Administrator's Manual of The E-GAM and E-LDIP Systems

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Electronic Goals Achievement Matrix and

Electronic Local Development Investment Program


ADB Asian Development Bank

AIP Annual Investment Program
BLGD Bureau of Local Government Development, DILG
CSV Comma-separated values
DBM Department of Budget and Management
DILG Department of the Interior and Local Government
DOF Department of Finance
eLDIP Electronic Local Development Investment Program
eGAM Electronic Goal Achievement Matrix
GAM Goal Achievement Matrix
LDIP Local Development Investment Program
LGU Local Government Unit
PPA Program, Project, and Activity

LOCAL DEVELOPMENT INVESTMENT PROGRAM (ELDIP) FOR ........................................... 1
A. ONLINE USE ......................................................................................................................... 1
B. OFFLINE USE ........................................................................................................................ 2
i. To install the eGAM and eLDIP system in a local computer ...................................... 2
ii. How to Install in Apache ................................................................................. 4
III. HOW TO START THE APACHE WEB SERVER ...................................................................... 4
IV. HOW TO START THE MYSQL SERVER ............................................................................... 5
V. HOW TO STOP THE APACHE WEB SERVER ....................................................................... 5
VI. HOW TO STOP THE MYSQL SERVER ................................................................................. 5
VII. HOW TO ACTIVATE A USER ACCOUNT ............................................................................. 5
VIII. HOW TO CREATE A USER ACCOUNT ................................................................................ 6
ADDRESS) ....................................................................................................................... 6
X. DELETING A USER ACCOUNT ........................................................................................... 7
OFFICE, FUNDING SOURCE, OR CC TYPOLOGY) ................................................................ 7
XII. OTHER FEATURES ........................................................................................................... 8
XIII. EGAM USER ROLES ......................................................................................................... 8
XIV. ELDIP USER ROLES .......................................................................................................... 8
XV. TYPE OF USERS ............................................................................................................... 9
I. What are the Electronic Goal Achievement Matrix (eGAM) and the
Electronic Local Development Investment Program (eLDIP) for
The eGAM system main features:
• Easily create and update the LGU’s GAMs through a computer
• Have a storage space for all the LGU’s GAMs which is easy to search and reference
• Generate the Ranked List of PPAs with a press of a button, and export it to the eLDIP
system for creation of their electronic LDIP
• Sectoral users are only allowed to rate their respective sectors in the GAM
The eLDIP system main features:
• Create and easily update the LGU’s LDIPs electronically
• Easily submit their approved LDIPs to BLGD
• Generate the annual slice of their LDIPs to create their AIPs in a press of a button
• Quickly generate analytic reports of their LDIPs that are useful for evaluation and future
• Quickly search and learn from other LGUs’ LDIPs

II. How to Install and Start using the eGAM and eLDIP in an LGU
There are two (2) ways to install and use the eGAM and eLDIP systems in an LGU - online or

A. Online Use
If the LGU has internet connection, the user can immediately use the eGAM and eLDIP systems
without the need for installation. Just run a web browser (e.g. Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox)
in any computer that is connected to the internet, and go to either the eGAM website
( or the eLDIP website (
You should see eGAM’s homepage like below:

Below is eLDIP’s homepage:

B. Offline Use
If the LGU has no internet connection, they need to get the eGAM and eLDIP systems installed
in their user’s computer (for single person use).

i. To install the eGAM and eLDIP system in a local computer

You first need a copy of the following files:

