Eknoyan 1999

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Contributions of Padua to Nephrology

(Dedicated to Arturo Borsatti)

Am J Nephrol 1999;19:226–233

Santorio Sanctorius (1561–1636) –

Founding Father of Metabolic Balance
Garabed Eknoyan
Renal Section, Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Tex., USA

Key Words statica medicina, in 1614; 3 years after he was appointed

Renaissance W Sanctorius W Metabolic balance W Ordinary Professor of Theoretical Medicine in Padua. To
Insensible perspiration W Instrumentation enhance the bedside evaluation of patients, he also
designed instruments to quantify the pulse, temperature,
and environmental humidity. For his pioneering and
Abstract detailed balance studies, Sanctorius clearly deserves the
The intellectual renaissance of the closing decades of the title of founding father of metabolic balance studies.
sixteenth century provided the fertile ground in which
the budding spirit of scientific inquiry emerged in the
seventeenth century. Direct observation, soon aug-
mented by instrumentation that allowed for quantifica- The challenges to ancient orthodoxy and scholasticism,
tion and, therefore, verification, became the revelatory increasingly voiced by Renaissance humanists during the
medium for the progress of the sciences. In medicine, closing decades of the sixteenth century, culminated in
progress depended on the application of the exact the seventeenth century in a fundamental, and although
sciences of chemistry, mathematics and physics to the dispersed but nevertheless a large scale, attempt to change
study of function. One of the medical luminaries of this the view of the whole of the natural world. One of the
early scientific revolution was Santorio Sanctorius (1561– more perplexing and astonishing moments in scientific
1636), whose principal contributions were his studies on thought, the seventeenth century has been appropriately
insensible perspiration and his instrumental inventions. dubbed ‘The Insurgent Century’ [1]. It was then that the
To study insensible perspiration, he designed a movable explanation of the natural world advanced by Aristotle
platform attached to a steelyard scale that allowed for (384–322 BC), and accepted as dogma for centuries past,
the quantification of changes in body weight of subjects came under scrutiny and considered to be no longer ade-
who partook in their daily activities on the platform. After quate. Once the rationale for direct, rather than textual,
years of self-experimentation, he applied his device to observation of nature became the rule, it quickly became
the study of patients. Unfortunately, his records are lost. evident that there were just too many contradictions
What survives is a summary of his observations in a between the recorded, often theoretical, descriptions of
series of aphorisms published under the title of Ars de the ancients and those that were being actually observed.

