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Calatagan Senior High School

Practical Research 2



A Research Presented to
Poblacion 2, Calatagan, Batangas

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Eduardo L. Ilang Ilang

Ricardo A. Ilao Jr.
Althea A. Aytona
Joyce C. Bernal
Jhervie P. Morales

Calatagan Senior High School ii
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TITLE PAGE................................................................................................i




TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................

LIST OF TABLES.........................................................................................

LIST OF FIGURES.......................................................................................



Background of the Study..............................................................................

Statement of the Problem.............................................................................

Significance of the Study..............................................................................

Scope, Limitation and Delimitation...............................................................


Definition of Terms……………………………………………………………...


Research Literature......................................................................................

Related Studies............................................................................................

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Conceptual Framework.................................................................................


Research Design..........................................................................................

Research Environment.................................................................................

Respondents/Subject of the Study...............................................................

Data Gathering Procedure............................................................................

Statistical Treatment of Data........................................................................

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Background of the Study

Covid-19 is a virus that one can get not only through the contact

with an infected person, but also from the things that people touch in daily

activities without proper sanitation. According to World Health

Organization, from January 2020 to September 2022, there are almost 4

million confirmed cases in the Philippines, including the fatalities and

recoveries. Germs present on items that get onto hands can cause

different diseases and sickness, such as common cold and influenza. To

avoid the spread of germs, hand sanitizers containing at least 60% of ethyl

alcohol can be use (CDC, 2021). However, according to a study, habitual

use of this may result to dryness and irritation of skin. In agriculture,

tomato production had been a problem in the Philippines. Tomatoes were

thrown away by the farmers due to oversupply in some areas of our

country since the pandemic outbreak (GMA News Online, 2022).

Ripe tomato is a plant rich in Vitamin C, Lycopene, and beta-

Carotene. Vitamin C hydrates, brightens, and repairs damaged skin. In

order to reduce skin irritation, lycopene restores new skin cells. Beta-

Carotene is an antioxidant that keeps the appearance and healthiness of

the skin (Ebanel, 2020). Some well-known manufacturers of sunscreens,

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hydration mask, skin cream, skincare booster, and soap use tomato as

one of their main ingredients because of its benefits on skin.

From the cited concern on existing hand sanitizers and benefits of

tomato, the researchers seek to develop an antibacterial and at the same

time skin soothing hand sanitizer using the plant and assess its


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to develop an alternative soothing hand sanitizer

using a tomato plant that prevents skin irritation.

Specifically, this study seeks answers to the following questions:

1. What is the amount of:

1.1 Tomato Extract,

1.2 Ethyl Alcohol, and

1.3 Aloe Vera in different concentrations?

2. What is the outcome of Tomato Hand Sanitizer in terms of:

2.1 Acidity,

2.2 Soothing Effect,

2.3 Antibacterial Effect, and

2.4 Lifespan in different concentrations?

3. What is the appearance of the produced hand sanitizer in terms

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3.1 Smell,

3.2 Color, and

3.3 Texture in different concentrations?

4. Is there a significant difference in acidity level, soothing effect,

antibacterial effect, lifespan, smell, color, and texture of the produced

hand sanitizer among different concentrations?

5. What process can be done to enhance the effectiveness of

produced hand sanitizer?

Significance of the Study

The study entitled, “Effectiveness of Tomato as Hand Sanitizer for

Soothing Skin” will be significant to the following:

Environment. This study will be beneficial to the environment as it

can reduce the number of tomatoes being thrown due to its oversupply. In

addition, it can help the community because the hand sanitizer uses

affordable ingredients causing its price to be affordable as well, and will

help keep a healthy environment that is skin-friendly at the same time. It

can be used as a hand sanitizer instead of soap and water while traveling,

at malls, schools, especially in health care institutions.

Students. This research will be mainly beneficial to Science,

Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students for the

reason that the result of this will enhance their knowledge about the
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benefits of tomato, more importantly its healing properties, and how they

can use it.

