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Mauro Donati Effect of immediate functional loading

Daniele Botticelli
Vincenzo La Scala
on osseointegration of implants used
Cristiano Tomasi for single tooth replacement. A human
Tord Berglundh
histological study

Authors’ affiliations: Key words: dental implants, human histology, immediate loading, osteotome, single tooth
Mauro Donati, Department of Periodontology, The
Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg,
Private practice, Perugia, Italy Abstract
Daniele Botticelli, Ariminum Odontologica, Oral Objective: To analyze hard tissue reactions to immediate functionally loaded single implants that
Surgery Division, Rimini, Italy
were installed either with a conventional drill preparation procedure or with an osteotome
Vincenzo La Scala, Private practice, Pistoia, Italy
Cristiano Tomasi, Department of Periodontology, preparation technique.
The Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Materials and methods: Thirteen subjects with two sites requiring single tooth rehabilitation by
Gothenburg, Private practice, Trento, Italy
means of implants volunteered for the study. Each subject received one test (immediate
Tord Berglundh, Department of Periodontology,
The Sahlgrenska Academy at University of functionally loaded) and one control (non-loaded) implant. In six subjects (group 1) the implants
Gothenburg were placed using a conventional drilling procedure, whereas in the remaining seven subjects
Corresponding author: (group 2) an osteotome preparation procedure was performed. Block biopsies containing test and
Mauro Donati control implants and peri-implant bone tissues were collected at 1 month in four of the subjects in
Department of Periodontology group 1 and in five subjects of group 2. The remaining implant sites were sampled at 3 months
The Sahlgrenska Academy at University of
Gothenburg after implant placement. The biopsies were prepared for histological examination.
Box 450 Results: Two implants of the test-2 group (osteotome preparation) representing 1 month of
SE 405 30 Göteborg healing and another test-2 implant representing 3 months of healing failed to integrate. A
Tel.: +46 31 786 3124 multilevel multivariate statistical analysis demonstrated that no differences in bone-to-implant
Fax: +46 31 786 37 91 contact (BIC)% were found in between test and control implants, the density of newly formed
peri-implant bone was significantly higher around test than control implants at 1 and 3 months of
healing. Sections representing osteotome technique sites showed fractured trabeculae and large
amounts of bone particles.
Conclusions: It is suggested that immediate loading of implants does not influence the
osseointegration process, whereas the density of newly formed peri-implant bone at such sites
appears to be increased in relation to unloaded control implants. The use of an osteotome
preparation technique during installation results in damage of peri-implant bone and enhances the
risk for failure in osseointegration.

An increasing concern regarding the possibil- implant contact (BIC) in relation to conven-
ity to shorten the healing period of time in tional loaded implants (Degidi et al. 2003b,
the implant-prosthetic rehabilitation has 2009; Rocci et al. 2003; Romanos 2009). Such
become evident and numerous clinical stud- studies were, in addition, based on few sam-
ies have reported on the outcome of immedi- ples retrieved from different subjects and the
ate loading of implants in various clinical question whether immediate functional load-
situations (Esposito et al. 2009; Romanos ing is beneficial or detrimental to the osseo-
et al. 2010). Clinical studies (Calandriello integration process remains to be elucidated.
et al. 2003; Glauser et al. 2005; Lindeboom The most commonly applied method for
et al. 2006; Donati et al. 2008) demonstrated osteotomy preparation of the recipient site
that immediate functional loading implants for dental implants is the use of a series of
Date: placed with conventional installation tech- drills with increasing diameter. In specific
Accepted 2 March 2012 nique and with sufficient primary stability situations where the bone density was
To cite this article: may be considered a valid treatment alterna- considered as compromised an alternative
Donati M, Botticelli D, La Scala V, Tomasi C, Berglundh T. tive in single tooth replacement. technique by means of an osteotome was
Effect of immediate functional loading on osseointegration of
implants used for single tooth replacement. A human Human histological studies on retrieved introduced. The purpose of such an osteo-
histological study.
immediately loaded implants have conflict- tome technique was to increase the primary
Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 24, 2013, 738–745
doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2012.02479.x ing results regarding the degree of bone-to- stability of dental implant by laterally

