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Ozamiz City Name : Page 1 of 1

College of Engineering & tech Subject : physics 221 Date: Feb.
Semifinal exam Document Code: 19,2016

I.D. No: Class Schedule: 120-2:50 TTH Proctor: Engr. P.

Permit No.: Instructor : Engr. P. Ocang Course & Yr.:
Checked & Verified by:
Revision Status: Dean/Chairman
Approved by:

1. You must design a capacitor capable of storing 1x10-7 C of charge, but you have
only a 100 volt power supply and two metal plates of area 0.2 m2 each. What limits
do you put on the separation between the plates if you choose a dielectric like
polystyrene ?

2. Four capacitors are connected as shown in figure.

(a) Find the equivalent capacitance between points a and b.
(b) Calculate the charge on each capacitor if a15.0 V battery is connected across
points a and b.

3. Three capacitors, C1c= 5.00 μF, C2 = 4.00 μF, and C3 = 9.00 μF, are connected
together. Find the effective capacitance of the group (a) if they are all in parallel,
and (b) if they are all in series.

4. A capacitor with air between its plates is charged to 100 V and then disconnected
from the battery. When a piece of glass is placed between the plates, the voltage
across the capacitor drops to 25 V. What is the dielectric constant of the glass?
(Assume the glass completely fills the space between the plates.)

Subject: Name : Page : 2 of 3

Instructor: ID No.:
Course & Year:
Test II. (Answer Sheet)
Ozamiz City Name : Page 1 of 3
College of Arts & Sciences/Social Work Subject : Anthropology 2 Date:
FINAL EXAM. Document Code: MU-CAS-EXQ-Ant21

I.D. No: Class Schedule: Proctor:

Permit No.: Instructor : Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSW Course & Yr.:
Checked & Verified by:
Revision Status: Dean/Chairman
Approved by: VPAA

Test I: True or False. Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect
on the
space provided for your answer. (40 items)
1. Marriage is often defined as a “socially sanctioned sexual and economic union
between men and women. 1.

2. Human infants have a prolonged period of dependency. 2.

3. Caring for the children (infants) requires time & attention. 3.

4. Men marry because this is one way of losing dominance over women. 4.

5. Unmarried men and women are conferred adult status. 5.

6. In our society people are not pressured to marry by kinship and peers. 6.

7. Significant changes are taking place in the structure & functions of society. 7.

8. Changes occur in small groups, communities & modern societies as well as

in the process of globalization. 8.

9. Social and cultural change are interrelated & overly each other. 9.

10. The sociologist main interest is in culture changes. 10.

11. The anthropologist main interest is in social change. 11.

12. People in urban areas may work for a specific objective such as learning
about, their human and natural resources. 12.

13. Marriage is no guarantee that couples will live together until death separates them. 13.
14. People get married because they get benefits from each other’s labor. 14.

15. Marriage may not refer only to bonding of two individuals as husband & wife. 15.
16. In a horticultural society, men are responsible for clearing the fields while the
woman are the planters. 16.

17. Brides are expected to come earlier for their weddings to lend more “Drama”
to the occasion. 17.

18. Nowadays, bridegroom is alone to go to the alter. 18.

19. Women need to participate in politics & economy in order to ensure recognition. 19.

20. The Filipino family remains to be a strong & vital institution in molding
the character of its young members. 20.

21. Gender inequality is also universal across societies. 21.

22. Patriarchy is supported and reproduced by religious, symbolic, linguistic &

cultural system. 22.

23. Women, as wives & mothers are advantageous in dual career families,
in that too much is expected of them. 23.

24. Single parenting is a phenomenon of the 90’s & one of the social issues
confronting the younger generations. 24.

25. Men are seldom aggressive, tough & oriented towards matters away from home.25.

26. Women are by nature passive, nurturing & oriented towards matters of home. 26.
27. Values are more imperative of what is good or bad. 27.

28. Truth is good & desirable, it influence attitudes & behavior. 28.

29. A culture’s values are organized in a hierarchy or a set of priorities 29.

30. The concern of sociologist is the evaluation or endorsement of values as being
inherently “better or worse”. 30.

31. People in dismay are happy, we have lost our sense of values 31.
32. President Ramos proclaimed that the Philippines had come to age & was
at the point of being a newly industrializing country with stable political
and economical structure. 32.

33. Values indicate the social conscience of the people. 33.

34. Orientation is the basis of determining what behavior & attitudes are correct. 34.

35. Smooth interpersonal relation is a mechanism to avoid potential situations

for “hiya” (shame or loss). 35.

36. Americans strongly desire social acceptance. 36.

37. The essence of respect to elders is obedience. 37.
38. In a very positive way, “Bahala Na” is what makes people move, take risks
and plan for the future. 38.

Subject: Anthro 2 Name : Page : 2 of 3

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSW ID No.:

Course & Year:

39. Related to respect is the authority value. 39.

40. The Filipino is seen as a defense against a hostile world and a unit where one
can turn to incase he have serious problem. 40.

Test II. Multiple Choice. Write only the letter of your choice on the space provided for your answer.
(40 items)
1. It is basically a differentiation between male & female. 1.
A. Sex C. Religion
B. Gender D. Modesty
2. It implies men’s capabilities to “conquer” as many women & also to assert their dominance
A. Virility C. Macho 2.

B. Mayumi D. Patriarchy
3. It is a phenomenon during the 90’s & one of the social issues confronting the younger
A. Dual-career family C. Gender issue 3.

B. Single parenting D. Structure

4. It is concentrated on the maleness domination within the household.
A. Patriarchalism C. Rejection 4.

B. Socialization D. Military discipline

5. It is a male domination outside of the household.
A. Subordinations C. Gerontocracy 5.

B. Bureaucracy D. Autocracy
6. A division of people in society who owned a large portion of society’s wealth.
A. Social power C. Estate 6.

B. Class D. Dynasty
7. Refers to the ability of individual to get other people to do who he wants them to do with or
without their consent.
A. Duty C. Power 7.

B. Responsibility D. Accountability
8. Refers to the distinctive characteristics of status of groups of which members is based upon
comparable degree of honor.
A. Culture C. Status 8.

B. Lifestyles D. Prestige
9. It is the abstract and shared ideas about what is desirable, good or correct.
A. Belief C. Morale 9.

B. Values D. Justice
10. He is an educator who wrote the Filipino Way of Life’s Book.
A. Marcelo Tangco C. De la Costa 10.

B. Oseas, Camilo
11. Connotes the concept of private property & the wider distribution of property so that
every Filipino will have the means to develop himself as a responsible human being.
A. Self-reliance C. Pagkakaisa 11.

B. Pakikisama
12. The total dedication to the nation & the readiness to put the common god of the nation
above the private interest.
A. pagkapantay-pantay C. social acceptance 12.

B. patriotism
13. It is defined as the folk concept of good human relations & implies giving in or yielding to
of the majority even if it contradicts one’s ideas.
A. Pakikisama C. kusang loob 13.

B. Pakikipagkapwa
14. It is an obligation to repay a person from who one has received a favor.
A. Self-esteem C. gulong ng palad 14.

B. reciprocity
15. It is a kind of sensitivity to offense or insult, real or imagined.
A. Amor propio C. walang hiya 15.

B. Balat sibuyas
16. This is used to express the fatalistic outlook of the filipino.
A. Tsamba C. Ningas cogon 16.

B. Bahala na
Subject: Anthro 2 Name : Page : 2 of 3

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSW ID No.:

Course & Year:

17. Emphasizing a new way of looking at Filipino values which truly represents the Filipino
A. Pakikipagkapwa C. Personalism 17.

B. Panindigan
18. Implies accepting & dealing with a person as an equal and an awareness of shared identity.
A. kapayapaan C. equality 18.

B. Pakikipagkapwa
19. An indigenous Filipino value showing the act of inherent graciousness.
A. reciprocity C. pakikiisa 19.
B. kagandahang loob
20. Refers to a person self-esteem & has no relation to how others in the society view him.
A. dignity C. mobility 20.

B. unity
21. It is the highest level of interaction where there is fusion, oneness & trust.
A. justice C. mobility 21.

B. unity
22. A Filipino value which implies freedom of the society within the limits of the rules, laws,
norms or resources.
A. reason C. justice 22.

B. kalayaan
23. These are core values which imply the guest for personal integrity & the development of self-
honesty & personal discipline which are marks of a mature & useful citizen.
A. responsibility C. efficiency 23.

B. love
24. Implies the physical well-being & cleanliness of man.
A. human existence C. patriotism 24.

B. health
25. It is a lifelong process of learning & relearning, beginning at birth & continues until death.
A. socialization C. language 25.

B. social self
26. Refers to the activities of an individual during a period marked by his continuous presence
before a particular set of observers.
A. front C. core value 26.

B. performance
27. It is the executive of personality & is the mediator between the needs of the organisms & the
objective world of reality.
A. biological drives C. ID 27.

B. Ego
28. It is a much vaunted trait in the Filipino family.
A. pakikiisa C. pagkakaisa 28.

B. family solidarity
29. It is a mechanism to avoid potential situations for hiya (shame or loss of face).
A. smooth interpersonal relations C. pagkakaisa 29.

B. katiisan
30. It is a consequence of the katarungan & can be observed in the situation where one is a victim
of injustice.
A. katotohanan C. kararungan 30.
B. kapayappan
31. It also implies men’s capabilities to “conquer” as many women and also to assist their
A. mahina C. Gender 31.

B. virility
32. Refers to boys & men carrying affairs with a number of girls or women at the same time.
A. macho C. patriarchy 32.

B. chick boy
33. It is an element of social stratification which include income & property.
A. inequality C. power 33.

B. strata
34. It is an element of status.
A. wealth C. power 34.

B. prestige
Subject: Anthro 2 Name : Page : 2 of 3

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSW ID No.:

Course & Year:

35. A division of people in society by their relationships to the means of production.

A. status C. class 35.

B. power
36. Ranking of individual in society according to their position whether high, middle or low as
determine by how the role attached to him.
A. high esteem C. power 36.

B. status
37. A synonymous to the cultural minorities or to the pagan group.
A. indigenous person C. Muslim 37.

B. ethnic group
38. The most indigenous of ethnic group described as block in complexion & short kinky hair.
A. Manubo C. Muslims 38.