Future Researchers. The findings of this study will serve as a

guide for future researchers undertaking comparable study. Future

researchers will be driven by this study to innovate and acquire better

ideas about this topic in the future.


Ho: There is no significant difference in acidity level, soothing

effect, antibacterial effect, lifespan, smell, color, and texture of the

produced hand sanitizer among different concentrations.

Ha: There is a significant difference in acidity level, soothing effect,

antibacterial effect, lifespan, smell, color, and texture of the produced

hand sanitizer among different concentrations.

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarification, the important terms used in this

study are defined conceptually and operationally.

Acidity. The level of acid in substances such as water, soil, or wine

(Oxford Languages). In this study, it is the level of acidity of the produced

Tomato Hand Sanitizer.

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Aloe Vera. A gelatinous substance obtained from a kind of aloe,

used especially in cosmetics to soften or soothe the skin (Oxford

Languages). As used in this study, it is a substance of the produced hand

sanitizer that soothes skin.

Antibacterial. A substance that kills bacteria or stops them from

growing and causing disease ( As used in this study, it is one

of the characteristics of the produced hand sanitizer to be evaluated.

Antioxidant. A substance that may prevent or delay some types of

cell (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health). In this

study, it specifically refers to a substance that protects skin cells in

Tomato Hand Sanitizer.

Beta-Carotene. A plant pigment that is an isomer of carotene,

important in the diet as a precursor of Vitamin A (Oxford Languages).

Operationally, it helps maintain skin’s health and appearance present in

Tomato Hand Sanitizer.

Disk Diffusion Method. A method to determine microbial

susceptibility to antibiotics in which filter paper disks containing known

concentrations of antibiotics are placed on the agar surface that has been

previously inoculated with the bacteria of interest ( In this

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study, it is a method used to test the antibacterial effect of the Tomato

Hand Sanitizer.

Ethyl Alcohol. Also known as Ethanol, is a colorless flammable

liquid that has a pungent taste (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). In the study,

it is an alcohol used to kill germs present in Tomato Hand Sanitizer.

Hand Sanitizer. A liquid or gel, typically one containing alcohol,

that is used to clean the hands and kill infection-causing microorganisms

(Oxford Languages). Specifically, it is the product produced using tomato.

Lycopene. A non-provitamin A carotenoid that is responsible for

the red to pink colors seen in tomatoes, pink grapefruit, and other foods. It

is also a dietary antioxidant known to prevent skin photodamage (Food

Science & Nutrition). Operationally, it is a substance in Tomato Hand

Sanitizer that prevents skin damage.

Sanitation. The promotion of hygiene and the prevention of

diseases by maintaining hygienic conditions (e.g. by disposing of sewage

and waste) (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). In this study, it is the promotion

of hygiene using Tomato Hand Sanitizer.

Skin Irritation. An irritation or inflammation of the skin due to an

allergy or infection caused by natural agents or by a skin test

( In this research, it is specifically an irritation of skin

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caused by other produced hand sanitizers that the researchers aim to


Soothing. Producing feelings of comfort or relief (Merriam-Webster

Dictionary). As used in this research, it is when the skin looks smoother,

healthy, and radiant caused by the Tomato Hand Sanitizer.

Tomato. A glossy red, or occasionally yellow, pulpy edible fruit that

is eaten as a vegetable or in salad (Oxford Languages). Operationally, it is

a plant rich in substances that are good for the skin used in producing the

Tomato Hand Sanitizer.

Vitamin C. A nutrient that the body needs in small amounts to

function and stay healthy ( As used in this study, it stimulates

collagen synthesis and assisting in antioxidant protection against UV-

induced photodamage ( that is included in the Tomato

Hand Sanitizer.



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This chapter presents the review of related and research literature,

and synthesis of the study.

Research Literature

The following review includes concept on: 1) Sanitation, 2) Tomato

Extract, 3) Soothing Effect, 4) Antibacterial Effect.

