Jurnal Minggu 6

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Nama Pelajar : Mathavi a/p Ramasamy

No. Kad Pengenalan : 820924015952

Program / Opsyen : PITO TESL


Minggu Praktikum :6

Tarikh : 24 - 28 April 2022

Tajuk : Importance of Digital Learning

Kategori : Teaching and Learning

Pensyarah Pembimbing : Puan Diana Fatimah binti Ahmad Sahani

Guru Pembimbing : En. Theebann a/l Mahendran

1. Isu Yang Difokuskan

This week, the issue that I noticed was some of the pupils do not pay attention while
teaching. They were expecting an interesting lesson in the classroom. Some pupils were
requesting me to use some digital applications to use in the classroom, as they did in PDPR.
Therefore, some pupils responded less when performing the activities in the classroom.

2. Analisis Isu Yang Difokuskan (Punca dan Kesan Isu)

Digital learning is replacing traditional educational procedures more and more each day.
The digital education system revolutionized the old chalk and board process of learning in
classrooms. It has made learning more interactive and engaging, motivating pupils to take
an interest in digital learning and maintain it. The pictures and PowerPoint slides that I
prepared for the lesson are not enough to attract pupils to pay attention. They are always
eagerly awaiting some of the digital applications that I can use in the classroom, such as
Edpuzzle, Plickers, and Wordwall. Therefore, they had a very limited role.
3. Kajian Lampau (Literature Review) Terhadap Isu (Pengalaman atau Kajian Lepas)

According to Chein. J (2012), schools play a major role in preparing pupils for the challenge
of using technology consciously and responsibly. Technology not only opens doors for
social inclusion in modern societies, but it also offers diverse opportunities for both students
and educators to support teaching and learning processes. E-learning ensures that pupils
are completely involved as learning takes place together with texts, videos, sounds,
collaborative sharing, and interactive graphics. It may enhance the quality of teaching and
learning. Pupils’ needs are becoming a priority for teachers; therefore, e-learning is an
effective tool to transfer knowledge and it has the potential to overtake the conventional
teaching method.

4. Cadangan dan Idea Penyelesaian Masalah

After analyzing the importance of digital learning and suitable ways to adapting them, I
believe that I should identify my pupils' learning preferences, needs, and interests, as well
as their learning habits, so that my teaching and learning is more effective.

5. Tempoh Masa Penyelesaian

1 week

6. Tindakan Susulan

As a teacher, I should always give priority to the pupils’ interest and learning expectations
when preparing the lesson for my class.

7. Tarikh Tindakan Susulan Dilaksanakan

10. 05. 2022

8. Keberkesanan Langkah Yang Dicadangkan

E-learning activities stimulating pupils to learn and actively involved in classrooms. Digital
learning is far more interactive and memorable than voluminous textbooks or one-sided
lectures, they provide better context, a greater sense of perspective, and more engaging
activities than traditional education methods.

9. Kesimpulan / Refleksi (Kesan Tindakan (Perlu) dan Halangan (Jika Ada)

However, creating interesting interactive activities requires a lot of time.


Chien, J. (2012). How Digital Media And Internet Is Transforming Education. In T. Bastiaens
& G. Marks (Eds.), Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate.

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