Adaptive Consensus Control For A Class of Nonlinear Multiagent Time-Delay Systems Using Neural Networks

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6, JUNE 2014 1217

Adaptive Consensus Control for a Class

of Nonlinear Multiagent Time-Delay
Systems Using Neural Networks
C. L. Philip Chen, Fellow, IEEE, Guo-Xing Wen, Yan-Jun Liu, and Fei-Yue Wang, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract— Because of the complicity of consensus control of mation is formulated by neighborhood-based graph theory.
nonlinear multiagent systems in state time-delay, most of previous In the last decade, many significant achievements have been
works focused only on linear systems with input time-delay. An developed for consensus control of multiagent systems
adaptive neural network (NN) consensus control method for a
class of nonlinear multiagent systems with state time-delay is [10]–[16]. In [10], three consensus problems were explored
proposed in this paper. The approximation property of radial including fixed topology in directed networks, switching
basis function neural networks (RBFNNs) is used to neutralize topology in directed networks, and fixed topology with
the uncertain nonlinear dynamics in agents. An appropriate communication time-delay in undirected networks. In [11],
Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional, which is obtained from the a basic theoretical framework of consensus control analysis of
derivative of an appropriate Lyapunov function, is used to
compensate the uncertainties of unknown time delays. It is multiagent networked systems was proposed. Both discrete
proved that our proposed approach guarantees the convergence and continuous update schemes were proposed in [12]. An
on the basis of Lyapunov stability theory. The simulation results average-consensus is achieved using a distributed algorithm
of a nonlinear multiagent time-delay system and a multiple in a discrete framework under switching network topolo-
collaborative manipulators system show the effectiveness of the gies [13]. Nevertheless, these eminent consensus control meth-
proposed consensus control algorithm.
ods are limited in the linear multiagent environment. It is true
Index Terms— Consensus control, Lyapunov–Krasovskii func- that most practical multiagent systems inherent nonlinearity
tional, neural networks (NNs), nonlinear multiagent systems, time
delay. is more complex than linear ones. Therefore, research in
nonlinear multiagent systems has more realistic significance.
With further development, time-delay problem has been
I. I NTRODUCTION included to consensus control recently. Several significant
results had emerged in consensus control of multiagent linear
I N RECENT years, multiagent consensus control research
has received more and more attention [1]–[5]. Their wide-
spread applications can be discovered in many fields, such
systems, for example, [17]–[19]. However, because of the
complicacy of nonlinear multiagent systems, most of the
as in distributed sensor networks, cooperative control of existing consensus control methods of linear multiagent
unmanned air vehicles, flocking, and formation control, and so systems cannot be directly applied to nonlinear multiagent
forth [6]–[9]. Consensus control means to design an agreeable systems, especially the agent’s dynamic function is unknown.
control scheme or network control protocol based on neigh- Because it has been proven that neural networks (NNs)
bor’s state information such that every agent of the multiagent have the excellent approximation ability, the use of NNs
system reaches a common synchronized state as time goes on. in the proof of stability in nonlinear dynamic systems
The information exchange and interaction among all agents has become very popular and effective [20]–[24]. With
play a pivotal role for the consensus movements. This infor- this eminent property of NNs, research on adaptive NN
consensus control of nonlinear multiagent systems has gained
Manuscript received June 3, 2013; revised August 27, 2013 and attention [25]. Although several significant results were
November 16, 2013; accepted January 5, 2014. Date of publication February 6,
2014; date of current version May 15, 2014. This work was supported proposed in [26] and [27] for nonlinear multiagent systems,
in part by the National 973 Basic Research Program of China under but time delay has not been considered. Nevertheless, time
Grant 2011CB302801 and in part by the Macau Science and Technology delay appears often in most control systems and it should
Development Fund under Grant 008/2010/A1.
C. L. P. Chen is with the Department of Computer and Information Science, be taken into account when building a consensus control
Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Macau, Macau 99999, protocol. Inclusion of time-delay component in nonlinear
China, and also with UMacau Research Institute, Guandong 510182, China multiagent systems will increase the complexity of consensus
G.-X. Wen is with the Department of Computer and Information Science, control, especially when time delays are unknown. Solving
Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Macau, Macau 99999, China state time-delay problem is popular in adaptive nonlinear
(e-mail: tracking control and rich research results have been reported
Y.-J. Liu is with the College of Science, Liaoning University of Technology,
Liaoning 121001, China (e-mail: [28]–[34]. However, only a few of results are reported in
F.-Y. Wang is with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Automa- consensus control of nonlinear multiagent systems [35]–[37].
tion, Beijing 100080, China (e-mail: In [35], a kind of intermittent consensus protocols for the
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at second-order multiagent time-delay systems with nonlinear
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TNNLS.2014.2302477 dynamics and fixed directed communication topology is
2162-237X © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