Sanitation. According to Center for Disease Control and

Prevention (CDC) (2021), the ability to maintain hygienic conditions is

considered to be an essential component of basic sanitation. Basic

sanitation is defined as having access to facilities for the safe disposal of

human waste. One of the most important methods for preventing infection

is maintaining good hand hygiene. Antibacterial hand sanitizer is

becoming more common due to their rapid action and effectiveness in

eradicating germs (Jing et al., 2020).

Tomato Extract. According to Direct Eats (2021), tomato extract

is lycopene-rich. Lycopene is a phytonutrient and a pigment compound

found in tomatoes, responsible for their red color and is loaded with health

benefiting properties. It is made by crushing tomatoes to produce tomato

juice that is then separated into serum and pulp.

Two experiments were performed to test the effects of rich tomato

extract on human skin. In one experiment, the effects of this extract on

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gene expression in cultured human dermal fibroblasts were examined. In

a second experiment, human subjects consumed the extract and trans-

epidermal water loss (TEWL), and aspects of skin appearance were

monitored. Tomato extract may provide benefits to the skin by enhancing

innate immunity and other defense mechanisms in the dermis and by

providing antioxidants to the skin surface to optimize TEWL and the

appearance of the skin (Tarshish et al., 2022).

Soothing Effect. defines soothing as a feeling of

ease, comfort, and calmness. Skin-soothing substances calms irritation or

inflammation on skin. It greatly works on sensitive skin such as eczema

and acne. However, studies have shown that it is applicable and effective

for all skin types (Barron, 2022).

Antibacterial Effect. According to Stoppler, MD (2021), anything

that eliminates bacteria or inhibits their development or capacity to

reproduce is considered antibacterial. Antibacterial qualities can be found

in heat, chemicals like chlorine, and antibiotic medications. Today, there

are many antibacterial cleaning and handwashing products available.

Such products do not lessen the likelihood that otherwise healthy people

would develop viral infectious disease symptoms. This does not rule out

the possibility that antibacterial products could help lessen bacterial

disease symptoms in the household.

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Moreover, Soltani, et al. (2012) discussed that in the majority of

institutions and hospitals, the disk diffusion test is the commonly used

appropriate method for determining the antimicrobial susceptibility pattern.

Additionally, Horvath, et al. (2016) mentioned that disk diffusion method

(DDM) is categorized as an agar diffusion method (ADM) because the

plant extract to be tested diffuses from its reservoir through the agar

medium seeded with the test microorganism.

Related Studies

According to Bhowmik et al. (2012), tomato has a lot of benefits for

people’s health, specifically for the skin. Tomato is an exceptional plant

rich in lycopene, beta-carotene, antioxidants, and Vitamin E and C that is

good for the skin and rapid skin cell replacement. The study stated that

tomato had been used as a substance in making effective cleanser,

sunscreen, and different skincare products. It is suggested to leave the

sliced tomatoes on the skin for at least ten minutes to achieve a clean and

shiny skin.

In addition to that, Chayanika (2022) stated there are a number of

advantages to using tomato juice on the face. Regular tomato application

can assist in removing dead skin cells from the skin. This is due to

tomatoes' abundance of enzymes, which act as exfoliators naturally.

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Additionally, you can use tomato and sugar as a mild face exfoliator.

Vitamins C, A, and K are abundant in tomatoes. To add to that, it is acidic,

which helps keep the pH of your skin while deeply cleansing it. It contains

a lot of vitamin C and vitamin A, which helps calm the skin and get rid of

the tan. Tomato paste contains a lot of lycopene, which protects against

sunburn. Tomatoes' anti-inflammatory component is beneficial for dry,

itchy skin. The main components of tomatoes that have a calming effect

on the skin are beta carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E. This study

recommended that applying tomatoes regularly to skin that is prone to

breakouts of acne can help. It can also treat sunburns, helps you get rid of

tan lines, and reduce skin inflammation.

