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M1 Lesson1


When talking about public health we are focusing on the 1. Sanitation of the environment (hygienic
the community but can you tell me what does the conditions or waste disposal)
community have in common? Factors involved in 2. Control of community diseases
community? What about Health? 3. Education of the individual in personal hygiene
4. Organization of medical, dental and nursing
COMMUNITY services for the early diagnosis and prevention of a
particular disease
● A group of people or inhabitants living in a 5. Development of social machinery to ensure every
certain territory with their own boundaries, individual for an adequate standard of health
rules and regulations, sharing common goals
and aspirations and interacting with each M1 Lesson 2
● Is a body of people having common
organization or living in the same place under
the same laws or regulations.
● Any group of people living in the same area COMMUNITY DENTISTRY
or having common interests or work.
- The art and science of preventing and controlling
dental diseases and promoting dental health and
FACTORS INVOLVED IN A COMMUNITY: efficiency through organized community efforts.

● People must have professional competence - A science offering services, which are preventive and
● Strong leadership and involvement in educative in nature.
community efforts
● Unity - A form of practice, which serves the community as a
patient rather than an individual.


A state of physical, mental, social well-being, and not IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNITY DENTISTRY:
merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
1. To reduce the magnitude of a disease
● Universal dental diseases: dental caries and
DESIRABLE DENTAL HEALTH periodontal disease (98% of the population)
2. Poor distribution of manpower.
A state of normality and functional efficiency of the oral ● To meet the demands of the growing
cavity in relation to mastication and maxillo-facial population
complexities. ● Services in the depressed areas
It is the freedom from dental diseases 3. Application of the learned principles in
therapeutic management (to prevent the
spread of dental diseases)
COMMUNITY HEALTH ● Operation smile, dental mission
4. Because of its objective (Offering services at
It is the science and art of preventing disease, the least cost)
prolonging life and promoting physical health and ● To know the dental status of the community
efficiency through organized community efforts.
Public administration pays special attention to how far
public policy makers actually can govern and can
PRINCIPLES INVOLVED IN COMMUNITY DENTISTRY: achieve changes that are close to the planned results.

The patient in the community as a whole with varied Public administration involves a lot of large
socio-cultural influences interconnected organizations and institutions.
Attainments of goals and objectives through community
efforts and cooperation
Greatest benefit to greatest number at least cost PRINCIPLES OF ADMINISTRATION
The most efficient method of prevention is those, which
does not rely on a high degree of individual competence. The structure of administration differs in every nation, in
In every procedure, there should be a dental health every city, in every community or in every organization.
education component CEU community have different principle of administration
It is viewed with the philosophy of positive approach, even for every School or Colleges.
which is concerned with the ff:
a.) Community opportunities to improve dental ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT AND

b.) The need for preserving the need ADMINISTRATION

Definition: It concern with matters of broad policy.
c.) Attempts to prevent disease
d.) Resisting the necessity of resorting to artificial
dentures 1. Centralized Authority
● To bring authority (persons in command) to a
e) Maximum acceptance of dental health principle central point or under central control, which
permit efficient communication.
M2 Administration ● Frenchmen HENRI FAYOL sees authority as a
INTRODUCTION combination of official (derived from managerial
position) and personal (compounded of
Administration is the range of activities connected with intelligence, experience, moral worth, post
organizing and supervising the way that an organization services and others)
or institution functions. Administration is like the act of
the principal in the school managing the faculty and staff “SCALAR PRINCIPLE” - this pertains to the “chain of
and employing the rules of the school system. superiors” from the highest to the lower ranks, where
orders and information comes from one source.
Students need to learn this principle of administration as (School President – Deans – Division Chairman –
they are preparing to the future, To ensure their efficient Section Coordinators – Clinical Instructors)
performance. The subject training is community based
so then they learned the connecting link between the 2. Span of Control
school and the community or themselves with the The executive should have, supervise or control a
residents. This also provide motivation to the work force number of workers no larger than his control.
and make realize the goals of the organization. -(Section Coordinators)

