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Causes and Effects of Procrastination on the Academic

Performances of Grade 12 Students at Prime Brilliant Minds Academy

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
SY. 2022-2023
278 Mc. Arthur Highway, Lucao District, Dagupan City, Pangasinan

Francille Joy M. De Vera

Eluisa Mae Mahomat
Aljur S. Ramirez
Abegael V. Victorio

Background of Study

Procrastination is a very common characteristics of Grade12 Students. It is a

state of being slow or late about doing something that should be done at a certain point

of time. It is usually evident to most of the students who are used to delaying or

postponing their tasks instead of setting their priorities first. Learners often develop this

attitude around their teen ages, where puberty changes a lot of aspects both on their

physical and their emotional and psychological behavior.

It is often mistaken as laziness. Laziness is doing completely nothing out of task.

While in procrastination, it is delaying a given task and cramming it to the last minute,

which often leads to poor performance and evaluation of work. Procrastination is a

matter of choice where in you choose to put necessary thing in preference to those

which are more important.

Researchers are intrigued by Grade 12 Students behavior and procrastination of

submitting academic assignments and the many studies in educational and

psychological research that have been published. Academic procrastination is one area

of Grade 12 Students behavior that has been widely studied and is affecting half of the

Grade 12 Students population (Rosental and Carlbring, 2014). Solomon and Rothblum

(1984) defined academic procrastination as pervasive and permanent desire on the part
of learners to postpone academic activities, which almost always is accompanied by

anxiety. Binder (2000) expanded the definition and describe academic procrastination

as *any academic task that is delayed or avoided as a result of the discrepancy

between intention and actual behavior to the extent that it produces negative affect in

the procrastinator.* Steel*2007 report that 80-95 percent of Grade 12 Students

procrastinate attracted significant interest and further research into Grade 12 students

characteristics of procrastination in submitting performances and academic

assignments. Steel defined procrastination as the intentional delay of an intended action

despite an awareness of negative outcomes (2007). He defined it as a voluntary but

irrational delay of an intended course of action, with non-beneficial consequences

(Steel, 2007). This study extends the author*s previous research (Jones and

Blankenship, 2019) and seeks to further understand the extent of the link between the

timing of student submission of online assignments and the academic performance or

quality of that submission. For many Grade 12 students, academic procrastination is

associated with dysfunctional learning outcomes such as low academic performance,

low quality of academic work, lack of knowledge, time pressure, dropout and

lengthened course of study.


1. What are the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of;

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender;

1.3 Strand/Grade;

2. What are the cause of procrastination on academic performance of


3. What are the suggestions/recommendations for the students to avoid

Survey Questionnaire


1. I feel that I am a

person of worth, atleast

on an equal plan with


2. I feel that I have a

number of good


3. I am inclined to feel

that I am a failure.

4. I am able to do

things as well as most

other people.

5. I feel I do not have

much to be proud of.

6. I take a positive

attitude toward myself.

7. I am satisfied with

8. I wish I could have

more respect for myself.

9. I certainly feel

useless at times.

10. I think I am good at


The study of the Cause and effects of Procrastination on academic performance

can provide a deeper understanding of this phenomenon and its impact on students. By

identifying the reasons behind procrastination, such as lack of motivation, dis

organization or fear of failure, the study can help educators, parents and students

develop targeted strategies to overcome these challenges. The study can also help to

highlight the importance of creating a supportive learning environment that promotes

good study habits, time management skills, and a growth mindset.

More over, the results of the study can inform academic institutions on the need

to provide resources and support to students who struggle with procrastination. This

could include workshops, counseling services or peer metoship programs to help

students develop effective study habits and overcome obstacles. The study can also

serve as a wake up cal to policy-makers on the need to prioritize student well being and

success in their education policies and programs.


The study will mainly focus on the Cause and Effect of Procrastination on the

Grade 12 Students at Prime Brilliant Minds Academy. The respondents for this study will

only include students in Grade 12. Moreover, this would be limited only to the students

of would be limited only to the students of Prime Brilliant Minds Academy. The study

will conducted around Lucao District, Dagupan City, where the school is located.

Furthermore, the respondents may use perception and observation in answering the

survey questionnaire.



The academic environment is full of challenges and obstacles. With this idea,

students promote some unconventional practices in studying. One of which is academic

procrastination. This study analyzed the relationship between academic procrastination

and academic performance of freshmen students from a teacher education institution.

The researcher used a descriptive-correlational research design for this study. Ninety

(90) freshmen students took part in the survey using a convenience sampling technique

in the academic year of 2018-2019. This study used an adapted instrument for data

gathering through a survey. The study also utilized SPSS 20 to analyze the data. Results

showed that the respondents procrastinate in their academic activities. In terms of

academic performance, professional education subjects got the lowest rating score and

the major subjects got the highest. In addition, the program, scholarship status, and

religion of the respondents got significant statistical differences. Furthermore, the study

also obtained a low indirect relationship between academic procrastination, general

education subjects, and professional education subjects. From the findings of the study,

the researcher provided pertinent recommendations for parents, students, instructors,

and the institution..

