vassals this
way will intimidate the others.
# }
# custom_tooltip = { text =
tooltip_decision_macabre_banquet }
# hidden_tooltip = {
# FROM = {
# any_courtier_or_vassal = {
# limit = {
# age = 5 #Old enough to witness
and understand what's happening.
# NOT = { trait = brave }
# }
# opinion = {
# who = FROM
# modifier =
# years = 4
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
# FROM = {
# add_character_modifier = {
# modifier = intimidated_plotters
# duration = 1250
# }
# }

# hidden_tooltip = {
# FROM = { character_event = { id = HF.24234 } }
# character_event = { id = HF.24235 }
# }
# hidden_tooltip = {
# mother = {
# opinion = {
# modifier = opinion_executed_child
# who = FROM
# }
# }
# father = {
# opinion = {
# modifier = opinion_executed_child
# who = FROM
# }
# }
# spouse = {
# opinion = {
# modifier = opinion_spouse_slayer
# who = FROM
# }
# }
# any_child = {
# opinion = {
# modifier = opinion_killed_close_kin
# who = FROM
# }
# }
# if = {
# limit = {
# FROM = {
# NOT = { dynasty = ROOT }
# NOT = { sibling = ROOT }
# }
# }
# any_sibling = {
# opinion = {
# modifier = opinion_killed_close_kin
# who = FROM
# }
# }
# }
# }

# FROM = {
# show_scope_change = no
# if = {
# limit = {
# NOR = {
# trait = cruel
# trait = kind
# }
# }
# random = {
# chance = 25
# add_trait = cruel
# hidden_tooltip = { character_event = { id =
38259 } }
# }
# }

# if = {
# limit = { trait = kind }
# random = {
# chance = 50
# remove_trait = kind
# hidden_tooltip = {
# character_event = { id = 38307 }
# }
# }
# hidden_tooltip = {
# if = {
# limit = {
# OR = {
# NOR = {
# trait = cruel
# trait = impaler
# trait = lunatic
# }
# is_close_relative = ROOT
# }
# }
# random_list = {
# 20 = {
# add_trait = stressed
# hidden_tooltip =
{ character_event = { id = 38282 } }
# }
# 8 = {
# add_trait = depressed
# hidden_tooltip =
{ character_event = { id = 38288 } }
# }
# 2 = {
# add_trait = lunatic
# }
# 70 = {
# #nothing
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
# tiered_piety_negative_effect = yes
# }
# }

# revoke_allowed = {
# always = no
# }

# ai_will_do = {
# factor = 0.1

# modifier = {
# factor = 0
# OR = {
# reverse_opinion = { who = FROM value = 40 }
# FROM = { NOT = { piety = 100 } }
# FROM = { LIEGE = { dynasty = ROOT } }
# }
# }
# modifier = {
# factor = 0
# FROM = {
# NOR = {
# trait = cruel
# trait = impaler
# trait = wroth
# is_rival = ROOT
# trait = arbitrary
# trait = paranoid
# trait = deceitful
# trait = proud
# trait = lunatic
# trait = possessed
# }
# }
# }
# modifier = {
# factor = 0
# FROM = {
# OR = {
# trait = kind
# trait = just
# trait = patient
# trait = shy
# trait = greedy
# }
# }
# }
# modifier = {
# factor = 10
# FROM = {
# OR = {
# trait = cruel
# trait = impaler
# trait = wroth
# is_rival = ROOT
# trait = arbitrary
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
dynastic_meddling = {
only_playable = yes
filter = dynasty
ai_target_filter = dynasty
ai_check_interval = 40
diplomacy_icon = GFX_special_bloodline_decision
from_potential = {
has_dlc = "Holy Fury"
is_adult = yes
prisoner = no
NOT = { trait = incapable }
any_owned_bloodline = {
has_bloodline_flag = bloodline_dynastic_meddling
bloodline_is_active_for = PREV