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The problem became all the more critical when the power order that they may accomplish this more handily, a nota-
of observation began to be magnified by the growing use ble vein and likewise an artery are extended to the kidney;
of instrumentation. The resultant intellectual revolution, the kidney receives the serous humor into a membranous
began by the philosophers (Bacon, Descartes) and astron- sinus ... covered by a double tunic ... and expels the urine
omers (Copernicus, Kepler), provided the very founda- off into another sinus which is prolonged as the urinary
tions of scientific research and the roots of modern passage and constructed like a vein ...’. The recurrent ref-
science that was to flourish in the centuries to come [2, 3]. erence to veins is a central tenet of the teaching of Vesal-
As subjective description was replaced by objective mea- ius who believed that ‘nature gave straight fibers to the
surements (mathematics, physics), scientific experiments veins, by means of these it draws blood into its cavity’ [8].
in the form of repeatable and reproducible phenomena Thus, while anatomists gradually evolved a concern for
became possible. In astronomy, what Copernicus (1473– function, and therefore physiology, their explanations
1543) had demonstrated mathematically, Galileo (1564– were structural and remained descriptive but did provide
1642) confirmed by repeated, reproducible and quantifia- the fertile grounds on which the new science of physiology
ble observation, using instruments to extend the senses. It would thrive and prosper.
was then that experimental tradition became well estab- Progress occurred only when the exact sciences of
lished, and perception, augmented by new instrumenta- chemistry, mathematics and physics began to be applied
tion, became a constant revelatory medium for the pro- to medicine. Explanation of function on a chemical basis
gress of the sciences. started with Paracelsus (1493–1541), who was in fact one
This new and revolutionary spirit of scientific inquiry of the first to attack the ancients and challenge the teach-
also affected the biological sciences [4]. In medicine, ings of Galen [9]. He is considered the founder of the
revolt was channelled against the authority of Galen Iatrochemical School, that was to reach its height in the
(130–200), whose voluminous writings formed the bulk of work of Jean Baptist van Helmont (1577–1644) and Fran-
the medical texts that were becoming widely available in ciscus Sylvius (1614–1672). Physics and mathematics
their original version following the advent of the printing were the two other growing exact sciences to be used in
press (1454). The rebellion began in anatomy. Andreas order to provide an explanation of function [10, 11]. René
Vesalius (1514–1564), the more famous and better known Descartes (1596–1650), who did much to encourage the
of the advocates of the direct observational method in practice of experimentation, brought the human body, the
anatomy, vigorously argued that those who sought medi- ‘earthen machine’ as he called it, into the sphere of phys-
cal truth should put aside medical texts and directly study ics (iatrophysics) [12]. The language of iatrophysical
the human body [5]. It is ironical that none other than the medicine became that of mechanics (iatromechanics)
principal victim of these attacks, Galen, had advocated or mathematics (iatromathematics). Giovanni Borelli
that the path ‘to become expert in all matters of plants, (1608–1679) brought to the study of action and move-
animals, and metals ... was by personally inspecting them, ments a knowledge of physics and is considered the foun-
not once or twice, but often’ [6]. The difference was that der of the iatromechanical school. While Santorio Sancto-
the method which Galen had professed now became rius (1561–1636) applied mathematics to the study of
accepted and vigorously applied. It is also ironical that it medicine and is considered a founder of the iatromathe-
was the very rediscovery of direct observation that deter- matical school [13, 14].
mined the limitations of the anatomical approach that This pace in the effort to understand and explain func-
Vesalius and his contemporaries had advocated. Accurate tion, which emerged gradually in the sixteenth century,
knowledge of structure did not provide an understanding increased in the seventeenth century, but remained re-
of function, and the dead bodies that were being exam- markably restricted to islands of learning. Interestingly,
ined meticulously did not yield the secrets of life. Indeed, by and large most of the scientists who led the scientific
even when dissection was performed on live bodies, the revolution in the seventeenth century were trained or
secrets of nature remained elusive. Vesalius, who did worked in Padua. Padua, which had emerged from its
resort to vivisection, could not advance the understand- medievalism and achieved some degree of fame in the
ing of renal function beyond that of Galen [6, 7]. This is fourteenth century, came under the protection of Venice
what Vesalius had to say about renal function: ‘the office in 1440, an event that would ultimately provide it with
of purgation is most fitly performed by the kidneys ... they the intellectual freedom which was instrumental in mak-
quickly draw the greater part of the serous humor of the ing it the most distinguished center of learning in Europe
liver toward themselves and strain it from the blood. In during the second half of the sixteenth and most of the

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Fig. 1. Time line showing some of the prominent contemporaries of Santorio Sanctorius in medicine, the sciences and
liberal arts.

seventeenth century. This was perhaps truest of its medi- Santorio Sanctorius (1561–1636)
cal faculty which was founded in 1250 [15]. The era of
medical science in seventeenth century Padua was an Santorio Sanctorius was born on March 29, 1561, in
interlude which exhibits a surprising flash that was funda- Capodistria, the capital of Istria, then under the rule of
mental to the development of the modern methods of Venice and still known by its Roman name of Justinopolis
medical research. It was in this atmosphere that Galileo (fig. 2). Of patrician descent, and the oldest of four chil-
and Harvey, the two most celebrated Paduan figures, dren, his father, Antonio, was a Friulian nobleman who
were trained to think and solve the problems of the new had been appointed Chief of Ordnance of the city and his
sciences. Eminent amongst the early scientific experi- mother, Elisabetta Cordonia, was of a prosperous and
menters and a figure whose work spans the transition noble Istrian family. His connections to nobility were to
from the 16th to the 17th century is Santorio Sanctorius, a come to good stead, both during his childhood education
contemporary of Galileo and a predecessor of Harvey in and subsequent career appointments. His schooling
Padua (fig. 1). which began in Capodistria, continued in Venice where
he received private education in the home of family
friends, the powerful Morosinis. In 1575, at the age of 14,
he began his studies at the University of Padua, first in
philosophy and later in medicine (table 1). In 1582, he