738 © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S

Donati et al  Human histology of immediate functional loading of implants

condensing the trabecular bone (Summers technique or by a modified osteotome prepa- around the healing abutments with inter-
1994). In a large clinical multicenter study ration technique as described in Donati rupted sutures. A custom-made abutment
on immediate loading to implants in single et al.(2008). A stratified randomization proto- (preparable abutment; Astra Tech Dental)
tooth replacement (Donati et al. 2008) it was col was applied to allocate subjects to the dif- and a temporary crown were produced.
observed that implant loss was more com- ferent preparation technique groups Between 12 and 24 h after implant installa-
mon in sites where implants were installed (conventional drill vs. osteotome) and accord- tion the healing abutment was removed and
according to an osteotome technique than in ing to healing time (1 or 3 months). The allo- the custom-made abutment was connected to
sites where implants were installed using cation of subjects to groups is described in the test implant and tightened to 20 Ncm.
conventional drill preparation technique. Table 1. The temporary acrylic crown was placed with
The aim of the present study was to ana- In six subjects (group 1) the implants were a temporary cement (Temp Bond; Kerr Co.,
lyze hard tissue reactions to immediate func- placed using a conventional drilling proce- Orange, CA, USA). The crowns were in full
tionally loaded single implants that were dure according to the standards described in contact in centric occlusion. Suture removal
installed either with a conventional drill the manual for surgical procedures of the was performed at 10–14 days after implant
preparation procedure or with a modified os- implant system (Astra Tech Dental, Mölndal, surgery. The control implants were allowed
teotome preparation technique. Sweden), In the remaining seven subjects to heal in a submerged position.
(group 2) a modified osteotome preparation
procedure was performed (Table 1). Following Retrieval of the implants
Materials and methods
an initial preparation with a twist drill (∅ Block biopsies containing test and control
2.5 mm), osteotomes (Astra Tech Dental) implants and peri-implant bone tissues were
This study was designed as clinical-histologi-
were used to widen the prepared canal to a collected at 1 month in four of the subjects in
cal, intra-individually controlled, single
diameter of 3.2 mm. The implants used were group 1 and in five subjects of group 2. The
masked trial and was conducted at four clinical
OsseoSpeedTM (Astra Tech Dental), ∅ 3.5 remaining implant sites were sampled at
centers in Italy and at the Department of Peri-
with lengths of 8 mm. All implants in both 3 months after implant placement (Table I).
odontology, University of Gothenburg. The
subject groups had an insertion torque of The temporary crowns and the custom-made
study protocol was approved by the human
 20 NCm and no bone dehiscence or fenes- abutments were removed and, following local
review board at the University of Perugia.
tration defects occurred after implant place- anesthesia, flaps were elevated. Healing abut-
Thirteen non-smoking subjects (11 men
ment. Cover screws were connected to the ments ZebraTM (∅ 4 mm; Astra Tech AB,
and 2 women, mean age 53.8; range 37–70)
implants in the control sites and the flaps Mölndal, Sweden) were connected to both
with two sites requiring single tooth rehabili-
were replaced and secured with interrupted implants and used as guides for the biopsy pro-
tation by means of implants volunteered for
sutures to cover the implants. cedure. A trephine burr, ∅ 5 mm, was used to
the study. All subjects received detailed
remove the implants together with a 0.8 mm
information on the study and signed a writ-
Prosthetic procedures wide zone of the surrounding bone tissue
ten consent before the start of the treatment.
The prosthetic procedure of the test implants (Fig. 1). The biopsies were placed in 4% forma-
The subjects had to fulfill the following
was initiated following the completion of the lin.
inclusion criteria; good general health,
surgical procedure. The position of the Following the biopsy procedure each site
absence of oral and dental disorders, missing
implant was transferred by means of an was further prepared with drills and Osseo-
of two teeth distally to the canines in the
impression-implant pick up, which was fixed SpeedTM implants (Astra Tech AB) ∅ 5.0 mm
upper or lower jaw, normal occlusion in reci-
to the surgical stent with an autopolymeriz- and 11 mm in length were placed. Cover
pient sites for implants,  3 months of heal-
ing resin as described in Donati et al. (2008). screws were connected and the flaps were
ing following tooth extraction, alveolar bone
The implant was provided a healing abut- replaced and closed to cover all implants.
crest in recipient sites wider than 6 mm and
ment and the flaps were adjusted and secured After 3 months abutment connection and
higher than 11 mm and an attainment of the
prosthetic therapy was performed with single
insertion torque at the implant installation of
crowns. In four sites, it was not possible to
at least 20 Ncm (to allow the screw-retention Table 1. Distribution of subjects according place implants immediately after biopsy. In
of the abutment). The study was designed to treatment procedures and healing time
such sites flaps were replaced and closed to
provide each subject with one test (immedi- Number Healing
of subjects Procedures time cover the prepared canal and implant therapy
ate functionally loaded) and one control (non-
loaded) implant. 4 subjects Test 1 1 month
Control 1
5 subjects Test 2 1 month
Allocation of subjects to groups and surgical
Control 2
2 subjects Test 1 3 months
The surgical procedure was carried out as Control 1
reported by Donati et al. (2008). Briefly, each 2 subjects Test 2 3 months
subject received an antibiotic prophylaxis 1 g Control 2
of Augmentin (Amoxicillin 875 mg + Clavul- Test 1 = conventional drill preparation +
anate potassium 125 mg; Glaxo Smith Kline, immediate functional loading.
Brentford, UK) 1 h prior to surgery. Following Test 2 = modified osteotome preparation +
Immediate functional loading.
local anesthesia full thickness flaps were ele- Control 1 = conventional drill preparation +
vated to expose the bone ridge. The prepara- no load.
tion of the recipient sites in each subject was Control 2 = modified osteotome preparation Fig. 1. Block biopsy containing the implant and the
+ no load.
carried out either by a conventional drilling peri-implant bone.