Costa et al. (2015) used an oral supplement that contains tomato

extract to manage skin aging among men. The 47 male participants in this

single-center, open-label, quasi-experimental clinical study ranged in age

from 30 to 45 and had Fitzpatrick phototypes I to IV. For 180 days in a

row, subjects took two tablets of the oral supplement. The study found that

tissue inflammation can be healed through the Lycopene and Vitamin C

present in tomato that also produce a powerful antioxidant. To sum up the

process, the experiment revealed that the oral supplement did not only

cause improvements in skin aging but also helped smoothens and

hydrates skin. Improvements in dermal density and facial skin hydration

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imply that this product may have beneficial effects on skin aging. These

improvements are linked to a decrease in local pH and an increase in

collagen and elastic fibers. In this cohort of predominantly middle-aged

males, oral supplementation was demonstrated to be safe.

The study of Sopyan et al. (2018) developed a sunscreen lotion

using tomato extract. Because of the antioxidant lycopene, tomatoes

(Solanum lycopersicum L) are an effective source of sunscreen. The

outcomes revealed that the prepared sunscreen lotion had good physical

quality. However, the researchers suggested to store the produced

sunscreen lotion for 28 days only.

The innovation of new virus SARS-CoV-2 has presented

unprecedented difficulties to global public health. Currently, COVID-19

approaches are primarily supportive and preventative, with the goal of

minimizing transmission. Hand hygiene is an effective and concise

approach of minimizing illness transmission in public or healthcare

environments. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers have become a popular

alternative to traditional handwashing with soap and water in both primary

and secondary care. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers have been used as an

effective alternative to handwashing in preventing the spread of bacterial

and viral diseases, making it one of the most important procedures in

reducing healthcare burden (Golin et al., 2020).

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Furthermore, the efficiency of orange as a bacterial hand sanitizer

had been studied by Bernabe et al. (2013). The researchers used orange

because of its rich Vitamin C and it is easily accessible, can be found

anywhere in the market. In addition to that, orange zest helps moisturize

the skin. The experiment concluded that the orange hand sanitizer is

effective because it contains Ethyl Alcohol that made it stronger against

germs and bacteria. The result lead to the recommendation of adding

more aloe vera, to make it more jelly-like agent.

Likewise, utilizing okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) and citrus fruits

as hand sanitizer was the title of a study by Rivera et al. (2019) that

sought to establish the efficacy of hand sanitizer in lowering bacterial

counts using okra and citrus fruits as main ingredients as well as to

determine whether the hand sanitizer is less irritating and fragrant to skin.

The respondents, who were students at Philippine Southfield School and

residents of barangay Bugo, examined samples of hand sanitizer.

Interviews were used as the study instrument and method of data

collection by the researchers. The product's texture was just adequate for

their hands to manage, according to the interview and the views of the

responders who used the hand sanitizer. They also noted that the

product's scent is unpleasant and that it doesn't feel greasy on the hands.

The respondents who have tested the product said that it was successful.
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The study recommended that people or students can use this directly

because it has been demonstrated that okra has no negative side effects

and that using this hand sanitizer takes less time than washing your

hands. Furthermore, due to the ethyl alcohol utilized, using this product

determined its effectiveness in lowering bacterial counts on hands.

On the other hand, Yaun and Vasquez (2017) studied the

effectiveness of guava hand sanitizer against Staphylococcus aureus,

bacteria that can cause widespread illnesses. The researcher used the

Well Diffusion Method to test the antimicrobial susceptibility of the guava

hand sanitizer. The researchers compared the made-up guava hand

sanitizer to commercialized hand sanitizers. As the process and

experiments were done, it revealed that the guava hand sanitizer did not

have any significant difference to commercialized ones. This indicated that

the produced hand sanitizer using guava leaves extract was an effective


In addition, the study of using the outer covering of a red onion was

conducted by Tolentino et al. (2016). To test the antibacterial effect of the

formulation, agar cup diffusion method was used by the researchers. The

study focused on comparing the formulated hand sanitizer against two

locally marketed hand sanitizers. The findings stated that the developed

hand sanitizer gel has more potent local antimicrobial action against the
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two promoted hand sanitizer manufacturers in the Philippines and the

formulation was incapable of provoking skin irritation when rubbed on the

skin. The researchers recommended a thorough study about a particular

flavonoid that demonstrates antimicrobial activity.

