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(CR BUG: 2002- 04-06-02 RECN“ 2022 -04-16- (BO gent OF 7 gP OFFICIAL “ SRELEARED?: & signature Republic of the Philippines ‘2, Date, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT! "= DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA cor. Quezon Avenue, West Triangle, Quezor ‘A004 MEMORANDUM CIRGULAR No. 20 ie cs To : ALL PROVINCIAL GOVERNORS, CITY AND MUNICIPAL MAYORS, DILG REGIONAL OFFICES, BARMM MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT, AND ALL OTHERS CONCERNED SUBJECT : GUIDELINES ON THE UTILIZATION OF THE ELECTRONIC GOAL ACHIEVEMENT MATRIX (E-GAM) AND ELECTRONIC LOCAL DEVELOPMENT INVESTMENT PROGRAM (E-LDIP) SYSTEMS DATE SEP 16 2022 1. Background 1.1. The issuance of DILG-NEDA-DBM-DOF Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 1 Series of 2016 facilitated the harmonization and complementation of public financial management (PFM) processes and mechanism at the national and local levels. In support of this objective, PFM Oversight Agencies (OAs) continue to innovate and develop applicable tools and systems to better strengthen linkage and complementation of development plans, investment programs, and budgets across various levels of governments. 1.2. Said JMC also prescribed the respective annual review and updating of Local Development Investment Programs (LDIPs) by cities and municipalities as inputs to their annual investment program and budget preparation. This is to consider the outcomes of programs, projects, and activities (PPAs) implemented in the previous year, changes in the planning environment and financing conditions, among others. 1.3. The threats posed by the existing COVID-19 pandemic changed how LGUs undertake development planning, and budgeting processes. Conventional practices were revisited and innovations were deemed necessary to ensure that plans and budgets are made more responsive to the evolving needs of constituencies while observing the prescribed health and safety protocols. “Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan” ‘Trunkline No.: 8876-34-54 4.4. Relative thereto, the DILG developed and pilot-tested in select LGUs, the following web-based application systems: (i) Electronic Goal Achievement Matrix (E-GAM), and (ii) Electronic Local Development Investment Program (E-LDIP), to help cities and municipalities comply with pertinent planning requirements amidst the pandemic. Purpose This MC is issued to promote LGU adoption of the of E-GAM and E-LDIP systems by cities and municipalities as tools in the preparation and/or updating of their CDPs and LDIPs. Legal Compliance 3.1. Republic Act No. 7160: Local Goverment Code of 1991 3.2. DILG MC No. 2008-156: Guide to Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) Preparation for Local Government Unit, dated 22 October 2008 3.3. DILG-NEDA-DBM-DOF JMC No. 1 Series of 2016: Updated Guidelines ‘on the Harmonization of Local Planning, Investment Programming, Resource Mobilization, Budgeting, Expenditure Management, and Performance Monitoring and Coordination in Fiscal Oversight, dated 18 November 2016 Scope/Coverage This MC covers all concerned Local Chief Executives (LCEs), ProvincialCity/Municipal Planning and ~—_ Development| Coordinators (PICIMPDCs); the Ministry of Interior and Local Goverment (MILG)-BARMM; DILG Regional Directors and Field Officers; and, all others concerned. Definition of Terms 5.1. Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) — the document that pertains to the multi-sectoral plan formulated at the city or municipal level, which ‘embodies the vision, sectoral goals, objectives, development strategies and policies within the terms of LGU officials and the medium-term. The CDP contains: (i) Ecological Profile; (ii) Sectoral Development Plan, and (iii) Implementing Instruments. 5.2. Goal Achievement Matrix (GAM) - one of the planning tools prescribed under DILG MC No. 2008-156 for the prioritization of LGU PPAs based on perceived contribution in attaining the locality’s vision, goals, and development thrusts. 