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Review of Related Literature

It is made up of relevant literatures from both within and outside the country that

include relevant information and facts about the research project at hand. It also establishes links

between previous research and the current study.

Technology; The Critical History of a Concept


According to Schatzberg (2018), the Persistence of art as a core concept for describing indutrial

modernity is clear in the emerging discipline of anthropology, sociology and economic.

Industrial Arts was of in nineteenth century coinage and the term 'industrial' was rare. Industrial

Arts seems like it was it was the perfect to obviating the need to create new meanings for


Performance Level of Grade Five Pupils in Information and Communication Technology

According to Gaurino and Estrellado (2022), this study aimed to determine the performance level
of grade five pupils in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for the School Year
2021-2022. It used the descriptive-evaluative method since teacher-made test and questionnaire
were devised for the gathering of the primary data as reflected in the problem. The respondents
were the 65 Grade 5 pupils which were purposively chosen from the selected elementary
schools. The statistical tools utilized were the frequency, percentage, and ranking. It was
concluded that majority of the pupils have average mastery in ICT along safe and responsible use
of ICT, searching and arranging information using ICT, analyzing information using ICT,
communication and collaboration using ICT and creating knowledge products. The foremost
strategies used by the teachers in teaching ICT are discussion and lecture methods. The lack of
reading materials/learning resources in ICT and poor working conditions of computers are the
critical problems encountered by the pupils in learning ICT.


As stated by Lagrimas and Buenaventura (2023), the aim of this study was to determine the
mediating effect of a constructivist learning environment on the relationship between school
culture and student engagement in technology and livelihood education in Davao del Sur,
Philippines. The results showed that the level of constructivist learning environment is high, the
level of school culture is high, the level of student engagement is very high, and there were
significant relationships between constructivist learning environment and school culture and
student engagement.

Alignment between Teachers’ Assessment Practices and Principles of Outcomes-Based

Education in the Context of Philippine Education Reform
According to the study of Alonzo and Bejano (2023), teacher assessment practices are
critically important to improving student learning. This study aimed to explore the alignment of
Philippine Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) teachers' assessment practices to
outcomes-based education, one of the philosophical frameworks underpinning the educational
reforms in the Philippines. Based on data analysis, there are key issues identified including
unclear learning outcomes, limited use of assessment strategies and misalignment to skills being
assessed, incoherent assessment tasks, low focus on the use of criteria and standards, dominant
use of paper-pencil test, isolated assessment practices from learning and teaching activities and
teacher-driven assessment practices as opposed to student-centred assessment approaches.
Findings reveal that TLE teachers have requisite assessment knowledge for using outcomes-
based education but is not fully translated into their actual assessment practices. The school
context shapes the alignment of teacher assessment practices to outcomes-based education
reform. These findings imply that a more systemic approach is needed to align teacher
assessment practices to outcomes-based education.

Equipping Junior High School Students with Lifelong Learning Skills in Technology and
Livelihood Education
As mentioned by Mayuga (2022), the study focused on the lifelong learning skills of students
and their level of competencies in Technology and Livelihood Education, specifically on the
three core areas of Beauty Care, Cookery and Information and Communication Technology.
These skills include critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, computer
literacy, and career and learning self-reliance.
Findings revealed that students moderately manifest the six lifelong learning skills in Beauty
Care, Cookery, and ICT. They are moderately knowledgeable and moderately competent in the
three subject areas. The extent of manifestation of the lifelong learning skills among students are
all significantly related to their level of knowledge, skills, and competencies. Further, students
moderately manifest work, attitudes and have moderate competencies in work skills.
Strengthening the TLE teachers technical and managerial skills is a primary issue that needs to
be addressed. Based on key findings, a management plan was proposed to capacitate teacher in
enhancing students lifelong learning skills in TLE areas.
Instructional Competencies of Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) Teachers:
Basis for a Competency-Based Module

According to the study of Basala (2022), key competencies are becoming a profound interest as a
critical aspect of educational reform and curriculum innovation. Hence, this study assessed the
level of instructional competencies of Technology and Livelihood Education teachers, which
served as a basis for developing enhanced instructional program.
The study further revealed that there were problems met by the TLE teachers such as lack of
instructional materials and improper curriculum implementation. This study concludes that a
competent teacher should have sufficient knowledge, necessary skills and positive attitude
towards teaching. It is therefore recommended that school administrators should regularly
evaluate the training needs of their TLE teachers and design a training program to address their
Effect of Remediation Activities on Grade 5 Pupils’ Academic Performance in Technology
and Livelihood Education (TLE)
According to the study of Asio and Jimenez (2020), study assesses the effectiveness of
remediation activities of Grade 5 pupil’s academic performance in the subject Technology and
Livelihood Education (TLE). The study used an experimental pretest-posttest design.
The study found that there is a significant difference in the scores of the pupils after the
remediation intervention. Therefore, the researchers concluded that remediation activities can
affect the academic performance of the students.
Review of Related Study