B. Aitas
39. It is used to comprehend culture-based or ethnographic accounts of preliterate societies, the
occupation of anthropologist.
A. race C. ethnicity 39.

B. migration
40. It is an office to created at the advent of the Aquino administration in order to attend to the
needs of
the Muslim Filipinos in the south.

Test III. Enumeration. Enumerate the following :

1 - 6 Six forms of marriage

7 - 12 Forms of family
13 - 17 Five major types of food production
18 - 20 Three changes brought about by land reform

- God bless !!! -

Ozamiz City Name : Page 1 of 4
College of Arts & Sciences/Social Work Subject : Soc. Sci. 2 Date:
FINAL EXAM. Document Code: MU-CAS-EXQ-SS02

I.D. No: Class Schedule: 1:00-2:30 PM TTH Proctor:

Permit No.: Instructor : Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSW Course & Yr.:
Checked & Verified by:
Revision Status: Dean/Chairman
Approved by: VPAA

Test I. Multiple Choice. Write only the letter of your choice on the space provided for your answer.
(20 items)
1. Defined as the way by which individual is interrelated through ideas, actions & attitudes
to the many nonhuman aspects of his or her environment & biological heritage. 1.
A. Intelligence B. Personality C. Interactionism
2. Refers to the location, climate, topography, & natural resources.
A. Cultural Environment 2.

B. Cultural determinism C. Geographic Environment

3. At this stage, the influencing factor is toilet training.
A. Genital stage B. Anal stage C. Latency period 3.

4. Refers to the various groups and social interactions going on in the groups of which one is a
A. Biological inheritance
B. Social environment C. Cultural environment 4.

5. At this stage, frustration or overindulgence can lead to overeating or alcoholism is adulthood.

A. Phallic stage B. oral stage C. anal 5.

6. It is the biological component which is the source of a number of drives & urges.
A. Super ego B. Ego C. ID 6.

7. It is the mediation between the needs of the individual & the world of reality & strives to delay
until the suitable environment exist.
A. Super ego B. Ego C. Determination 7.

8. At this state, the greatest source of pleasure comes from the sex organ.
A. Latency B. Phallic C. Genital 8.

9. The ability of children to visualize themselves through the eyes of others, to imagine how they
to others.
A. Self-development B. Social self C. Looking glass self 9.

10. The process by which children become participating & functioning members of society.
A. Self determination B. Socialization C. Development 10.

11. It is the main link between the child and the society.
A. Family B. Peer group C. Church 11.

12. The informal grouping of two or more members, more or less of the same age.
A. Society B. Peer group C. Fraternity 12.

13. A formal agency for wearing children from home and introducing them into society.
A. Church B. Mass media C. School 13.

14. Refers to the biological or anatomical differences between males & females.
A. Sex urge B. Sex C. Hermaphrodites 14.

15. Form of behavior that violates the norms.

A. Polygamy B. Fanatics C. Deviant behavior 15.
16. Those people who accept both culturally approved goals, but enjoying a high standard of living.
A. Atheist B. Conformist C. Surrenderees 16.

17. A theory focuses on the heterogeneous nature of society and the differential distribution of
political and social power.
A. Control theory B. Conflict C. Merton theory 17.

18. Sometimes called pep pills, which increase alertness & physical disposition.
A. Marijuana B. Stimulants C. Sedatives 18.

19. It is an act, exploitative and debasing of the persons involved.

A. Addiction B Prostitution C. Drug abuse 19.

20. Refers to the measure & pressures designed to ensure conformity to the approved standards of
behavior in a group of society.
A. Self-control B. Social organization C. Social control 20.

Subject: Social Science 2 Name : Page : 2 of 4

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSW ID No.:

Course & Year:

Test II: True or False. Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is not
correct on
the space provided for your answer. (40 items)
1. Social groups are essential to a person’s existence. 1.

2. Prostitutes have a high self-image. 2.

3. The rate of relapse or re addiction is high. 3.

4. The concepts of personality and socialization are irrelevant 4.

5. The drug patients came from all social classes, although the majority came
from the middle class. 5.

6. The people are close physical proximity but do not interact with each other. 6.

7. Temporary groups like crowds, masses, public & social movements also interests
sociologists. 7.

8. Unexposed to the group experiences and situations, a number of people are able
to secure results through group action. 8.

9. Social organization has its roots in social interaction. 9.

10. It is often held that the structural patterns of social groups are not affected by
its goals. 10.

11. The size of a group may range from two to a million members. 11.

12. The dynamic or behavioral aspect of the status is a structure. 12.

13. The basic element of the Filipino social structure is kinship. 13.

14. The integration of Philippine society can be deduced from the establishment &
development of a superstructure which is the Philippine bureaucracy. 14.

15. Not all social organizations involve a normative stratification, communication

& other forms of social interaction & social organization. 15.

16. Primary groups are “face to face” structures. 16.

17. The composition of the group is heterogeneous & membership is numerous

& underspread. 17.

18. Contacts in secondary groups maybe “face to face” or indirect, fleeting or

or longer in duration. 18.

19. The members are loyal to each other & one may accept responsibility for the
others. 19.

20. Informal groups are one aspect of social organization. 20.

21. A formal group arises spontaneously out of the interactions of two or more
persons. 21.

22. As society becomes more urbanized & industrialized, complex problems arise
in carrying out the tasks. 22.

23. The classic work on bureaucracy was written by Merton. 23.

24. Formal organizations have no certain type of administrative machinery which

is aimed to enable members to meet their goals. 24.

25. One will also note the people’s apathetic reaction to the bureaucratic misconduct.25.

26. An individual coming from a lower class may aspire to be a member of

another group. 26.

27. Reference group is important for determining a person’s self-identity, attitudes

& social ties. 27.

28. A social institution performs definite functions to ensure the continuity of the
family. 28.

29. Society is external to the group. 29.

30. The members perceive society & its experiences as a constraint upon their lives.30.

31. The 16th South East Asian Games was held in Manila from Nov. 24, 1991 to
Dec. 5, 1991. 31.

32. Militant student groups staged a “Welgang Estudyante” in Dec. 1990 to protest
tuition fee increases. 32.

33. The concept of language is manifested in a variety of situations. 33.

34. Competitions occurs between two individuals or groups when the satisfaction
of the needs or desires of one is opposed to that of the other. 34.

35. Conflict may develop when the rules of competition are broken & the opponents
become openly antagonistic. 35.

36. The most violent and intense form of competition is conflict. 36.

37. War wrecks havoc to life & property & disrupts & disorganizes the existing
social order. 37.

Subject: Social Science 2 Name : Page : 3 of 4

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSW ID No.:

Course & Year:

38. Internal conflict becomes a stabilizing & integrating mechanism in certain

instances. 38.

39. Conflict is the central feature of social life. 39.

40. Symbiotic cooperation is of a deliberate contractual nature prescribing the

reciprocal rights & obligations of members . 40.

Test III. Enumeration. Enumerate the following items:

1 - 3 Types of social movements

4 - 6 Forms of diffused collectivities or mass interaction
7 - 10 Types of crowds
11 - 21 Types of Collective Behavior
22 - 27 Types of accommodation
28 - 29 Types of cooperation
30 - 37 Classification of social group
38 - 40 Types of Deviant Behavior according to Merton.
Subject: Social Science 2 Name : Page : 4 of 4

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSW ID No.:

Course & Year:

Test III. (Enumeration) Answer Sheet

Ozamiz City Name : Page 1 of 3
College of Arts & Sciences/Social Work Subject Code: Soc. Wk 34 Date:
I.D. No: Class Schedule: 4:00-5:00 PM MWF Proctor:

Permit No.: Instructor : Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM Course & Yr.:
Checked & Verified by:
Revision Status: Dean/Chairman
Approved by: VPAA

Test I: True or False. Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect.
1. Social workers become involved when individuals are having difficulty in relationship
with others. 1.
2. The central focus of social work traditionally seems to have been on the person-
in-. his life-situation complex.
3. A scrutiny of non-professional occupation will show that they also possess these
characteristics but to lesser degree. 3.

4. Social values refer to the basic and fundamental beliefs of a professional group,
practically the reasons for its existence. 4.

5. The culture of a profession consists of its values, norms & symbols. 5.

6. The social environment is a network of overlapping social system & social situation,
including the ecological systems, cultures & institutions. 6.

7. Social function is the relation between the coping activity of people & the demand
from the environment. 7.

8. The mainstream of social work, however, has become neither applied psychology
nor applied sociology. 8.

9. Every profession has a particular function to perform in society, it receives a certain

job assignment for which it is held accountable. 9.

10. The professional usually does not swear to a formal written ethical code upon being
admitted to practice. 10.

11. There are five types of social work knowledge which the social work uses. 11.

12. Social functioning is what results from the interaction of one (1) force. 12.

13. The general assignment of the social work profession is to mediate the process
through which the individual & society reach out to each other through a mutual
need of self-fulfillment. 13.

14. The reality is there is still a lack of clarity about the professional “job assignment”
of social workers. 14.

15. The uniformed in our society associate social work with dole-outs pr acts of altruism -
the giving of material aid to those in need, out of a sense of kindness. 15.
16. Knowledge refers to what is thought to be, as confirmed by reality. 16.
17. Skill is developed, not just by the understanding of theory, but by practice. 17.

18. A word that is often used in place of skill is “language.” 18.

19. The philosophy of social work is derived from the society of which it is a part 19.

20. In our society, being predominantly Christian, many would further explain human
worth & dignity in terms of man’s having been created in the image of God. 20.
21. The need to have some views about man is indeed essential for social workers. 21.
22. The use of a “go between” (tulay) which literally, means bridge is very common. 22.

23. “Amor Propio” is a term used to refer to the sensitivity to personal affront & functions
to harm the individual against loss of social acceptance. 23.

24. Closely related to the authority value is the disrespect for tradition & rituals no matter
how practical they have become. 24.

25. Our highly personalistic culture manifests itself in countless ways in our daily lives.25.

26. “Utang na loob” is considered a cultural value, which, like many others have both
positive as well as negative aspects. 26.
27. The principle of acceptance, does mean approval of deviant behavior or attitudes. 27.
28. A very clear illustration of the principle of self-determination is seen in health work. 28.