5.3. Electronic Goal Achievement Matrix (E-GAM) System — a platform for automating the PPA prioritization process of cities and municipalities using GAM. The system provides for the automatic generation of the ranked list of CDP PPAs based on the results of the GAM analysis undertaken by the Page 2 of 8 LGU, which is one of the prescribed output documents of the CDP. The ranked list provides a basis for the firming up of the LDIP. 5.4. Local Development Investment Program (LDIP) — an implementing instrument of the CDP. It links the local development plan to the budget for cities and municipalities. It contains a prioritized list of PPAs which are derived from the CDP matched with financing resources and to be implemented within a three to six-year period. 5.5. Electronic Local Development Investment Program (E-LDIP) System ~ a platform for digital encoding and generation of LDIPs by cities and municipalities consistent with the LDIP form prescribed under DILG- NEDA-DBM-DOF JMC No. 1 Series of 2016. The system also enables generation of the annual LDIP, which serves as main inputs to the AIP preparation of concemed LGUs, as well as corresponding reports and analytics based on the encoded and submitted LDIPs in the system. 5.6. Annual Investment Program (AIP) — refers to the annual slice of the LDIP, which constitutes the total resource requirements for all programs, projects, and activities (PPAs) consisting of the annual capital expenditure and regular operating requirements of the LGU Policy Content and Guidelines Cities and municipalities shall use the E-LDIP System in encoding and generating their LDIPs. They are also highly encouraged to use the E-GAM System in PPA prioritization during ‘the formulation and/or updating of their CDPs. Adoption of these tools in FY 2022 is opportune in that it can serve to facilitate CDP updating from July 2022 to March 2023, consistent with the ‘Synchronized Local Planning and Budgeting Calendar (SLPBC). ‘As the unit primarily responsible for planning, the City/Municipal Planning and Development Office with assistance from the LGU information technology unit shall manage and maintain said systems. As such the LGU shall designate a focal person from said unit/s who will primarily be responsible for managing the official LGU accounts for the E-GAM and E-LDIP Systems. 6.1. _E-GAM System 6.1.1. Getting an E-GAM System Account The designated focal person of each city and/or municipality shall register through the __ link: to have an official account and access to the E-GAM System There shall only be one official account per city and/or municipal LGU. The DILG Regional, Provincial, and City/Municipal Page 3 of 8 6.1.2. 6.1.3. Offices as well as the Provincial LGUs shall likewise set- up an E-GAM System account by registering through the link provided under Section of this MC. 4. The DILG — Bureau of Local Government Development (BLGD), as the Administrator of the system, shall provide access to the registered accounts according to user type. Level of Access According to User Type As primary users of the system, only registered citylmunicipal accounts shall have access in creating and undertaking GAM analysis using the system. Registered users from the DILG Regional and Provincial Offices, on the other hand, will have viewing access to the results of GAM analysis undertaken by the cities and municipalities using the system for monitoring purposes. Using the E-GAM System City/municipal LGU users may refer to the E-GAM User's Manual (Annex A.1) and corresponding video tutorials for additional reference and guidance in using the system. The E-GAM serves as database management system wherein previous and existing GAM results can be stored, retrieved, and managed for use in the prioritization and ranking of PPAs as basis for the preparation of the LGU’s LDIP. It provides a platform for cities and municipalities to remotely undertake PPA prioritization process, thereby promoting _ parti tion of concerned stakeholders amidst the pandemic. 6.2. E-LDIP System 6.2.1. Getting an E-LDIP System Account 62.1.1. Accounts created by LGU and DILG users for the E- GAM System may be used to access the E-LDIP System through this link: For users who do not have an E-GAM System account, the designated focal person shall register through the link provided under Section to have official account and access to the E-LDIP System. Page 4 of 8 6.2.2. 6.2.3. There should only be one official account per city and/or municipal LGU. . The DILG-BLGD, as the Administrator of the system, shall provide the corresponding access to the registered accounts according to user type. Level of Access According to User Type Similar with the E-GAM System, only registered citymunicipal LGU accounts will have access in encoding and generating LDIPs using the system. Registered users from the DILG Regional, Provincial, and City/Municipal Offices as well as Provincial LGUs, on the other hand, will have viewing access to the LDIPs prepared by the cities and municipalities and the Corresponding reports generated by the system. Using the E-LDIP System 62.3.1. 