Impacts of Problems Encountered in Teaching Technology and Livelihood Education to

Students' Learning Outcomes of Grade 9 Students at Hinguiwin National High School

According to Surquia (2019) School curriculum, facilities, and instructional materials provide
students a foundation of knowledge in preparing them for careers in the future. The secondary
school curriculum provides the students the knowledge and skills as preparation for their college
education. This study intended to determine the impacts of problems encountered in teaching
Technology and Livelihood Education to the learning outcomes of Grade 9 students at
Hinguiwin National High School.
The research design was descriptive. Questionnaire-checklist was the main research instrument.
Percentage, weighted mean, z-test, and Pearson's r were used as statistical treatment. The
respondents of the study are seventy-eight (78) Grade-9 students of Hinguiwin National High
School. The study was conducted from November to April 2018.
It was revealed that there was an impact on the learning outcomes of the students through the
problems they encountered in teaching Technology and Livelihood Education in termsof
Curriculum, Facilities and Instructional Materials. As a result of the " ̃'Discipline or behavioral
problems among students" has an often effect. On the Significant Relationship between the
Problems Encountered in Teaching Technology and Livelihood Education and Students'
Learning Outcomes, Pearson's r result was 0.72 which means a high correlation, the z-computed
value was higher than the z-tabular value of 1.92, hence, the decision was rejected; therefore,
there was a significant relationship between the variables.
A curriculum is very important in the teaching-learning process. The delivery of quality teaching
needed by the students to gain enough knowledge and equipped skills for a higher level of
education. Facilities such as buildings, classrooms, water, and sanitary facilities, lighting,
ventilation, and even classroom furniture are a very important aspect of the school. These school
facilities could make teaching easier, students' interest in the subjects could be sustained, their
academic performance is improved. Students will learn effectively through proper use of
Instructional tools and materials. The functional used of Instructional gadgets will contribute to
the development of the students. The researcher has come up with an action plan to address the
problems encountered in teaching Technology and Livelihood Education.
Effectiveness of Technology and Livelihood Education (Tle) Learning Area as Perceived by
the Grade 9 Students of Lumbangan National High School