© 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S 739 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 24, 2013 / 738–745
Donati et al  Human histology of immediate functional loading of implants

was performed after an additional 3-month tion techniques (i.e. conventional drill prepa-
period of healing. ration vs. modified osteotome technique)
were analyzed. A statistical package specifi-
Histological preparation and analysis cally designed for multilevel modeling
The biopsies were processed for ground sec- (MLwiN 2.11©; Center for Multilevel Model-
tioning according to Donath & Breuner ling, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK) was
(1982). The specimens were dehydrated in applied. The significance for each variable
increasing grade of ethanol and embedded in was evaluated by the Wald test. Data
methacrylate (Technovit® 7200 VLC-resin; obtained from each section were collapsed
Kulzer, Friedrichsdorf, Germany) and subse- and weighted mean values and 95% confi-
quently divided into two parts (Exakt®, Appa- dence intervals (CI) were used to analyze dif-
ratebau, Norderstedt, Germany). Two central ferences. The lower level unit in the model
sections were prepared and reduced to a was the section and the upper level unit was
thickness of about 25 lm using a cutting- the subject. P-values <0.05 were considered
grinding device (Exakt®, Apparatebau). The as significant in all analyses.
remaining portions of the biopsies were
remounted and cut in a perpendicular direc-
tion and two central sections (25 lm) were
prepared from each unit. Two sections were
All patients were eventually restored with
stained in toluidine blue and two with fibrin
implant-supported single-crown restorations
stain of Ladewig (Donath & Breuner 1982).
in accordance with the treatment plan. Two
The histological examination was per-
implants of the test-2 group (modified osteo-
formed using a Leitz DM-RBE® microscope
tome preparation) representing 1 month of (b)
(Leica, Heidelberg, Germany) equipped with
healing and another test-2 implant represent-
an image system (Q-500 MC®; Leica). In each
ing 3 months of healing failed to integrate.
section the degree of BIC%, i.e. the length
All implants that failed to integrate were
fraction of the implant surface that was in
removed between the second and the fourth
direct contact with mineralized bone (newly
week of healing.
formed/immature bone and old/mature bone)
observed within the macro-threaded and the
Histological observations
micro-threaded portions of the implants was
Ground sections from biopsies containing
assessed. The densities (%) of newly formed/
implants and the surrounding bone tissue are
immature bone tissue and old/mature bone
illustrated in Figs 2–5. At 1 month of healing
within the area between the peaks of the
in both test and control units representing
macro-thread (“chamber area”) and in a
“conventional preparation” sites newly
500 lm-wide zone of the peri-implant bone
formed bone containing immature, woven
were determined using a point-counting pro-
bone was found in contact with the implant
cedure. Thus, a lattice comprising 100 light
surface (Figs 2 and 3). In the tissue compart-
points (Schroeder & Munzel-Pedrazzoli 1973)
ments between the peaks of the macro-thread
was superimposed over the tissue at a magni-
a distinct border separated the old-mature
fication of 9200 and the percentage area
bone from the newly formed tissue. Woven
occupied by newly formed/immature bone,
bone extended from the old parent lamellar Fig. 2. Ground section of a test implant representing
old/mature bone, and residual tissue (e.g.
bone into the central and inner portion of the group 1 (conventional drill preparation) and 1 month of
non-mineralized tissue, bone remnants, and
area between the macro-threads and in the healing. Original magnification 916, toluidine blue (a).
unidentified structures) were determined Detail of (a) the left side of the central portion of the
area lateral to the micro- and macro-threads.
(Berglundh et al. 2003, 2005, 2007; Abra- implant. Original magnification 950 (b).
In the sections representing 3 months heal-
hamsson et al. 2004).
ing of both test and control units at the con-
implants installed according to (i) treatment
ventional installation technique sites (Figs 4
Data analysis procedure (i.e. immediate functional loading
and 5) the area between the macro-threads
Regression multivariate multilevel models vs. non-loading), (ii) site preparation tech-
and lateral to the macro and micro-threads
were built to account for the variability nique (i.e. conventional drill preparation vs.
was occupied with parallel-fibered bone and
between histological sections from the same modified osteotome technique), and (iii) heal-
lamellar bone. The corresponding specimens
implant and to estimate the correlation ing time (1 month vs. 3 months) using the
representing the osteotome technique showed
between outcome variables (i.e. BIC %, bone BIC% and of bone density as dependent vari-
in the majority of sites fractured trabeculae
density %) within implant sites and the ables.
and gross amounts of bone particles (Fig. 6).
residual variance between subjects. Differ- Table 2 describes the results from the anal-
ences between implants according to (i) treat- ysis of the multilevel multivariate model
Multivariate analysis of data from the
ment procedures (i.e. immediate functional histological measurements that was built using the total BIC% as the
loading vs. non-loading), (ii) healing time Four regression multivariate multilevel mod- dependant variable. Treatment procedure
(1 month vs. 3 months), and (iii) site prepara- els were built to analyze differences between (immediate functional loading vs. not load-