29. A community sometimes also goes through the same process of selecting the ‘
prospective group members. 29.

30. The idea behind the principle of confidentiality is to provide the event protection,
within the limits of the law, from harm that might result from his devulging
information to the social worker. 30.

Subject: Soc. Wk 34 Name : Page : 2 of 3

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM ID No.:

Course & Year:

Test II. Multiple Choice. Write only the letter of your choice on the space provided for your answer.
(40 items)
1. It is an aspect of the life situation which increases the willingness of the client system
to make a proposed change. 1.

A. process B. change force C. system

2. A change originating from a decision to make a deliberate effort to improve the system
& obtain the help of an outside agent in making this improvement. 2.

A. approach B. planned change C. change agent

3. It has the effect of making those working with individuals feel likewise.
A. social system B. outside agen C. change agent 3.
4. It is an aspect of the situation which reduces the willingness of the client system to chance.
A. resistance force B. professional change C. client system
5. A kind of knowledge which is open to efforts to test, whether it is right or wrong
as otherwise. 5.

A. assumptive knowledge B. hypothetical C. tested

6. It is concerned with the individual’s personality, comprising what is commonly termed “inner
states.” A. biological component B. psychological component C. social
component 6.
7. It is a role of social worker which is particularly meaningful of self-determination. 7.
A. self-help B. enabling C. guide
8. A principle of SW whose individual, group or community has the right to determine what his
needs are how they should be met.
A. self-determination B. catalyst C. confidentiality
9. Principle of SW wherein client is there, & has a part in the entire problem-solving process.
A. participation of client in problem solving B. non-judgmental C. enabling 9.

10. A principle in SW which involves “the recognition & understanding of each client’s unique
A. confidentiality B. Individualization C. self-determination. 10.

11. Principle in SW which provide the client protection, within the limits of the law, from harm that
might result from his divulging information to the worker.
A. guide B. confidentiality C. self-determination
12. The SW has complex personal motivation & is influenced by her own cultural beliefs & culture.
A. worker self-awareness B. self-discipline C. individualization 12.

13. It is essentially a cognitive process, a rational procedure involving a series of steps to be followed
sequentially. 13.

A. problem-solving process B. scientific method C. SW process

14. It is a basic concept in social work. 14.
A. helping process B. relationship C. diagnosis
15. A process and a product of understanding on which action is based.
A. statement B. assessment C. diagnosis 15.

16. It connotes illness or abnormality, & tend to imply that one person.
A. social diagnosis B. intake process C. initial engagement 16.

17. The primary source of information.

A. community B. client C. worker 17.

18. It is the process by which a potential client achieves the status of a client.
A. problem-solving process B. scientific method C. SW process 18.

19. Change originating from a decision to make a deliberate effort to improve the system & to obtain
the help of an outside agent in making the improvement.
A. planned change B. outside change C. resistance force 19.

20. It is a comprehension topic which encompass the facts & theories, skills & attitudes, necessary for
effective practice.
A. knowledge B. SW practice C. synthesis 20.

21. It is a matter of influencing clients to act in the way a worker wants them to act in response to a
given situation.
A. manipulation B. conflict C. realities 21.

22. An activity that will bring about social reforms which will benefit large segments of our
A. conflicting loyalties B. advocacy C. social action 22.

23. Science that treats of morals & right conduct.

A. character B. ethics C. social justice 23.

Subject: Soc. Wk 34 Name : Page : 3 of 3

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM ID No.:

Course & Year:

24. It is a concept from Freudian psycho-therapy.

A. Code of Ethics B. transference C. role 24.

25. It is the system of ethical principles & rules of conduct generally accepted by members of a
professional group, based on the philosophy, values & guiding principles of that profession.
A. professional ethics B. Code of Ethics C. Philosophy 25.

26. Generally affects the SWorker’s picture of a situation can consequently twists her diagnosis of
client’s problem.
A. counter transference B. psycho-analysis C. unconscious response 26.

27. It is considered a cultural value which have both positive as well as negative aspects.

A. utang na loob B. ningas cogon C. pakikisama 27.

28. A Filipino value attaches major importance to personal factor which guarantees intimacy, warmth
and security of kinship & friends in getting things done.
A. pakikialam B. personalism C. bahala na 28.

29. A kind of value which exerts great influence on the lives of Filipinos.
A. the authority value B. individualism C. amor 29.

30. It is a painful emotion arising from a relationship with an authority figure.

A. value of hiya B. amor propio C. pagkakaisa 30.

31. A term used to refer to the sensitivity to personal affront & functions to protect the individual
against loss of social acceptance.
A. amor propio B. patience C. mamaya na 31.

32. A facility of getting along with others in such a way as to avoid in such a way as to avoid outward
signs of conflict.
A. smooth interpersonal relations B. tulay C. pakisama 32.

33. Capable of reasons, of rational analysis and choice.

A. apes B. man C. homo sapient 33.

34. Views as inherently self-seeking, egotistical, out to extend personal gain at the expense of others.

A. anti-social being B. social C. democratic 34.

35. Men aspire to live in good terms of others, to be part of & to contribute to group life.

A. social being B. organic C. self-centered

36. They are discreet individuals who come together to form groups for their mutual protection &
A. asocial being B. anti-social C. individualistic 36.

37. It is an organized system of social services & institution, designed to aid individuals & groups to
attain satisfying standards of life & health.
A. PASWI B. social welfare C. NASWEI 37.

38. A profession which is concerned with man’s adjustment to his environment; a person (or group)
in relation to a person’s social situation.
A. social economy B. social work C. social justice 38.

39. Refers to the programs, services & other activities provided under various auspices, to concretely
answer the needs and problems of the members of society.
A. social reform B. social services C. economy 39.

40. It is a major provision for helping people with their problems.

A. social agency B. society C. social strata 40.

- God Bless ! ! ! -
Subject: Soc. Wk 34 Name : Page : 3 of 3

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM ID No.:

Course & Year:

Test III. (Answer Sheet)

Ozamiz City Name : Page 1 of 4
College of Arts & Sciences/Social Work Subject Code: Soc. Wk 23 Date:
FINAL EXAM. Document Code: MU-CAS-EXQ-SW23

I.D. No: Class Schedule: 3:00 – 4:00 PM MWF Proctor:

Permit No.: Instructor : Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM Course & Yr.:
Checked & Verified by:
Revision Status: Dean/Chairman
Approved by: VPAA

Test I: True or False. Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is not correct.
1. Every newborn infant finds adjustment to postnatal life difficult at first. 1.

2. The infants organs of elimination begin to work soon before birth 2.

3. There is no constant temperature of 1000F in the uterine sac. 3.

4. Infancy is a preview of earlier development. 4.

5. While any newborn infant maybe regarded unfavorably by significant people,

the most usual targets for such attitudes are firstborn. 5.

6. Infancy is a time of radical adjustment. 6.

7. Some infants lag behind the norm in their development during the infancy period. 7.

8. Pre-natal concerned is then expressed in their treatment of the infant. 8.

9. The infant who is conceived during winter months reaches the critical time in
development – the first trimester of the prenatal period. 9.

10. The helpfulness of newborn is more of a psychological hazard in the case of the
firstborn than of later-born children. 10.

11. Today there is gradual reduction in the trend to stimulate infants from the time
they are born instead of keeping them as quiet as possible. 11.
12. A powerful mesomorphic girl most experience a difficult world from her puny
counterpart. 12.

13. The difficulty of adjustment to postnatal life is shown by lose of weight,

disorganized behavior & infant mortality. 13.

14. There are five important characteristics of infancy. 14.

15. The first period of infancy covers approximately the first two weeks of life. 15.
16. Babyhood occupies the first three years of life following the brief two-week
period of infancy. 16.

17. There are six reasons why foundations laid during the babyhood years are
are important. 17.

18. Babies grow rapidly, both physically & psychologically. 18.

19. Intellectual growth & change parallel physical growth & change. 19.

20. Babyhood is an age of increasing dependency. 20.

21. During the babyhood months, there is a fastest/rapid but pronounced increase
in helplessness. 21.

22. Babyhood is a true foundation Age. 22.

23. Throughout the babyhood period variations not only continue but become more.
pronounced. 23.

24. At the age of four months, the baby’s weight has normally doubled. 24.

25. Chewing generally appears in the developmental pattern a month later than biting. 25.

26. After being accustomed to food in liquid form, it is difficult for babies to adjust
to a pure solid form. 26.

27. At birth. Brain weight is one-fourth of the baby’s total weight. 27.
28. The first task in learning to communicate with others is learning to comprehend
what they say. 28.

29. Speech is a tool for communication. 29.

30. From birth until five or six months of age, all eating is in the infantile form of
sucking & swallowing. 30.

31. Prematurity causes less neonatal deaths that any other condition. 31.

32. Sensitivity to hunger is fully developed at birth & hunger contraction occur within
the 3rd day of life. 32.

33. Excessive smoking on the part of the mother can affect the development of the fetus 33.
34. To learn, individuals must be aware of what they are expected to do. 34.