• XAMPP5 installer
• copied from either the online eGAM or eLDIP system files
• Exported databases from the online eGAM and eLDIP servers
• Copy of the system folders (/gam and /ldpp)
These files can be downloaded from the projects Google Drive. Link is below:
After you have all the files listed above, you can now start installation in the LGU’s local
computer as follows:
• Install XAMPP5
• Install in Apache (you can follow the instructions below)
• Copy the system folder into your XAMPP /htdocs folder
o For eGAM: Copy the /gam folder
o For eLDIP: Copy /ldpp folder
• MySQL setup:
o Login to your mysql root account
o Create 2 MySQL databases named: db_dilg_gam and db_dilg_ldpp2
o Import the eGAM database into db_dilg_gam (copy from the project’s Google
o Import the eLDIP database into db_dilg_ldpp2 (copy from the project’s Google
o Allow database user of db_dilg_gam to access db_dilg_ldpp2, and vice versa.
• Folder permission:
o For both eGAM and eLDIP systems, the /backend/web/uploads folder needs to
have read/write/delete permission.
• If you installed the system files in another path (i.e. not in /gam or /ldpp), you have to
change the home paths of each system that are set in the following files:
o index.php
o /backend/index.php
o /backend/views/user/index.php
o /frontend/index.php
o /common/index.php
o /common/config/main.php
• Change the db connection username and password according to how you created the
MySQL databases. This can be done in: /common/config/main-local.php. Do this for
both eGAM and eLDIP systems.

ii. How to Install in Apache
• Get a copy of from the project’s Google Drive (link shown in previous section)
• Copy to /XAMPP/xamppfiles/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20131226
• In php.ini of XAMPP, uncomment
• The above is done only once, and it will work for both eGAM and eLDIP.
• Restart apache
Start Apache (see “How to start the Apache web server” section). Start MySQL (see “How to
start the MySQL server” section). Starting the Apache web server and MySQL database server
should only be done once. It will work for both eGAM and eLDIP.
Open a web browser (e.g. Chrome) and go to http://localhost/gam. The eGAM homepage will
show. For the eLDIP system, go to http://localhost/ldpp in your web browser.
Next, let the LGU user create his/her own user account through the [Register] button in the
homepage. The user only needs to register one user account. Both eGAM and eLDIP will use
the same user account.
Then, you as administrator should activate the LGU user’s account by assigning him/her the
proper user role/s (e.g. lgu). See the “How to Activate a User Account” section.
That’s it! Let the LGU user test it by logging in.

III. How to start the Apache web server

Type the following command in your command terminal and press Enter, then enter your
computer’s user account password:
<path to server>/XAMPP/xamppfiles/xampp startapache

IV. How to start the MySQL server
Type the following command in your command terminal and press Enter:
<path to server>/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/mysql.server start

V. How to stop the Apache web server

Type the following command in your command terminal and press Enter, then enter your
computer’s user account password:
<path to server>/XAMPP/xamppfiles/xampp stopapache

VI. How to stop the MySQL server

Type the following command in your command terminal and press Enter:
<path to server>/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/mysql.server stop

VII. How to Activate a User Account

Before a registered user can login to the eGAM/eLDIP system, his/her account needs to be
activated. This is done by the administrator by assigning a user role to the newly registered
To assign a user role to a user account:
• Login eGAM or eLDIP.
• Click “User Management” in the left-panel of the screen.

• Click the [Update] button of the LGU user’s username.
• Click “Assignments” in the 2nd left-panel.
• Under the “Items” textbox, click the textbox and select the user role “lgu (Can edit their
LGU’s LDIP, ….)”
• Click the [Update assignments] button.
• Logout
That’s it!

VIII. How to Create a User Account

As administrator, you can also create user accounts for other people from the “User
Management” module of the eGAM or eLDIP system. To do this:
• Login eGAM or eLDIP.
• Click “User Management” in the left-panel of the screen.
• Click on the “Create” tab, then select-click “New user”. This will pull up the “Create a
user account” input form.
• Enter all the needed user information in the 3 forms: Account details, Profile details,
Assignments. Always [Save] in each form.
• That’s it!

IX. Changing User Account Information (e.g. user role, username,

email address)
IMPORTANT! In changing any user account information, check with DILG’s human resource
department to make sure that all the changes are correct. This is for security and proper access
of data in the eGAM and eLDIP systems.

Once you are sure all the changes are correct according to the proper authorities, here are the
steps to do it:
• Login eGAM or eLDIP.
• Click “User Management” in the left-panel of the screen.
• Search for the “Username” or “Email” of the user you want to change the name (or any
other information). Just type in the “filter box” beneath each column heading and press

• Once you see the user’s record listed in the table, click on the [Update] button to open
the “Update user account” form.
• Now you can change any of the user’s information like his/her email address, username,
name, user role, etc. Just click [Update] to save your changes.
• That’s it!