Nowadays, especially in modular modality, students tend to procrastinate or to

delay a certain work that needs to be accomplished on a certain deadline. It is a

behavioral problem that occurs in every individual. The research design of this study

utilized the phenomenological method to determine the Procrastination attitude of the

students in a modular distance learning modality in The Rizal Memorial Colleges, Inc.

The participants of this study composed of 10 Senior High School students. The data

obtained identified emergent themes clustered into three, namely: Diligence, Honesty,

and Hope. Based on the results, one of the existing behaviors that any person could

have, with or without their knowledge, and became the major problem of everyone,

especially to every student, is procrastination. With this, the implications to the teachers

were to provide motivations towards their students in order to banish procrastination.

The purpose of this study was to explore Active and Passive Procrastination in

relation to Mastery-Approach, Mastery-Avoidance, Performance-Approach, Performance-

Avoidance Goal Orientations. It wanted to determine which among these predict college

students' academic school performance. Data were collected and analyzed from 30

undergraduates – comprised of 17 dean's listers and 13 probationary students – from

the Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Manila. The results indicated that there is a

significant relationship between Procrastination and Achievement Goal Orientation.The

results also indicated that Procrastination was a predictor of student's Academic

Performance (GWA) in school. Implications and future recommendations of this study

are discussed.
Procrastination became common practices to many students which has affected

their learning productivity. This study was conducted for the purpose of gathering facts

and information about procrastination and how it affected the students in academic

aspect. This study aimed to accomplish the following objectives: to determine the effect

of procrastination on the learning productivity, to discover the factors that cause

procrastination, and to identify if there is any significant difference of academic

procrastination on the learning productivity of the respondents when they are grouped

according to gender.

The researchers used descriptive research method in gathering data. Convenience

sampling was applied to select the respondents composing of 50 students from all

section of Grade 12 STEM strand. Weighted arithmetic mean and independent t-test are

the statistical tools used to answer the entire research question. The data gathered was

computed using a computer programming called Statistical Package for Social Sciences

(SPSS) and analyzed and interpreted with aide of the statistician.

In view of the findings and analysis, the following recommendation are hereby

presented, students must set deadlines to be more productive and should eliminate

distraction when doing school works; parents must not fail to monitor the academic

tasks of their children. Parental motivation, guidance, and advice would be much help in

light of the modular learning in order to motivate and boast the students to do their
work; and teachers alongside student leaders must initiate a seminar addressing time

management to overcome procrastination among students.

The study explored the contributing factors and impact in procrastination

behaviors among the students. Responses were gathered from the 181 business

administration students of Surigao Del Sur State University, Philippines. It sought to find

out the impact of procrastination on students affecting they’re school performance. This

research employed the descriptive quantitative research design specifically the

observational and survey that would best support this study. The respondents of the

study are the students of the College of Business and Management specifically those

majoring in Financial Management and Human Resource Development Management

which are the only BSBA programs offered at Surigao Del Sur State University, Brgy.

Pag-antayan, Cantilan, Surigao Del Sur. The study made use of a researcher-made

survey questionnaire and a supplemental interview. Result of the study revealed that

majority of the responders are procrastinators although with different factors and

extent of procrastination when posed to such situations. They needed self-motivation,

determination, and exciting teachers. This is clear to the students who become

unmotivated to do the work. Students are also looking for purpose, excitement, and

motivation in their classes. Recommendations include planning and conducting of

educational and counseling programs that deal with procrastination with proper

methods for the students’ personality traits.


Procrastination is consistently viewed as problematic to academic success and

students’ general well-being. There are prevailing questions regarding the underlying

and maintaining mechanisms of procrastination which are yet to be learn. The aim of

the present study was to combine different ways to explain procrastination and explore

how students’ time and effort management skills, psychological flexibility and

academic self-efficacy are connected to procrastination as they have been commonly

addressed separately in previous studies. The data were collected from 135 students

who participated in a voluntary time management and well-being course in autumn

2019. The results showed that students’ ability to organize their time and effort has the

strongest association with procrastination out of the variables included in the study.

Psychological flexibility also has a strong individual role in explaining procrastination

along with time and effort management skills. Surprisingly, academic self-efficacy did

not have a direct association with procrastination. Interestingly, our findings further

suggest that time and effort management and psychological flexibility are closely

related and appear to go hand in hand and, thus, both need to be considered when the

aim is to reduce procrastination. The implications of the findings are further discussed.

Hailikari, T., Katajavuori, N. & Asikainen, H. Understanding procrastination: A

case of a study skills course. Soc Psychol Educ 24, 589–606 (2021).

This article aims to examine the relationship between the online learning

readiness and academic procrastination behaviors of the per-service mathematics

teachers. In line with this research purpose, it is examined whether the online learning

readiness and academic procrastination differentiate with regard to demographic

variables such as gender, grade levels...etc.; and as well as that to technical problems

occurs during the online learning process, the last minute course and the instructors’

impact during the course study process. This research has been conducted with 314

per-service mathematics teachers that currently attending the Faculty of Education of

different universities in Turkey. The relevant analyses revealed that there is a low-level

significant relationship between the academic procrastination tendency and online

learning readiness. Besides, the scores of academic procrastination tendency and online

learning readiness are found higher among males, first graders, those who have access

problems and those who think an instructor is a determinant. The research findings are

discussed within the light of related literature.