740 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 24, 2013 / 738–745 © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S
Donati et al  Human histology of immediate functional loading of implants

(a) (a) (a)




Fig. 5. Ground section of a control implant represent-

ing group 1 (conventional drill preparation) and
Fig. 3. Ground section of a control implant represent- 3 months of healing. Original magnification 916, tolui-
ing group 1 (conventional drill preparation) and Fig. 4. Ground section of a test implant representing dine blue (a). Detail of (a) the right side of the marginal,
1 month of healing. Original magnification 916, tolui- group 1 (conventional drill preparation) and 3 months of micro-threaded portion of the implant. Original magni-
dine blue (a). Detail of (a) the right side of the central healing. Original magnification 916, toluidine blue (a). fication 950, interference contrast (b).
portion of the implant. Original magnification 950 (b). Detail of (a) the right side of the marginal, micro-
threaded portion of the implant. Original magnification
950, interference contrast (b).
(46%) between the micro- and macro-
ing) and healing time (1 month vs. 3 months) threaded portion of the implants regarding
were introduced as explanatory variables. newly formed bone and 0.49 (49%) for all
Although a significant increase regarding BIC differences in BIC% were observed between mineralized tissue (i.e. total).
% was observed for both the entire portion of test (immediate functional loading) and con- A second multivariate multilevel model
mineralized tissue (total) and for the newly trol (not loading) implants at 1 and 3 months was built with the percentage of bone density
formed bone adjacent to the micro-threaded of healing. The residual variance at the at the micro- and macro-threaded portions of
portion of the implant between 1 and 3- patient level was for all variables signifi- the implant and in the area between macro-
month healing, no significant difference was cantly different from 0 (P < 0.05). The corre- threads (chamber) as the dependant variable.
detected between 1 and 3-months for the lation between data from sections Treatment procedure and healing time were
macro-threaded portion area. No significant representing the same implant unit was 0.46 introduced as explanatory variables (Table 3).

