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Lesson 2.

1: Definition and Importance of

Legal Forms

Lesson Summary
Law enforcement is not only limited to investigating crimes and
maintaining peace and order of the society. It also covers different legal
actions and judicial proceedings necessary to ensure that all offenses
are handled properly.

Moreover, a law enforcer must have a strong foundation on

different legal transacations or proceedings. One way to achieve this is
by having clear understanding and knowledge about legal forms,
especially its importance and scope.

Learning Outcomes
1. Define legal forms.
2. Discuss the importance of legal forms to law enforcement.

Motivation Question
Why is it necessary for law enforcers to be knowledgeable in
terms of creating or understanding legal forms? Write your answer on
the space provided.

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Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge V0 07-15-2020
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CrDi 108-20-001
Technical English 2 (Legal Forms)

What are legal forms?
Legal forms, also known as model forms, are instruments used in
judicial proceedings or legal transactions which include important details,
appropriate technical terms, and any additional material requisite to make it
accurate, arranged in a proper and systematic order, and conducive to the
adaptation of the transaction’s or judicial proceeding’s particular
circumstances. Practicing lawyers frequently utilize them as sample versions
of standard legal documents. In a nutshell, these model instruments provide
specific wording for formal legal papers as well as other crucial elements.
Affidavits, Acknowledgement and Jurat, Complaints in Criminal Cases,
Powers of Attorney, Special Contracts and Agreements, and Gratuitous
Contracts and Dispositions are examples of these documents. Summons,
Appearance Notice, Subpoena, Warrant of Arrest, and Search Warrant are
examples of official notices that can be regarded legal forms ( Bajado – Nano
& Pioquinto, 2014).

Importance of Legal Forms

Although spoken/oral communication is considered more convenient in
terms of spontaneity and fastness of delivery of message, written
communication is still equally important for it allows the possibility to record
and retrieve messages that verbal communication cannot. For instance, not all
statements, details and pieces of information that we get will be stored in our
long-term memory; most are just in the short-term memory, especially if there
is no personal/emotional attachment included. In the legal field, in order to
have a clear guide and evidence of the terms they have agreed, lawyers and the
parties involved request a written agreement for their contract or legal
transaction. Similarly, court processes use forms as documentary
requirements and evidence for these proceedings, with legally obligatory
material contained therein.

Scope of Legal Forms

Legal forms cover the study of Business Forms and Judicial Forms.
• Business Forms
Business forms are used in conveyancing, or of the forms of deeds,
instruments or documents creating, transferring, modifying or limiting rights to
real as well as personal properties, and other forms related to personal
properties, and other forms related to business contracts or transactions,
(Suarez, 2007).
A business contract is an agreement between two or more parties in
which each agrees to an exchange of money, commodities, or services.
Business contracts include sales agreements and service agreements.
A business transaction, on the other hand, is an occurrence that
involves the exchange of goods, money, or services between two or more
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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge V0 07-15-2020
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. No. VT-CTEAS-DAS-
CrDi 108-20-001
For instructional purposes only " 1st Semester SY 2021-2022

people. Buying insurance from an insurer and selling items to a consumer for
cash are two instances of business transactions.

• Judicial Forms
Judicial Forms are used in different kinds of pleadings, motions,
affidavits, applications, petitions, and the like. Forms in Criminal Actions, Civil
Actions (Ordinary and Special Civil Actions), and Special Proceedings are
examples of these (Suarez, 2007).

Figure 2.1 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 1, Section 3

(Image retrieved from:

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge V0 07-15-2020
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. No. VT-CTEAS-DAS-
CrDi 108-20-001

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