35. Abnormally, crying begins at birth or shortly afterward. 35.

36. Specific activities involve the entire areas of the body. 36.

37. Eliminations of waste products begins eight hours after birth. 37.

Subject: Soc. Wk 23 Name : Page : 2 of 4

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM ID No.:

Course & Year:

38. The condition of the infant’s body has a marked influence on mass activity. 38.

39. The infant cry in the very first piece of human behavior which has social value. 39.

40. The muscles of the newborn infant are soft, small & uncontrolled. 40.

Test II. Multiple Choice. Please encircle only the letter of your choice serves your answer in every
1. It is the beginning or the early period of existence as an individual rather than as a
parasite in the mother’s body.
A. Post natal life B. Infancy C. Neonate
2. This period begins when the fetal body has emerged from the mother’s body & lasts until the cord
has been cut & tied.
A. Infancy B. Neonate C. Portunate
3. A time of radical adjustment.
A. Infancy B Post natal C. Portunate
4. In this period, the infant must make adjustment to the new environment outside the mother’s body.
A. Neonate B. Post maturity C. Portunate
5. A kind of birth wherein the buttocks appear first followed by the legs & finally the head.
A. Instrument birth B. Breech C. Caesarian
6. When the fetus is too large to emerge spontaneously or when its position makes normal birth
A. Transverse birth B. Instrument birth C. Natural birth
7. It is a head first position birth.
A. Natural B. Breech C. Transverse birth
8. Occurs less often than in the past because it is now possible to induce labor when x-rays show that
the fetus is large enough & well-enough developed to adjust successfully to postnatal life.
A. Postnatal care B. Postmaturity C. Premature
9. Usually experience complications in adjusting to the postnatal environment & these may have a
serious effect on future adjustment.
A. Premature baby B. Postmature C. Normal
10. At birth, the average infant weighs 7 ½ lbs. & measure 19 ½ inches in length.
A. Physical development B. Mass activity C. Reflexes
11. Color vision is either totally absent or minimal due to the undeveloped state of cones.
A. Taste B. Vision C. Smell
12. The infant has positive reactions generally – relaxing the body & sucking – in response to sweet
stimuli & generally negative responses – crying & squimming – in response to salty, sour & bitter
A. Organic sensitivies B. Taste C. Hearing
13. That the infant can distinguish odors is shown by crying, head turning & attempts to withdraw
from unpleasant stimuli & by sucking & relaxing the body in response to pleasant stimuli.

A. Hearing B. Smell C. Skin sensitivities

14. Children are usually smaller & weaker than single tons as a result of crouding during the prenatal
A. Post maturity B. Complicated birth C. Multiple birth
15. It is hazardous only when the fetus becomes so large that the birth requires the use of instruments
or surgery.
A. Prematurity B. Post maturity C. Caesarian
16. Prematures are frequently awkward & have poor posture.
A. Motor control B. Socialization C. Sensory behavior
17. The effects of prematurity wherein the scores on reading & arithmetic tests tend to be lower &
their grade placement below that which would be normal.
A. Deviant behavior B. Intelligence C. Development lag
18. The effects tend to have smaller vocabularies & to make more mistakes in sentence structure.
A. Speech development B. Emotional behavior C. Intelligence
19. An age of decreasing deficiency.
A. Infancy B. Babyhood C. Puberty
20. The final task in learning to communicate with others.
A. Comprehension B. Speech C. Learning to speak
21. At eight months, most babies can hold their bottles after the nipples have been placed in their
mouths; at
9 months, they can put the bottle nipples in their mouths & take them out without help.
A. Leg skills B. Self-feeding C. Self-grooming

Subject: Soc. Wk 23 Name : Page : 3 of 4

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM ID No.:

Course & Year:

22. At the end of the first year most babies can put off their sacks, shoes, cup & mittens.
A. Self-grooming B. Self-dressing C. Play skills
23. As the vocal mechanism develops, babies become capable of producing an large number of
A. Emotional expressions B. Bobbling C. Gesturing
24. By outstretching the arms of babies & smiling they can readily communicate the idea that they
want to
A. Emotional behavior B. Gesturing C. Learning to speak
25. An emotional patter of behavior wherein any stimulus occurs suddenly or unexpectedly.
A. Fear B. Curiosity C. Affection
26. By the second or third weak of life, babies react to being played with, being tickled & watching or
listening to others.
A. Joy B. Affection C. Anger
27. Toys and the family pet may also become love objects for the babies.
A. Affection B. Curiosity C. Fear
28. Unquestionably one of the most effective prespeech form of communication.
A. Pronunciation B. Emotional Expression C. Speaking
29. It is an important aspect of the development of handskills during babyhood.
A. Handedness B. Self-grooming C. Leg skills
30. At first, the baby’s body is in more or less constant motion similar to the mass activity of the
A. Muscle control B. Eye control C. Leg Region
Test III. Enumeration. Enumerate the following: (30 items)
1 - 5 The kinds of birth
6 - 8 The three indicators of the difficulty of adjustment to postnatal life
9 - 17 The long-term effects of prematurity
18 - 23 The sensory capacities of infants
24 - 27 Some common handskills of babyhood
28 - 30 Tasks involved in learning to speak during babyhood

- God Bless !! -

Subject: Soc. Wk 23 Name : Page : 4 of 4

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM ID No.:

Course & Year:

Test III. (Enumeration) - Answer Sheet

Subject: Soc. Wk 23 Name : Page : 4 of 4

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM ID No.:

Course & Year:

Test IV. ESSAY (Answer Sheet)

Ozamiz City Name : Page 1 of 2
College of Arts & Sciences/Social Work Subject Code: Soc. Wk 23 Date:

I.D. No: Class Schedule: 3:00 – 4:00 PM MWF Proctor:

Permit No.: Instructor : Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM Course & Yr.:
Checked & Verified by:
Revision Status: Dean/Chairman
Approved by: VPAA

Test I: True or False. Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect.
5. Early research studies in developmental psychology ignored the prenatal
period. 1.

6. The prenatal period is a time of many hazards, both physical & psychological. 2.

7. Male & female sex cells are similar in that they contain chromosomes. 3.

8. New life begins with the age of 40. 4.

9. Maturation is the preliminary stage of development limited to the female

sex cells. 5.

10. Fertilization, which occurs at the time of conception is the 3rd stage of
development preliminary to the beginning of a new life. 6.

11. Determination of the individual’s sex is the second important happening

at the time of conception. 7.

12. Once the male and female cells have separated, nothing can be done to change
the sex of the newly formed individual 8.
13. Learning experience are not determined by the individual’s sex. 9.

14. A boy who learns to play girl’s games is labeled a “sissy” and the girls
who prefer boy’s. 10.

15. When a ripe ovum is fertilized by one spermatozoon, the result will be twin. 11.

16. Approximately one-half of all twins are identical. 12.

17. There is a tendency for the developmental lag in physical development to end
before children reach puberty & often much earlier (83). 13.

18. Development lag in motor & language development among twins during
the first three years of postnatal life. 14.

19. The fourth thing that happens at the time of conception is the establishment
of the new child’s ordinal position among siblings. 15.


1. Discuss the common physical hazards during the prenatal period. (10 pts)

2. Discuss the two (2) preliminary stages of development of the male cells. (10 pts)

3. Explain the three (3) preliminary stages of the female sex cells. (10 pts)

4. Discuss on “how life begins.” (10 pts)

5. Discuss the five (5) factors of origin of attitudes. (10 pts)

Test III. Definition of Terms. Define the following items: (5 pts each)

1. Fertilization -

2. Conception -

3. Ovulation -

4. Sex -

5. Maturation -
Subject: Soc. Wk 23 Name : Page : 2 of 2

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM ID No.:

Course & Year:

Test II. Answer Sheet

Ozamiz City Name : Page 1 of 1
College of Arts & Sciences/Social Work Subject Code: Soc. Wk 34 Date:

I.D. No: Class Schedule: 4:00-5:00 PM MWF Proctor:

Permit No.: Instructor : Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM Course & Yr.:
Checked & Verified by:
Revision Status: Dean/Chairman
Approved by: VPAA

Test I. ESSAY.

1. Briefly describe the nature of social welfare during the different periods in Philippine History:

1.1 Pre-historic period (5 pts)

1.2 The Spanish period (10 pts)
1.3 The American period (10 pts)
1.4 The Commonwealth period (5 pts)
1.5 The Japanese period (5 pts)
1.6 The post war years until the 1950’s ( 10 pts)
1.7 During the seventies (1970’s) - (5 pts)
1.8 During the eighties (1980’s) - (5 pts)
1.9 During the nineties (1990’s) - (5 pts)

Test II. Enumeration. Enumerate the following :

1 - 5 Name five (5) social legislations/laws & each title

6 - 10 Five (5) private social welfare agencies & organizations in 1970’s

11 - 13 Some government agencies in 1980’s

14 - 20 Seven (7) programs of the DSWD/CSWD, Ozamiz City

Subject: Soc. Wk 34 Name : Page : 2 of 3

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM ID No.:

Course & Year:

Test I. ESSAY. Answer Sheet

Subject: Soc. Wk 34 Name : Page : 3 of 3

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM ID No.:

Course & Year:

Test II. Enumeration. Answer Sheet

Ozamiz City Name : Page 1 of 3
College of Arts & Sciences/Social Work Subject Code: Soc. Sci. 2 Date:

I.D. No: Class Schedule: 1:00-2:30 PM TTH Proctor:

Permit No.: Instructor : Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM Course & Yr.:
Checked & Verified by:
Revision Status: Dean/Chairman
Approved by: VPAA

Test I: TRUE OF FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is
1. The comparative approach in social science research employs a wide
variety of sociological techniques. 1.

2. All societies provide for certain broad areas of social living. 2.

3. Comparative studies have attempted reconstructing the ending of certain

socio-cultural phenomena. 3.

4. Culture universals are accounted for Psychologist only. 4.

5. Human biological drives appeared to be products of the individual’s organic

balance. 5.

6. Cognitive structure is drawn from one’s cognitive structure, trait configuration

acquired predisposition & unconscious process. 6.

7. Psychic unity is made up of concepts & beliefs by which one defines the world
around him or her. 7.

8. Perception is the process through which people translate their observation

into internalized, meaningful experiences. 8.

9. Patterned thought process involved both interpersonal communication & self

communication. 9.

10. Predisposition refers to the repetitive way of reacting to a particular event. 10.

11. A trait configuration refers to the repetitive manner in which an individual

appears inclined to favor or disfavor a person or group, an object or a
situation or event. 11.

