Auca1 DLP Medical Surgical 3 Bito Adam Sealtiel Pasay

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College of Nursing
CAPP – 1 / CA – 1


INSTRUCTIONS. Answer the following questions. Write your answers neatly and clearly with complete
citation of reference used (with pages).
1. Identify and describe 3 common deformities of the spine that are illustrated below

2. Differentiate Osteoarthritis and Gouty arthritis

Osteoarthritis Gouty Arthritis

Definition Millions of people worldwide An outbreak of joint inflammation

suffer from osteoarthritis, the that is typically very painful is
most prevalent kind of arthritis. It brought on by uric acid crystal
happens as a result of deposits in the synovial fluid and
deterioration of the protective joint lining (synovial lining). As
cartilage that cushions the ends white blood cells consume the
of the bones throughout time. uric acid crystals, intense joint
Despite the fact that inflammation develops, resulting
osteoarthritis can harm any joint, in discomfort, heat, and redness
it most frequently affects the of the joint tissues. These
hands, knees, hips, and spine. excruciating arthritis bouts are
frequently referred to as "gout,"
however gouty arthritis is but one
symptom of gout.
Clinical manifestation Joint discomfort and stiffness that
gets worse with activity and
(at least 3) becomes better with rest. While  Severe attacks of pain.
stiffness tends to get better
 Swelling.
throughout the day, pain usually
gets worse.  Redness and tenderness .

Diagnostic procedure Bone spurs, bony protrusions that The most frequent examinations
can develop in the joints as a are for uric acid. When uric acid, a
result of OA, can also be seen on bodily waste product,
an X-ray. Magnesium-based accumulates in the bloodstream
imaging (MRI). Less frequently, and crystallizes in the joints, it
your doctor might request an MRI causes gout. The presence of
to identify osteoarthritis. An MRI, elevated uric acid levels in the
as opposed to a conventional X- blood could support the diagnosis
ray, can detect changes in soft of gout.
tissues, including cartilage.

Give the 4 stages of gout:

1. Stage 1: High Uric Acid Levels

In the early stages of gout, also known as asymptomatic hyperuricemia, uric acid builds up in the
blood and begins to crystallize around joints, most frequently the foot.

2. Stage 2: Acute Gout

At this moment, a midnight episode of gout symptoms could happen suddenly and unexpectedly.

According to Dr. Fields, gout can begin in other joints as well. "This is when the person
experiences pain, redness, and swelling of a joint, most usually in the big toe, the foot, the ankle,
or the knee. "This is the time when the urate crystals are released into the joint fluid and induce
an inflammatory reaction, attracting numerous white blood cells and releasing inflammatory
chemicals that cause the pain, redness, and swelling."

3. Stage 3: Intercritical Gout

According to Dr. Fields, 75% of patients who experience a first gout flare will experience a
second within a year, although some people may go years without experiencing another attack.
According to him, the transitional period is when a person has already experienced a gout flare
but is not now experiencing any joint pain or swelling. Since gout tends to flare up and then
subside for a while before another flare, almost all gout patients will experience this phase.

4. Stage 4: Chronic Gout

Due to the possibility of tophi (uric acid deposits) developing, this stage is also known as
"tophaceous gout." Tophi commonly develop around the elbow or the bunion point of the big
toe. Tophi can develop anywhere in the body, though. According to Dr. Fields, this stage is when
gouty arthritis can cause joint discomfort almost constantly. In most cases, gout does not
progress to this level until it has been uncontrolled for a number of years.

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