introduced and reported. It is proven that the agreement control state time-delay in agent’s dynamics, see [25]–[27]. However,
method can realize the consensus control objective if the time delay is intrinsic in most control systems, and it exists in
algebraic connectivity condition is satisfied and the state equations for most of the recycling processes. In addition,
communication time duration is larger than their corresponding Assumption 2 is reasonable as it provides a boundary of
threshold values. However, in multiagent systems, all unknown time delays.
agent’s nonlinear dynamics are limited to a fixed nonlinear Remark 2: Many practical multiagent dynamic can be
function and the nonlinear function is required to satisfy a depicted by nonlinear differential equations (1). For example,
2 assumption like  f (x 1 , x 2 , t) − f (y1 , y2 , t) ≤ formation control of unmanned air vehicle, sensor networks,
i=1 ρ i x i − yi . In [36], a kind of consensus control robotic teams, satellite clusters, and complex networks [6]–[9].
approach of the second-order nonlinear multiagent systems Several fundamentals are introduced in the following.
with time-varying delays by pining control is proposed. It is
proven that position states and velocity states of all agents can A. Graph Theory
synchronize to a virtual leader. But in this paper, the time-
delay terms are limited to linear forms. In [37], only the time- Let G = (V, ε, A) denote an undirected weight graph,
delay is considered in the process of information exchange. where V = {v1 , v2 , . . . , vn } is a set of nodes, ε ⊆ V × V
To our best knowledge, state time-delay problem in the denotes a set of edges, and A = [ai j ] is a weighted adjacency
consensus control of nonlinear multiagent systems has not matrix and all adjacency elements are nonnegative. Node vi
been fully studied and it is still a challenging task. Motivated denotes the i th agent and the node indices belong to a finite
by the above analysis, this paper proposes a novel NN control index set I = {1, 2, . . . , n}. ei j = (vi , v j ) denotes an edge
approach for nonlinear multiagent consensus problem with of G, where the node vi is the tail of the edge and node v j
state time delay. The simulation examples prove the effective- is the head of the edge and ei j = (vi , v j ) ∈ ε if and only
ness of the proposed consensus control approach. The main if there exists an information exchange between agent i and
contributions of this research are described as follows. agent j . In addition, node vi is a neighbor of node v j if the
edge ei j = (vi , v j ) exists in the graph G. The value ai j in
1) The approximation property of radial basis function
adjacency matrix A associated with the edges ei j denotes the
neural network (RBFNN) is used to neutralize the uncer-
communication quality between the i th agent and j th agent.
tain nonlinear dynamics in agents. It is proved that the
The definition of the Laplacian matrix L of graph G is
proposed approach guarantees the convergence based on
described by the following formula:
Lyapunov stability theory.
2) State time-delay consensus control for a class of non- L = B −A (2)
linear multiagent systems is successfully solved by a n
well-designed Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional. where B = Diag(b1 , b2 , . . . , bn ) and bi = j =1 ai j .
3) The potential singularity problem in the controller is An important property of the Laplacian matrix L is that
successfully avoided by relaxing the consensus control each row sum is zero, thus 1n = [1, 1, . . . , 1]T ∈ R n is an
objective to a “ball” region rather than to a single origin. eigenvector of the Laplacian matrix, L, associated with the
eigenvalue λ = 0.
A network G is an undirected graph if there is a connection
between two nodes vi and v j in G, then ai j = a j i > 0;
Given a class of nonlinear multiagent systems with state otherwise, ai j = a j i = 0, aii = 0, (i = j ; i, j = 1, . . . , n).
time-delay, every agent’s dynamic is described as A sequence of edges (vi1 , vi2 ), (vi2 , vi3 ), . . . , (vik−1 , vik ) is a
ẋ i (t) = f i (x i (t)) + h i (x i (t − τi )) + u i (t) i = 1, 2, . . . , n path of between node vi1 and node vik . An undirected graph,
G, is called a connected graph if any two nodes, vi , v j satisfy
(1) vi , v j ∈ V and there exists a path from vi to v j .
where x i (t) ∈ R m is the state vector, f i (x i (t)), h i (x i (t)): In this paper, the communication graph, G, of the nonlinear
R m → R m is unknown but continuous nonlinear vector multiagent systems is an undirected and connected graph.
functions and τi is the unknown time delay, u i (t) ∈ R m is For an undirected connected graph, G, we have the follow-
the control input vector. ing well-known lemma.
In this paper, the control objective is to devise consensus Lemma 1 [11]: If G = (V, ε, A) is an undirected connected
controllers, u i (t) ∈ R m , i = 1, . . . , n, for each agent in (1) graph, then graph Laplacian matrix L is a symmetric matrix
such that all agents in (1) can reach to a common state finally. and its n real eigenvalues can be arranged in an ascending
Assumption 1: The unknown smooth nonlinear func- order as
tions, h i (x i (t)), i = 1, 2, . . . , n, satisfies the inequalities 0 = λ1 < λ2 ≤ λ3 ≤ · · · ≤ λn ≤ C
h i (x i (t)) ≤ ρi (x i (t)), i = 1, 2, . . . , n, where ρi (·) is known
positive smooth functions and  ·  denote the two-norm. where C = 2(max1≤i≤n bi ) and λ2 is called the algebraic
Assumption 2: The unknown time delays τi , i = 1, . . . , n connectivity and it is used to analyze the rate of consensus
are bounded and there exists a known constant τmax satisfying convergence.
the conditions τi ≤ τmax , i = 1, . . . , n. Remark 3: This paper only considers fixed multiagent
Remark 1: Most previous research works for the nonlinear topology because it is the basic connected topology of different
multiagent system in consensus problem do not consider any kinds of switching topologies. Its applications can be found