potential = {
prisoner = no
NOT = { character = FROM }
NOT = { trait = incapable }
age = 16
is_close_relative = FROM
FROM = { is_within_diplo_range = ROOT }
allow = {
FROM = {
piety = 0
age = 40 #Meddler must be old
custom_tooltip = {
text = tooltip_dynastic_meddling_cooldown
NOT = { has_character_modifier =
dynastic_meddling_cooldown }
ROOT = {
NOT = {
age = 35 #Target must be young.
NOT = { diplomatic_immunity = yes }
effect = {
FROM = {
if = {
limit = { real_tier = EMPEROR }
piety = -100
if = {
limit = { real_tier = KING }
piety = -75
if = {
limit = { real_tier = DUKE }
piety = -50
if = {
limit = { real_tier = COUNT }
piety = -30
if = {
limit = { real_tier = BARON }
piety = -15
if = {
limit = { is_ruler = no }
piety = -5
hidden_tooltip = {
FROM = {
add_character_modifier = {
name = dynastic_meddling_cooldown
duration = 1825
hidden = yes
character_event = { id = HF.24152 }
if = {
limit = { ai = no }
ROOT = {
change_variable = { which = "family_nagging"
value = 1 } #Stop the AI from spamming the player.
add_character_modifier = { #Other AI
shouldn't target a recent target.
name = dynastic_meddling_target_cooldown
duration = 1825
hidden = yes
custom_tooltip = {
text = tooltip_dynastic_meddling

revoke_allowed = {
always = no

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

modifier = {
factor = 0
FROM = {
higher_real_tier_than = COUNT
NOT = { piety = 200 }
modifier = {
factor = 0
ROOT = {
has_character_modifier =
dynastic_meddling_target_cooldown #Player should not be spammed.
modifier = {
factor = 0
FROM = {
OR = {
trait = shy
trait = patient
trait = slothful
trait = depressed
trait = content
is_rival = ROOT
is_lover = ROOT
is_friend = ROOT
modifier = {
factor = 0
ROOT = {
NOR = {
host = { character = FROM } #AI only picks
decision if host, guest, liege, or spouse of target.
FROM = { host = { character = ROOT } }
is_married = FROM
is_vassal_or_below = FROM
modifier = { #Will interfere.
factor = 5
FROM = {
OR = {
trait = authoritative
trait = diligent
trait = wroth
trait = proud
trait = just
trait = gregarious
trait = socializer
modifier = { #Needs a good talk.
factor = 3
ROOT = {
OR = {
trait = stressed
trait = depressed
trait = drunkard
trait = slothful
AND = {
trait = lustful
OR = {
is_married = no
num_of_children = 2
has_focus = focus_seduction
trait = uncouth
trait = is_fat
trait = is_malnourished
modifier = {
factor = 6
FROM = {
has_focus = focus_family
modifier = {
factor = 4
FROM = {
age = 60
ROOT = {
NOT = { age = 25 }
murder_deflection_decision = {
only_playable = yes
filter = self
ai_target_filter = self
ai_check_interval = 75
diplomacy_icon = GFX_special_bloodline_decision

potential = {
has_dlc = "Holy Fury"
is_playable = yes
is_adult = yes
prisoner = no
NOT = { trait = incapable }
any_owned_bloodline = {
has_bloodline_flag = bloodline_murder_deflection
bloodline_is_active_for = PREV

allow = {
intrigue = 10
OR = {
trait = kinslayer
trait = familial_kinslayer
trait = dynastic_kinslayer
trait = tribal_kinslayer
has_character_modifier = known_murderer
has_character_modifier = vicious_rumors
has_character_modifier = vicious_rumors_2
custom_tooltip = {
text = tooltip_deflection_cooldown
hidden_tooltip = { NOT = { has_character_modifier =
deflection_decision_cooldown } }
effect = {
custom_tooltip = { text = tooltip_murder_deflection_decision
hidden_tooltip = {
character_event = { id = HF.24107 }
add_character_modifier = {
name = deflection_decision_cooldown
duration = 3650
hidden = yes