M2 Lesson 1 3. Delegation
Administration focuses on the creation and maintenance ● Division of work
of policy by members of public agencies, governments ● When an enterprise is large, more work will
and public sector employees. be needed to direct and operate it, therefore
it becomes necessary to delegate some of
the work and also of authority and
● (Asst. Dean to take other problems in behalf 5. Autonomy
of the Dean) It is the freedom of control from others in matters
affecting the professional quality of their work.
OPERATING BAND – is the exceptional principle stating
that decisions, which occur frequently, should be 6. Authority
delegated to the subordinate and only that important This pertains to “material” and “social” order in the
issue, which is not recurring, should be referred to arrangement of things and people.
superiors. It is the right to give orders and the power to exact
The idea is the economic allocation of executive prudence corollary to responsibility
resources. The executive must economize on his time
by dealing only with exceptional matters. 7. Discipline
Is a system of rules governing conduct to impose order.
4. Line and Staff Principles “It is in essence obedience, application, energy, behavior
It was developed, to utilize the advantages of both and out mark of respect in accordance with the standing
functional and line organization. agreement between the firm and employees”.
Fayol declares that discipline requires good superiors at
all levels


LINE ORGANIZATION 1. Good superiors at all cost.
2. Agreement as clear as possible.
● Is the division in charge of units that carry 3. Sanctions (penalties) judiciously applied.
services of the organization to the public.
● Is characterized by a direct flow of authority 8. Esprit de Corps
from the top boss through various executives It is the harmony and unity among personnel.
down to workers. It is the principle that “in union there is strength”, as well
● It forms the essential skeleton of the as extension of the principle of the unity.
organizational structure.
● There is no staff or advisory positions

● It is an organizational component that exists
primarily for the purpose of providing advice
and service to line units.
● Instead of having one single superior, there
are group of specialists to boss the workers
in the various aspects of the business.
● These are group of specialist quite
responsible to the execution.
● Security Guard responsible for confiscation of

LINE PORTION serves to maintain stability and

STAFF PORTION serves to bring expert knowledge to
bear on problems.
M4 Planning ● To eliminate wasteful expenditure or
INTRODUCTION duplication of expenditures;
● To develop the best course of action to
Of a certain project or ideas that we wanted to do, accomplish a defined objective;
reaching our goals and objectives is not easy. There First purpose of planning is to identify the problems that
should always be a systematic way of achieving it. We may arise, there may be possibilities of too many “wants”
always start with a careful planning. but with limited resources (manpower, facilities and
money); Next is too be vigilant about the “costs”, the
Being a health professional, we have our definitive part financial aspect. It is best to allocate the funds to what is
to assist on the health care system. We have our part in really needed to eliminate wasteful expenditures; and to
developing dental plans for the community. work out the best plan of action. There may be a
possibility of conflicting values and ideas amongst the
So, what is Planning? members, despite of this, a common goal should be
determined to achieve the objectives.
According to E. C. Banfield, “a plan is a decision about
a course or action”;

According to Arnold, “it is a process of pre-action Components (Special Units of Planning):

thinking to provide a basis for doing”; and Dale defines
Planning as “Today’s design for tomorrow’s action, an 1. Advisory Component
outline to the steps to be taken at some future period to It is an advisory body that assists the Secretary of
solve problems earlier identified”. Health in setting up policies, defining guidelines to be
used by the service component in formulating health
plans. This is composed of the National Health
Planning Board (NHPB), NHP Commission, HP
To sum it up. Planning is an intellectual process which is Steering Committee and Board of Health Advisors.
concerned with deciding in advance what, when, why,
how and who shall do the work; It is a blueprint of action 2. Service Component
and operation (Marsha Conley, 2018). It is the body responsible for the formulation
aspect of the planning functions in the DOH. This is
For a plan to be successful, there is a systematic way of composed of staff trained in health planning.
doing it:

Defining the problem

1. Setting priorities Other studies mentioned three components of program
2. Developing specific goals and objectives planning:
3. Determining alternative and strategies
4. Determining the methods of implementation 1. Assessing organizational resources and
needs to inform planning
M4 Lesson 1 Components of Planning This includes the assessment process,
Before we identify the components of Planning, let us description of resources and data collection.
analyse first the “need” for planning. What is the purpose
of planning? Listed below are the reasons for the “need” 2. Analyzing the data to inform the planning
of planning: process
This includes synthesizing the data gathered
Purpose of Planning: to develop priorities and prepare the report.

