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Guiding questions:

1. What are the professional characteristics that a good teacher needs to possess?
a. What are meant by professional characteristics?
b. What are meant to be understanding and supportive, commited, dedicated, and
hard working?
c. How important is it to be fair, warm and humorous?
d. What might be other potential professional characteristics necessary to be


1. Professional characteristics that a good teacher needs to possess are:

 Imagination
A teacher who is imaginative can teach any language skill interestingly and
effectively. Teacher can develop students’ creative self-explore. Students
enjoy being guided by teacher who is imaginative explore and create new
things. It means the teacher prepare the material and combined with his
imagination such as games to involve students’ creativity during the lesson.
 Innovativeness
Usually students like teacher who are innovative in teaching, because the
lesson is interesting for them with innovation. The innovation that needs by
teacher such as, introducing changes and new idea, experimenting new things,
and being fresh always.
 Interaction
A teacher who promotes interaction in the English class does justice to their
profession by empowering learners and helping them develop their
communication skills. During the interaction, the teacher motivate their
students, and create opportunities for students to interact with one another
commutainment. Commutainment here means communication through
entertainment activities such as roleplays, group discussions, and mock
 Independent thinking
Independent thinking is the process of being able to think on your own,
without someone else guiding you. Here, the teacher can helps their students
develop their independent thinking if the students are independent. An
independent thinking helps students develop the desire and ability to think on
their own. The teacher can use laguage learning tasks to develop students’
thinking skills.

 Interdependence Imagination
Taking students from dependent stage to independent stage and to the
interdependent stage is very important. Make the students know how to relate
with others can climb up the ladder of success. Teacher can teach students by
using positive languages, such as polite, pleasant, practical, persuasive, and

A. Profesional means a job which is need an education in science and technology that is use
for implementing any kind of useful activity. Based on the researcher, Philips (1991:43)
stated that professional is the individual that works based on morality standard and ethic
in their job. While, characteristic means a special quality or trait that makes a person,
thing, or group different from others. From those definition, we can conclude that
profesional characteristic is quality of a person’s job based on their education.

B. Meaning of understanding and supportive, commited, dedicated, and hard working:

 Understanding
Understanding means teacher have to understand about the development of their
students both inside and outside of the classroom. It means that teacher should
concern and follow the development of their students in case of their comprehension
about the material especially related to the goal of teaching and the development of
their social life. Understanding means the teacher not only teach the students about
the particular material which is related with their knowledge, but the teacher also
teach the students how to improve their social interactions in order to make them easy
to have a good relationship in the society
 Supportive
Supportive comes from “Support” which mean to help or encourage somebody by
saying or showing that you agree with them. In this case, as the teacher, they should
support whatever the students want to learn in order to help the students to grow up
better and have the appropriate knowledge in th epositive way and poin.
 Commited
Committed define as teachers who has a tendency to perform the roles as the
proffesional teacher effectively in order to establish a good teacher-students
relationship in accordance with professional values. Commited teacher means
someone who has a deep passion in the particular activity or with their job, in this
case someone who has a deep passion to give their best to the school acheivement.
 Dedicated
According meriam webster dictionary, “Dedicated” means a feeling of very strong
support for or loyalty to someone. In this caese teacher should have a strong feeling to
support the activities which are done in the school by dedicate all of their ability
(teaching skill) for the school acheivement. It might be spending more time at school,
making more effort for school achievement, approving compatibility of
The factors which affect the degree of commitment and dedication can be seen as
follows :
1. Interaction between teachers
As we know, If the quality of interaction between teachers have a big effect to
improve the commitment and dedication of teacher in order to implement and
apply their ability to support the schol acheivement through their team work.
2. Teacher – Students relationship
As the teacher, they should have positive respective relationship with the students.
It means teacher should have close relationship with the students but still in the
positive way and still have particular distance to initiate the respective relationship
to strengthen the commitment and dedication of the teacher.
3. The quality of work teachers do at school
The teacher should reflect the good quality of teacher’s work in the school by
implementing their best teaching skill and their other skill to improve the
commitment and dedication for the school acheivements

4. The compatibility of school administration

School administration is the important factor to increase the commitment and
dedication of the teacher because the good quality of school administration can
make teachers and the other stickholder show their commitment and dedication to
their school because they will feel easy to manage their passion to teach and
manage their administration to acheive the goals of teaching. The school
administration should appropriate with the teacher’s work.
 Hard working
Hard working comes from the teacher who has the high commitment and dedication
to acheive the goal teaching. After the teacher have high passion to dedicate their
ability to teach, automatically they will work hard to prove that they have a big
passion to acheive the goal of teaching. Hard working is the kind of the way of life
which is implemented by the teacher to show their ability and dedication to their
school acheivement. Hard working implemented by showing the serious and
meaningful teaching through the appropriate technique and strategies which is
implemented by the teacher.
C. The importance to be fair, warm and humorous
 To be fair is important. All the students should be given the same opportunity to
participate during the learning process. To be fair also can increase student’s
motivation and reduce the feeling of social jealous because all the students are
treated the same.
 To be warm is important. A warm teacher usually close to their students, they can
go with any problem or even share funny story. Alexander (2016) states that a
warm teacher whom expect a great deal of their students, convince them of their
own brilliance, and help them to reach their potential in a disciplined and
structured environment.
 To be humorous is important. Humor also can build relationships and improve
communication between teachers and learners, reduce stress, making a lesson to
be interesting, and increasing the understanding of a material subject.
(Darmansyah, 2010 : 81) So humor is important as the things used to break the ice
in the difficult situation.

D. Other potential of professional characteristics necessary to be possessed by teacher are:

 Teacher respects students
Respect here means the teacher creates a welcoming learning environment for all
of the students. A good learning process is happening when each person’s ideas
and opinions are valued. It will build students’ respect and listen to the others, so
they will confident when they express their feelings.

 Teacher has his own love learning

A teacher who has his own love learning and inspires students with his passion for
education and for the course material is part of professional teacher. A good
teacher has no fear of learning something new teaching strategies or incorporating
new technologies into lessons.

 Teacher is a skilled leader

A professional characteristic of teacher is focus on shared decision-making and
teamwork, as well as on community building. Teacher conveys this sense
leadership to students by providing oppotunities for each of them to assume
leadership roles.

 Teacher has shift-gears

Here the teachers have to be flexible, when the lesson isn’t working. The teacher
have to assesses his teaching through the lessons and finds new ways to present
material to make sure that every students understand.

Meador, Derrick. 2016. Examining the Qualities of an Effective Teacher. Available at:
Orlando, Maria. 2013. Nine Characteristics of a Great Teacher. Available at:
Oxford Dictionary. 2016. Available at:
Rayan, Albert. 2008. Characteristics of Highly Effective Teachers of English. Available at:
Ratminingsih, Made, Batan, Gede, and Mahayanti, Surya. 2016. Reflective Teaching
Material. English Education Department Undiksha.
Risflif. 2015. Humor dalam pembelajaran. Available at:

Group 5

Ni Nyoman arsini (1312021169)

Made Ardi Wiguna (1312021183)

Komang Martha Ary Putra (1312021196)

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