Sambaoa Deimler Module 11 21st

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|21st Century Literature of the Philippines and the World

Activity (Journey to Meaningful Learning)

Name: Deimler B. Sambaoa

Grade &Section: STEM C-12

Text Analysis. Answer the following questions to better understand the literary text.
1. What do you feel after reading the opening paragraph, especially with descriptions of the reception
center at Auschwitz?
I feel so scared and anxious about this.

2. In paragraph 2, an SS officer ordered, “Men to the left! Women to the right!”

Why were those words significant in the story?
In the plot, the words are important because it is possible to have a huge shift in his life because he and his mother and sister
would be separated.

3. What does the narrator witness in paragraph 10 that has kept him from sleeping from that moment
He saw the children and the babies burning with giant flames in the pit.

4. In the final paragraph, why do you think is the word “Never…” repeated so many time? What effect
does this repetition create?
The word "never" was stressed by him because he talked of it as a nightmare and he could not forget it.

Module 11. Memoir

|21st Century Literature of the Philippines and the World

5. Many parts of the narrative conjure vivid imagery that strongly appeal to the senses. Cite at least one
line from the text, and identify the emotion conveyed by the imagery.

Type of
Line from the Text Emotion Conveyed

“… in the air that smell of burning flesh.” Terrified

Visual “flames were leaping up from a ditch, Terrified

gigantic flames”

Olfactory “in the air that smell of burning flesh.” Terrified

Auditory “But his voice was tense and weary” Curious

Tactile “My forehead was bathed in cold sweat” ?

? ?


Module 11. Memoir

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