© 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S 741 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 24, 2013 / 738–745
Donati et al  Human histology of immediate functional loading of implants

Table 2. Results from the analysis of the bone-to-implant contact% using the multivariate multi-
(a) level statistical model. Treatment procedures and healing times are explanatory variables. Total
refers to all types of bone; newly formed and old bone
Test Control

BIC% 1 3 1 3
Micro-threaded part total 26.3 ± 7.2 45.1 ± 10.9 30.8 ± 7.4 49.6 ± 10.6
Micro-threaded part new bone 25.6 ± 8.3 41.5 ± 12.4 24.7 ± 8.6 40.6 ± 12.3
Macro-threaded part total 32.0 ± 9.4 51.2 ± 15 29.9 ± 9.1 49.0 ± 14.3
Macro-threaded part new bone 30.0 ± 10.4 47.9 ± 16.1 25.3 ± 10.2 42.9 ± 15.4

Lower level unit: section.

Weighted mean values and 95% CI.

Table 3. Results from the analysis of the bone density% using the multivariate multilevel statisti-
cal model. Treatment procedures and healing times are explanatory variables
Test Control

Bone density% 1 3 1 3
Micro-threaded part new bone 16.7 ± 4.4 25.3 ± 6.4 11.4 ± 4.3 20 ± 6.3
Micro-threaded part old bone 25.3 ± 4.6 17.7 ± 6.9 25.3 ± 4.4 17.8 ± 6.9
Macro-threaded part new bone 17.8 ± 3.3 19.5 ± 4.8 12.1 ± 3 13.8 ± 4.9
Macro-threaded part old bone 30.2 ± 6.4 20.5 ± 9.4 27.9 ± 6.0 18.2 ± 9.2
Chamber area new bone 22.8 ± 5.2 29.3 ± 7.4 13.9 ± 5.2 20.5 ± 7.2
Chamber area old bone 6.9 ± 2.9 3.1 ± 3.7 9.5 ± 2.7 5.7 ± 3.8

Lower level unit: section.

Weighted mean values and 95% CI.


Table 4. Results from the analysis of the bone-to-implant contact% using the multivariate multi-
level statistical model. Site preparation techniques and healing times are explanatory variables.
Total refers to all types of bone; newly formed and old bone
Drill Osteotome

BIC% 1 3 1 3
Micro-threaded part total 32.3 ± 8.9 50.8 ± 10.9 25.5 ± 7.8 43.9 ± 11.3
Micro-threaded part new bone 29.2 ± 10.1 44.8 ± 13.4 20.9 ± 9.8 36.6 ± 13.3
Macro-threaded part total 28.2 ± 12.2 48.2 ± 13.8 33.2 ± 11.6 53.1 ± 15.5
Macro-threaded part new bone 23.4 ± 12.7 42.7 ± 16.7 30.4 ± 12.5 49.3 ± 18.1

Lower level unit: section.

Weighted mean values and 95% CI.

sites regarding the density of old-mature bone nificant differences in BIC% were observed
in any of the micro-, macro-threaded or between conventional drill preparation and
chamber areas. The residual variance at the modified osteotome technique at 1 and
patient level was significantly different from 3 months of healing. The residual variance at
0 for the dependent variables (micro-, macro- the patient level was significantly different
thread portion and chamber area) regarding from 0 for all variables (P < 0.05). The corre-
the density of newly formed bone (P < 0.05). lation between data from sections represent-
The correlation between data from sections ing the same implant unit was 0.46 (46%)
representing the same implant unit on the between the micro- and macro-threaded por-
bone density (%) at different areas varied tion of the implant regarding newly formed
Fig. 6. Ground section of a control implant represent- between 30% and 40%. bone and 0.48 (48%) for all mineralized tis-
ing group 2 (osteotome preparation) and 1 month of
Table 4 describes the multilevel multivari- sues (total).
healing. Original magnification 916, toluidine blue (a).
Detail of (a) the left side of the central portion of the ate model that was built using the BIC% for A fourth multivariate multilevel model
implant. Original magnification 950 (b). the entire portion of the mineralized tissue was constructed with the percentage (%) of
as the dependent variable. Site preparation bone density at the micro- and macro-
technique (i.e. conventional drill preparation threaded portions of the implant and the area
The density of newly formed bone was vs. modified osteotome technique) and heal- between macro-threads (chamber) as the
significantly larger at test than at control ing time (1 month vs. 3 months) were intro- dependent variable. Site preparation tech-
specimens at micro-, macro-threaded and duced as explanatory variables. A significant nique and healing time were introduced as
chamber areas after 1 and 3 months of heal- increase regarding the total BIC% and the explanatory variables (Table 5). Significant
ing. On the other hand, no significant differ- BIC% of the newly formed bone between1 differences were observed between site prepa-
ences were detected between test and control and 3-month healing was observed. No sig- ration techniques for the macro-thread por-