in many fields, such as in data fusion of sensor networks, Remark 4: In this paper, I N denotes identity matrix of
distributed computation, and formation control [38]–[40]. dimension N × N, the symbol ⊗ denotes Kronecker product,
Lemma 2 [25], [41]: Let function V (t) > 0 be a continuous that is, D ⊗ E = [di j E]. Kronecker algebra is used to
function defined ∀t ≥ 0 and bounded, and V̇ (t) ≤ −c1 V (t)+c2 , manipulate equations and governs the information between
where c1 and c2 are positive constants, then V (t) ≤ V (0) agents.
e−c1 t + c2 /c1 (1 − e−c1 t ). Define i th local consensus error as the following:

B. RBFNN and Function Approximation ei (t) = ai j x i (t) − x j (t) ∈ R m , i = 1, . . . , n (7)
In this paper, RBFNN is applied to approximate the j =1
unknown nonlinear function in (1) because it has the function where ai j is the i th row and the j th column element of the
approximation abilities. A continuous nonlinear function ϕ(z): adjacency matrix A.
Rl → R m can be approximated on a compact set by the According to matrix theory and graph theory, we can easily
following RBFNN: conclude that zero is an m-multiplicity eigenvalue of matrix
ϕNN (W, z) = W T S(z) (3) (L ⊗ Im ). The m eigenvectors of matrix (L ⊗ Im ) associated
with the eigenvalue 0 can be given in the following form:
where W ∈ R p×m is an adjustable weight matrix, p is the
number of neuron, S(z) = [s1 (z), . . . , s p (z)]T is a basis ζ1T = (κ1T , . . . , κ1T ) ∈ R nm , . . . , ζmT = (κmT , . . . , κmT ) ∈ R nm
function vector, and si (z) = exp[−(z − μi )T (z − μi )/φi2 ] for √
where κi ∈ R m is a vector, in which the i th element is 1/ n
i = 1, 2, . . . , p, where μi = [μi1 , μi2 , . . . , μil ]T denotes the and the other elements are 0. We use ζm+1 , ζm+2 , . . . , ζnm to
center of the receptive field, φi represents the width of the denote the eigenvectors of the matrix (L ⊗ Im ) associated with
Gaussian function, and z ∈ z ⊂ Rl is the input vector. the other eigenvalues λ2 , . . . , λn . According to matrix theory,
It is well known that any nonlinear continuous function ζ1 , ζ2 , . . . , ζnm can be chosen as a set of orthogonal bases
can be approximated by RBFNN to any desired accuracy of R nm . Let M = (ζ1 , . . . , ζnm ) ∈ R nm×nm , then M T M =
over a compact set . With this property, given a smooth M M T = Inm , that is, M T = M −1 .
nonlinear vector function, ϕ(z) ∈ R m , there exists an ideal With the above analysis, the following equation can be
weights matrix, W ∗ , such that the ideal RBFNN can accurately obtained:
approximate the smooth nonlinear vector function, ϕ(z), on a
1 1
compact set z ⊂ Rl as following: Vx (t) = X T (t)(L ⊗ Im )X (t) = X T (t)M T TM X (t)
2 2
ϕ(z) = W ∗T S(z) + εz (4) 1 √ √
= X T (t)M T T TM X (t)
where W ∗ ∈ R p×m is the optimal weight matrix of RBF NN, 1 √ √
p is the number of neurons, and εz ∈ R m is the approximation = X T (t)M T T T̂ T̂−1 T̂−1 T̂ TM X (t)
error and it satisfies that εz  ≤ ε N . The NN approxima- 1
tion error denotes the minimum possible deviation between = X T (t)M T TM M T T̂−1 M M T TM X (t)
the ideal approximator W ∗T S(z) and the unknown nonlinear 1
smooth function ϕ(z). The optimal weight matrix W ∗ is an = X T (t)(L ⊗ Im )T M T T̂−1 M(L ⊗ Im )X (t)
“artificial” quantity and is used for analytical purposes only. 1
In general, this ideal weight matrix W ∗ needs to be estimated = E T (t)DE(t) (8)
because it is unknown.
Let W ∗ be the value of W that minimizes εz  for all where T = diag{0Im , λ2 Im , . . . , λn Im }, T̂ = diag{λ2 Im ,
z ∈ z ⊂ Rl over a compact region λ2 Im , . . . , λn Im }, E(t) = (e1T (t), . . . enT (t))T ∈ R nm , and
  D = M T T̂−1 M is a positive definite matrix.
∗   From (8), we have
W  arg min sup ϕ(z) − W S(z) .
W ∈R p×m
λmin (D)  λmax (D) 
z∈z n n

