DSTP2.0-Batch-03 SEO101 1 SOL

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Hands-On Exercise No.

1 Solution Total Marks: 10

DigiSkills 2.0 Batch-03
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Problem Statement

Bill’s Bikes is a local bike store working in two cities in the USA. He has come to the SEO expert to get
his business’s website’s homepage rank higher for the search term “Bike stores in Los Angeles” and “bike
stores in Chicago”. Currently, Bill’s Bikes ranks on the second page for that search term. Your job as an
SEO person is to improve Bill’s Homepage ranking to include relevant content regarding “Bike stores in
Los Angeles” and “bike stores in Chicago”.

In this exercise, you are required to shortlist long-tail keywords against the keywords “Bike stores in Los
Angeles” and “Bike stores in Chicago” using the Keyword Planner Tool of Google Ads. The shortlisted
keywords in task 1 should have high monthly searches and low competition. And for the task 2, the
results should have buying intent like “rent a bike under 5$”, “mobile holder for bike”, etc.

Task 1:
1. Open the Google Keyword Planner tool by visiting https://ads.google.com/ (Sign-up is
2. Change the location from Pakistan to Los Angeles, USA.
3. Click on “Discover New Keywords”, write “Bike stores in Los Angeles”, and click on “Get
4. From the displayed results select 5 relevant long-tail keywords and paste them into the word file.
5. Take a screenshot of the displayed result and insert it into the word document.
Shortlisted Keywords:
1. bike shop Los Angeles
2. bicycle shop Los Angeles
3. best bike shop Los Angeles
4. Dtla bike shop
5. Eagle rock bike shop
6. Change the location from Los Angeles, USA to Chicago, USA.
7. Get results for “bike stores in Chicago”.
8. Take a screenshot of the displayed result and insert it into the word document.
9. From the displayed results select 5 relevant long-tail keywords and paste them into the word file.
Shortlisted keywords:
1. bike shop Chicago
2. bicycle shop Chicago
3. best bike shops Chicago
4. used bike shop Chicago
5. kozy bike shop Chicago
Task 2:
1. Now from the results of Task 1 broaden your research by adding “Bicycle accessories” for both
the results.
2. Shortlist 2 keywords that have buying intent and paste them into the Word file.
Also, take the screenshot of the displayed results and paste it into the Word
Shortlisted Keywords:
1. Mobile holder for bike
2. Yakima Bike rack

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