6.23.4. City/municipal users may refer to the E-LDIP User's Manual (Annex B.1) and corresponding video tutorials for additional reference and guidance in using the system. The E-LDIP serves as database management system wherein previous and existing LDIPs can be stored, retrieved, and managed for use in the preparation and/or updating of the CDP and LDIP. The system provides a platform for cities and municipalities to remotely facilitate preparation of the LDIP document Italso supports national-local complementation of efforts as outputs of the system — LDIPs encoded/submitted by cities and municipalities as well analytics generated by the system, may serve as immediate reference for: a. provinces in undertaking and __ providing complementary and supplementary programs and assistance to component cities and municipalities b. national goverment in designing, planning, and implementing appropriate policies, programs, and interventions to LGUs 6.2.4. LDIP Submission through the System Page § of & 6.3. 6.4. Cities and municipalities shall start to encode and submit their LDIPs through the system on or before 31 March 2023 consistent with the SLPBC. Thereafter, LDIP encoding and submission through the system shall be undertaken every period of preparation and/or updating. Interface of E-GAM and E-LDIP Systems Outputs generated in the E-GAM System may be directly exported by city and municipal users to the E-LDIP System and vice versa. Specific Roles and Responsibilities of System Administrators and Users: 6.4.1. Cities and municipalities shall: Designate a focal person who will be responsible for managing the LGU accounts for the E-GAM and E-L DIP; Create and secure an official account for the E-GAM and E-LDIP Systems; and Use the E-GAM and E-LDIP Systems consistent with the provisions of this MC 6.4.2. DILG Regional and Field Offices shall: Promote the use of the E-GAM System by cities and municipalities in the region; Ensure that all cities and municipalities encode their LDIPs in the E-LDIP System; Monitor the encoding and submission of LDIPs in the Ee LDIP System as well as the use of E-GAM System by cities and municipalities within their respective jurisdiction. As necessary, provide technical assistance to LGUs on the implementation of the systems; and As may be needed, assist BLGD and DILG — Information Systems and Technology Management Service (DILG- ISTMS) in the administration of the systems 6.4.3. DILG-BLGD shall: Initiate and lead the nationwide implementation and advocacy of the E-GAM and E-LDIP Systems; Page 6 of 8 Serve as Administrator of both the E-GAM and E-LDIP Systems; Be responsible for the maintenance and enhancement of the E-GAM and E-LDIP Systems as necessary; and Be responsible in generating reports and analyzing data and information provided by the Systems 6.4.4. DILG-ISTMS shall: 7. References Serve as Co-Administrator of the E-GAM and E-LDIP Systems; Host the E-GAM and E-LDIP Systems in the DILG server; Actas intermediary in the updating of the E-GAM and E- LDIP application source code in the DILG Data Center; and Secure a database backup for the system 7.1. Rationalizing the Local Planning System, 1*' Edition 2008 7.2. Local Planning Illustrative Guide: Preparing and Updating the ‘Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) 8. Annexes ANNEX PARTICULARS ACCESS Annex Ad User's Manual of the E-GAM System Annex A2 hittps://bit.lyEGAM_Manuals Administrator's Manual of the E- GAM System ‘Annex BA User's Manual of the E-LDIP System Annex B2 (ELD! 1 Acbriliaiin’s Manusiofthe | ee aes LDIP System 9. Effectivity This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately. Page 7 of 10. Feedback Inquiries concerning this MC may be directed or addressed to the DILG-BLGD through any of the following: telefax numbers (02) 8929-9235 / (02) 8927-7852; e-mail at, or mail at 25" Floor, DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA corner Quezon Avenue, West Triangle, Quezon City. 14. Approving Authority ate ATTY. JAMIN C.’ ABALOS, JR. Secrotéry OsECIBCNBLEDIac Page 8 of 8

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