Player Paraphernalia 159 Chakras Redone An Alternative Esoteric Pattern

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Chakras Redone

An Alternative Esoteric


Freddy Arteaga (Order #37604402)

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Freddy Arteaga (Order #37604402)

Player Paraphernalia #159
By The Knotty-Works

Welcome to issue one hundred and fifty- these chakras is the Kundalini Chakras,
nine of the Player Paraphernalia series, consisting of points along the spine from its
short supplements designed to offer players bottom tip and extending beyond to the top
new options for use with the Pathfinder of the practitioner’s head.
RolePlaying Game (© Paizo, Inc.).
The Kundalini discipline is centered on the use
This issue introduces an alternate set of of the Kundalini energy within the chakras
rules for implementing the use of Chakras that can be found rooted along certain
as originally presented in Paizo’s Occult locations of the spine up through the top of
Adventures™. The rules presented below the skull. The lower four chakras are generally
open up the use of Chakras for anyone seen as focusing on physical aspects of the
desiring to dabble with the sacred energies practitioner while the upper three chakras
of the universe as part of their character’s are believed to be focused more on the
adventuring journey. practitioner’s mental and spiritual aspects.

Awakening Chakras
Kundalini Chakras
Anyone with enough training and spiritual
For those versed in the mystical arts of enlightenment can awaken the chakras
meditation and spiritual awakening, it soon within themselves. Certain classes seem to
becomes apparent that the energies that be more adept at this process, especially
bridge between the physical and spiritual are those that open themselves to a higher plane
more easily focused at certain points of the of consciousness or faith. Monks find the
physical body. These locations are known as process of awakening and employing their
the chakras and they may be charged with chakras the easiest, while clerics, oracles,
shakti, a form of energy that exists both in the psychics, and shamans find their faith and
physical and metaphysical/spiritual realm. ability to focus themselves to a higher power
Many scholars and spiritual gurus often or principle to slowly open and funnel the
contend with the actual number or location kundalini within. Other classes can also
of these spiritual/physical nexi can be learn to awaken the spiritual metaphysical
found on the human body, but a select energies within, though requiring more effort
few disciplines have developed over time to initiate the process of employing the
that have specific chakras and the means kundalini energies to their advantage.
to awaken them and find benefit in their Learning to unlock the kundalini energies
use. One of the most common disciplines and gain benefits of the chakras
centered on the concept and use of requires the Awakened Mind feat

Freddy Arteaga (Order #37604402)
(see new feats below) and the practitioner may take the Extra Ki feat to expand the
must spend 24 hours of meditation to fully number of points gained per day within his
awaken their first chakra, the root chakra. kundalini pool.
Once awakened, practitioners gain a
number of kundalini points equal to their Chakras are ranked based on their relative
Wisdom modifier plus ¼ their character position from the base of the spine to the
level (or HD for creatures that do not have top of the skull and must be awakened in
class levels) with a minimum of 1 point. The the order of their ranking. Once the root
practitioner’s kundalini pool is restored daily chakra is awakened, additional chakras
after 8 hours of rest and spending 30 minutes become available for every two additional
in meditation, and this may be combined class levels (or HD) beyond first level (or 1 HD)
with other practices required to restore the with the crown chakra becoming available
practitioner’s other class abilities such as at 13th level (13 HD). Awakening additional
prayer or study. chakras beyond the root chakra requires the
practitioner to meditate for 24 hours once
A practitioner that gains access to other the practitioner is eligible to access the newly
equivalent spiritual energy — such as ki — awakened chakra.
may awaken his chakras before gaining
access to the class related pool. In that case Initiating and Maintaining Chakras
the character gains kundalini points as listed
Chakras must be opened in the order they
above. Once the practitioner gains access
are located along the spine beginning with
to his ki pool, it replaces the points gained by
the root chakra. A single chakra may be
the kundalini as the two pools do not stack.
opened as a swift action without provoking
Note: kundalini is similar to ki but it is not an attack of opportunity. If the practitioner
treated equivalent to ki in regards to feat has more than one awakened chakra,
prerequisites that require a ki pool except he may try to open two chakras as a
as noted below. However, a character standard action. If the practitioner has
that gains a pool of kundalini energy more than two awakened chakras,