Asumbrado (2021) created citrofortunella hand sanitizer using

calamansi and oranges. Calamansi and oranges are readily available in

the market, and some may be grown in the garden. Another reason the

researcher picked this study was because of its vitamin content. The

purpose of this study is to investigate the efficacy of citrofortunella hand

sanitizer as a soap and water alternative. Following the experiment, the

researcher concluded that the citrofortunella hand sanitizer was a definite

success due to the presence of ethyl alcohol, which made it more

disinfectant, and the ingredients used to make the hand sanitizer were

readily available and easily accessible in the market and stores. Upon the

trial, the researcher suggested adding more aloe vera and essential oil to

make the hand sanitizer more viscous and to have a pleasant smell. The

researcher also recommended utilizing food coloring for a better physical


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This section discusses the applicability of the studies examined as

well as the similarities and differences between the concepts scrutinized

and the current study.

In the article of Direct Eats, the beneficial substances on skin that

are present in tomatoes were discussed. In addition to that, the study of

Chayanika and Bhowmik et al. discussed the benefits of tomatoes to the

people's health, especially to the skin. Furthermore, Bhowmik et al.

suggested to leave the slices of tomato directly on skin. In association to

these concepts, this paper also used tomatoes because of the given

vitamins and beneficial substances present to it, such as lycopene, beta-

carotene, vitamins C and E. On the contrary, this study used tomato

extract combined to a particular amount of aloe vera and ethyl alcohol to

make a hand sanitizer.

In the study of Costa et al., it was showed that an oral supplement

containing tomato extract resulted to a success experiment. The oral

supplement was tested effective in managing skin aging and helps

smoothens and hydrates the skin as well. In addition, Sopyan et al.

formulated a sunscreen lotion using tomato extract which proven effective

against ultraviolet rays due to the presence of antioxidant in tomatoes. In

relevance to the study of Costa et al. and Sopyan et al., this research aims

to produce a product using tomato extract that soothes the skin. In

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contrast, this paper is intended on formulating an antibacterial hand


Soltani et al. discussed that disk diffusion method is the frequently

used method to test the antimicrobial susceptibility pattern. In accordance

to this concept, this study will use the disk diffusion method to determine

the efficiency of the produced hand sanitizer in terminating germs and


Health professionals have stated clearly that handwashing with

hand sanitizer is one of the most efficient methods of avoiding the

transmission of germs and viruses (CDC). The study of Golin et al. and

Stoppler MD focused on the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers as an

effective alternative to handwashing in avoiding the spread of bacterial

and viral infections and lowering healthcare costs. In relation, this

research considered the impact of Covid-19 in producing a hand sanitizer.

In contrast, the researchers of this study propose to use the tomato plant

to create an antibacterial, skin soothing hand sanitizer.

Many studies developing hand sanitizer had already been done.

One of it is Rivera et al. Where they used okra and citrus fruits to

formulate an effective antibacterial hand sanitizer. They tested their

produced hand sanitizer to the students and the instrument they used in
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data collection was an interview. Meanwhile Yaun and Vasquez used

guava in formulating an effective hand sanitizer against Staphylococcus

aureus, a kind of bacteria. Another one is Tolentino et al. where they

used a red onion. Additionally, an orange was employed in the study of

Bernabe et al. as hand sanitizer because it includes vitamin C and

orange zest that moisturizes the skin. Similarly, citrofortunella by

Asumbrado used calamansi and oranges as a hand sanitize for the

reason that calamansi and oranges are simple to get in the market or


The current paper aims to formulate a hand sanitizer that can be

used against bacteria similar to the aim of the aforementioned studies

above. Yet none of them had use tomato which is the main focus of the

current study. Unlike Rivera et al. who used interview to test the

effectiveness of their product the current research will utilize

experimental test specifically disk diffusion method to test the

antibacterial property. This method was proven effective in the study of

Yaun and Vasquez and Tolentino et al.

