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Healthy Fetal

By: Jena Claros

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Development s Smoking during pregnancy increases
the risk of health problems for
developing babies, including pre-term
birth, low birth weight, and birth
defects of the mouth and lip.
Smoking during and after pregnancy

also increases the risk of sudden infant
death syndrome.

How to have a
healthy pregnancy

 Take a prenatal or
one-a day vitamin with
folate each day.
 Get regular exercise.
 Don’t drink alcohol,
including beer, wine,

“A healthier body
wine coolers, and liquor.
 Don’t smoke.

 Don’t use “street” drugs

is equal to
 Stay out of hot tubs and

healthier baby.”
Strike a balance between healthy
weight gain and nutritional intake.
Try to keep in mind that you are
not eating for two, you are eating
carefully for one.
-Catherine Jones and Rose

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