742 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 24, 2013 / 738–745 © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S
Donati et al  Human histology of immediate functional loading of implants

Table 5. Results from the analysis of the bone density% using the multivariate multilevel statisti- sis in the posterior mandible. Two implants
cal model. Site preparation techniques and healing times are explanatory variables
in one subject were exposed to immediate
Drill Osteotome loading, while seven implants in four sub-
Bone density% 1 3 1 3 jects were loaded after 2 months of undis-
turbed healing. The two immediately loaded
Micro-threaded part new bone 15.5 ± 5.7 23.7 ± 7.0 12.4 ± 5.3 20.5 ± 7.7
Micro-threaded part old bone 26.3 ± 5.3 18.7 ± 6.8 24.2 ± 5.2 16.6 ± 7.2 implants were retrieved with the adjacent
Macro-threaded part new bone 14.1 ± 4.1 16.4 ± 5.2 14.9 ± 4.0 17.1 ± 5.7 peri-implant bone after 9 months of function,
Macro-threaded part old bone 34.5 ± 5.8 24 ± 7.6 23.5 ± 5.8 13.1 ± 8.6 whereas biopsies from the remaining seven
Chamber area new bone 16.6 ± 6.7 23.1 ± 8.7 18.5 ± 5.9 25.1 ± 8.1
Chamber area old bone 10.4 ± 2.5 6.5 ± 3.3 6.2 ± 2.5 2.3 ± 3.5
implant sites were obtained after a period of
5–7 months. The histological examination
Lower level unit: section.
showed a larger BIC% for the immediate
Weighted mean values and 95% CI.
loading implants than sites for the implants
exposed to “delayed load”. Degidi et al.
tion and the chamber area regarding the old- received the intended implant-supported (2003a) collected biopsies from two implant
mature bone. No significant differences were restorative therapy. sites exposed to immediate loading in one
detected between conventional drill prepara- Healing around immediately loaded subject and from one non-loaded implant site
tion and modified osteotome preparation implants has been examined in several ani- in a second patient. 6 months after implant
techniques regarding newly formed bone for mal experiments. Romanos et al. (2002) placement, immediately loaded and the
any of the variables (micro-, macro-threaded placed three implants on each side of the unloaded implants were removed for the his-
and chamber area). The residual variance at mandible in six monkeys. Test implants tological analysis. The results indicated that
the patient level was significantly different were immediately loaded after installation, the immediately loaded implants had a larger
from 0 for the dependent variables (micro-, whereas control implants were allowed to BIC% than the control implant. Romanos
macro-thread portion, and chamber area) heal in a submerged position for 3 months. et al. (2005) reported on a case series on
related to density of newly formed bone Test and control implants were exposed to immediate loading and human biopsies. Of
(P < 0.05). The correlation between data from functional load for 3 months. It was reported the 29 implant biopsies obtained for histolog-
sections representing the same implant unit that BIC% did not differ between test and ical analysis one site represented a “control”
on the bone density (%) at different areas var- control sites, while bone density in the area unit that was not exposed to immediate load-
ied between 30% and 47%. between threads was significantly larger ing. Biopsies were collected after 2–
around test than control implants. Bousdras 10 months of healing/loading. It was reported
et al. (2007) analyzed bone reactions adjacent that the BIC% varied between 54% and 80%.
Discussion to single implants exposed to immediate In a single section from one test and one con-
loading for 10 weeks in a porcine model. trol implant retrieved from one subject, the
The present study was carried out to analyze Nine of the 12 implants exposed to func- BIC% was found to be larger for the test than
bone healing around immediately and func- tional load failed to integrate. In the remain- for the control site. Degidi et al. (2009) col-
tionally loaded single implants installed ing sites, the histological analysis showed lected biopsies from one immediately loaded
according to two different surgical procedures. that there was no difference in BIC% and in implant in each of two patients and from one
It was observed that immediate functional bone density between test and control control implant in each of two other subjects.
loading to single implants does not influence implants. Lee et al. (2009) evaluated the The results from the histological examina-
the osseointegration process, whereas the den- effect of immediate loading on BIC% in three tion indicated a larger BIC% in test than in
sity of newly formed peri-implant bone at dogs. Biopsies were obtained at 2 months control sites.
such sites increased in relation to unloaded after implant placement. A single section for The study design of the current trial pre-
control implants. Furthermore, the use of a each implant was taken into account for the sented with an intra-individual comparison
modified osteotome preparation technique histological analysis. No difference was between single immediately loaded implants
during installation results in damage of peri- observed between test and control implants and single submerged un-loaded implants.
implant bone and enhances the risk for failure in terms of BIC%. Although there are meth- The decision to evaluate test and control pro-
in osseointegration. odological differences between the experi- cedures in an intra-subject comparison was
Human biopsies have often been used to mental studies referred to and the present taken to overcome an anticipated variability
study hard and soft tissue reactions around histological study in humans, the findings between individuals. In fact, the statistical
experimental implants with smaller dimen- regarding BIC% and bone density are in analysis in the present study revealed a sig-
sions than those of regular dental implants agreement. nificant variability between subjects regard-
(Lang et al. 2011; Cecchinato et al. 2012). In Although consistency was found regarding ing BIC% and bone density. The absence of
such studies the experimental implants were results on BIC% and bone density in the differences in BIC% between immediately
retrieved using a technique similar to that present study and in the pre-clinical models, loaded and un-loaded implants in the present
applied in the present study. Although the there is less agreement with claims made in study thus indicates that immediate loading
implants in the present study were regular- human histology reports. First, there is lim- does not influence the process of formation
sized dental implants, the biopsy procedure ited information in the literature regarding of new bone in contact with implant during
was carried out in such a way that the result- histological evaluation of bone healing healing.
ing prepared canal in bone could be used for around immediately loaded implants in Several authors (Summers 1994; Nkenke
dental implants with a larger diameter. All humans. In a study by Rocci et al. (2003) five et al. 2002) reported that an osteotome prepa-
patients in the present study eventually subjects received implant-supported prosthe- ration technique may improve the bone den-