● To match the limited resources with many 3. Designing a plan for sustainability

M4 Lesson 2
LESSON 2.1 DIFFERENT APPROACHES OF This article will give us more idea on how does the
PLANNING participatory approach to planning is done:
1. According to Evolution ( “top down or
Links to an external site.
bottom up”)

Plans are made by local authorities or planners after

assessing their needs or demands. Team Approach:
Top Down approach: This approach involves a team whose members are
equipped with different skills to formulate a plan.
The instructions come from the “top”. This people in
They conceptualize and forward the draft plan to the
authority provides the guidelines, plans, information
top management for review and approval.
,and the funding then they pass it to the middle and
lower people for implementation and control. This
approach is used generally in highly organized
organizations. This approach often results to project 2. According to Base Plan (Resource
failure, causes reduced productivity and lockdowns. Base)

Given a fixed amount of resources and the plan tries

to get the most out of it. This approach identifies the
Bottom Up approach: physical resources needed to complete the project
e.g. labor, equipment and materials.
This approach implies a pro-active team input on the
project. The team members are actively participating
in every step of the management. The decisions on
the tasks at hand are consensus. This approach 3. According to Concern of the Plan
encourages the team members to think creatively for
This approach is used by identifying first what is the
the benefit of the project; thus they felt involved and
needs or demands of the community.
appreciated in every step of the way.
M4 Lesson2 Part 2
In this approach the plans are formulated at the PLANNING
operational level. The course of the plan is from the Scope of Planning
bottom to top level. This refers to the limitations of the planning. What
are the things that are included and excluded – to
avoid misunderstanding.
Participatory Approach:
3 Factors should be considered:
This approach is a combination of the two
approaches mentioned above. The leader or top Resource – what are the things that can be
management will provide the planning guidelines and use and those that are not needed
parameters to the operational level. Then this team
will construct the plan and forwards to the top level Time – the specific tasks should be identified
for review and approval. and its timetable

On this approach, each participant becomes an

Quality – refers to the deviation from the
integral part of the planning process. The key term
desired standard
here is “participatory”.
The scope of planning may have a comprehensive or ● It is a time consuming and expensive
partial range: comprehensive – where all sectors of process.
the economy are involved; and partial – where only a ● Planning is rigid and may discourage
few or one sector is considered. innovation.

Barriers in Effective Planning:

Time Span of Planning
1. Long Term Planning 1. Difficulty of accurate premising
This refers to planning with a period of 3 2. Problem of rapid change
years or more. This requires a longer period 3. Internal barriers
of time for the objective to be achieved. (e.g. a. Capital investment
MRT/LRT construction, National election) b. Psychological factors
c. Policy and procedure
2. Medium Term Planning 4. External Barriers
This is concerned with ways and means of a. Government policy
achieving predefined goals and objectives b. Political climate
indicating what type and where resources will c. Trade union
be allocated. (e.g. Clean and green program, 5. Lack of sufficient time for planning
save “ilog pasig” program, Buhayin ang 6. Lack of sufficient cost for planning
One of the major problems encountered during
3. Short Term Planning program planning is about resources. The resources
to be considered are: personnel, equipment and
This refers to an annual or biannual activities supplies, facilities, and financial resources. There are
that needs to be accomplished. certain criteria to determine what should be included
(e.g. Community outreach program/ Dental in your resources:
mission/ CIVAC)
● Is it appropriate?
● Is it adequate?
M4 Lesson3 ● Is it effective?

According to the presentation: “Introduction to RESOURCES ALLOCATION

Planning” by Hari Prasad Kaphle, there are different
limitations and barriers to planning. Allocation of resources - apportionment of productive
assets among different uses. Resource allocation
Limitations includes: arises as an issue because the resources of a
society are in limited supply, whereas human wants
● It depends up on facts and information. To are usually unlimited, and because any given
get reliable information may not possible resource can have many alternativeLinks to an
always. external site. uses (encyclopedia brittanica).
● To prepare an effective plan it needs highly
experienced managers. Resource allocation is used to designate the
● Planning needs team efforts. available resources in an economic way.
● Planning may lead to internal inflexibilities
and procedural rigidities.
● Planning is an elaborative process needs GENERAL CRITERIA CONSIDERED WHEN
more paper work. ALLOCATING RESOURCES:
1. Efficiency Criterion
- These are resources allocated to areas, g/online-courses-and-resources/non-certificate-cours
which will yield a better economic return. es-and-mini-tutorials/population-analysis-for-planner
s/lesson-1Links to an external site.
2. Value Criterion
- These are resources allocated to areas, The image below identifies the things that should be
which are underserved, depressed and are in included in every steps of Planning Process:


1. Allocation among different population groups
(Mothers and infants, disabled, OCW, elderly,
cultural minorities)

2. Allocation of resources among problems

(How much to allocate to AIDS, dental health)

3. Allocation to spend on consumption or for

(To increased hospital amenities as in buying

4. Allocation among techniques or programs

(How much to give to public health, to health
education to prevent heart disease)

This refers to the most effective method of
significantly reducing or eliminating problems.