The NN approximation error εz can be decreased by increas- ei (t)2 ≤ Vx (t) ≤ ei (t)2 (9)
2 2
ing the number of the adjustable weights. Widespread practical i=1 i=1
application of NNs show that, if NN node number p is chosen where λmin (D) and λmax (D) are the smallest eigenvalue and
large enough, then εz  can be reduced to arbitrary small in the largest eigenvalue of matrix D, respectively.
a compact set. From the definition of Laplacian matrix, we can get the
following equation:
For the multiagent system described in (1), a smooth scalar Vx (t) = X (t)(L ⊗ Im )X (t)
function is defined as following: 1 1
= E T (t)X (t) = X T (t)E(t)
1 T 2 2
Vx (t) = X (t)(L ⊗ Im )X (t) (6)
1 T 1 T
n n
= ei (t)x i (t) = x i (t)ei (t). (10)
where X (t) = (x 1T (t), x 2T (t), . . . , x nT (t))T ∈ R nm . 2 2
i=1 i=1

The time derivative of Vx (t) along (1) is Combining (15), the following inequality can be obtained:

n n

V̇x (t) = eiT (t) ( f i (x i (t)) + h i (x i (t − τi )) + u i (t)) . (11) V̇ (t) = V̇x (t) + V̇U (t) ≤ eiT (t)u i (t) + eiT (t) fi (x i (t))
i=1 i=1

1 1
n 2Assumption
n 1 and  Cauchy’s inequality,
 + ei (t)2 + ρi2 (x i (t))
n 2 2
i=1 x i y i ≤ x
i=1 i
2 2
i=1 yi , to (11), we have