12. Values refer to preferences, they are socially acquired through group
interaction. 12.

13. Many human needs & motives are derived from sources other than organic. 13.

14. Sex differences are based on psychological differences. 14.

15. There are six roles even in games children play. 15.

Test II. Enumeration. Please enumerate the following :

1 - 7 The seven (7) Core Values of human person

8 - 10 The three (3) comparative characteristics of culture
11 - 15 The values emphasized by DECS Education Program
16 - 18 Durkheim three (3) basic schemes for comparative studies on culture
19 - 25 The forces or nationalities considered the elements in the foundation of the Filipino
oriental nature

Test III. Definition of Terms. Define the following: (5 pts each)

41. Values

42. Culture

43. Amor Propio

44. Cultural Relativity

5. Sex Roles

Subject: Soc Sci 2 Name : Page : 2 of 3

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM ID No.:

Course & Year:

Test IV. Essay: Discuss or explain the following:

1. Bahala Na ( 5 pts)
2. Utang na Loob (5 pts)
3. The Core Values of Misamis University (10 pts)
4. Diversity in Culture (10 pts)
5. Filipino Nationalism (10 pts)
Subject: Soc. Sci 2 Name : Page : 3 of 3

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM ID No.:

Course & Year:


Ozamiz City Name : Page 1 of 3
College of Arts & Sciences/Social Work Subject Code: Soc. Sci. 101 Date:
FINAL EXAM. Document Code: MU-CAS-EXQ-SS101
I.D. No: Class Schedule: 4-5 pm mwf Proctor:

Permit No.: Instructor : Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM Course & Yr.:
Checked & Verified by:
Revision Status: 0 Dean/Chairman
Approved by: VPAA

Good old values are enduring, diligence, hard work, and honesty are some of these which I
should learn to practice in and out of school. I shall endeavor to practice honesty today by answering
the test questions to the best of my ability and I will not enrich my score by getting information or
answers from any other student.

Student’s Signature

Test I: Identification. Identify what is referred to in the ff. statements. Write your correct answer
the space provided.

1. It is the science of society and the social interaction of any place within it. 1.

2. It is the systematize and detailed explanation of any phenomenon. 2.

3. Those behaviors that are stray from the accepted norms, beliefs, or values
of the group. 3.

4. A theory focuses on the heterogeneous nature of society & the differential

distribution of political & social power. 4.

5. Focuses of the importance of definitions, labels & the social meanings

associated with the deviant act. 5.

6. Emphasizes the major consequences for individuals who have been labeled
by official agencies & by other persons because of their deviant behavior
& the impact of both social definition & the social sanctions which exert
pressures on individuals to engage in some deviant acts. 6.

7. It is a violation of a norm which is codified into law and backed by the

power and authority of the state. 7.

8. It is one of the most publicize crimes under Philippine Law exclusively

against women. 8.

9. The ability to control the behavior of others even against their will, affects
human relationship. 9.

10. Consent of two or more persons who are in social interaction who are guided
by similar norms, values & expectations, & who maintain a stable pattern
of relations over a period of time. 10.

11. It includes the totality of social organizations & the complex network
of interconnected, interdependent & overlapping social relationship. 11.

12. Refers to the patterned social relationships & interrelationships of the

parts guided by the norms, expectations & values of the social units
members. 12.

13. It is a component of social structure, refers to the results of action that

occur in relation to a particular structure. 13.

14. It is small face-to-face structure such as the family & friendship groups,
is where personalities are focused into common whole. 14.

15. Focuses on the development of skills and specialized know-how enabling

their members to perform effectively. 15.
16. It is a community of intimate, private & exclusive living and familism. 16.
17. Type of group characterized by impersonal, secondary, contractual &
rationalized relationship. 17.

18. When one group blends in & takes on the characteristics of another culture.18.
19. It implies the acceptance by a person or group of the cultural traits, attitudes
& sentiments of another. 19.

20. The intermarrying of different ethnic groups. 20.

Subject: Soc. Sc. 101 Name : Page : 2 of 3

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM ID No.:

Course & Year:

Test II. Multiple Choice: Please write only the letter of your choice on the space provided for your
1. It is a vital principle in society; no social life is possible without it. 1.
a. social interaction b. culture
c. society d. panics
2. A kind of behavior characterized by spontaneous developments to form an organization
which contradict or reinterpret the norms of the group. 2.

a. collective behavior b. competition

c. accommodation d. assimilation
3. It has a long background of unrest & dissatisfaction among the people, but needs a
precipitating crisis. 3.

a. rebellion b. revolution
c. social action d. people power
4. Aims to oppose social policies or programs. 4.
a. protest movements b. student activism
c. messianic cults d. expressive movements
5. Refers to a large-scale organization using print & broadcast of communication such as
radio, TV & film. 5.

a. mass media b. communication

c. platform d. public opinion
6. A kind of behavior displayed during-times of disaster. 6.
a. crazes b. disaster behavior
c. fads d. fashion
7. They are passing fancies or novelties related to trivial deviations from the conventional
behavior. 7.

a. fads b. behavior
c. changes d. fashion
8. It is unverified or unsubstantial information about events or people which become revised,
condensed or expanded as it is transferred from one person to another. 8.

a. rumor b. gossip
c. public d. mass
9. They are situations in which people are largely affected by fear, such as stampedes. 9.
a. crowd b. panics
c. audience d. riots
10. It is a crowd focused on a target that is resented or seen as a source of frustration. 10.
a. riots b. MOB
c. norms d. factors
11. Refers to the mutual giving of concessions & withdrawal of some demands. 11.
a. compromise b. conflict
c. reciprocity d. toleration
12. A group with which the individual identifies & which gives him a sense of belonging,
solidarity, camaraderie & a protective attitude toward the other members. 12.
a. in-group b. gesellschaft
c. primary group d. out-group
13. It is one way to reduce or eliminate competition. 13
a. differentiation b. truce
c. domination d. corporation
14. The most violent intense form of conflict. . 14.
a. war b. competition
c. horror d. riots
15. It is applied to short-lived, socially approved variations in clothing & adornment art,
Housing, furniture, & other areas of behavior. 15

a. changes b. fashion
c. craze d. fade
16. It is best observed in societies composed of various ethnic groups. 16.
a. blending b. assimilation
c. culture d. exchange
17. A kind of social exchange, which is universal form of behavior.. 17.
a. reciprocity b. toleration
c. tripartite d. conflict
Subject: Soc Sci 101 Name : Page : 3 of 3

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM ID No.:

Course & Year:
18. It is the process by which one transfers social goods, services & items to another. 18.
a. competition b. exchange
c. role d. adjustment
19. A kind of leadership who gives leeway to his people to participate in determining of the group
choosing procedures for accomplishing the group goals & deciding the course of action to
take. 19
a. autocratic leader b. democratic leader
c. courageous d. parliamentay
20. A kind of teacher whose members are allowed almost complete freedom to make decisions
. and choose alternative actions. 20.
a. laizzy faire b. matriarchal
c. autocratic d. functionalist
21. It is a channel for disseminating information to the public. 21.
a. newspaper b. TV
c. computer d. radio
22. It is a powerful medium because it reaches a wide audience. Its effectiveness lies in
making listeners feel the speakers personality. 22.
a. radio b. magazine
c. computer d. media
23. They are primarily for entertainment, but can also be informative & instructional. 23.
a. motion pictures b. mass media
c. magazine d. newspapers
24. A person is inclined to go along with the wishes of the group even when he/she has
a conflicting duty, so as to win social approval. 24

a. pakikisama b. gossip
c. contol d. conflict
25. Kind of drugs which exert calming effects on the nervous system; they reduce anxiety
& excitement. 25.

a. sedatives b. criminality
c. deviance d. ego
26. Also called psychedelic drug which affect sensation, thinking, self-awareness & emotion. 26.
a. hallucinogens b pills
c. marijuana d. opium
27. A drug which comes in the form of large crystals, similar to chunks of ice, shards of broken
glass or rock candy. 27.

a. narcotics b. shabu
c. opium d. sedatives
28. Sometimes called “Pep Pills” which increase alertness & physical disposition. 28
a. stimulants b. cough syrup
c. shabu d. marijuana
29. It is an abstraction; it can’t be seen directly, but it can be inferred from observing human
behavior. 29.
a. social structure b. social function
c. groups d. basic group
30. Composed of disparate individuals, each responding independently to the same
stimulus in a similar way. 30.
a. mass b. public c. crowd d. media
Test III. Definition of Terms. Define the following : (5 pts each)
1. Collective Behavior
2. Primary Group
3. Secondary Group
4. Democratic Leader
5. Social Control
Test IV. Enumeration. Enumerate the following:
1 - 6 Classification of Social Groups
7 - 9 3 kinds of leaders in terms of directiveness
10 - 11 2 serious forms of Deviant Behavior
12 - 15 4 most commonly abused drugs listed by the Dangerous Drugs in the Phil.
16 - 19 4 devices & mechanism which reinforce the system of Social Control in the Phil.
20 - 25 6 examples of Deviant Behavior
Ozamiz City Name : Page 1 of 3
College of Arts & Sciences/Social Work Subject Code: Soc. Sci. 1 Date:
FINAL EXAM. Document Code: MU-CAS-EXQ-SS12

I.D. No: Class Schedule: 12-1 mwf Proctor:

Permit No.: Instructor : Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM Course & Yr.:
Checked & Verified by:
Revision Status: 0 Dean/Chairman
Approved by: VPAA

Good old values are enduring, diligence, hard work, and honesty are some of these which I
should learn to practice in and out of school. I shall endeavor to practice honesty today by answering
the test questions to the best of my ability and I will not enrich my score by getting information or
answers from any other student.

Student’s Signature

Test I: Identification – Identify what is referred to in the ff. statements. Write your correct answer
the space provided.
16. It is a special contract of permanent union between a man and a woman entered into in
accordance with law for the establishment of conjugal and family life. 1.

17. It is the behavior associated with a specific status regarding the

rights permitted him & duties expected of him. 2.

18. It is a position occupied by an individual in society, such as teacher,

student, or friend. 3.

19. It is a universal social institutions, characterized as a group of people

united by ties of marriage, blood or adoption. 4.

20. It is defined as all forms of behavior by which one seeks to win the
consent of another for another marriage. 5.

21. The male organ of copulation, has an extreme concentration of nerve

endings. 6.
22. It is a membranous fold, half inch in diameter, which partly closes the
opening to the vagina. 7.

23. The union of an egg cell and the sperm cell. 8.

24. The thickening lining of the uterine walls sheds off & flows out of a
woman’s body in the form of a bloody discharge. 9.

25. It is the necessary elements of marriage. 10.

26. It is a natural provocation emotion & can alienate a spouse’s affection

without real justification. 11.

27. The prevention of unwanted pregnancy. 12.

28. The purposeful procreation & socialization of children. 13.

29. The purpose by which responsible couples determine by themselves

the timing, spacing & number of children born to them. 14.