X. Deleting a User Account

IMPORTANT! Coordinate with DILG’s human resource department such that whenever a staff
with user account resigns or leaves DILG, you should be informed so that you can delete the
person’s user account.

This is also done in the “User Management” module.

• Login eGAM or eLDIP.
• Click “User Management” in the left-panel of the screen.
• Search for the “Username” or “Email” of the user you want to change the name (or any
other information). Just type in the “filter box” beneath each column heading and press
• Once you see the user’s record listed in the table, click on the [Delete/Trash] button to
delete the user account.
• Click [OK] to execute the deletion of the account.
• That’s it!

XI. Add/Update/Delete a Record in the Reference Tables of eGAM or

eLDIP (i.e. Planning Period, PPA Sector, PPA Type, Sector,
Subsector, Implementing Office, Funding Source, or CC Typology)
As administrator, you are able to add/update/delete any information in the Reference Tables.

WARNING! Adding, updating, or deleting to these lists affects the eGAM and eLDIP systems
nationwide, and may also affect the systems of DBM, and maybe even DOF systems.
The Reference Tables that affects the DBM and DOF systems are: Sector, Subsector,
Implementing Office, Funding Source, and CC Typology.
Thus, ANY CHANGES TO THESE REFERENCE TABLES must be agreed upon by ALL these

To do this, just click on any of the reference table links in the left-panel of the eGAM or eLDIP
system, i.e., “Planning Period”, “Sector”, “Subsector”, and so on.
This will pull up the Add/Edit/Delete screen for each reference table.
To Add let’s say a “Sector”, just click on [Sector +] to pull up the “Create” form.
To Edit a “Sector” (or any other reference table data), just click on the [Update/Pencil] button
for that sector in the list.
To Delete a “Sector” (or any other reference table data), just click on the [Delete/Trash] button
for that sector in the list.

XII. Other Features

All other features are already demonstrated in the User’s Manual.

XIII. eGAM User Roles

• sysad
o Can edit everything except LDIPs, view all, and can create users, roles,
permissions, rules, and user role assignment.
• lgu
o Can edit their LGU's LDIP, view all, and upload their LGU's SDGI codes.
• useradmin
o Can create/update/delete users, roles, permissions, and rules. Can view all.
• listadmin
o Can create/update/delete database lists: Funding Source, Implementing Office,
Sectors, Subsectors, and CC types. Can view all.
• dilgcitymun
o Can assign the user role “sectoruser” to its city/municipality registered users.
• sectoruser
o Can edit the weights and ratings of the GAM sector assigned to the user.

XIV. eLDIP User Roles

• sysad
o Can edit everything except LDIPs, view all, and can create users, roles,
permissions, rules, and user role assignment.
• lgu
o Can edit their LGU's LDIP, view all, and upload their LGU's SDGI codes.
• useradmin
o Can create/update/delete users, roles, permissions, and rules. Can view all.
• listadmin

o Can create/update/delete database lists: Funding Source, Implementing Office,
Sectors, Subsectors, and CC types. Can view all.
• guest
o Can only view
• subsectoradd
o CityMun office can add edit delete subsectors labeled "Others"
• implementingofcadd
o CityMun user can add to the implementing office reference table.
• fundingsourceadd
o CityMun user can add to the Funding Source reference table.
• servernode
o Can use REST API for retrieving database records.

XV. Type of Users

• Central Office – BLGD
o Role can be one of the following:
▪ sysad
▪ useradmin
▪ listadmin
▪ guest
o The following role can be added to any of the roles above:
▪ servernode
• Regional Office
o Role can be one of the following:
▪ useradmin
• If assigned this role, this will give the regional officer user the
ability to create, update, delete users of his/her region.
▪ guest
• Provincial Office
o Role can be one of the following:
▪ useradmin
• If assigned this role, this will give the regional officer user the
ability to create, update, delete users of his/her province.
▪ guest
• City/Municipality
o Role can be one or more of the following:
▪ lgu
▪ guest
▪ subsectoradd
▪ implementingofcadd
▪ fundingsourceadd
▪ dilgcitymun
▪ sectoruser


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