© 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S 743 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 24, 2013 / 738–745
Donati et al  Human histology of immediate functional loading of implants

sity of the implant site leading to an Nkenke et al. (2002) in an experimental tured trabeculae of the peri-implant bone was
enhanced primary stability. In a previous study on rabbits observed that implants a common finding around implants inserted
study on immediate loading to implants used installed with an osteotome preparation tech- with the osteotome technique. The findings
for single tooth rehabilitation from our group nique had a better BIC ratio compared to presented above on fractured trabeculae
(Donati et al. 2008), 54 of the implants implants inserted with a drill technique. In a around implants inserted with an osteotome
exposed to immediate loading were installed subsequent study Nkenke et al. (2005) evalu- technique are in agreement with observations
in 51 subjects with a modified osteotome ated the survival rate and bone healing of on test and control implants made in the cur-
preparation technique and 50 immediately implants placed with a conventional drill rent study. The results of the current study
loaded implants were placed using a conven- preparation and with an osteotome prepara- also confirmed the large number of lost
tional drill procedure in 50 subjects. While 3 tion technique in conjunction with immedi- implants in sites exposed to immediate load-
(5.5%) implants failed to integrate in osteo- ate and delayed loading protocols. The ing following installation applying an osteo-
tome preparation group, one implant (2%) in authors reported a high failure rate of tome technique as reported by Donati et al.
the conventional drill preparation group did implants that were inserted with osteotome (2008). Thus, considering the findings of
not integrate. Similar results were reported technique and exposed to immediate load. In enhanced risk for implant loss and the
by Koutouzis et al. (2011). They installed 20 this context it should be emphasized that absence of signs of improved healing, it is
implants in 18 subjects. One implant (5%) Nkenke et al. (2002) also reported on the suggested that the modified osteotome prepa-
that was inserted with an osteotome tech- consistent histological finding of fractured ration technique is not a valid treatment
nique failed to integrate. In the study by Kou- trabecolae in implant sites prepared with the alternative when immediate loading protocol
touzis et al. (2011) it was further osteotome preparation technique. Buchter is applied.
demonstrated that implants installed with an et al. (2005) installed 56 implants in the tibia
osteotome technique did not demonstrate a of six minipigs to study biological and biome-
high insertion torque that is in contrast to chanical effects of the osteotome technique Acknowledgement: This study was
the concept that osteotome preparation tech- on the osseointegration process. Biopsies supported by grants from Astra Tech AB,
nique enhances the primary stability. were obtained after 7–28 days of healing and Mölndal, Sweden.
the histological analysis revealed that frac-

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