30. It is a protective sheath made of rubber which is in worn over the

erect penis during sexual intercourse. 15.

31. It is the process teaching an individual to understand and accept the

himself as a whole person & to relate himself to other people in a
healthy, constructive & meaningful manner. 16.

32. The breakdown of a network of various interwoven activities within

the family structure & the disintegration of the family smooth
interpersonal relationship. 17.

33. Self-stimulation of the genitals or other erotically sensitive parts of

the body for sexual arousal & orgasm.. 18.

34. The act of forcing a person to submit to sexual intercourse. 19.

35. A type of relationship involving intimacy before the actual marriage. 20.

Test II. Multiple Choice: Write the letter of your choice on the space provided.
1. Sexual intercourse by a married person with anyone other than spouse. 1.
a. concubinage b. adultery
c. courtship d. mating
2. The removal of the foreskin of the penis. 2.
a. circumcision b. condom
c. clitoris d. vasectomy
Subject: Soc Sci 1 Name : Page : 2 of 3

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM ID No.:

Course & Year:

3. Refers to the running away of husband or wife, thus creating a separation

in marriage. 3.
a. divorce b. desertion
c. dating d. annulment
4. Sexual orientation toward a member of one’s own sex. 4.
a. homosexuality b. heterosexuality
c. separation d. rape
5. The climax of sexual excitement marked by ejaculation of semen by the male
& a series of involuntary spasm by the female. 5.

a. erection b. orgasm
c. masturbation d. intercourse
6. The sucking or kissing of a man’s penis. 6.
a. heterogamy b. fellatio
c. impotence d. intercourse
7. Milky fluid which is the medium of sperm, ejaculated from the penis upon
orgasm. 7.

a. semen b. sperms
c. egg d. testes
8. A form of marriage in which one woman is married to one man. 8.
a. adultery b. monogamy
c. polygamy d. open marriage
9. The sexual orientation in which woman desire to make love to a woman. 9.
a. bestiality b. lesbianism
c. homosexuality d. heterogamy
10. The stage of bearing a child. 10.
a. pregnancy b. sterility
c. petting d. puberty
11. A strong feeling of attachment. 11.
a. frustration b. fixation
c. authority d. infidelity
12. An infectious disease spread through sexual intercourse 12.
a. HIV b. AIDS
c. venereal disease d. sodomy
13. Period of two to four years during which the child reaches mature sexual development,
which marks the beginning of adolescents. 13

a. pregnancy b. puberty
c. status d. polygamy
14. An involuntary contraction of the vagina in response to attempted penetration. 14.
a. vestibule b. vaginismus
c. uterus d. penis
15. It is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain erection long enough to perform coitus 15
a. impotence b. fertility
c. ovulation d. erection
16. It is used to describe any sex play with a partner which does not include intercourse 16.
a. fellatio b. petting
c. masturbation d. intercourse
17. When a woman no longer menstruate & incapable of childbearing. 17.
a. menopause b. andropause
c. fertilization d. menstrual cycle
18. The basic unit of family organization, composed of married couple & their children 18.
a. open marriage b. nuclear family
c. one-parent family d. menarche
19. Female organ sensitive to erotic stimulation, including the clitoris, mons veneris, labia
majora. 19

a. vulva b. glands
c. penis d. gonads

Subject: Soc. Sci 1 Name : Page : 3 of 3

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM ID No.:

Course & Year:

20. A physiological, emotional or, mental state tending to give rise to an activity which may
not necessarily be directed toward removing the cause of the tension. 20.

a. domination b. tensions
c. overdependence d. fear
21. The female gonads, organs of reproduction that produce gametes or sex cells. 21.
a. orgasm b. ovaries
c. semen d. testes
22. The first month after birth. 22.
a. sodomy b. neonatal period
c. menarche d. puberty
23. A family of single adult & his/her children; usually regarded as an incomplete nuclear
family. 23.

a. one-parent family b. polyandry

c. monogamy d. swinging
24. Anal or oral sex with an animal. 24
a. sodomy b. petting
c. tran sexuality d. role
25. Having sexual intercourse with several persons. 25.
a. promiscuous b. nuclear family
c. polygamy d. monogamy
26. This is type of family crisis that brings about addict anxiety & strain to the family. 26.
a. prolonged illness b death
c. separation d. mobility
27. The process by which an individual learns to become a member of this society. 27.
a. socialization b. self-respect
c. reality d. independence
28. It is highly unreliable method of pregnancy control. 28
a. withdrawal b. diaphragm
c. condo d. foam
29. It is a source of great pleasure as well as method of reproduction. 29.
a. love b. sex
c. mating d. courtship
30. It is a unique organ in the total human anatomy which aim to initiate or raise the level of
sexual tension. 30.
a. penis b. clitoris
c. cervix d. uterus

Test III. Enumeration. Enumerate the following : (30 pts)

1 - 11 Parts of the female reproductive organ

12 - 15 The factors to consider in selecting the method of contraction
16 - 18 What are the means of sexual expression
19 - 25 Causes of impotency on the part of man
26 - 30 Parts of the human female internal genital organ

Test IV. Essay: (5 points each)

6. How significant is SEX in marriage?

7. What do you think the cause and factors of family disorganization?
8. Briefly discuss the cause of marital problems.
9. Describe the structural characteristics of Filipino family.

Ozamiz City Name : Page 1 of 5
College of Arts & Sciences/Social Work Subject Code: Soc Wk 11 Date:
FINAL EXAM. Document Code: MU-CAS-EXQ-SW11

I.D. No: Class Schedule: 12-1 pm MWF Proctor:

Permit No.: Instructor : Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM Course & Yr.:
Checked & Verified by:
Revision Status: 0 Dean/Chairman
Approved by: VPAA

Good old values are enduring. Diligence, hard work, and honesty are some of these which I
should learn to practice in and out of school. I shall endeavor to practice honesty today by answering
the test questions to the best of my ability and I will not enrich my score by getting information or
answers from any other student.

Student’s Signature

Test I: Identification. Write & identify the correct answer of the statement given below on the space
provided for your answers. (20 items)
1. It is professional service that helps individuals, families, groups & communities
to develop, improve or restore their capacity for coping w/ demands of the
environment. 1.

2. It is a law enacted by the Phil. Congress in 1965, otherwise known as the

Soc. Wk. Law. 2.

3. The person who, by sustained mental or physical efforts, perform tasks &
activities designed to help client overcome on obstacle & achieve a
result or an end. 3.

4. The person or group of persons who engage the services or help of the SW
the individual, family or group/community who seeks help in order to
resolve her problem. 4.

5. A set of institutions & agencies established by society to provide various

kinds of social support to people who may need them. 5.

6. Refers to the conservation, protection, development or improvement of

human beings to the individuals, families, groups or communities. 6.

7. These are beliefs, preferences or assumptions about what is good or bad

for man. 7.

8. It is the science of moral duty: concerned with the science of ideal human
character & deals with moral principles, quality or practice. 8.

9. Principle of Social Work that consider the starting point of client-worker

relationship of the helping process. 9.

10. Principle of SW that lead to client self-discovery or self-awareness or self-

recognition of his own feelings or innocence. 10.

11. Principle of SW which refers to the preservation of secret information

concerning the client which is disclose in a professional relationship. 11.

12. The equitable distribution of the national wealth & income and the equality
of access to opportunities for the full development of every citizen as a
human being, the humanization of laws & the equalization of social
& economic forces by the state. 12.

13. It is a question or situation that presents uncertainty, perplexity, or

difficulty. 13.

14. It is a method of SW that helps people cope with personal problems,

essentially on a one-to-one basis . 14.
15. It is a method of SW which is primarily concerned with the development
of the people themselves using community projects as the means to an end. 15.

16. It is a secondary method of SW that refers to the systematic investigation

Inquiry & a study of a problem for the purpose of adding more knowledge
to already existing ones in a form that is communicable & verifiable. 16.

17. An approach which refers to the discovery & utilization of the strength w/in
the family, that is among it’s individual members to solve individual or
family problems. 17.

18. It is a tool in SW whose main purpose is to gather information in order

to decide on a course of action. 19.

Subject: Soc Wk 11 Name : Page : 2 of 5

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM ID No.:

Course & Year:

19. Refers to the accounting of the progress of the client in a case as it moves
from the beginning of the problem solving phase towards its eventual
and finally to its ending or termination. 19.

20. It is a sharing or the exchange of thoughts between two or more persons.

It maybe verbal or non-verbal. 20.

Test II. Multiple Choice: Please write only the letter of your choice on the space provided in every items.
1. The inconsequential conservation between the SW and client. 1.
a. interviewing b. small talk c. support
2. This skills refers to the SW tempo or pace and the ability to take action. 2.
a. timing b. focusing c. structuring
3. Safeguards the rights & needs of Filipino Children & Youth 3.
a. R.A. 4373 b. P.D. 603
c. R.A. 5416 d. R.A. 7432
4. This techniques maybe used when there is better understanding of the cause & greater
ability to anticipate & control the consequences. 4.

a. reward & punishment b. research

c. mobilization c. universalization
5. This refers to the application of the community organization method using the barangay
council to gain access to the community. 5.

a. symposium b. empathy
c. barangay approach d. total family approach
6. It is the main too used in SW practice. 6.
a. acceptance b. interviewing
c. counseling d. function
7. It is a form of disagreement or opposition that occurs within the individuals or between
the groups. 7.

a. problem b. conflict
c. crisis d. communication
8. Refers to the SW’s ability to access the totality of the problem/. 8.
a. partialization b. case management
c. ventilation d. structuring
9. Simply refers to the process by which objectives of a social welfare agency are achieved
through they efficient utilizations men, money, materials, machine, methods, time & space. 9.

a. management b. administration
c. specialization d. crisis intervention
10. It is a process by which a client is helped to move on to another resources for the
services. 10.

a. mobilization b. referral c survey

d. factors
11. Refers to the recording which contains the purpose of the interview, workers observations
or intentions. 11.

a. process recording b. case study report

c. survey d. narrative
12. It is a systematic procedure by which a complex of scientific tasks is accomplished. 12.
a. small talk b. technique
c. ventilation d. support
13. This is a support technique of SW involves bringing to the surface the feelings &
attitudes that need to be brought out by the client’s psychosocial disfunctioning. 13

a. ventilation b. reassurance
c. instillation of hope d. exploration
14. It is a set of instillations and agencies established by society to provide various kinds of
social support to people who may need them. . 14.