Freddy Arteaga (Order #37604402)
he may attempt to open three chakras at a Chakra Benefits
time as a full-round action. Opening more
than one chakra during the character’s turn The following chakras are listed by their rank
will provoke an attack of opportunity if the in the order in which they are awakened
practitioner is within the threat range of an and initiated. Each chakra grants a passive
opponent. benefit as soon as it is successfully initiated.
Each chakra also has an active benefit
Initiating each chakra expends 1 point from that requires the expenditure of 1 kundalini
the practitioner’s kundalini (or equivalent) point, a standard action (unless otherwise
pool. A Will save is required any turn a specified by the chakra’s description), and
practitioner initiates one or more chakras. the practitioner must make a Fortitude save
The DC for the Will save is equal to 10 + with a DC equal to 15 + twice the rank of the
the sum total of the chakras being initiated chakra being activated. If the practitioner
during the practitioner’s turn. If the Will fails the saving throw, the active benefit
save is successful, the chakras are initiated, does not manifest itself, the kundalini point
and the practitioner automatically gains is lost, and the practitioner suffers damage
the passive benefit of each chakra. If the qual to the rank of the chakra due to the
practitioner fails the Will save, the chakras backlash of the kundalini energies within his
are not initiated, and the points spent from physical body.
the kundalini pool are still spent.
In order to use an active benefit, the
Once one or more chakras are initiated, the practitioner must have a Wisdom score
practitioner may spend a swift action at the equal to 10 + the rank of the chakra (this
beginning of his turn each round to keep them limitation does not apply to passive benefits
open. If the practitioner does not spend the of the chakra). Any saving throws associated
swift action, all of the chakras close before with the active benefit of the chakra has a
any other actions on his turn. The practitioner DC of 10 + ½ the practitioner’s character
can keep his chakras open for a total number level (or HD for those with no class levels)
of rounds equal to ½ his character level plus plus the practitioner’s Wisdom modifier.
his Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) from the Active benefits are supernatural effects
round the practitioner had last initiated a unless otherwise specified by the chakra’s
chakra. After that point the kundalini energy description.
will collapse, and all the chakras will close.
The practitioner may spend 1 kundalini point Manifestation Properties of Chakras
as part of his swift action to maintain them
and reset the time before they will close from As chakras focus and utilize the power of
that round. the kundalini, the energy manifests physical
displays of energy in the general location
It should be noted that any active or passive of the chakra upon the practitioner. This
benefits of the open chakras immediately effect is the primary reason the energy
end once the chakras close. The practitioner is seen as serpentine in nature as wispy
may choose to close one or more chakras ectoplasmic trails that begin at the base of
during the swift action used to maintain the practitioner’s spine begin to wrap around
them. They must be closed in the opposite his form. As additional chakras are opened,
order from which they were opened, the this energy continues to spiral up around the
practitioner cannot close a lower ranked practitioner’s torso.
chakra while keeping a higher ranked
chakra open. This energy emits light equivalent to a
candle for the first three chakras, a torch
for the next three chakras and once
the crown chakra is opened it is

Freddy Arteaga (Order #37604402)
equivalent to the Daylight spell centered on well as any saving throws against effects that
the practitioner. This light continues until the impede the character’s movement such as
chakras are closed. The practitioner has no Black Tentacles or Entangle.
control over the light emission initially, but
once he awakens the crown chakra he may Active Benefit
spend an additional kundalini point while the A practitioner may double his base land
crown chakra is opened to dim the light to speed (maximum of 30 ft.) to his movement
that of a candle. rate until the beginning of his next turn as
part of his swift action to keep his chakras
Initiating active benefits manifest additional
open. This does stack with other movement
effects as well as listed for each chakra.

Chakras Manifesting the active benefit generates

small flashes of lightning that travel along the
The Root Chakra (First Rank) practitioner’s body while he moves.

Found at the bottom of the spine, the root The Sacral Chakra (Second Rank)
chakra is the starting point of the kundalini
energy as and is associated with the aspect Aligned with the practitioner’s groin and
of mobility and movement. As the energy lower digestive tract. Driven by passion
coalesces and begins the upward spiral the to greater heights of ecstasy as well as the
kundalini provides stability to the practitioner, need for companionship and desire for
and he may draw upon it to gain short burst procreation, the sacral chakra heightens the
of speed in times of need. The root chakra is practitioner’s desires as well as insight into
often associated with the element of earth. meeting the needs of others. As the kundalini
flows through this chakra the practitioner
Passive Benefit becomes more in tune with the emotional
needs and reactions of others and may
Once the root chakra is opened, it grants a
harness that energy to temporarily affect
+4 sacred (or profane if the character is evil)
others. This chakra is often associated with
bonus to the character’s CMD versus Bull
the element of water.
Rush, Grapple, Overrun, and Trip attempts as

Freddy Arteaga (Order #37604402)
Passive Benefit
Once the sacral chakra is opened, it grants
a +4 insight bonus to both Bluff and Sense
Motive checks and any saving throws
associated with mind-affecting charmed
based spells or spell-like abilities.