V̇x (t) ≤ eiT (t) f i (x i (t)) + eiT (t)u i (t) where V (t) = Vx (t) + VU (t).
i=1 For simplicity, we will omit the time symbols t portion
inside x i (t), ei (t), u i (t), i = 1, . . . , n. From (16), V (t) =
+ ei (t) ρi (x i (t − τi )) . (12)
Vx (t)+VU (t) can be chosen as a Lyapunov function candidate
such that the consensus controllers, u i (t), i = 1, 2, . . . , n,
Remark 5: In (12), the consensus control design will
can be found under the assumption that system functions
become more difficult because the unknown function f i (·) and
are known and will not be affected from the unknown time
unknown time delay τi are included in the inequality. Although
delay, τi .
ρi (·) is known, but because the delay term, τi , is unknown, the
Let x i ∈ xi ⊂ R m , xi be a compact set, then ci ⊂ xi
state x i (t − τi ) is undetermined. Since x i (t − τi ) relates with
and oci , i = 1, . . . , n as
the consensus controller design, the control objective cannot be
directly realized. In addition, because the unknown time delay ci := {ei |ei  < ci } (17)
τi and the consensus error ei (t) are entangled together, the
oci := xi − ci (18)
consensus control problem becomes more complex. Therefore,
we need to find a way to segregate the uncertainties, τi and where ci is a constant that is chosen to be arbitrarily small
ei (t), such that they can be dealt separately. and “−” is the complement of set ci , that is, A − B =
Applying the Young’s inequalities to (12), we have the { x| x ∈ A, x ∈ / B}.
following: Lemma 3 [28]: Set oci is a compact set.
 The consensus controllers are designed as the following:
V̇x (t) ≤ eiT (t) fi (x i (t)) + eiT (t)u i (t) 
i=1 −ki (t)ei − f i (x i ) − 12 ei−1 ρi2 (x i ), ei ∈ oci
u i (t) = (19)
1 1 2 0, ei ∈ ci
+ ei (t) + ρi (x i (t − τi )) .
2 2
where ki (t) ≥ k ∗ + 1/2, i = 1, . . . , n, k ∗ are a positive
In (13), if ei (t) and ρi (·) are separated, then the time- constant.
delay term ρi2 (x i (t − τi )) can be dealt later. To compensate Remark 6: In this paper, using ei−1 to denote ei /ei 2 and
the uncertainties coming from the unknown time delay τi , i = it has the property of eiT ei−1 = (ei−1 )T ei = 1. Because the
1, 2, . . . , n, a Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional is designed as term 1/2ei−1 ρi2 (x i ) is not well defined at ei = [0]m , where
the following: [0]m is an m-dimensional zero vector. The singularity problem
in controller may take place at the point ei = [0]m , where
the consensus control is reached. It is true that a multiagent
VU (t) = Ui (x i (τ ))dτ , i = 1, . . . , n (14) system reaches the consensus; the control action is complete
i=1 t −τi
and should not take any power consumption. To this end, it
is more practical to relax the consensus control objective to a
where Ui (x i (t)) = ρi2 (x i (t)). “ball” region rather than in a single origin [43].
Its time derivative is Next, we will prove that if system functions f i (·),
2 i = 1, . . . , n are known, the consensus controller (19) can
VU (t) = ρi (x i (t)) − ρi2 (x i (t − τi )) i = 1, . . . , n. ensure multiagent system (1) to obtain consensus state when
i=1 ei ∈ oci .
(15) The Lyapunov function candidate is chosen as the following:

It is obvious that the Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional VU (t) V (t) = Vx (t) + VU (t). (20)
can use to compensate the uncertainties of the unknown time
delay. The design difficulty, which comes from the unknown According to (10) and (14), the Lyapunov function candidate,
time delays τi , i = 1, . . . , n, is eliminated. Because the V (t), can be rewritten to the following one:
functions, ρi (x i (t)), i = 1, . . . , n, are known, the consensus
control scheme does not involve any uncertainty. V (t) = Vx (t) + VU (t)
With the above analysis, if we add the term VU (t) to t
1 T 1
n n
the right hand side of (13), then the influence of the uncer- = ei x i + Ui (x i (τ )) dτ . (21)
2 2
tain time delay for scalar function Vx (t) can be eliminated. i=1 i=1 t −τi

Taking the time derivative along (16), we have Theorem 1: For a class of nonlinear multiagent systems
 described by (1), given truth in Assumptions 1 and 2, the
1 1 2 consensus controllers provided by (25), the controller gains
V̇ (t) ≤ ei u i + ei f i (x i ) + ei  + ρi (x i ) . (22)
T T 2

2 2 given as ki (t) = ki0 + ki1 (t), where ki0 > 0 is a design
constant and ki1 (t) is designed as
For ei ∈ ozi , substituting (19) into (22), yields ⎡ ⎤
n n 1 1 ⎣ λmax (D) 1 1
1 ki1 (t) = + 1+ + Ui (x i (τ ))dτ⎦
V̇ (t) ≤ − ki (t) − ei 2 ≤ − k ∗ ei 2 . (23) 2 ωi 2 ei 2 2
2 t −τmax
i=1 i=1
According to Lyapunov stability theory, it is easy to con-
clude that the nonlinear multiagent system is asymptotically with design constant ωi > 0, and the NN weight updated
stable [42]. by (26), with bounded initial conditions x i (0), Ŵi (0), then
From (23), we know the nonnegative function V (t) is all agents of the nonlinear multiagent system arrive at a final
a nonincreasing function. So we can conclude that for consensus state.
any υ > 0 there exists T > 0 such that ∀t > T , Proof: See Appendix.
{V (t)|V (t) ≤ υ}. Because the Laplacian matrix L is a positive
semidefinite matrix
 and the Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional IV. S IMULATIONS
Vu (t) = 1/2 ni=1 t −τi Ui (x i (τ ))dτ also is positive, so we
To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach,
have Vx (t) → 0 when t → ∞. Because the graph topology G
two nonlinear multiagent consensus examples are given. In
of the nonlinear multiagent system is an undirected connected
both examples, each multiagent system consists of six agents.
graph and Vx (t) = 1/2E T DE → 0 when t → ∞, we
To simplify, we assumed that time delays and communication
can conclude that x 1 = x 2 = · · · = x n when t → ∞,
graph in these two examples are the same.
that is, the consensus behavior of the multiagent system is
Time delays for each agent are τ1 = 1.4, τ2 = 1.5, τ3 = 1.6,
τ4 = 1.7, τ5 = 1.8, τ6 = 1.9, respectively. The adjacency
In addition, because ci is an arbitrarily small constant, it is
matrix A and the Laplacian matrix L of the two nonlinear
obvious that consensus state has been obtained in the region
multiagent examples are defined as follows:
ei  < ci . ⎛ ⎞
However, the proposed consensus controller (19) cannot be 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
directly applied to the multiagent system (1) because f i (·), ⎜ 0.3 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
i = 1, . . . , n is completely unknown. On the other hand, by ⎜ 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 ⎟
A=⎜ ⎜ 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.0 ⎟