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Fig. 2. The house of Santorio Sanctorius in
Justinopolis (now Koper), marked with a
commemorative bust placed in his honor by
Italian physicians characterizing him as
‘First Eminent Teacher of Experimental

received his degree in medicine at the age of 21, one year Table 1. Santorio Sanctorius (1561–1636)
younger than Vesalius had received his in 1537, and three
1561 Born March 29, Capodistria (Justinopolis, Koper)
years younger than Harvey would receive his in 1602,
Begins studies in Venice (Morosinis)
both from the same school [16–18]. 1575 Begins university studies in Padua
Five years after graduation he seems to have been 1582 Receives medical degree
recruited to practice medicine in the various courts of 1582 Begins medical practice and research studies
eastern Europe. After some 12 years, he returned to 1611 Professor of Theoretical Medicine, Padua
1616 President, Collegio Venetio, Padua
Venice in 1599 to continue his practice of medicine. In
1624 Returns to medical practice, Venice
Venice, he became part of the intellectual circle which 1630 President, Venetian College of Physicians
gathered at the home of his childhood friend and class- Chief Health Officer, Venice
mate, Andrea Morosini, and included such luminaries as 1636 Dies on February 22, Venice
Galileo, Fabrizzio de Aquapendente (1537–1619) and
Fra Paolo Sarpi. Shortly after his return to Venice, he pub-
lished in 1602 his first book: Method of Combating All the
Errors which Occur in the Art of Medicine (table 2). It was
this book on differential diagnosis that established his Table 2. Bibliography of Santorio Sanctorius
fame and coupled with the strength of his social connec-
tions led to the invitation to serve as Professor of Theoret- 1602 Methodus vitandorum errorum omnium qui in arte medica
ical Medicine in Padua in 1611. Galileo, who had served contigunt
1612 Commentaria in artem medicinalem Galeni
as Professor of Mathematics (1593–1610) had just left,
1614 De Statica medicina
Fabrizzio de Aquapendente was then Professor of Anato- 1625 Commenteria in primam Fen primi Canonis Avicennae
my and teaching in the amphitheater he had built in 1595, 1629 Commenteria in primam sectionem Aphorismorum
and Harvey who had completed his studies in Padua Hypocratis
(1593–1602) had long left. 1629 De remediorum inventione
1638 De lithotomia seu calculi vesicae consultatio
The position of First Ordinary Professor of Theoria
co-authored with L. Batarourum (posthumous)
had been vacant since 1603. In Santorio, the chair De instrumentis medicis (unpublished)
acquired an experienced practitioner, an investigator of