Conceptual Framework


1. Tomato Extract
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Process Output

1. Distributing the
particular amount
of tomato extract, Tomato Hand
ethyl alcohol, and Sanitizer
aloe vera in

2. Disk Diffusion

3. Examining the
soothing effect,
acidity, and lifespan
of the produced
hand sanitizer.

4. Comparing the
smell, color, and
texture of the hand

5. Analyzing the
data gathered.

Figure 1 shows the input of the study. This includes the tomato

extract, ethyl alcohol, aloe vera, level of anti-bacterial effect, soothing

effect, acidity, and lifespan of the hand sanitizer, as well as its smell, color,

and texture.
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Figure 2 illustrates the process which includes evaluating the

needed amount of tomato extract, ethyl alcohol, and aloe vera, disk

diffusion method, examining the soothing effect, acidity, and lifespan of

the produced hand sanitizer, comparing the smell, color, and texture of the

hand sanitizer, and analyzing the data gathered.

Figure 3 is the output which contains the tomato hand sanitizer.

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This chapter presents the research design, research environment,

respondents/subject of the study, data gathering procedures as well as the

statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

In this study, the researchers used an experimental research

design. According to Sirisilla (2022), experimental research design is a

framework that used a scientific approach between two sets of variables,

the independent and dependent variable. To assess the efficiency of

tomato as hand sanitizer for soothing skin, this method is the most

suitable to use.

Research Environment

The study was conducted at Calatagan, Batangas. Producing the

hand sanitizer as well as testing its antibacterial and soothing effect and

acidity level were conducted at the Science Laboratory of Calatagan

Senior High School.

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Materials and Methods

A. Materials and Equipment

The materials used for the product are as follows: ripe tomatoes,

aloe vera, ethyl alcohol, water, we also need a blender, a clean cloth, 2

bowls, spoon, funnel, and small containers. To identify the effectiveness of

the hand sanitizer, the following instrument will be used: pH test strips, 3

apples, and disk diffusion test.

B. Methodologies

b1. Extracting Tomato

First, ripe tomatoes were collected and washed. Second, peel the

skin of the tomatoes using a knife and put the seedless and peeled

tomatoes in the blender. Then, strain the blended tomato using a clean

cloth and set aside after it is done.

b2. Preparing the Aloe Vera

Gather and wash the aloe vera. Next, peel the skin of the aloe vera

using a knife. After peeling its skin, squeeze the aloe vera using a fork in a

bowl to acquire the jelly texture and set it aside in a different container.
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b3. Making the Hand Sanitizer

Combine the indicated amounts of alcohol, tomato extract, and aloe

vera gel in the small containers.

b4. Solutions

The following solutions were followed during the experiment:

Treatment A 0% Tomato Extract, 50% Ethyl Alcohol, and 50%

Aloe Vera

Treatment B 20% Tomato Extract, 40% Ethyl Alcohol, and 40%

Aloe Vera

Treatment C 30% Tomato Extract, 35% Ethyl Alcohol, and 35%

Aloe Vera

Treatment D 40% Tomato Extract, 30% Ethyl Alcohol, and 30%

Aloe Vera

Treatment E 50% Tomato Extract, 25% Ethyl Alcohol, and 25%

Aloe Vera
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b5. Checking the Acidity Level

A pH test strip is a strip of litmus paper used to determine the pH of

a liquid. At different acidities, the material in the paper causes the paper to

change color. This test will be used by the researchers to determine the

acidity of the produced sanitizer. The official pH scale ranges from 0 to 14,

with 0 being extremely acidic and 14 being extremely alkaline.

b6. Checking the Soothing Effect

Three apples will be used to test the soothing effect of the

produced hand sanitizer. Each apple will be sliced in half. The first half of

the apple will be set aside, after an hour the researchers will capture the

apple and its color will serve as the basis of the other slices with

treatments. The remaining sliced apples will be labeled A, B, C, D, and E.