employing the consensus controller (19), control action is only ⎜ ⎟
activated when ei ∈ oci . Apparently, f i (·) is smooth and well- ⎝ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.6 ⎠
defined over the compact set oci and can be approximated by 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.0
NNs to an arbitrary accuracy as ⎛ ⎞
0.8 −0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 −0.5
f i (x i (t)) = Wi∗T Si (x i ) + εi (x i ) (24) ⎜ −0.3 0.7 −0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0.0 −0.4 0.5 −0.1 0.0 0.0 ⎟
where Wi∗ ∈ R pi ×m is the ideal weight matrix of the NN, pi L =⎜ ⎜ 0.0 0.0 −0.1 0.4 −0.3 0.0 ⎟.

is the neuron number of the NN, Si (x i ) ∈ R pi are the basis ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0.0 0.0 0.0 −0.3 0.9 −0.6 ⎠
function vector, and εi ∈ R m is the approximation error to
−0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 −0.6 1.1
satisfy εi  ≤ ε Ni .
Let Ŵi be the estimation of the ideal NN weight Wi∗ . Example 1: The nonlinear multiagent time-delay system is
Construct the adaptive consensus controller and the adaptive given in the following:
law as the following:
d x i1 (t) x i2 (t) sin(αi1 x i1 (t))
−ki (t)ei − ŴiT (t)Si (x i ) − 12 ei−1 ρi2 (x i ), ei ∈ oci dt x i2 (t) x i1 (t) cos(αi2 x i2 2 (t))
u i (t) =
0, ei ∈ ci h i1 (x i (t − τi ))
+u i + i = 1, . . . , 6.
h i2 (x i (t − τi ))
Ŵ (t) = S (x )e − σ Ŵ (t)
i i i i i i i
where h i1 (x i (t)) = βi1 x i1 cos(x i2 ), h i2 (x i (t)) = βi2 x i2
where i = iT ∈ R pi × pi , i = 1, . . . , n are gain positive sin (x i1 ). αi1 , αi2 , βi1 , and βi2 are shown in Tables I and II.
definite matrixes. σi > 0, i = 1, . . . , n are constants. The The initial positions√ of six agents are x√ 1 (0) = (6, 2) ,

term σi Ŵi (t), i = 1, . . . , n are introduced to improve the x 2 (0) = (3, 3 3)T , x 3 (0) √ = (−3, 3 3) T , x (0) =
4 √
robustness in the presence of the NN approximation error, εi , (−6, −2)T , x 5 (0) = (−3,−3 3)T , and x 6 (0) = (3, −3 3)T ,
i = 1, . . . , n. respectively.
The following theorem implies that the consensus control Apparently, by choosing ρi (x i ) = (βi1 x i1 )2 + (βi2 x i2 )2 ,
objective of multiagent system (1) can be realized by applying Assumption 1 is satisfied and also Assumption 2 is satisfied
the proposed control laws (25). by choosing τmax = 2.



Fig. 3. Trajectory of the first coordinate of six agents.

Fig. 1. Consensus performance of six agents in a 3-D view.