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some consequence, and a creative spirit whose influence proach, design and meticulousness to any others of his
extended well beyond the borders of Padua. As Professor time. A man ahead of his times, who preceded the other
of the Theory of Medicine, his responsibilities were to luminaries of the century (fig. 1), Sanctorius was recog-
interpret and teach the Aphorisms of Hippocrates, the Art nized by his contemporaries as one of the major figures of
of Medicine of Galen, and the first part of the Canon of the seventeenth century and considered the equal of Har-
Avicenna. Over the years he would publish his lectures as vey. The Ars de Statica medicina underwent 28 editions
commentaries on the work of all three (table 2). Commen- and remained in demand well into the end of the eigh-
taries which had started as student aids for learning had teenth century and was translated into Italian, English,
evolved into scholastic endeavors of some merit in the German and French [15, 21].
modernization of teaching [19], at least until the first half
of the seventeenth century. Amongst the more than 60
extant copies of the Commentaries on Avicenna, the one Scientific Contributions
by Sanctorius is deservedly famous because it was so
uncharacteristic in its genre for the inclusion of scientific The principal contributions of Sanctorius were his
instruments designed by the author to quantify (pulse, studies on insensible perspiration and his instrumental
temperature, humidity) the study of patients. Their inclu- inventions. The latter is at the very core of his metabolic
sion indicates that Sanctorius used them in the teaching of studies on insensible perspiration. The instrument he
medicine [18, 20]. However, the book that was actually to developed for its study consisted of a movable platform,
establish his position in posterity as a scientist was a rela- attached to a steelyard scale, on which the subject would
tively short text on insensible perspiration, titled Ars de partake in daily activities, that allowed for the measure-
statica medicina and published in Venice in 1614. ment of changes in body weight (fig. 3). His work began as
During the term of his tenure as Professor of Theoreti- one of the first self experimentation studies in which he
cal Medicine, he was appointed President of a new college would partake a meal set on the table before him until his
(Collegio Veneto) in 1616, a position he held for 8 years weight reached a predetermined quantity. If he then
until 1624, when at the age of 63 he resigned to return to remained on the balance for a while, he could observe his
the practice of medicine in Venice. In recognition of his weight becoming gradually lighter. He recognized that
contributions, the Venetian Senate granted him the title this decline in weight represented a loss of matter, the loss
of professor and an accompanying salary for life. The fact of which he called insensible perspiration. During the
that he had several powerful connections in the Venetian course of the experiment, he would weigh the stool and
Senate, including his schoolmate Morosini, no doubt urine excreted and subtract them from the final change in
facilitated this well deserved, but rarely granted honor. In weight to verify the loss attributed to insensible perspira-
1630, he was appointed President of the Venetian College tion.
of Physicians and Chief Health Officer to control the After years of self-experimentation, he applied the
plague that was then ravaging Venice. He died, at the age instrument to the study of other subjects. In the letter pre-
of 75, on February 22, 1636, from what is said to be com- senting a copy of De Statica to Galileo, he claims to have
plications of urinary tract disease from which he had suf- studied more than 10,000 subjects in the span of 25 years
fered for several years. Buried in the Church dei Servi in [15]. That would entail the daily study of at least one sub-
Venice, his bones were disinterred during the looting of ject literally on every single day of the 25 years! It is unfor-
Venice on Napoleon’s orders, following the Treaty of tunate that the data he collected is not preserved and that
Milan. His bones, entrusted to the Professor of Anatomy he elected to summarize his findings in a series of apho-
of Padua, were ultimately buried in his home town of risms. While criticized for this shortcoming, it should be
Capodistria, while his presumed skull is preserved in the kept in mind that at the time of his studies, he was in
Anatomical Museum of Padua. constant movement in Eastern Europe and that data
A man of small stature, with a trim beard, Sanctorius books, as we conceive them today, were not in fashion.
never married, dedicating all his time to his work. A tire- Additionally, the text is not a mere listing of aphorisms,
less investigator, inspired by the exact sciences, he fo- such as the forerunner of them all the Hippocratic Apho-
cused on selected issues that he studied exhaustively. In risms. Rather, each aphorism is followed by an explana-
his work he demonstrated unprecedented patience and tion, which, in paragraphs of varying lengths, provides the
perseverance. His studies on insensible perspiration, at rationale of the information distilled in the aphorisms.
which he worked so assiduously, were superior in ap-