The corresponding treatments will be applied on each slice. The timer will

be set until the apple turns into as brown as the first slice. The longer the

time, the more effective the hand sanitizer is in terms of soothing effect.
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b7. Checking the Antibacterial Effect

To check for the antibacterial effect using the Disk Diffusion

Method, take an antibiotic disk with tweezers, dip it in hand sanitizer, and

place it in the incubator. Repeat these steps to other treatments. Three

trials of this method will be conducted in order to compare them and

determine which is the most effective.

b8. Checking the Lifespan

The researchers will utilize the Accelerated Shelf-life Testing,

putting it in a humid area, to ascertain the shelf-life of the hand sanitizer

and make predictions about it. Additionally, this will be used to determine

how to keep the hand sanitizer in the best possible condition.

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C. Workplan




Treatment A: Treatment C:
0% Tomato 30% Tomato
Extract, 50% Extract, 35%
Ethyl Alcohol, Ethyl Alcohol,
50% Aloe Vera 35% Aloe Vera

Treatment D: Treatment B: Treatment E:

40% Tomato 20% Tomato 50% Tomato
Extract, 30% Extract, 40% Extract, 25%
Ethyl Alcohol, Ethyl Alcohol, Ethyl Alcohol,
30% Aloe Vera 40% Aloe Vera 25% Aloe Vera

a. Acidity e. Smell

b. Soothing Effect f. Color

c. Antibacterial Effect h. Texture

d. Lifespan

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Data Gathering Instrument

The instruments used by the researchers in acquiring the needed

information are through scientific experiments and observation. The

researchers used an apple to test the soothing effect of the hand sanitizer,

Disk Diffusion Method to determine its antibacterial effect, pH Test Strip to

assess its acidity level. The evaluation was done on the produced hand

sanitizer using tomatoes that was executed in the laboratory. While the

plant growth was done in the field.

Scoring. Data from the observation checklist will be collected,

tabulated, and interpreted. The researchers will use Likert Scale Rating to

rate the color, smell, and texture of the produced hand sanitizer. The

following information will be interpreted by the 4-point Likert Scale.


Options Range Verbal Interpretation

4 3.51 – 4.00 Very Strong Smell

3 2.51 – 3.50 Strong Smell

2 1.51 – 2.50 Mild Smell

1 0.50 – 1.50 Very Mild Smell

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Options Range Verbal Interpretation

4 3.51 – 4.00 Red

3 2.51 – 3.50 Tart

2 1.51 – 2.50 Orange-red

1 0.50 – 1.50 Light Coral


Options Range Verbal Interpretation

4 3.51 – 4.00 Very Viscous

3 2.51 – 3.50 Viscous

2 1.51 – 2.50 Dilute

1 0.50 – 1.50 Very Dilute

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data gathered in the study employed the following statistics:

Amount of tomato extract, ethyl alcohol, and aloe vera in the

produced hand sanitizer

Percentage were the basic statistical tools used to determine the

different measurement of tomato extract, ethyl alcohol, and aloe vera as
hand sanitizer.

Antibacterial effect of the produced hand sanitizer

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Weighted mean and ranking were used to determine the

antibacterial effect of the produced hand sanitizer in terms of 3 test trials.

Significant difference in acidity level, soothing effect,

antibacterial effect lifespan, color, smell, and texture of the produced
hand sanitizer among different concentrations

ANOVA will be used to determine the significant difference among

the Acidity Level, Soothing Effect, Lifespan, Color, Smell, and Texture of
the hand sanitizer in different concentrations which are all interval data.
Kruskal-Wallis test will be used to determine the significant difference in
Antibacterial Effect of the hand sanitizer in different concentrations which
is ordinal data.