The main purpose of this principle is to have a

maximum production with the least cost of available
M4 Lesson3 Part 2
For us to solve the problems, we have to follow a
Generally speaking, Situational analysis refers to the
systematic approach of planning process.
process of identifying the current opportunities and
challenges that may affect the planning process. It
1. Situational Analysis (Where are we now?)
answers the question: Where are we?
2. Goals and Objectives setting (Where do we
want to go?)
In Healthcare, situational analysis describes the
3. Strategy or Activity setting (How do we get
situation regarding the health status and services of
a given area. It assess the extent to which the health
4. Evaluation (How do we know we are there?)
services were given. It analyzes the problem and
needs so the plan can address to them.
To further enlighten us about Planning Process,
please read the article:
COMPONENTS OF SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS This refers in identifying the problems and causes
in the four technical areas.
1. Description of Present Situation

Population Analysis – total no. of people; The most common situational analysis tool used in
geographical distribution; age-sex composition; vital the Healthcare industry is the SWOT analysis.
statistics rate; birth rate; death rate; natural growth SWOT analysis is a strategic planning technique
rate used to identify the strength, weakness,
opportunities and threats related to project planning.
Health Status – causes of sickness and death Strengths and weakness are frequently
internally-related, while opportunities and threats
Health Resource Analysis – health facilities; commonly focus on the external environment. The
manpower type; number, distribution and analysis of name is an acronym for the four parameters the
current and recently concluded health projects. technique examines (Wikipedia: SWOT analysis):

Health Related Socio-economic Factors – nutritional ● Strengths: characteristics of the business or

disposal; food establishments; transportation; project that give it an advantage over others.
communication; education and housing ● Weaknesses: characteristics of the business
that place the business or project at a
disadvantage relative to others.
● Opportunities: elements in the environment
that the business or project could exploit to its
● Threats: elements in the environment that
could cause trouble for the business or

2. Projection
This refers to the population and the different rates
of specific disease based on observed trends and
further modified by possible impacts of programs and
trends observed in the health related socio-economic

3. Problem Identification and Explanation


- Is a timed series of service activities which requires

physical, human and financial resources for the
implementation of one more courses of action to
achieve a given health policy objective.


1. Field of Operation or Health Impact and

Supporting Program
2. Direct Service Program and Functional
Support Program
3. Program for Direction, Coordination and
Management, Health System Infrastructure
Program and Technology Program

Program for Direction, Coordination and


- It formulates policies, programs and projects

- It directs, coordinates, control and manage program


M5 - Oral Health Program Planning

Health System Infrastructure Program
- Program for planning and development of basic
Planning is a very important part of dental care
health faculty network
provision that can operate at many different levels.
The goal of planning is to guide choices so that
- It includes health manpower products and training,
decisions are made in the best manner to reach the
health education and public information
desired outcomes. It provides a guide and structure
to the process of decision making to maximize
results within the limited resources available.
Technology Program
Oral health program planning can be justified for the
following reasons:
- Program for research promotion and development
It gives the opportunity to be proactive in
- It includes family planning and nutrition;
decision-making rather than constantly reacting to
environmental health; psycho-social health to include
pressures and demands.
mental health, alcohol, drug abuse; oral health;
It enables priorities to be set.
laboratory and biological products;
It identifies when resources can be directed to have
communicable/non communicable diseases control;
the greatest impact.
workers health; health of the elderly
principal obstacles to the program implementation
KEY ELEMENTS OF A PROGRAMME noted in the past and what need to be done to
overcome them.
It identifies as close as possible with the health 7. LINKAGES
policy objective or disease it is addressing. It includes the ff:
Examples: Community Outreach Program, Dental Responsibilities of the different technical and
Mission, Civic Action administration components of the health
Participation of other government health
2. BASIS OF THE PROGRAMME facilities/units outside the DOH
Brief description of the activity Responsibilities of any of the private sectors
Brief statement of the priority disease Possible involvement of other related sectors
It intends to solve the status of the program
Example: To render free dental services
It is an estimation of expenses
Objective of the activity
To render free, comprehensive dental services to the FROM EXTERNAL AGENCIES
community: Sponsors, NGO’s
To promote unity and camaraderie among students
and the community
To promote dental awareness through dental health 10. EVALUATOR INDICATORS
Impact indicator – health policy objective
Outcome indicator – health status targets/disease or
4. DISEASE/CONDITION TARGET condition targets
It indicates quantified change from existing levels of Output indicator – service targets
Examples: dental caries, dental diseases

It indicates percentage of courage of a given eligible
Example: 100 indigent families, 100 school-aged

It describes the course of action to be pursued
manner of implementation, program tactics
field units take responsible for the delivery of

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