revoke_allowed = {
always = no

ai_will_do = {
factor = 0.1

modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
reverse_opinion = { who = FROM value = 40 }
FROM = { NOT = { piety = 100 } }
FROM = { LIEGE = { dynasty = ROOT } }
modifier = {
factor = 0
FROM = {
NOR = {
trait = cruel
trait = impaler
trait = wroth
is_rival = ROOT
trait = arbitrary
trait = paranoid
trait = deceitful
trait = proud
trait = lunatic
trait = possessed
trait = ruthless
modifier = {
factor = 0
FROM = {
OR = {
trait = kind
trait = just
trait = patient
trait = shy
trait = greedy
trait = honorable
modifier = {
factor = 10
FROM = {
OR = {
trait = cruel
trait = impaler
trait = wroth
is_rival = ROOT
trait = arbitrary
trait = ruthless
drill_troops_decision = {
filter = self
ai_target_filter = self
ai_check_interval = 40
diplomacy_icon = GFX_special_bloodline_decision

potential = {
character = FROM
has_dlc = "Holy Fury"
is_playable = yes
is_landed = yes
is_adult = yes
higher_tier_than = BARON
any_owned_bloodline = {
has_bloodline_flag = bloodline_drill
bloodline_is_active_for = PREV

allow = {
prestige = 50
custom_tooltip = {
text = tooltip_drill_troops_cooldown
NOT = { has_character_modifier = drill_troops_cooldown }

effect = {
hidden_tooltip = {
add_character_modifier = {
name = drill_troops_cooldown
duration = 3650
hidden = yes
character_event = { id = HF.24134 }
custom_tooltip = {
text = tooltip_drill_troops_action

revoke_allowed = { always = no }

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
modifier = {
factor = 0
war = no
modifier = {
factor = 0.25
trait = brave
modifier = {
factor = 0.25
NOT = { martial = 5 }
endearing_noblemen_decision = {
filter = self
ai_target_filter = self
ai_check_interval = 40
diplomacy_icon = GFX_special_bloodline_decision

potential = {
character = FROM
has_dlc = "Holy Fury"
is_playable = yes
is_landed = yes
is_adult = yes
higher_tier_than = BARON
any_owned_bloodline = {
has_bloodline_flag = bloodline_endearing
bloodline_is_active_for = PREV

allow = {
prestige = 50
prisoner = no
custom_tooltip = {
text = tooltip_drill_troops_cooldown
NOT = { has_character_modifier =
endearing_noblemen_cooldown }

effect = {
hidden_tooltip = {
add_character_modifier = {
name = endearing_noblemen_cooldown
duration = 3650
hidden = yes
character_event = { id = HF.24138 }
custom_tooltip = {
text = tooltip_endearing_noblemen_action

revoke_allowed = { always = no }

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
modifier = {
factor = 0.25
trait = shy
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
trait = gregarious
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
NOT = { diplomacy = 5 }
dissolve_factions_decision = {
filter = self
ai_target_filter = self
ai_check_interval = 40
diplomacy_icon = GFX_special_bloodline_decision

potential = {
character = FROM
has_dlc = "Holy Fury"
is_playable = yes
is_landed = yes
is_adult = yes
higher_tier_than = BARON
any_owned_bloodline = {
has_bloodline_flag = bloodline_dismantle_factions
bloodline_is_active_for = PREV

allow = {
prestige = 500
piety = 250
custom_tooltip = {
text = tooltip_dismantle_factions_cooldown
NOT = { has_character_modifier =
dismantle_factions_cooldown }
custom_tooltip = {
text = tooltip_dismantle_factions_exist
any_vassal = {
in_faction = yes

effect = {
prestige = -500
piety = -250
hidden_tooltip = {
add_character_modifier = {
name = dismantle_factions_cooldown
duration = 3650
hidden = yes
character_event = { id = HF.24144 }
custom_tooltip = {
text = tooltip_dismantle_factions

revoke_allowed = { always = no }

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
modifier = {
factor = 5
trait = paranoid
modifier = {
factor = 0
trait = trusting
modifier = {
factor = 2
trait = cruel
modifier = {
factor = 0.25
trait = kind
modifier = {
factor = 0.25
NOT = {
any_vassal = {
in_faction = yes
count = 5
modifier = {
factor = 3
any_vassal = {
in_faction = yes
count = 10
modifier = {
factor = 0
NOT = {
any_vassal = {
faction_power = {
faction = faction_succ_seniority
power = 0.75
modifier = {
factor = 0.1
NOT = {
any_vassal = {
faction_power = {
faction = faction_succ_seniority
power = 1.0

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