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The notion of insensible perspiration was not new [22,
23]. Galen had identified it quite clearly as: ‘mouths
placed on the skin pass out whatever is redundant of
vapors and smoke ... and the other excretion, which has
no name because it is not commonly known, since it
escapes observation ... is insensible perspiration (adelos
diapnoe)’, and was cognizant of its overall metabolic con-
sequences ‘... the amount of urine passed everyday shows
clearly that it is the whole of the fluid drunk which
becomes urine, except that which comes away with the
dejections, or passes off as sweat, or as insensible perspira-
tion’. This was the basis of the central role of bathing and
lustrations in Greek and Roman medicine.
What Sanctorius accomplished was to bring to bear the
scientific method in documenting these earlier observa-
tions by quantifying them by instrumentation, verifying
them by repeated examination, and extending them to the
study of the determinants of its variation. The importance
he attached to the role of insensible perspiration is stated
in Section I, Aphorism II: ‘If a physician, who has the care
of another’s health, is acquainted only with sensible sup-
plies and evacuations, and knows nothing of the waste
that is daily made by insensible perspiration, he will only
deceive his patient, and never cure him’. A general notion
of his concepts can be gleaned from the following quotes.
Section III, Aphorism LXXVI: ‘In the first hours after eat-
ing a great many perspire a pound or near; and after that
to the ninth two pounds; and from the ninth to the six-
teenth scarce a pound.’ Section I, Aphorism VI: ‘If eight
pounds of meat and drink are taken in one day, the quan-
tity that usually goes off by insensible perspiration in that
time, is five pounds.’ Section 1, Aphorism XIV: ‘Sixteen
ounces of urine is generally evacuated in the space of one
night; four ounces by stool, and forty ounces upwards by
perspiration.’ Section I, Aphorism LXXXIX: ‘Vomiting
diverts urine and perspiration.’ Section I Aphorism
Fig. 3. The metabolic balance devised by Santorio Sanctorius for the
XCIV: ‘Those who piss more than they drink, little or study of insensible perspiration. From De Statica medicina, 1690.
nothing perspire.’ Section III Aphorism XIV: ‘Robust per-
sons discharge their food for the most part by perspira-
tion. Those not so strong by urine, and the weak chiefly by
an indigested chyle.’
This is well beyond what Galen and all his successors Statica medicina is the result of studies that must have
had said about insensible perspiration. It is a first effort to been initiated at or about 1582 when the rudiments of the
obtain physiological data and provide a quantitative basis scientific revolution were just beginning to gel. As such,
to pathophysiology by meticulous study and precise in- they were not only innovative, but advanced for their
strumentation [24, 25]. Not only did he study insensible time and laid the basis of all future metabolic studies. In
perspiration, but documented its fluctuations under the our balance experiments today, we handle intakes and
influence of such variables as air, food, age, movement, outputs of the body essentially as Sanctorius did, except
repose, sexual activity and drink. Published in 1612, and for the addition of chemical analysis to what he only char-
by his admission having taken 30 years to complete, De acterized in terms of weight and volume.

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Fig. 4. ‘Lectus artificiosus’ – a mechanical bed for the care of inval- Fig. 5. ‘Balneatorium’ – a leather bag that allows bathing or hydro-
ids – whose advantages Sanctorius characterizes as especially merito- therapy of the patient in bed. After placing the patient in the bag, the
rious because the patient can remain comfortably seated in bed; can neck of the sack is drawn together with a string, then cold or hot water
defecate in bed through a special foramen; can move the bed position can be poured through a tube at the upper and drained through
by the four metal balls suspended from the top; and can be moved another at the lower end of the bag.
while seated allowing for transportation and change of linen.

To evaluate him by current criteria, his work was clear- Conclusion

ly novel, acknowledged by his contemporaries, and pro-
vided the stimulus for research by others not only in the Although best remembered for his metabolic studies,
17th century, but well into the 20th century. In fact, his Sanctorius made equally important and original contribu-
studies did not reach full fruition until the beginnings of tions to instrumental precision in medicine [25]. The bal-
the 20th century when they were resuscitated by the use of ance he used in his studies was but a forerunner of other
the matter of perspiration for calculating basal and total instruments to come. Among others, these included a
metabolism [26]. thermometer to measure temperature, a hygrometer to
record moisture, a pulsilogium to quantitate the pulse, a

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mechanical bed for the care of incapacitated patients For all his innovative approach and contributions,
(fig. 4), and a device to bathe the sick in bed (fig. 5). He Sanctorius clearly deserves not only the title of founding
alluded to these instruments in his early publications, and father of metabolic studies, but also that of clinical experi-
had intended to publish their detail in a volume that mentation, objective physiological measurement and
remained only a manuscript, now lost, De instrumentis medical instrumentation.
medicis. Ultimately, he incorporated them into his Com-
mentary on Avicenna published in 1625 (table 2).


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