Fig. 4. Consensus performance of the first coordinate of six agents.

the following:

−ki ei (t)− ŴiT (t)Si (x i )− 12 e−1
i ρi (x i ),
2 otherwise
u i (t) =
0, ei  < ci
Ŵi (t) = i Si (x i )eiT −σi Ŵi (t) (30)
Fig. 2. Consensus performance of six agents.
where i = diag{4}, σi = 2, ci = 10−7 , i = 1, . . . , 6 and
ei is given by (7). The initial weights Ŵi (0) = [0]36×2 ,
In this example, we choose a RBFNN that consists of where [0]36×2 denotes to a zero matrix of dimension
36 nodes with centers, μl , l = 1, 2, . . . , 36, evenly spaced 36 × 2. ki (t) = ki0 + ki1 (t), ki0 = 270, i = 1,
in the range of [−6, 6] × [−6, 6], the same widths for all, 2, . . . , 6, are constants and ki1 (t)
 t is chosen as ki1 (t) = 1/2 +
φi = 2, and Si (x i ) = [s1 (x i ), . . . , s36 (x i )]T with sl (x i ) = 1/ωi [1 + λmax (D)/2 + 1/ei 2 t −τmax (1/2)Ui (x i (τ ))dτ ] by
exp[−(x i − μl )T (x i − μl )/φl2 ], l = 1, 2, . . . , 36. (27), where ωi = 10, i = 1, . . . , 6.
The adaptive consensus controllers, u i , i = 1, . . . , 6, and Figs. 1–6 show the simulation results of applying con-
the adaptive update laws, Ŵi (t), i = 1, . . . , 6 can be given in sensus controller (29) to the nonlinear multiagent time-delay

Fig. 7. Two-link revolute manipulator.

Fig. 5. Trajectory of the second coordinate of six agents.


where I2×2 is identity matrix of dimension 2 × 2

Vi11 Vi12
Vi (qi1 , qi2 ) = ∈ R 2×2
Vi21 Vi22
Fig. 6. Consensus performance of the second coordinate of six agents. is the centripetal-Coriolis matrix of the i th manipulator and
Vi11 = −m i2 ri1 ri2 sin(qi12 )qi22 , Vi12 = −m i2 ri1 ri2 sin(qi12 )
qi22 − m i2 ri1 ri2 sin(qi12 )qi21 , Vi21 = m i2 ri1 ri2 sin(qi12 )qi22 ,
systems (28). From Figs. 1, 2, 4, and 6, we can see that the Vi22 = 0; G i = (G i11 , G i12 )T ∈ R 2 is gravitational vector
agreement behavior of multiagent systems (28) is achieved. of the i th manipulator and G i1 = (m i1 + m i2 )gri1 sin(qi11 ) +
Example 2: In this example, a multiple collaborative manip- m i2 gri2 sin(qi11 + qi12 ), G i2 = m i2 gdi2 sin(qi11 + qi12 );
ulators system is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the f i (qi2 (t)) = (αi1 qi21 + βi1 sgn(qi21 ), αi2 qi22 + βi2 sgn(qi22 ))T
proposed consensus control method. This collaborative system is friction force vectors, αi1 , αi2 , βi1 , βi2 are shown in
can be considered as multiple manipulators are holding up Tables III and IV; τi is time delay, ζi ∈ R 2 is the i th
an object or loading a workpiece. Fig. 7 shows the profile manipulator’s torque input vector. The physical parameters
of a two-link manipulator of the multiagent systems. The of each manipulator are set as g = 9.8 m/s2 , di1 = 1.5 m,
multimanipulator system dynamic is described as follows: di2 = 1 m, m i1 = 1 kg, and m i2 = 2 kg (i = 1, . . . , 6).
The initial joint position and the initial joint velocity of six
q̇i1 = qi2 Mi (qi1 )q̇i2 + Vi (qi1 , qi2 )qi2 + G i (qi1 ) manipulators are shown in Table V.
+ f i (qi2 (t − τi )) = ζi , i = 1, . . . , 6 (31) For the multiagent consensus control, we design the consen-
sus controller to realize the consensus control of the velocity
where state vector qi1 , qi2 ∈ R 2 denote the joint position, state qi2 , i = 1, . . . , 6. According to proposed consensus
velocity of the i th manipulator, respectively, Mi (qi1 ) ∈ R 2×2 controller (25) and adaptive update law (26), the correlation
is the inertia matrix of the i th manipulator. To match the parameter are chosen as ki0 = 120, ωi = 6, i = diag{0.4},
system equations described in (1), we assume Mi (qi1 ) = I2×2 , σi = 0.2, i = 1, . . . , 6.

TABLE V the uncertain nonlinearity and the time delay of agent’s

VALUES OF qi11 , qi12 , qi21 AND qi22 IN THE ith A GENT ’ S DYNAMICS dynamics are compensated by employing an RBFNN that
approximates the nonlinearity and by choosing an appropriate
Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional, respectively. By letting the
consensus error converge to a “ball” region rather than a
single origin, the singularity problem in controller is avoided.
Finally, stable results were obtained on the basis of Lypunov
function method. Two simulations are carried out to verify the
effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Proof: Choosing Lyapunov function candidate as follows:
V (t) = Vx (t) + VU (t) + Tr W̃i (t) i−1 W̃i (t) (32)

where W̃i (t) = Ŵi (t) − Wi∗ .

