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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Senior High School National Achievement Test

Mock Test


Directions: Read each item carefully then choose the letter that corresponds to your
1. According to the importance of studying philosophy, philosophy offers to
a. Know the different philosophers and their philosophies in life?
b. See the downs and lows in the development and history of
c. Survey the achievements of the different philosophers in various
periods of history.
d. Enhance our minds, understand what we encounter every day, and
value our judgement.

2. Which virtue did Socrates recommend so that a person may be able to anticipate and
avoid negative events and consequences in the future?
a. being b. existence c. freedom d. prudence

3. Fg is a helpful student. Whenever there is an opportunity, he would always volunteer

to serve. He says that he is doing it because it is the right thing to do. He believes
that helping others regardless of social status and situation is always desirable.
Which of the following reflects the importance of Fg’s action?
a. Pleasure b. duty to action c. universality d. consequences

4. On his way home, Mechel met a Mamanyan Native (Aeta) begging for food and
money. If you were Mechel, what do you think is the most appropriate thing to do?
a. Ask a p0lice officer to arrest them
b. Give money so that they can buy something to eat
c. Give them food since money might be used for gambling
d. Ignore them since it is against the law to give alms to beggar

5. Which of the following statements is correct?

a. Philosophy does not make decision for you.
b. Philosophy is a science of making decision
c. Philosophy is the love to speak about the obvious
d. Philosophy is an art of being tricky in argumentation

6. It concerns on how human persons ought to act and the search foe definition of a
right conduct and good life.
a. Metaphysics b. Ethics c. Ontology d. Cosmology

7. The following are the characteristics of holistic point of view, EXCEPT;

a. Looks at the different aspects of the given problem.
b. All aspects are given importance when making decisions.
c. All aspects are tied together to form a general overview of the
problem or situations.
d. Conclusions are made based on considering some, but not all sides
of the situation

8. Which of the following applies holistic perspective?

a. Listening to advises of parents and friends
b. Reading books
c. Gathering facts before reacting to any situations
d. Taking with people

9. The following are the importance of philosophy, EXCEPT:

a. Can be applied to day-to-day activities because it does allow a person to make
a better decisions.
b. Enables a person to reflect on personal views, challenges, and relationship.
c. Guides a person on how to react or perceived in every situation.
d. It helps to become a philosophy

10. Which of the following is the most appropriate explanation of Nietzche’s “ will to
a. Love of self-preservation
b. Manifestation of man’s brute nature
c. Instinct for physical or military power
d. Fundamental psychological force in man

11. Which of the following demonstrates recognition of the human person as an

embodied spirit?
a. It is an absolute truth that a human being is composed of matter, soul, and spirit.
b. Gabriela is a Roman Catholic and she simply follows everything the Church
c. Although he follows religion, Jose strives to know more about his spirituality.
d. None of the above.

12. For Aristotle, which is the highest among the following intellectual activities?
a. Daydreaming about your cash
b. Understanding a friend even if you think he is stupid
c. Choosing between vinegar or garlic for salad dressing
d. Realizing that it is impossible to go home since the flood is already above the

13. A person is not pure possibility but tactical possibility: possibilities open to him at any
time conditioned and limited by circumstances. A person's situation as a finite entity
is thrown into a world where he/she must project his/her possibilities not disclosed by
theoretical understanding but by moods.
a. Possibility c. Fallenness
b. Facticity d. Death

14. Which of the following is an opinion?

a. Materialism degenerates us.
b. The human person is dignified
c. Human emotions may be reused.
d. Human intellect strives toward the truth
15. In order to philosophize effectively, it is important that one can distinguish between
statement of fact and statement of opinion. Among these, which is a statement of
a. God exists
b. Some people believe in God
c. Some people do not believe in God
d. Religions have different conceptions about God

16. A sound judgment that is based on a perception of situation.

a. Knowledge b. opinion c. truth d. common sense

17. It is defined as something which can be proven, justified using one’s faculties or
senses that follow the order of logic which is factual and valid under the human
a. Knowledge b. opinion c. truth d. common sense

18. Beliefs and statements are true if they are consistent with actual sense of affairs
a. Correspondence c. Coherence
b. Pragmatic d. None of the above

19. What statement best describes opinion?

a. What might be our opinion is different from others.
b. Our perception depends on the people that we encounter
c. It strengthens our critical thinking skills and reasoning power.
d. Without our opinion, we cannot give positive feedback to other.

20. What would have been a better approach for Abby to convince her friend to get
a. Tell her that unvaccinated person are not allowed to enter shopping malls.
b. Presenting data from DOH the number of people vaccinated, symptoms
experienced of person vaccinated and unvaccinated if get infected by virus.
c. Tell her that vaccine has no side effect to our body.
d. All the answers are correct.

21. Identify which of the following statements is factual?

1. My brother arrived at 11pm.
2. My brother always come home late because he is a good for nothing individual
3. Man is the highest form of animal.
4. Free trade simply promotes the selfish greed of businessmen.
a. Statements1 and 4 c. Statements 2 and 3
b. Statements 1 and 3 d. Statements 2 and 4

22. The world only has meaning according to what the person gives to it. Compared
with' the en-soi, a person has no fixed nature. To put it in a paradox: the human
person is not what he/she is.
a. Self-Care c. En-soi
b. Careful d. Pour-soi

23. You visit a new city and you meet someone in the airport who is rude. You send a
message back home that everyone in the country is rude.
a. Appeal to pity b. hasty generalization c. post hoc d. ad populum

24. Anna is asking her classmate vote for her friend, Jessica because the latter is
suffering from cancer.
a. Argumentum ad Hominem c. appeal to pity
b. Ad baculum d. composition

