Curriculum Vitae

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Cantor Avraham Feintuch

Avraham Feintuch (Born in 1976)

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
From childhood he was recognized as
a prodigy, and from the age of nine
he performed in many concerts.
From the age of seventeen, he began
to serve as a cantor.
Feintuch has a religious, musical and
general education. He studied at
Yeshivat Hacham Nisim Cohen in
Buenos Aires, at the Yeshivat Kfar
Chabad in Kfar Chabad, Israel, where
also receive a Rabbinical ordination.
He studied music in the opera college
of Buenos Aires.
he has a special voice of lyric tenor with great richness of harmonics.
He is a specialist in the vocal technique method "bel canto", he studied
this method in Argentina with the famous opera singer and teacher
Agata Chisari, who received his musical training in her native country,
He studied cantorship with cantors Oscar Fleicher, Raul Alperin, Chaim
Feifel and Naftali Hershtik.
Cantor Feintuch served as cantor in several communities around the
world such as S. Paolo, Buenos Aires, Panama City, Florida, New York,
Denver etc.
Today he teaches vocal technique and liturgical modes in the "Renanot"
music academy located in the Great Jerusalem synagogue under the
tutelage of the famous music director Eli Yaffe.

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