NEMS2012 Abstract Template

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Title of Your Paper

A. Author1, B. Author2, C. Author1, 2 1 Department, Institution/Company, City, Country 2 Department, Institution/Company, City, Country Summary (maximum 150 words) This is the guideline and template of abstracts for IEEE-NEMS 2012. When uploading the abstract to our website, you will be asked to indicate the topic category in which the abstract will be registered and reviewed. Please select one category suitable for your contribution: 1 Nanophotonics 2 Nanomaterials 3 Carbon Nanotube based Devices and Systems 4 Nanoscale Robotics, Assembly, and Automation 5 Molecular Sensors, Actuators, and Systems 6 Integration of MEMS/NEMS with Molecular Sensors/Actuators 7 Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 8 Micro and Nano Heat Transfer 9 Nanobiology, Nano-bio-informatics, Nanomedicine 10 Micro and Nano Fabrication 11 Micro/Nano Sensors and Actuators 12 Micro/Nanoelectromechanical Systems (M/NEMS) Please underline the presenting author and make sure that the e-mail address, regular mail address, telephone number, and fax number of the corresponding author are provided at the end of the first page. In the first summary, please describe your major achievements and present the summary of your contribution in a nutshell. Motivation and results The motivation and results of your research must be clearly identified and the novelty or progress made compared to the state of the art has to be provided. The total length of the abstract text (first page) including the summary but excluding references should not exceed 500 words. Please show the word count at the end of the main text. It is mandatory to present results in the abstract. Please illustrate your approach and representative results by referring to figures and/or tables on the second page. The second page may contain only figures and/or tables. To explain the motivation and background of your work, you can refer to previous works by yourselves and/or other researchers in the first page. For example: The fabrication process for the microfluidic device was reported at MEMS 2011 [1]. The abstract must be submitted via the web site ( no later than September 30, 2011. Instructions on uploading the file are indicated on the web site. The abstract must be converted to PDF format, prior to uploading. Please make sure that the pdf file can be opened without any problem by the latest English-version Acrobat Reader. To avoid font problems and make your abstract easy to read, it is recommended to use Times New Roman 11 pt for the main texts, authors, affiliations (italics), Times New Roman 10 pt for the references, figure and table captions (italics), Times New Roman 11 pt bold for the headings and Times New Roman 14 pt bold for the title. In addition, please make sure that the resolution of the figures is sufficient. The paper size is A4 i.e. 210 mm (width) by 297 mm (height). If abstract is accepted, you have to submit a final manuscript (4- to 6-pages of standard IEEE conference paper OR 1- to 2-pages of abstract) to the same website (the template for this will be different from the abstract template), which will be included in the official conference proceedings. Note that for inclusion in the official proceedings it is mandatory that the paper is presented at the conference. References
[1] A. Kyoto, B. Yoshida, C. Katsura, Proc. MEMS2011, pp. 368-371. [2] D. Kansai, E. F. Narita, J. Microelectromech. Syst, 19 (2010), pp. 1058-1069. [3] G. Fujiyama, Comprehensive Microsystems, 2nd ed. (Elsevier, 2008), pp. 1-23.

Word count: 506 Corresponding author: Name, detailed address, phone, fax, e-mail

Fig. 1: The second page should contain only figures and/or tables. Details can be outlined briefly in the captions.

Fig. 3: Please make sure that the pdf file can be opened without any problem by the latest English-version Acrobat Reader.

Fig. 2: Please make sure that the resolution of the figures is sufficient. Fig. 4: Photographs and pictures must be of impeccable grey-scale quality. For color pictures make sure that the quality will be sufficient in gray-scale printing. Table 1: Sample of a Table format. Table head Copy Table column head Table column subhead More table copy Subhead Subhead

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