Active Benefit
The practitioner may initiate his sacral chakra
to cause a single living creature within 30
ft. to become dazed for one round unless
a Will save is made. The practitioner must
be able to verbally communicate with the
target (though the target does not need to
be able to understand the practitioner) and
the target’s hit die does effect the results of
this benefit.
Targets with more hit dice than the nabhi chakra is associated with the element
practitioner’s character level (or total of fire.
HD) are not affected by this benefit while
targets whose hit dice is more than half of Passive Benefit
the practitioner’s character level suffer a Once the nabhi chakra is open, the
-2 penalty on attacks made against the practitioner gains fast healing 1 while it
practitioner or skill checks that affect the remains so. For every additional kundalini
practitioner rom a fajiled saving throw. Once point spent opening this chakra, the fast
an opponent makes a successful saving healing increases by one, though the
throw, it is not susceptible to the practitioner’s practitioner may not spend more points than
manifestation of this chakra for 24 hours. ½ character level (or HD).
Manifesting the active benefit of this chakra Active Benefit
causes thin trails of ectoplasm that travel
towards the target of the effect and wraps The practitioner can enshroud himself in
around the torso of the target. This is a mind- flames as part of the swift action to keep his
affecting (compulsion) effect. chakras open. He gains energy resistance
10 fire and any physical attacks he makes
The Nabhi Chakra (Third Rank) also do 1d6 points of fire damage. Anyone
attacking the practitioner with a natural,
Aligned with the practitioner’s navel, the nabhi melee (except for reach based attacks),
chakra represents the ability to consume or unarmed attack suffers 1d6 points of fire
and metabolize for the nourishment of the damage per attack. The flames last until the
practitioner’s body and soul. It is often seen beginning of the practitioner’s next turn.
as an all-consuming furnace that also feeds
the practitioner’s ego and feelings of self- For every other odd level beyond 5th (9th,
empowerment. As the kundalini coils about 13th, etc.), the resistance increases by 5 and
this chakra it enhances the body’s ability to the damage increased by an additional 1d6
heal itself and the energy from this chakra points of damage. The practitioner can use
may be manifested upon the practitioner’s his touch to ignite as the Fire Elemental’s
body as actual fire. Understandably, the Burn ability and those that catch on

Freddy Arteaga (Order #37604402)
Active Benefit
The practitioner can spend 1 kundalini point
and heal himself or another by touch for a
number of d6 dice equal to ½ his character
level (or HD). Anyone other than the
practitioner can only benefit from this effect
once every 24 hours. This benefit cannot be
used to damage undead.
If the practitioner has 12 or more character
levels (or HD), as a free action he may negate
the effects of a death effect or negative
energy level drain by spending 1 kundalini
point before any saving throw is made.
While this chakra’s active benefit is being
manifested the practitioner’s hands glow
with a nimbus of golden light radiating
positive energy.
fire suffer an additional 1d6 points of fire
damage per round. The Throat Chakra (Fifth Rank)
The Heart Chakra (Fourth Rank) The transitioning point between the spine
and the skull, the throat chakra represents
Aligned with the practitioner’s heart, the heart both communication and the transference
chakra represents the breath of life, the very of thought into action. While the lower
essence of animation of the material into a ranking chakras are considered emotional
state of living. Aligned with the aspect of life, and primal in nature, the throat chakra and
this chakra is associated with the ability to higher-ranking chakras are seen as more
empathize with others through compassion, refined and considerate in how the kundalini
love, and social bonding. As the kundalini is processed and accessed. The throat
flows through this chakra it enhances the chakra grants the practitioner the ability to
practitioner’s life force. It also give the
practitioner the ability to bolster the life force
of another. The heart chakra is associated
with the element of water.

Passive Benefit
The practitioner gains a +4 sacred bonus
(profane if the practitioner is evil) to any saving
throw involving death effects or negative
energy level damage or drain. If reduced
below 0 hit points, the practitioner may spend
1 kundalini point as a free action to remain
conscious but staggered until the beginning
of his next turn. The practitioner still loses 1 hit
point per round unless he is stabilized, and if
he is reduced to a negative hit point total
equal to greater than his Constitution score
the practitioner still dies.

Freddy Arteaga (Order #37604402)
communicate with nearly any sentient race,
regardless of language barriers and by fully
manifesting the kundalini within this chakra
allows the practitioner to confuse others
through his speech alone.

