Eapp - 1st Quarter Exam

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Division of Bohol

Valencia Technical Vocational High School

Senior High School Department

Summative Test in Oral Communication in Context

First Quarter

Be honest even if others are not. Ang exam ay parang love. Tama ka na sana pero lumingon ka pa sa iba.

I. True or False
Directions: Write the name of your crush if the statement is TRUE. If the statement is FALSE, write the
correct answer.
___ 1. Communication is a process of sharing and conveying messages or information from one person
to another.
___ 2. Shannon-Weaver model is a two-way process with the inclusion of feedback as one element.
___ 3. Transaction model is more interactive than Shannon- Weaver model.
___ 4. Motivation is a communication that facilitates people’s expression of their feelings and emotions.
___ 5. Information dissemination functions to control behavior.
___ 6. Motivation encourages people to live better.
___ 7. When you talk to others, you should not assume too quickly that they understand the message
that you convey.
___ 8. To achieve clarity, we must speak the same language as our listeners.
___ 9. Consider ethics in your speech at all times.
___ 10. The use of too many fillers can distract your listeners.
___ 11. One way to help you build credibility is through effective non-verbal communication.
___ 12. Verbal Communication refers to an interaction where behavior is used to convey and represent
___ 13. In the acceptance stage, the individual is very open to world views when accepting new
___ 14. Intercultural Sensitivity is when you respect each other’s cultural differences.
___ 15. Intercultural communication happens when individuals interact, negotiate, and create meanings
while bringing in their varied cultural backgrounds.

II. Identification
A. Directions: Identify the functions of communication in each of the following situations.
___ 1. Ms. Gabutan discusses about the Functions of Communication.
___ 2. John Paul shared how brokenhearted he is because Trina dumped him.
___ 3. Jericho shared some insights on how to study effectively despite the very busy schedule as
students. He tells them to not give up and keep on doing their best.
___ 4. Myles confronted Rito because he was being annoying.
___ 5. The teacher reads and discusses school policies to the students.
___ 6. Angelo thanks his classmates for letting him copy their assignments.
___ 7. Akira tells her classmates to be quiet when their teacher went inside the classroom.
___ 8. Lance tells his girlfriend how much he loves her through a phone call.
___ 9. Jonathan delivers his valedictory speech.
___ 10. Johnvil encouraged Jessa to not lose hope because life is still wonderful despite all the problems.

B. Directions: Identify the considerations in Verbal Communication in each of the following situations.
___ 1. Phoebe made sure that Jay understood what she is saying.
___ 2. Kathryn used imagery or vivid words when she talked to Daniel.
___ 3. Joy talked formally when she was asked to deliver a speech for the newly weds.
___ 4. Gerald did not use fillers in his speech.
___ 5. Joana chose her words carefully so that she can not offend the person she is talking to.

C. Directions: Identify the stages of the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity in each of the
following situations.
___ 1. The individual says, “Once we see through the cultural differences, we really are just the same.”
___ 2. The individual says, “All cities are the same; they have tall buildings, fast food chains, and coffee
___ 3. The individual says, “These people and I have different values and experiences and I think we can
learn from one another. “
___ 4. The individual says, “I can look at things from the perspective of various cultures.”
___ 5. The individual says, “Their ways are better than my own, I wish I were one of them. “

D. Directions: Identify the type of speech context in each of the following situations.
___ 1. You are participating in an organizational meeting which discusses the upcoming intramurals.
___ 2. You delivered an oratorical speech in front.
___ 3. You are a student journalist articulating your stand on current issues through the school
___ 4. You comforted your friend who was feeling down.
___ 5. You felt happy thinking about how your crush smiled at you and reflected on why this was so.

E. Directions: Identify the type of speech style in each of the following situations.
___ 1. Talking to your boyfriend/girlfriend through a video call.
___ 2. Asking your friend for an advice.
___ 3. Reading school policies
___ 4. Visiting your doctor for a check up
___ 5. Asking questions to your teachers
___ 6. Reciting the Lord’s Prayer
___ 7. Opening up to your parents about your dream course
___ 8. Laughing with your friend on your break time
___ 9. Talking to a stranger
___ 10. Calling your best friend “dzai/day”

F. Directions: Identify the classification of speech act in each of the following situations.
___ 1. Please get the keys.
___ 2. I am so thankful for your generosity and benevolence.
___ 3. You are fired!
___ 4. No one is a better student than me.
___ 5. From this day onwards, I promise to not hurt your feelings.

G. Directions: Identify the type of communicative strategy in each of the following situations.
___ 1. “Now, it’s your turn to ask questions.”
___ 2. “I’m so sorry but can you please repeat what you said? I did not hear you well.
___ 3. “Hey, dude. What’s up?”
___ 4. “Take care. See you!”
___ 5. “Good point. By the way, I forgot to tell you that I’m getting married tomorrow.”
___ 6. “Based on the topic which is the rampant issues on teenage pregnancy, teenagers really need
awareness on sexual education.”
___ 7. “Do you have anything to say?”
___ 8. “Excuse me, ma’am. Can you please make your voice louder? We can not hear you at the back.”
___ 9. “Go on with your ideas. I’ll let you finish first before I say something.
___ 10. “Have you watched the new episode of Too Good to be True?

III. Essay (10 points)

 What is the most significant learning you have learned in our subject? Give feedback on the

In the real world, we all encounter different tests or trials concurrently. Do not be afraid from failing.
Take that as a learning/lesson. Take a rest then get back on your knees and stand strong. Continue
your journey. I’m rooting for you! Fighting! You can do it! 😊

Ma’am Jovie

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