Role Description Final

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Lakeside Area Residents Council Executive Board Positions

Business Manager: The duties of the Business Manager shall be the following: 1. To serve as member of the LARC Executive Board. 2. To hold one of LARC s voting seats in IRHA (Inter-Residence Hall Association) which holds weekly meetings Mondays at 6:15 PM. 3. To manage the LARC office. 4. To create and maintain an office log for equipment. 5. To maintain and manage equipment and office supplies including repairs, lost or stolen items, ordering new items, and IRHA permanent improvements. 6. To report to the IRHA Business Manager equipment that is broken and needs to be repaired and/or replaced. 7. To take inventory at the beginning and end of each semester and check the equipment periodically for damage;. Secretary: The duties of the Secretary shall be the following: 1. To serve as member of the LARC Executive Board. 2. Hold one of LARC s voting seats in IRHA (Inter-Residence Hall Association) which holds weekly meetings Mondays at 6:15 PM. 3. To create, maintain and distribute a current phone number and e-mail of members of the LARC executive board. 4. To complete program reports at the end of every event. 5. To record minutes at each meeting and prepare them for distribution 6. To maintain a calendar of events relevant to the LARC. 7. To serve as a liaison for Gator Dining Services. These are the tasks the LARC Secretary is in charge of according to the Constitution and the Executive Board 2011-2012. Publicity Director: The duties of the Publicity Director shall be the following: 1. To be responsible for the creation of publicity to advertise the LARC events. 2. Hold one of LARC s voting seats in IRHA (Inter-Residence Hall Association) which holds weekly meetings Mondays at 6:15 PM. 3. To coordinate the distribution and posting of the LARC s publicity. 4. To be responsible for updating any LARC bulletin boards. 5. To work with the IRHA National Communication Coordinator. 6. To assist in making technological publicity, including Facebook and Youtube. These are the tasks the LARC Publicity Director is in charge of according to the Constitution and the Executive Board 2011-2012.

General Appointed Positions

Event Coordinators: As an Event Coordinator, you will be the head of large events held at Lakeside. From planning the logistics to forming a committee, you are in charge. y Building Wars Director: Serve as director for our Building Wars tournament, in which you will coordinate all competitions. Building Wars is a weeklong event, in which five of the Lakeside buildings compete in numerous competitions to have the title of building wars winner. College Awareness Month: Serve as a director for our College Awareness Month events. Multiple events are held over one month, in which you coordinate events that educate residents about certain aspects of college. Hallo-whoops Director: Serve as director for our haunted house event. You will coordinate all logistics of the haunted house, the layout, and specify roles. Other!

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Building President: Serve as one of the five building presidents, in which you ll keep the fellow residents of your building updated with what s happening at Lakeside, and serve as a direct representative in your building. As a representative, you ll communicate ideas to the board that the fellow residents of your building bring up or are concerned with. Also, you will serve as Building Wars Captain and be in charge of recruiting your building as a team for events. Housing Liaison: Serve as a direct communicator for the board with the resident assistants (RAs) and staff at Lakeside. You will attend RA staff meetings and update them with what is going on within LARC, and then report back to LARC with what the RAs are doing. Philanthropy Director: Work with the Community Service Director in creating ways to help Lakeside contribute to philanthropic actions, from fundraising money year long for a unique charity to participating in drives, walks, and other events across campus. Intramural Chair: Assist in organizing a Lakeside intramural team (or teams), and coordinate sport events Lakeside. T-shirt/Regalia Chair: Serve as the main coordinator in designing and distributing Lakeside apparel. Recognition Chair: Serve as the main coordinator of Of The Month awards (OTMs), area government awards, and resident/staff recognition. Historian: Take photographs and video of all programs, and AG-related get-togethers, which will be used at the end of the year for area government bids, presentations, etc. Eco-Representative: Serve as the main coordinator for allowing residents to get involved with sustainable and environmental concerns. Also, work with the campus wide Eco-Challenge found as every residence hall.

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