Passive Benefit
While the throat chakra is open, the
practitioner can communicate with any other
sentient creature that has a formal spoken
language. The practitioner can both speak
and understand any spoken language.

Active Benefit
The practitioner may initiate his throat chakra
to cause a single living creature within 60 ft.
to become confused for one round unless
a Will save is made. The practitioner must
be able to verbally communicate with sensing organ becomes active at that time.
the target. At the beginning of his turn as The pineal chakra grants the practitioner
a free action each round thereafter, the the ability to see beyond the natural world
practitioner may continue the confusion and glimpses into the metaphysical world
by expending 1 kundalini point for up to a beyond.
total number of rounds equal to his Wisdom
modifier (minimum of 1 additional round). Passive Benefit
Extending the confusion does not require Once the pineal chakra opens, the
a Fortitude save for the practitioner. The practitioner’s eyes glow and he can see
practitioner may also use this active benefit alignment auras within 60 ft. as the Aura Sight
on another while extending its effects on a spell except the effect is supernatural and it
previous target, though no more than two has a shortened range. The practitioner’s
individuals can be affected at a time. Once effective caster level is equal to his character
an individually has successfully saved against level (or HD).
the effects of this benefit, it is immune from
the practitioner’s use of it for 24 hours. Active Benefit
The practitioner gains the effect of the True
Manifesting this benefit causes the
Seeing spell for up to a number of rounds
practitioner’s voice to take on a low-edged
equal to his Wisdom modifier (minimum
booming effect that seems unearthly in
of 1) and it may be initiated as part of the
nature. This is a mind-affecting (compulsion)
swift action required to maintain the open
The Pineal Chakra (Sixth Rank) Initiating the active benefit causes a ghostly
The pineal chakra is generally referred to as eye of ectoplasm to manifest itself on the
the Third Eye, and many practitioners believe practitioner’s forehead above his brow.
that when this chakra opens they truly gain
the ability to “see” from a location centered
The Crown Chakra (Seventh Rank)
above or between their brow. Whether this is The pinnacle of the kundalini’s journey
just a side effect of the manifestation of the through the practitioner’s body,
kundalini or some sort of metaphysical the crown chakra represents the

Freddy Arteaga (Order #37604402)
contact with the practitioner. Creatures that
have a reach greater than 10 ft. do not need
to make a saving throw, but any attacks
suffer a -4 penalty.
This effect lasts until the beginning of the
practitioner’s next turn. This benefit causes
the light produced by the crown chakra
to flare while in effect and it cannot be
diminished by the practitioner.

New Feats
The following feats are available for anyone
wishing to enter the realm of esoteritic reality.

Awakened Mind
After countless hours of meditation and self-
final culmination of all that the practitioner reflection you have broke through the barrier
has become as well as all that he may yet between the physical and metaphysical and
achieve. This chakra serves as the bridge have gained the ability to access the primal
from the finite to the infinite, mortality to energy of the kundalini. This allows you to
divinity. Once the crown chakra is engaged awaken the seven chakras of enlightenment
it grants the practitioner glimpses into the as part of your life long journey.
infinite possibilities of the immediate future.
Benefit: You can awaken your root chakra
And by fully releasing the kundalini from
and gain access to the kundalini to empower
the crown chakra provides a divine aura
that chakra.
of such brilliance that others feel and react
to the touch of divinity manifested by the Lingering Kundalini
Your system processes the kundalini at a
Passive Benefit slower pace.
Once the crown chakra is open, the
Prerequisites: Awakened Mind, 11th character
practitioner can roll two d20 for a single
level or Hit Dice or higher
check on his turn and take the better roll.
This may be for an attack roll, a saving throw, Benefit: Any passive benefits of opened
a skill check or an ability check. chakra continue for a number of rounds
equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum
Active Benefit
of 1) once you stop using a swift action to
The practitioner may increase the radiance keep them open. The time period that the
of the energy produced by his crown chakra chakras remain open after the last time one
as part of the swift action to maintain the was initiated or renewed with kundalini is
open chakras. This has the effect of repelling equal to your character level (or HD) plus
anyone attempting to approach within 10 your Wisdom modifier.
ft. of the practitioner unless they make a Will
save. If the practitioner approaches others
the aura generated does not push them
away, but they must still make a saving
throw to make any kind of physical

Freddy Arteaga (Order #37604402)
Other Knotty Works
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supplements offer new abilities for existing classes
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Freddy Arteaga (Order #37604402)

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