When ei ∈ oci , according to (22), the time derivative of
V (t) is
1 1 2
V̇ (t) ≤ ei u i + ei f i (x i ) + ei  + ρi (x i )
T T 2
2 2


+ Tr W̃iT (t) i−1 Ŵ˙ i (t) . (33)
Fig. 8. Consensus performance of the first joint velocity of six manipulators. Substituting (24)–(26) into (33), we have
V̇ (t) ≤ −ki (t) ei 2 − eiT ŴiT (t)Si (x i )

+eiT Wi∗T Si (x i ) + eiT εi (x i ) +
ei 2

+ Tr W̃iT (t) Si (x i )eiT − σi Ŵi (t)
≤ − ki (t) − ei 2 − eiT W̃iT (t)Si (x i )

+eiT εi (x i ) + Tr W̃iT (t)Si (x i )eiT

−σi Tr W̃i (t)Ŵi (t) .

Fig. 9. Consensus performance of the second joint velocity of six According to trace operator property in matrix algebra below

a T b = Tr ab T = Tr ba T ∀a, b ∈ R n (35)
In the example, we choose a RBFNN that consists of
the following inequality can be satisfied:
25 nodes with centers, μl , l = 1, 2, . . . , 25, evenly spaced in
the range of [−5, 5] × [−5, 5], and the same widths, φi = 2, 1
for all. V̇ (t) ≤ − ki (t) − ei 2 + eiT εi (x i )
In Figs. 8 and 9, the simulation results are obtained by
applying proposed control method to the multimanipulator −σi Tr(W̃iT (t)Ŵi (t)) . (36)
system (31). From Figs. 8 and 9, we can see that the velocity
consensus state of six manipulators is achieved. Given ki (t) = ki0 + ki1 (t), (36) becomes
V̇ (t) ≤ − ki1 (t) − ei 2 − ki0 ei 2
In this paper, an adaptive NN consensus control scheme i=1
is proposed for a class of nonlinear multiagent systems

+eiT εi (x i ) − σi Tr W̃iT (t)Ŵi (t) . (37)
with state time delay. In designing the consensus controller,

According to the Cauchy’s inequality and Young’s inequality, Further, we have

the following inequalities can be obtained: 
2 2
ε2Ni ei (t)2 ≤ ρ+ V (0)e−K t (46)
εi (x i )2 λmin (D) λmin (D)
−ki0 ei 2 + eiT εi (x i ) ≤ ≤ , i = 1, . . . , n. i=1
4ki0 4ki0 √
(38) which implies that given υ > 2ρ/λmin (D), there exists T > 0
such that for all t > T , then
With Tr(W̃iT (t)Ŵi (t)) = 1/2(Tr(W̃iT (t)W̃i (t)) + Tr(ŴiT (t)
Ŵi (t))−Tr(Wi∗T Wi∗ )), i = 1, . . . , n, the following inequalities ei (t) < υ, i = 1, . . . , n (47)
are obtained: where υ can be a small constant which depends on the


NN approximation error εi and controller parameters ωi , σi ,
−σi Tr W̃iT (t)Ŵ (t)i ≤ − σi Tr W̃iT (t)W̃i (t)
and i . It is easily know that the decrease in the control gain
+Tr Wi∗T Wi∗ i = 1, . . . , n. ωi and increase the adaptive gain i and NN node number pi
will result in a better consensus performance.
(39) In addition, it is obvious that the consensus state has been
Substituting (27), (38), and (39) into (37), we have obtained when ei ∈ ci . .

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[36] B. Liu, X. L. Wang, H. S. Su, Y. P. Gao, and L. Wang, “Adaptive second- USA, in 1990, and was a Professor and the Director
order consensus of multi-agent systems with heterogeneous nonlinear of the Robotics and Automation Laboratory, Michi-
dynamics and time-varying delays,” Neurocomputing, vol. 118, no. 22, gan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA, and
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[37] L. Liu, K. Tsumura, and S. J. Hara, “Adaptive consensus for a class of Systems. In 1999, he founded the Intelligent Control
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[39] R. Olfati-Saber and J. S. Shamma, “Consensus filters for sensor networks is currently a Vice President of the Institute of Automation, CAS. His current
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Eur. Control Conf., Dec. 2005, pp. 6698–6703. and intelligent control.

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