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This chapter presents the research design, subject to study, data

gathering procedure, and analysis that are used in the study.

Research Design

In this study, the students will make used of quantitative research method
through a survey research approach. This study focuses in determining and
investigating the average number of vehicles passing through the chosen
intersection - Anilao-Majuben Intersection, the types of vehicle and the traffic
flow in that area. The approach used are done through manual counts and
video recording to have an efficient and accurate results. The manual counts
data that are gathered corresponds to the number of different classes of
vehicles passed through the intersection. These data will be checked and
compared to the recorded data from the video taken in the same period of
time and intersection. Therefore, data to be considered will provide more
reliable and consistent analysis of results.

Subject of the Study

In this survey research approach, students select one intersection in the

area they choose which is the Anilao - Majuben Intersection. With this
intersection, the students have able to determine a total of 6 routes including
(1) Anilao - Mabini, (2) Mabini - Anilao, (3) Anilao - Majuben, (4) Majuben -
Anilao, (5) Mabini - Majuben, and (6) Majuben - Mabini. All types of vehicle
passed though each route are recorded individually. Students also chose the
time period they will perform the traffic counting. It consists 2 hours in the
morning and 2 hours in the afternoon resulting a total of 4 hours traffic
counting. Within the 2 hours of each period, they choose 1 hour normal hour
(9:00 am - 10:00 am and 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm) and 1 hour peak hour (6:00 am -
7: 00 am and 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm).

Data Gathering Procedure

Manual traffic counting and manual counting from video recording are the
two medium that the students used in this study. The traffic counting starts by
setting the camera few minutes before the first time period. The students have
their own traffic volume count tally sheet as they divides the routes in the
intersection. The sheet consists of the name and number of the route, the
time, and the weather condition. It also consists of different types of vehicles
as it was recorded individually. After an hour of traffic counting, students get
and lists down the total number of vehicles for each route. With the used of
video recording, the students also count manually the vehicles in each route
and recorded the number they get from the video. The procedure are
repeated four times as there are four period of time required to perform the
traffic counting. For the final tally, the students recorded the most accurate
result from the two medium that they used.

Data Gathering Analysis

This chapter presents the methods that the students do in this study. It covers
the research design, instrumentation, data gathering procedure, and data processing
and analysis that are used in the study.

Research Design

In this study, the students used a qualitative research methodology in a

descriptive case study approach. The methodology approach used includes the
topography analysis and researches, site visitation and road investigation. This
methodology was chosen as the purpose of the study was to identify the data of the
three classification of roads involved in this study. It also includes the highway design
and pavement marking of each roads.


The students uses three medium in performing the descriptive case study
approach they choose for this study. As mentioned in the methodology approach,
these includes topography analysis and researches, site visitation and road
investigation. The topography analysis and researches involve identifying the road
history, its length, the number of bridges and lanes it has, the type of pavement used,
number of vertical and horizontal curves, road condition and its political jurisdiction
classification. Moreover, to ensure the reliability of the information gathered online, the
students also do site visitation where they go to the three roads and perform road
investigation through observation.

Data gathering procedure

In this road investigation done in a descriptive case study approach, the students
started in gathering data online including the places where the three chosen roads are
located. The verify some facts they are knowledgeable about each location by going
to the actual location. Road investigation was performed to

Data processing and analysis


- more convenient for long - more accessible to people for

distance travel everyday use/ short distance travel
- both land -
- prevent traffic congestion and - produce a heady traffic congestion
lessen the number of accidents and large number of accidents
that transfer
people and
- more economical and - produce greaterpollution
environmental friendly as it
produce minimum pollution -best for carrying lighter goods and
in their own smaller number of people
--best for carrying heavy goods
and large number of people -flexible

- have defined routes -more slower than rail transport

- much faster and reliable

2.A rail is said to have failed if it is considered necessary to remove it

immediately from the track on account of the defects noticed on it. The
main causes for the failure of rails are as follows:
 Inherent defects in the rail - faulty chemical composition, harmful
segregation, piping, seams, laps, and guide marks.
 Defects due to fault of the rolling stock and abnormal traffic effects
- Flat spots in tyres, engine burns, skidding of wheels, severe braking,
 Excessive corrosion of rails - takes place due to weather conditions,
the presence of corrosive salts such as chlorides and constant
exposure of the rails to moisture and humidity It normally leads to the
development of cracks in regions with a high concentration of
 Badly maintained joints - improper packing of joint sleepers and loose
 Defects in welding of joints - arise either because of
improper composition of the thermit weld metal or because of a
defective welding technique.
 Improper maintenance of track  - Ineffective or careless maintenance
of the track or delayed renewal of the track.
 Derailments  Damages caused to the rails during derailment.

There are different maintenance and rehabilitation done to fix and prevent
railway failure. The procedure to be used defend on what kind and what
causes the railway failure. Some of it are the rail grinding, rail
replacement, tamping, track stabilization, ballast injection, and sleeper
replacement. Rail grinding is used to correct rail grooves, fatigue, metal flow, and
rail reprofiling.It uses grinding machines that travel along the track with grinding
stones, which rotate or oscillate longitudinally to scrape the rail’s surface. Rail
Replacement is used when it is necessary to upgrade the track to a higher gauge rail or
replace the same gauge rail due to defects, wear, or derailment damage. Tamping is
used when it is needed to correct the track’s longitudinal profile, cross-level, and
alignment. A few sleepers at a time are lifted to the correct level with vibrating
tamping tines inserted into the ballast.The track Stabilization vibrate the track in the
lateral direction with a vertical load to give a controlled settlement. It can restore the
lateral resistance to the original level. Meanwhile, Ballast Injection (Stone Blowing
correct the longitudinal profile. The process introduces additional stones to the surface
of the existing ballast bed while leaving the stable, compact ballast bed undisturbed.
Lastly, Sleeper Replacement which is used is almost all types of sleeper defects.
Now, let’s proceed on the methodology.
In this study, the students use the quantitative research method
through a field investigation approach. It focuses on determining and
investigating the average number of vehicles passing through the chosen
intersection, the types of vehicles, and the traffic flow in that area. In the
said approach, they used the traffic investigation survey which is done
through manual counts and video recording to have efficient and accurate
results. In this survey, students select one intersection with 6 routes and
that is Anilao - Majuben Intersection. There are a total of 4 hours of
traffic counting, the normal hour were 9 to 10 am and 1 to 2 pm while the
peak hour were 6 - 7 am and 3 to 4 pm. Moreover, each student has traffic
volume tally sheet which consists of the name and number of the route,
the time, and the weather condition. It also consists different types of
vehicles as it was recorded individually. For the manual count errors
encountered, students choose to analyze and double-check the data, get
the mean, and compare the numbers being recorded. Thus, the overall
results are analyzed by the students to fulfill the objectives of this survey.

Contrary to the traffic counting, the students used a qualitative

research methodology in a descriptive case study approach in the
road investigation. It includes the topography analysis and research,
site visitation, and road investigation. This methodology was chosen
to identify the data of the three classifications of roads involved in
this study including the highway design and pavement marking. In
road investigation, students started gathering data online and
analyze each road using the google map. The topography analysis and
research are carefully done to avoid false information. However, to
ensure the reliability of the information gathered online, the students
also do site visitation where they go to the three roads and perform
road investigations through observation. They list down all the things
they observed including the type of pavement used, the number of lanes it
has, the topography, and the condition of the road. Furthermore all the
data, information, and knowledge about the three roads: Anilao - Orense
Rd (Provincial Road), Majuben Road (Municipal Road), and Epifanio B.
Sandoval Blvd (Barangay Road) are all recorded and considered.

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