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Day 5 of virtual In-service Training for SHS teachers was held on June 06, 2020 with the theme

"The Role of
Educators in the Midst of Pandemic :Establishing a Positive and Collaborative Teaching and Learning Process." to
formally start the program the speaker called the teacher in charge for prayer lead by Mr. Roberto Jr. I. Sapeco,
Teacher III, academic Track. Mr. Mark Anthony B. Piolino, Teacher III, TVL Track start to recapitulation of what they
have done on Day of Virtual In-service Training for SHS teachers. The assistant Principal II, Mrs. Herminia J. Flores
start presenting her topic entitled as "What's next? " and she well delivered about the Department of Education
Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan for this school year 2020-2021. She also includes what are the
preparations undertaken fro the opening of this school. First is the Online Enrollment, and how the teachers can
make sure that teaching and learning can be carried out? By means of identification of delivery mode suited for the
learner's resources (online learners or Modular learners), by Online, Offline Teaching Support, by parent-Teacher
chat group, by Assessment, or through MELC (Most Essential Learning Competencies) and of course by
Stakeholders Assistance that the school will also hold every learner responsible for the use and care of these
essentials until such time they need to return them as the case maybe at the end of semester. And to formally give
the virtual floor to Mr. Jeffrey D. De Guzman, Public School District Supervisor to explain what with challenge in
spite of pandemic and also to give his wonderful and very motivational words of advice to everyone. After Mr.
Jeffrey, the next guest speaker Mr. Amor L. Etor Teacher III, Academic Track, giving chance to express his views on
how teacher should accept the challenge that must adopt and accept the new Norma teaching. Of course the
program will not end without the principal Mr. Eulogio B. Pebres, Principal IV to express his views, to show his
gratitude towards to all teachers that we should fight the ignorance and to support Mr. Amor L. Etor said that we
need to adopt and accept the new normal teaching and we should use our code name to fight to this challenge to
see the changes such as wonderful words of advice for everyone.  teacher does not merely stick to the role of a
teacher. They adapt into various roles as and when the need arises. They become our friends when we are sad, they
care for us like our parents when we are hurt. Thus, we see how great a teacher impacts a student’s life and shapes

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