a. social welfare b. social development

c. formal education d. personalism
15. The process by which an idea is transferred from its source to the receiver with intent to
change the latter’s behavior or between the worker & the client. 15

a. communication b. feedback
c. empathy d. listening
Subject: Soc Wk 11 Name : Page : 3 of 5

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM ID No.:

Course & Year:

16. Refers to workers’ ability to interpret constantly the meanings of the clients’ words
& behavior. 16.
a. interpretation b. listening
c. questioning d. empathy
17. Defined as the “acquaintance with theoretical or practical understanding of some branch
of Science, art, learning, or other areas involving study; research or practice &
acquisition of skills.” . 17.

a. knowledge b. values
c. skills d. planning
18. It is a critical awareness of one’s identify & situation, a process of reflection-action-
reflection.”. 18.

a. andragogy b. conciousness-raising
c. role rehearsal d. universalization
19. It is an advice-giving and counseling technique in SW. 19
a. classification b. education & advice
c. reassurance d. conflict
20. It is a technique in SW practice of examining a situation by bearing facts, opinions, &
feelings into the open so that sufficient understandings of the person-group configuration
is obtained to work towards goal achievement. 20.

a. exploration b. instillation of hope

c. clarification d. confrontation
21. It is the utilization of a commonality of human experiences & the strengths of others to
cope with situations similar to those which are troubling the client situations similar to
those which are troubling the client. 21.

a. demonstration b. universalization
c. observation d. empathy
22. Skill in SW that refers to the ability of the worker to understand the uniqueness of the person
in his situation & to adopt his techniques to him. 22.

a. interpretation b. differential diagnosis

c. timing d. focusing
23. It is a tool type of verbal interaction of informal conversation among group of people. 23.
a. discussion b. diagnosis
c. records d. focusing
24. It is anything regarded as necessary in the carrying out of ones occupation or profeesion 24
a. tool b. skill
c. technique d. purpose
25. Refers to the efforts of a social agency to make available the social service it has to offer
to a community who it believes, can use assistance without waiting for the people to come
to the agency to ask for help. 25.

a. integrated practice b. crisis intervention

c. community outreach d. specialization
26. It is a SW practice in a certain area or field which requires expert knowledge & Skills. 26.
a. research b specialization
c. generalist d. approach
27. Refers to the actual delivery, to the client of such resources. 27.
a. case management b. method
c. administration d. community work
28. It is a method of SW through which individuals & groups are helped by a social worker
to relate themselves to people & to experience growth opportunities in accordance with
their needs & capabilities. 28

a. casework b. social groupwork

c. community organization d. individualization
29. It is an individual form of helping people to cope with personal problems, essentially
on a one-to-one basis. 29.

a. treatment b. social casework

c. methods d. mobilizer
30. It is the totality of conditions or circumstances surrounding the individual. 30.
a. development b. environment
c. restoration d. resource organization
Subject: Soc Wk 11 Name : Page : 4 of 5

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM ID No.:

Course & Year:
31. It is a kind of Filipino treats & behavior that has something to do with the degree of emphasis to
give to
interpersonal relations, to face to face encounter 31.

a. SW practice b. personalism
c. individualism d. ethics
32. A Filipino trait with much emphasis given to the welfare & interest of the family over
the welfare & interest of the community. . 32.

a. individualism b. particularism
c. conduct d. familiarism
33. The Filipino places a high value or affiliation rather than achievement. 33.
a. pakikisama b. particularism
c. loyalty d. pervasive influence
34. A principle that governs all three primary methods of SW & translates into different ways. 34.
a. non-judgmental attitude b. individualization
c. confidentiality d. timing
35. The clients’ repression of feelings enables the social worker to gain deeper insights in the
clients’ problems & become more sensitive to his needs 35.

a. self - determination b. individualization

c. confidentiality d. controlled emotional involvement
36. A SW principle that is derivative of the inherent worth & dignity of the man, of the belief that he
endowed with a reason & a free will. 36.

a. acceptance b. self-determination
c. non-judgmental attitude d. partialization
37. The most important component of SW practice 37.
a. program b. helping process
c. intake d. diagnosis
38. It includes a statement of the problem as presented by the client, impressions of the
SWorker as to the nature of the problem followed by some assessment of the situation
& ends with the recommendation. 38.

a. case record b. intake sheet

c. treatment plan d. summary report
39. It is critical process because it entails the gathering of comprehensive information about
all the dimension of a problem. 39.

a. case management b. reward

c. date-gathering d. support
40. It is the first step in the planning of the problem resolution & is needed to provide direction
to the efforts of both SWorker & the client 40.
a. goal b. intervention
c. assessment d. objective
41. Refers to the measurements of the impact of the SWorkers’ intervention. 41.
a. recommendation b. evaluation
c. termination d. discussion
42. Refers to the completion of the services & achievements of the goal setting 42.
a. termination b. continuation
c. data-gathering d. assessment
43. It is the bridge, the channel though which help is extended to the client. 43.
a. helping relationship b. community work
c. evaluation d. diagnosis
44. Refers to the forceful relationships of helping process, energetic, in constant motion,
advancing the movement to change. . 44.

a. dynamic b. emotional
c. unequal d. purposeful
45. It is a helping relationship phase for the client and social worker started to know, size
up each other. 45.

a. the beginning b. the ending

c. the intervention d. the evaluation
46. Refers to the period when the SW & the client & social worker play their respective
roles & performs their tasks to solve or alleviate the problems. 46.

a. the ending b. rolls

c. the middle d. punishment
Subject: Soc Wk 11 Name : Page : 5 of 5

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM ID No.:

Course & Year:

47. The termination phase of relationship 47.

a. the beginning b. evaluation
c. the ending d. assessment
48. It is a type of recording that actually concerned with the reporting of facts 48.
a. condensed b. narrative style
c. process s d. interpretative
49. It is a process of recording use to show the process & interaction within the interview
or to show group interview. 48.

a. narrative b. closing summary

c. the ending d. transfer summary
50. Refers to the review or a recapitulation of material which has already appeared in the
case records. 50.

a. summary b. interpretative
c. helping skills d. diagnosis

Test III. Enumerate the following :

1 - 4 Tools in Social Work

5 - 11 The basic helping skills in social work
12 - 24 The different techniques in Social Work
25 - 26 The Social Work Methods of Intervention.
27 - 29 The primary methods in Social Work
30 - 31 The secondary method in Social Work
32 - 34 The major types of case recording
35 - 37 Functions of Social Work
38 - 42 The Social Work Primary Values
43 - 50 The guiding principles of Social Work

Ozamiz City Name : Page 1 of 3
College of Arts & Sciences/Social Work Subject Code: Soc. Wk 42 Date:
FINAL EXAM. Document Code: MU-CAS-EXQ-SW42

I.D. No: Class Schedule: 5-6 pm mwf Proctor:

Permit No.: Instructor : Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM Course & Yr.:
Checked & Verified by:
Revision Status: 0 Dean/Chairman
Approved by: VPAA

Good old values are enduring, diligence, hard work, and honesty are some of these which I
should learn to practice in and out of school. I shall endeavor to practice honesty today by answering
the test questions to the best of my ability and I will not enrich my score by getting information or
answers from any other student.

Student’s Signature
Test I: Identification. Identify what is referred to in the ff. statements. Write your correct answer
the space provided. (30 items)
20. It is the scientific study of social problem like race relation, juvenile
delinquency, crime divorce, etc. 1.

21. It is the product of bath organization and disorganization and as

“any conduct that violates social expectations.” 2.

22. It is sometimes called the case history of technique, involves a comprehensive

& extensive examination of a particular individual, group, or situation
over a period of time. 3.

23. A society which is rapidly changing because of modern technology

is expected to be composed of many group having different values
& attitudes. 4.

24. One of the broad subdivisions of sociology seeks to diagnose & deal
in a practical way the sociological problems that beset contemporary
society. 5.

25. Refers to any standard or rule that states what human beings should
& should not think, say or do under given circumstances. 6.

26. Simply those things to which a society or cultural groups attaches

value, worth or significance. 7.

27. Refers to a concerted effort or movement in the field of social welfare. 8.

28. It is change in the social structure & social relationships of the society. 9.

29. Any failure to conform to customary norms. 10.

30. Represents the deviation or departure from societal norms. 11.

31. An individual below twenty-one years of age. 12.

32. It is the statistical analysis and description of popular aggregates with

reference to the distribution, vital statistics, age, sex & related factors. 13.

33. It is a type of sexual deviation which is the indiscriminate provision

of sexual relation in return for money. 14.

34. It is an infection transmitted from person to person by intimate body

contact, or other forms of skin-to-skin contact with an infected person. 15.

35. It is the generic term used to denote sexual responsiveness to members

of the same sex. 16.
36. Refers to a woman who has borne a child out of wedlock. 17.

37. Refers to a child borne out of wedlock. 18.

38. It is one in which the husband and wife are either separated or divorced
for one reason or another 19.

39. Any chemical substance which affects a person in a way as to bring

about physiological, emotional, or behavioral change. 20.

40. It is a state of periodic & chronic intoxication produced by the habitual

consumption of drug, either in its material or synthetic form which is
detrimental to both individual & society. 21.

41. It is a state of psychic or physical dependence, or both on a dangerous

drug on a periodic or continuous basis. 22.

42. A physiological and psychological dependence on alcohol which affects

adversely any one important area of a person’s life 23.

Subject: Soc. Wk 42 Name : Page : 2 of 3

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM ID No.:

Course & Year:

43. An institutionalized arrangement for terminating the marriage relationships

& allowing each partner the right to remarry. 24.

44. It is inviolable & a basic social institution in which the state has a
cherished interest to project. 25.

45. It is a type of divorce where either of the parties has no right lawfully
to marry again. 26.

46. It is an act which is committed by any married woman who shall have
sexual intercourse with a man not her husband. 27.

47. It is on the part of a husband who shall keep a mistress in the conjugal
dwelling or a certain dwelling place & shall have a sexual intercourse
under scandalous circumstances with another woman not his wife. 28.