25. Noisy children are a real headache. Two aspirin will make a headache go away.
Therefore, two aspirin will make noisy children go away.
a. Cause and effect c. Fallacy of composition
b. Hasty generalization d. Fallacy of equivocation
26. In K to 12 curricular revisions, the Humanities is gradually replaced by technical
courses that bear practical consequences. To what philosophy is this curriculum
directed to?
a. Positivism c. Pragmatism
b. Subjectivism d. Consequentialism

27. A Pharmaceutical company claims that their product is more effective that other
brands through the endorsement of Actor A.
a. Argumentum ad Hominem c. Argumentum ad Baculum
b. Argumentum ad Misericordiam d. Argumentum ad Populum

28. A car tire is made of rubber. Therefore, car is made of rubber

a. Fallacy of division c. Fallacy of composition
b. Cause and Effect d. Hasty generalization

29. For Sartre, what is the importance of freedom?

a. To protect individuals against the abuses of established institutions and people in
b. To guarantee individual’s inalienable rights to liberty, property, equality and all
other human rights.
c. To recognize the role of conscience in moral decision-making and ensure
individuals’ moral autonomy.
d. To give individuals the capacity to identify their goals, determine the means to
achieve them, and finally to produce anticipated results.

30. Method of philosophizing that attempts to describe what is without obscuring

hypothetical speculations
a. Socratic method c. dialectic method
b. phenomenological method d. historical

31. He stated that the body is not the essence of the soul; but the soul by nature of its
essence can be united to the body, so that, properly speaking, not the soul alone, but
the “composite,” is the species.
a. Aristotle b. Descartes c. St. Thomas d. Socrates

32. Essential Hinduism is based on the belief in karma, which is its first literary
expression in Upanishads?
a. Everything in this life is a consequence of actions performed in previous
b. There is nothing mightier in the world than karma
c. Karma tramples down all powers, as an elephant to a clamp of lotuses
d. There is no distinction between God and human being

33. Based on Heidegger philosophy, death is the end of possibility and living in this world
is free of possibility. What is the implication of this idea?
a. While we are living, we have to find God
b. When we are living, we have to live to the fullest
c. While we are living, we have to prepare for death
d. All of the Above

34. Ezperanza is following Aristotle’s Virtue of the Mean in her diet. How it is reflected on
her eating habits?
a. She eats everything she wants
b. She eats only a small amount of food.
c. She eats nothing, only the word of God
d. She is eating what is only needed and sufficient to her capacity

35. Which is True among the following statement of St. Augustine?

a. To live a chaste life is difficult.
b. Only the single ones are called to be chaste.
c. For to be pure is also to be unholy.
d. We are not responsible to our neighbors as we to our actions.

36. Daoism upholds that man should live in accordance with nature. Following the
Daoist concept of Wei Wu Wei (action by non-action), which could be the best way to
follow nature?
a. Insisting on what one thinks is correct
b. Sleeping in the middle of praying the rosary
c. Taking the exam confidently even without studying
d. Swimming back to the shore without going against the waves

37. Which is True about St. Thomas’ teaching on human beings?

a. Human being had the unique power to change themselves and things for the
b. Human being as moral agent.
c. Human being is both spiritual and body elements
d. All of the above

38. According to Aristotle everything strives towards the end, what Greek word did he
use to describe the process which means “to become its essence?
a. Entelechy c. Enthelenchy
b. Entilenchy d. Entelency

39. What theory asserts that all life forms have an equal right to exist, and human needs
and desires have no priority over those of the entire organism?
a. anthropocentric b. Ecofeminism c. Ecocentric d. Deep Ecology

40. This model states that the ecological or relational integrity of the humans provide
meaning of our morals values and it is nature centered.
a. Anthropocentric c. Ecofeminism
b. Ecocentric d. Deep Ecology

41. Which among the following options is a disorder to the environment?

a. basket of unwashed dirty clothes
b. house with no single plant
c. a garden with dying plants
d. A library with a small number of books

42. In the given situations, which of the following character or habit of a student is not
excused for immoral conduct?
a. The student cut class, he/she is responsible for the consequences of his/her
b. The student failed in his grade in all his subject for the first grading, as a
consequence he/she dropped the subject.
c. The student didn’t regret when he cut classes and failed in all his subject.
d. The student give gifts to all his teachers in order to pass him/her because
his/her parents will get angry.

43. By means of this quality, people can conserve the nature by having wisdom, or
insight with regard to how they use the environment.
a. Frugality b. Prudence c. Careful d. freedom

44. In what way can the environment contribute to health and well-being?
a. It can be available anywhere.
b. It is the source of life.
c. It produce products that provide medicinal value.
d. It is made up of consumers and producers.

45. It’s the act of using money or other resources wisely and practically.
a. frugality b. careful c. prudence d. freedom

46. Nowadays, we commonly hear the term ”sustainability”. It is the development

concept which means thar we should not compromise the needs of the future
generation as we meet the needs of the current generation. For Martin Heidegger,
the human person is a “being -in-the-world”. As “being-in-the-world”, the attitude of
Millennium Development Goal (MDG) best demonstrates the meaning of
sustainability and Heidegger’s philosophy?

a. Ensure Environmental Protection

b. Achieve Universal Primary Education
c. Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger
d. Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and other Diseases

47. Which of the following scenarios demonstrates prudence?

a. Ordering food that you can consume
b. Searching assignment answers over the internet
c. Keeping the lights on all day
d. Being friendly to neighbors

48. This reflection is concerned not with object but with presence. It recaptures the unity
of original experience. It does not go against the date of primary reflection but goes
beyond it by refusing to accept the data of primary reflection as final.
a. First Reflection c. Primary Reflection
b. Second Reflection d. Secondary Reflection

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