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Exercise 4

1.Jogging is still a very popular activitiy in the united states.

2.Amachine that can eliminate sound waves from the air.
3.A special kind of laser potato peeler has been developed to
eliminate almost all the waste.
4.Topic: A verge of extinction of panda
Main idea: Te panda was slowly dying out
5.Topic: Panda s growth
Main idea: Pandas develop fairly slowly
6. Topic: Female pandas Research
Main idea: Chinese scientist had a chance to study wild female
Panda with a newborn baby
7.Topic: Large office building health problem.
Main idea: People who work In large office building get sick
More often than normal
8.Topic: The disease from pet
Main idea: you could get sick from apet reptile
9.Topic: Unhealthy overcooked meat
Main idea: Scientist have found that meat cooked this way can
Cause cancer

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