Unit 1

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Mind Level 1

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1 Listen to this voicemail message and choose the correct options. Unit 1

0 T he voicemail message is from

A Sara
B Amy
C Claire
1 Who is the woman with?
A her sister
B her brother
C her mother
2 Where is the woman calling from?
A home
B a restaurant
C her friend’s house
3 When is the woman’s birthday?
A April 5th
B April 15th
C April 25th
4 T he party is at?
A the Carlton Club
B the Carl Club
C the Arton Club
5 What time is the party?
A 7 o’clock
B 8 o’clock
C 9 o’clock

Score: /5

2 Complete the sentences with words f rom the box.

isn’t aren’t is not am are

0 Is Luca from Italy?

1 Andrea has arrived but Paolo and Isabel here yet.
2 I’m afraid Maria’s here. She’s at home, sick.
3 Yes, my mother and father here.
4 I don’t know where Sylvia is from, but she French.
5 I from the U.S.A.

Score: /5

3 Order the words to make questions asking f or personal inf ormation.

0 old / how / you, Antonia / are

How old are you, Ant onia ?
1 address / is / your / what
2 your / telephone number / is / what
3 where / T im / from / is
4 from / Maria / Brazil / is
5 old / is / your brother / how

Score: /5


4 Correct the sentences which have mistakes. Check (✔) the correct sentences. T here is at least one correct

0 Can help me, please?

Can you help me, please?
1 How say you that in English?

2 What means that?

3 Can you speak more slowly, please?

4 How you spell your first name?

5 Can you repeat your telephone number, please?

Score: /5
5 Write the ordinal numbers as words.

0 8th eight h
1 9th
2 6th
3 14th
4 3rd
5 2nd

Score: /5

6 Complete the conversations with phrases f rom the box. T here are two extra options.

speak thirty excuse me thank you repeat mean thirtieth say spell help slowly

A: How do you (0) spell your name?

B: It’s U-N-D-E-R-W-O-O-D.
A: Can you (1) that, please?
B: U-N-D-E-R-W-O-O-D.

A: Hello, (2) , can you (3) me?

B: Yes, sure!
A: Can you (4) more (5) , please?
B: Yes, of course.

A: What does that (6) ? I don’t understand.

A: How do you (7) that in English?
B: You say, “I’m sorry.”

A: Sunday is July (8) . It’s my birthday!

B: Have a good time!

Score: /8


Read the text about T homas.

I am T homas Jones and I am from Australia. I am 18 years old. My birthday is next Friday, November 11th. I study
engineering at New York State University.

I also speak Spanish. I have a part-time job in a store. I like movies and basketball. My best friend is Bob Earl. We are in
the same math class. Our teacher is Mr. Kent.
7 Now complete the inf ormation below:

0 A country: Aust ralia

1 A day of the week:
2 A date:
3 An academic subject:
4 A language:
5 A type of sport:

Score: /5

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