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Indicators Control A B C D Observational


1. The amount of
tomato extract in
the produced hand

2. The amount of
ethyl alcohol in the
produced hand

3. The amount of
aloe vera in the
produced hand

4. The pH level of
the produced hand

5. The produced
hand sanitizer
prevents the darken
of the apple.

6. The Trial 1
Calatagan Senior High School 31
Practical Research 2

sanitizer Trial 2
is an
antibacter Trial 3

7. The shelf life of

the produced hand

8. The
smell of
produced 2

sanitizer. 3

9. The 1
of the

10. The 1
Calatagan Senior High School 32
Practical Research 2

texture of 2



Name : Eduardo L. Ilang Ilang

Address : Balibago, Calatagan, Batangas

Place of Birth: Bacoor City, Cavite

Date of Birth : November 18, 2004

Civil Status : Single

Calatagan Senior High School 33
Practical Research 2

Educational Background

Elementary : Balibago Elementary School

Balibago, Calatagan, Batangas

2011 – 2017

Junior High School : Lucsuhin National High School

Lucsuhin, Calatagan, Batangas

2017 - 2021

Senior High School : Calatagan Senior High School

Poblacion 2, Calatagan, Batangas

2021 - present
Calatagan Senior High School 34
Practical Research 2



Name : Ricardo A. Ilao Jr.

Address : Sta. Ana, Calatagan, Batangas

Place of Birth: Sta. Ana, Calatagan, Batangas

Date of Birth : November 28, 2003

Civil Status : Single

Educational Background

Elementary : Pedro Palacio Memorial Elementary School

Sta. Ana, Calatagan, Batangas

2011 - 2017

Junior High School : Calatagan National High School

Poblacion 1, Calatagan, Batangas

2017 - 2021

Senior High School : Calatagan Senior High School

Poblacion 2, Calatagan, Batangas

2021 - present
Calatagan Senior High School 35
Practical Research 2



Name : Althea A. Aytona

Address : Tanagan, Calatagan, Batangas

Place of Birth: Tanagan, Calatagan, Batangas

Date of Birth : September 08, 2005

Civil Status : Single

Educational Background

Elementary : Tanagan Elementary School

Brgy. Tanagan, Calatagan, Batangas

2011- 2017

Junior High School : Calatagan National High School

Poblacion 1, Calatagan, Batangas

2017 - 2021

Senior High School : Calatagan Senior High School

Poblacion 2, Calatagan, Batangas

2021 – present
Calatagan Senior High School 36
Practical Research 2



Name : Joyce C. Bernal

Address : Poblacion 4, Calatagan, Batangas

Place of Birth: Calatagan, Batangas

Date of Birth : December 17, 2004

Civil Status : Single

Educational Background

Elementary : Jacobo Zobel Elementary School

Poblacion 3, Calatagan, Batangas

2011 - 2017

Junior High School : Calatagan National High School

Poblacion 1, Calatagan, Batangas

2017 - 2021

Senior High School : Calatagan Senior High School

Poblacion 2, Calatagan, Batangas

2021 - present
Calatagan Senior High School 37
Practical Research 2



Name : Jhervie P. Morales

Address : Carretonan, Calatagan, Batangas

Place of Birth: Calatagan, Batangas

Date of Birth : April 28, 2005

Civil Status : Single

Educational Background

Elementary : Angelita Zobel Elementary School

Lucsuhin, Calatagan, Batangas

2011 - 2017

Junior High School : Lucsuhin National High School

Lucsuhin, Calatagan, Batangas

2017 - 2021

Senior High School : Calatagan Senior High School

Poblacion 2, Calatagan, Batangas

2021 - present
Calatagan Senior High School 38
Practical Research 2

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