According to the study of Apostol (2019), technology Tools use in the teaching of Technology
and Livelihood Education (TLE) are being used more and more in educational settings that the
government through the Department of Education, has made a commitment to bring technology
to the classrooms. Technology tools can help expand the opportunities for Filipino students to
improve their skills, maximize their potentials and prepare them for global competition in the
21st century.
For the last two years, Lumbangan National High School had NCII passers thru the initiative of
Mr. Zany R. Gargullo, Principal II, Mr. Toriano A. Digno, Head Teacher III in TLE and all the
TLE Teachers. Those students passed the NCII Assessment in Cookery, Technical Drafting,
Housekeeping and Computer Systems Servicing. Because of this, the researcher wants to know
the effectiveness of k to 12 program based on the perception of the grade 9 students who will
also undergo the said assessment this year.
The research design used in this study was descriptive which was conducted to determine the
effectiveness of Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) learning area as perceived by the
Grade 9 students of Lumbangan National High School with the use of questionnaire as the main
instrument of this study.
Respondents rated disagree that TLE learning area was effective in terms of understanding the
lesson and they rated moderately agree that TLE was effective in terms of classifying the
different areas, applying the concept learned from TLE, teaching strategies and using of
instructional resources.
There was no significant relationship on the responses of the respondents regarding the
effectiveness of Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) Learning Area as Perceived by the
Grade 9 Students in Lumbangan National High School. (4) The proposed action plan was
designed by the researcher.
The Challenges in Technology and Livelihood Education in Balayan National High School:
Basis for an Enhancement Plan
As mentioned by Lainez (2019) Many educators believe that Computer Systems Servicing is one
of the course in K-12 curriculum which plays an important role in molding students in this field.
A student of C.S.S. is expected to understand the basic knowledge in computer instruction, to
perform simple computer operations and even to install, to set up and to configure computer
systems. However, behind the competencies of the teacher and the high learning outcomes of the
students, there are some problems which may arise. It may hinder to produce skilled students in
this field and a challenge to the teachers in giving solutions in these problems.
This action research aims to propose an enhancement plan which can be used to address the
challenges met in C.S.S. at Balayan National High School in the school year of 2018 -2019. To
achieve the objectives of this study, the researcher conducted an action research. The participants
of the study were 22 T.L.E. teachers of Balayan National High School. In conducting this
research, researcher administered survey-questionnaires and conducted an interview to the
The results of the analysis showed that there are significant correlation between the teacher's
competence and the students' learning outcomes. The main factor to which this can be attributed
shows when the teacher has sufficient knowledge, skills and competency in teaching C.S.S., it
has a positive result to students which reflects on their high learning outcomes.
In additional, it was also found in the study that there are some challenges that need to be
addressed like excessive number of enrollees in a class, the accessibility and availability of
computers and functionality of computer rooms, computer and student ratio, as well as
increasing the ICT competence of the teachers. In line with these, an enhancement plan was
proposed which can be used to address the challenges met in C.S.S. at Balayan National High
School in the school year of 2018 -2019.
The plan is composed of activities that will help the teachers to address the challenges they had
met during their class in C.S.S. Through addressing the challenges upon putting action on the
enhancement plan, the students will be able to be more knowledgeable and skilled in this course.
Therefore, teachers should know the possible strategies or actions to find out an effective way to
address the challenges met.
Future educators’ perceptions on technology and livelihood education status and
development of work skills
According to the study of Jacolbia (2016) Among the learning areas, the Technology and
Livelihood Education subject is the most experiential, interactive, interdisciplinary and value-
laden (cultural, aesthetic, vocational, political-economic and moral values). It is in this learning
area that provides the Filipino learners the quality time to demonstrate practical knowledge and
life’s skills that have been gained, especially the skills of vocational efficiency and empathy (De
Alca, 2008). Technology and livelihood education is vital to becoming a productive member of
the modern workforce. Choosing a career path and then learning the technology related to that
field or industry can be an excellent way to improve the chances of succeeding in a career
endeavor. Technology education is widely available but it is not always free. Typically, students
will attend vocational schools, technical colleges and universities to learn technology, including
computer programming. Technology and Livelihood Education intends to develop knowledge,
skills, values and attitudes that will prepare the students for entry into the world of work. This
will enable the students to gain understanding and acquire competencies in various activities as
they relate to Home Economics, Agriculture Arts, Industrial Arts and Entrepreneurship
(Calmorin, 1994). The study of Technology and Livelihood Education needs redirection to suit
the conditions in today’s society and to promote advancement in knowledge and respond to the
needs of individuals, families and the community (Sizoo, 2005). In this light, the acquisition of
knowledge and skills as well as values and attitudes necessary to help the learners enter the
world of work should be given emphasis.
The respondents of the study are 125 randomly selected second year and third year Bachelor in
Business Teacher Education students of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines who are
officially enrolled in the school year 2013- 2014. The survey questionnaire is the major
instrument used in gathering the data. Simple random sampling was used in choosing the
samples. Bachelor in Business Teacher Education students are future educators of Technology
and Livelihood Education program. The study aimed to discover the status of the TLE program
as: curriculum content, instructional methods, faculty competence and adequacy of facilities;
how the status relates to the level of students’ development in terms of work skills was the main
focus of this study.
The respondents perceived the curriculum content as very good with a mean rating of 4.02. The
first item got the highest weighted mean which indicates that they develop understanding of the
different work activities and their significant contributions to personal, family and economic
development. The fourth item got the lowest weighted mean which states that students appreciate
the economic and social opportunities offered in the different possible available occupations. The
curriculum should envelope a myriad of practical subjects as well as subjects in the arts and
mechanics. Students should have the chance to experience the wide variety of opportunities in
life outside of school. Young children should have a better chance to find out what their interests
are with a diverse curriculum and older students should be able to pursue their interests with
chosen electives (Holt, 2007). As revealed in Table 2, respondents perceived the instructional
methods as very good with a mean rating of 3.94. The first item got the highest weighted mean
which specifies that through the instructional methods, the objectives of the lesson are explained
clearly and developed the lessons logically.
Schatzberg (2018). Technology; The Critical History of a Concept
Retrieved from:
Gaurino and Estrellado (2022). Performance Level of Grade Five Pupils in Information and
Communication Technology
Retrieved from:
communication-technologyogon State University, Sorsogon City
Lagrimas and Buenaventura (2023) The Mediating Effect of Constructivist Learning
Environment On The Relationship Between School Culture And Student Engagement In
Technology And Livelihood Education
Retrieved from:
Alonzo and Bejano (2023), Alignment between Teachers’ Assessment Practices and
Principles of Outcomes-Based Education in the Context of Philippine Education Reform
Retrieved from:
Mayuga (2022), Equipping Junior High School Students with Lifelong Learning Skills in
Technology and Livelihood Education
Retrieved from:
Basala (2022), Instructional Competencies of Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)
Teachers: Basis for a Competency-Based Module
Retrieved from:
Asio and Jimenez (2020), Effect of Remediation Activities on Grade 5 Pupils’ Academic
Performance in Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)
Retrieved from:
Surquia (2019), Impacts of Problems Encountered in Teaching Technology and Livelihood
Education to Students' Learning Outcomes of Grade 9 Students at Hinguiwin National High
Retrieved from:
Apostol (2019), Effectiveness of Technology and Livelihood Education (Tle) Learning Area as
Perceived by the Grade 9 Students of Lumbangan National High School
Retrieved from:
Lainez (2019), The Challenges in Technology and Livelihood Education in Balayan National
High School: Basis for an Enhancement Plan
Retrieved from:
Jacolbia (2016). Future educators’ perceptions on technology and livelihood education status and
development of work skills
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