Within the field of procrastination, much research has been conducted on factors

that have an influence on academic procrastination. Less is known about how such

factors may differ for various students. In addition, not much is known about differences

in the process of how factors influence students’ learning and what creates differences

in procrastination behavior between students with different levels of academic

procrastination. In this study learning characteristics and the self-regulation behavior of

three groups of students with different levels of academic procrastination were

compared. The rationale behind this was that certain learning characteristics and self-

regulation behaviors may play out differently in students with different levels of

academic procrastination. Participants were first-year students (N = 22) with different

levels of academic procrastination enrolled in an elementary teacher education

program. The selection of the participants into three groups of students (low

procrastination, n = 8; average procrastination, n = 8; high procrastination, n = 6) was

based on their scores on a questionnaire measuring the students’ levels of academic

procrastination. From semi-structured interviews, six themes emerged that describe

how students in the three groups deal with factors that influence the students’ learning:

degree program choice, getting started with study activities, engagement in study

activities, ways of reacting to failure, view of oneself, and study results. This study

shows the importance of looking at differences in how students deal with certain factors

possibly negatively influencing their learning. Within the group of students with.

L Visser, FAJ Korthagen, J Schoonenboom - Frontiers in psychology, 2018

Academic procrastination among university students is a common problem. The

authors examined the prevalence, reasons, areas, and effects of academic

procrastination in selected higher education institutions in the Amhara Region, Ethiopia.

We also examined whether academic procrastination varied with respect to the

institutional category and gender of the student. 323 students sampled from three
universities, using a stratified sampling technique, completed the questionnaire. In a

concurrent mixed-methods study, both qualitative and quantitative data are integrated

starting from data collection through conclusion. The results indicate that nearly 80

percent of the students are procrastinators to varying degrees, of which half always

procrastinate due to poor time management skills, lack of planning for academic

activities, laziness, and stress. The results also showed that procrastination happens

irrespective of gender and institutional realities and results in not only academic failure

but also affects student affective and emotional behavior. Finally, it is suggested that

students are expected to improve their time management practices to minimize

negative effects of the delay. It is also suggested that universities shall include such

activities in their student support systems as counseling and training on specific areas

that students procrastinate most.

Academic procrastination is a problem behavior with negative consequences for

students. The extent of this phenomenon among students and the negative impact on

their academic achievement requires more attention and research on this issue. The

present study was conducted with the aim of investigating on the role of fear of failure

and sub scale of self-regulation (memory strategy goal-setting, self-evaluation, helping

assistance, responsibility, organization) in relation with academic procrastination.

Therefore, 198 students from different schools of University of Isfahan in Iran were

selected by random cluster multistage sampling. Students Procrastination Assessment

Scale, Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory, and Sevaris Self-regulation

Questionnaire were used. Data were analyzed by t-test, Pearson correlations and linear
regression in SPS-22.. Results of t-test showed significant differences between male

and female students in terms of academic procrastination, organizing, and fear of

failure. Male students compared to females scored higher in academic procrastination.

Females students compared to males scored higher in fear of failure and organizing.

Findings of Pearson correlations showed a positive association between fear of failure

and academic procrastination, and a negative association between sub-scales of self-

regulation and academic procrastination. Also, linear regression analyses showed that

fear of failure and responsibility predict academic procrastination. As a conclusion, in

order to reduce procrastination, some interventions can be delivered by handling in

students fear of failure and self-regulation.



This chapter primarily deals on the discussion of research methods to be utilized

in the study, the instruments to be employed in gathering data, the no. Of respondents,

the distribution of respondents, how to get the respondents, research locale, statistical

tools in the analysis and interpretation of the gathered and focus on research.


This study will use the descriptive-survey to achieve the purpose of this study-

which is to determine the effects of having Procrastination on Academic Performance of

Grade 12 Senior High School Students in Prime Brilliant Minds Academy, School Year

2023-2024. It involves the collection of data to test or to answer questions concerning

the state of the subject under study which measures the existing phenomenon the

students; hence the research method was a

Data Gathering Instrument

Prior to data gathering, questionnaire will be distributed personally by the

researchers to the respondents. Then it will be retrieved personally by the researchers.

will start to conduct their research

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will give an approval letter to the school principal, and after the

school principal approves it, the researcher will also give an approval letter to their

adviser. After the adviser approves it, they will also give a letter to the respondents. If

the respondents approve it, they will start to conduct their research.
Location of Study

This study will be conducted at Prime Brilliant Minds Academy located

at 278 Mc. Arthur Highway, Lucao District, Dagupan City, Pangasinan
Statistical Treatment of Data

For a clearer interpretation of the data gather from the survey questionnaire, the

researcher used the following statistical procedure.

1. This statistic was used in describing the demographic profile of the respondents. The

formula for computing these statistics is a follows:

P= F/N (100)

P= Computed Percent

F= Frequency for each class or category

N= Total number of respondents

100= Constant multiplier ti change the decimal into percentage value.

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