48. ffgtggggcgggf The alteration of our surroundings, wholly or largely as by-product of

man’s action, through direct or indirect effects or changes in every
pattern, radiant levels, chemical & physical constellation & abundance
of organisms. 29.

49. It is a soft, heavy metalline element. 30.

Test II. Multiple Choice: Write only the letter that corresponds to your answer on the space provided for
in every
1. It is the scientific study of human social relationships with special emphasis upon groups
and institutions. 1.

a. Anthropology b. Sociology
c. Biology d. Psychology
2. It means the actual reproduction. 2.
a. socialization b. fertility
c. education d. population
3. This refers to death. 3.
a. morbidity b. mortality
c. monogamy d. migration
4. This refers to the difference in sex make-up. 4.
a. sex composition b. sex structure
c. gender inequality d. sex ration
5. It is the process of regulating & spacing the birth of children. 5.
a. reproduction b. responsible
c. family planning d. birth control
6. It is essentially violation of certain types of groups of norms. 6.
a. social problem b. deviant behavior
c. population d. family planning
7. It is the basic unit of society & always deserves special examination. 7.
a. orgnization b. family
c. conflicts d. divorce
8. It is used to refer to a man or a boy who is effeminate or has the qualities or traits of a
a woman. 8.

a. hermaphrodites b. homosexual
c. heterosexual d. unived
9. Drugs capable of provoking changes of sensations, thinking, self-awareness and
emotions. 9.

a. marijuana b. hallucinogens
c. opium d. heroin
10. It is a disease or a form of mental illness and as a disease it is a condition affecting the whole
man -his body, his mind, and emotions and his spirit. 10.

a. alcoholism b. hallucinogens
c. VD d. AIDS
11. It is an institutionalized arrangement for terminating the marriage relationships &
allowing each partner the right to remarry. 11.

a. divorce b. separation
c. adultery d. concubinage

Subject: Soc. Wk 42 Name : Page : 3 of 3

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSM ID No.:

Course & Year:

12. It is a major cultural mechanism that gives social, religious, legal & moral sanction. 12.
a. adultery b. marriage
c. annulment d. abandonment
13. The lead agency of the family planning program of the Philippines. 13
a. DSWD b. DepEd
c. DOJ d. DOH
14. It is an evidence of sexual relations outside marriage . 14.
a. child abuse b. violence
c. illegitimacy d. sexual harassment
15. This enables the couples to exercise their sexual rights with commitment and responsibility. 15
a. family planning b. responsible parenthood
c. communication d. reproductive health
16. Refers to the movement of people from one country to another to settle permanently. 16.
a. migration b. emigration
c. international migration d. immigration
17. It is an inevitable by-product of modern life brought about by the great strives of
Science & Technology. 17.

a. pollution b. control
c. poisoning d. transportation
18. It is the result of protein starvation & can occur even if calories are abundantly provided. 18.
a. anemia b. revashiorkor
c. mmarasmus d. heart disease
19. It is also an effect of malnutrition. 19
a. glaucoma b. trachoma
c. virus d. marasmus
20. It is also the control of migration for any regions of the country. 20.
a. family life b. sex education
c. population control d. birth control

Test III. Enumeration. Enumerate the following :

1 - 2 Kinds of pollution
3 - 4 Main factors in the spread of pollution
5 - 10 Varied sources of noise pollution

Test IV. Definition of Terms. Define the following : (5 points each)

1. Noise pollution
2. poverty
3. family
4. population control
5. family planning
6. marriage
7. contraception
8. juvenile delinquency
9. homosexuality
10. legal separation
Ozamiz City Name : Page 1 of 3
College of Arts & Sciences/Social Work Subject Code: Soc. Wk 12 Date:
FINAL EXAM. Document Code: MU-CAS-EXQ-SW12

I.D. No: Class Schedule: 5-6 pm mwf Proctor:

Permit No.: Instructor : Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSW Course & Yr.:
Checked & Verified by:
Revision Status: 0 Dean/Chairman
Approved by: VPAA

Good old values are enduring, diligence, hard work, and honesty are some of these which I
should learn to practice in and out of school. I shall endeavor to practice honesty today by answering
the test questions to the best of my ability and I will not enrich my score by getting information or
answers from any other student.

Student’s Signature

Test I: Multiple Choice. Write only the letter of your choice that corresponds to your answer on the
provided. (30 items)
1. It is the sharing or exchange of thoughts between two or more persons. 1.
a. empathy b. communication
c. interviewing d. clarification
2. The primary tool for data-gathering. 2.
a. interviewing b. recording
b. referral d. discussion
3. Any person in need of social welfare assistance of services. 3.
a. student b. victim
b. client d. SW
4. It is a principle in Social Work that guides the SW to regard the client as a person with
inherent worth & dignity that she is endowed with a reason & will. 4.
a. non-judgmental b. self-determination
c. acceptance d. self-awareness
5. Communication between the client & the worker usually in words which are often
transmitted unconsciously in words.. 5.

a. listening b. discussion
b. verbal communication d. questioning
6. It is a communication without the use of words 6.
a. questioning b. non-verbal
b. observation d. interpretation
7. The change occurring as a result of the transmission of the message 7.
a. effect b. channel
b. holism d. feedback
8. It is a collection of individual from 3 to 16 on number, who meet face-to-face interaction
over a period of time, generally with an assigned or assumed leader who passes at least
one common characteristics, & who meet with the purpose in mind 8.

a. group size b. discussion

b. leadership d. feedback
9. It is a process of verbal & non-verbal face-to-face interaction in a small group. 9.
a. small group b. task
b. theory d. small group communication
10. A complex of interacting elements. 10.
a. subgoal b. group
b. system d. goal
11. It is the dynamic of small group communication, or the changing nature of the
individual & intragroups interaction. 11.

a. problem b. outputs
b. process d. purpose
12. It is a force that impels or repels an individual towards or from people or condition
of the group. 12.

a. empathy b. motivation
b. evidence d. forum

Subject: Soc. Wk 12 Name : Page : 2 of 3

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSW ID No.:

Course & Year:

13. The object of end result that a group or an individual seeks to achieve 13.
a. objective b. goal
b. group d. leadership
14. An influential behavior, voluntarily accepted by group members that moves a group toward
its recognize goal. 14.

a. masking b. leadership
b. panel d. lifespace
15. The most basic and long-lasting group composed of family members or close friends. 15.
a. primary group b. panel
b. interact d. equifinality
16. Composed of members whose primary goal is to share ideas & conversation. 16.
a. social group b. task conflict
b. role d. territory
17. Composed of members with some type of instruction. 17.
a. encounter b. educational group
b. task d. synergy
18. It is one that communicates & exchange information freely with its environment. 18.
a. open system b. group process
b. interchange d. control
19. A description of group behavior based on position & negative forces inside and outside
the group. 19.
a. field theory b. inputs
b. perception d. purpose
20. It is the group’s personality or the group’s effect as a totality. 20.
a. syntality b. conflict
b. verbal d. synergy
21. It is an act, or its result that a small group is required. 21.
a. task b. goal
b. performance d. function
22. There is an awareness of the goal to satisfy a need. 22.
a. conscious level b. hidden agenda
b. achievement d. group goal
23. A system that results the flow of communications with the environment. 23.
a. closed system b. primary group
b. group process d. concepts
24. Suggests elements of a system that interrelates & affects individual elements and the
system as a whole. 24.

a. interdependence b. listening
b. process d. primary group
25. It is a quality of an open group system that ensures that the group has more inputs than
outputs. 25.
a. equifinality b. balance
b. system d. model
26 Usually occurs after members have expressed themselves & begin to feel more secure. 26
a. conflict b. understanding
b. synergy d. traits
27. Increasing levels of complexity. 27.
a. hierarchy b. control
b. syntality d. perception
28. Types of communication interaction between two individuals. 28.
a. communication channel b. comm. system
b. session d. meeting
29. It is a process whereby a system may reach its final state from different initial conditions
& in different ways. 29.

a. equifinality b. effective energy

b. panel d. listening
30. The total amount of energy available to the group to perform its activities. 30.
a. synergy b. systematic
b. self-concept d. pole skills
Subject: Soc. Wk 12 Name : Page : 3 of 3

Instructor: Ms. Merle C. Molo, RSW ID No.:

Course & Year:

Test II. Identification. Write the correct answer of the statements on the space provided. (20 items)

1. It is the process of selecting among several alternatives. 1.

2. Conducted on a one-to-one basis to solicit information. 2.

3. The selective process of attending to, hearing, understanding &

remembering aural symbols. 3.

4. An information gathering techniques used to gather a cross-section of

information or opinions. 4.

5. A discussion held before an audience that often encourage participation

from audience members. 5.

6. A collection of individuals. 6.

7. All communication forms other than the written or spoken word that
impart meaning to an individual or groups. 7.

8. The process of adjusting to feedback about inputs. 8.

9. Step-by-step plan to be followed by a group or meeting. 9.

10. The major outcome or product that the group intends to produce or seeks
to achieve. 10.

11. There is only a speaker & listener – no one else. 11.

12. Facts & perceptions to be used to prove a print in determining problems
& developing solutions. 12.

13. A single person functioning in a reasonably isolated setting. 13.

14. A verbal or non-verbal act of a person followed by a verbal or non-verbal

act of another person. 14.

15. A physical space in which a group members has activity. 15.

16. That which makes a goal attractive; the objective end result that a group
seeks to achieve. 16.
17. Knowledge about objects & events & about the relationship between
objects & events. 17.

18. Objective reflection on the ideas presented by others. 18.

19. Set of behaviors that are expected of/or displayed by the individual who
occupies a particular position in a structure. 19.

20. A person’s attitudes about or view of self. 20.

Test III. Enumeration. Enumerate the following :

1 - 9 What are the 9 levels of communications?

10 - 12 Important distinctions between small group communication & communication in the
13 - 17 Types of groups
18 - 21 4 stages of development in decision-making under Interact System Model
22 - 24 3 system Theories of small group communications
25 - 30 6 common qualities of open system
Test IV. Essay. Draw a diagram on Human Communication, showing the 9 levels of communication
according to Larry Bakerless. (20 points)

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