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Lesson Exemplar in TLE 6 – ICT and Entrepreneurship

SDO Imus City Name of Teacher Adelma F. Gallano

LESSON Learning Area/ Component Grade Level 6
AR TLEIE6- 0e-9
Quarter 4 CODE
TLEIE6- 0f-11

Learning Delivery
Online Distance Learning Days Taught 1


A. Content Standard Demonstrates knowledge and skills in using online survey tools

B. Performance Standard Conducts a survey using online tools

C. Most Essential Learning 1. creates an online survey form

Competencies (MELC)

(if available write the indicated MELC)

2. processes online survey data

D. Enabling Competencies

(if available write the attached enabling competencies)

II. CONTENT Gathering and Organizing Information Using ICT


A. References

a. Teacher’s Guide Pages Life Skills Through TLE 6 ( Teacher’s Manual), pp. 9-11

b. Learner’s Guide Pages

c. Textbook Pages Life Skills Through TLE 6 (Textbook), pp. 22-31

d. Additional Materials from Learning


B. List of Learning Resources for Google Classroom, Powerpoint Presentation, Laptop/Desktop

Development and Computer/Tablet/Smartphone, Internet Connection,
Engagement Activities
Recorded video

A. Introduction WHAT I NEED TO KNOW

In a progressing and evolving world where technology took place at

its fullest. Learning in the classroom itself is very linear as well as to
the learner’s curiosity on how things work.

Due to this curiosity, the learners are able to formulate ideas and
tend to create an answer on what they are curious about. In the
learning process, we as teachers are to lead them to the right path
and teach them the proper way on how to ask others of questions
that they wanted to give solution into, or they are curious about. One
way of doing so, is by creating an on - line survey. One of the
friendliest application in the internet today is the so-called google
forms of Google.


Ask the learners the following questions:

Have you tried conducting surveys?

What was your purpose?

Survey enable you to gather data on a specific topic. The collected

information can produce results that can be plotted on a graph and
evaluated. Charts can also be used to illustrate results.

B. Development WHAT I KNOW

Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1) Can be used to gather data on a specific topic.

A. Internet C. Interview
B. Books D. All of the above

2) A method of collecting data wherein the researcher

conducts an interview with the respondent face-to-face.

A. Online Survey C. Library research

B. Traditional Street Survey D. None of the above

3) A method of collecting data using internet.

A. Online Survey C. Library research

B. Traditional Street Survey D. None of the above

4) This is an example of an online tool to create an online

survey form.

A. Slideshare C. Google forms

B. Twitter D. Pinterest

5) This is one of the advantages on using online tools on

gathering data.

A. The response of the participants might be delayed

B. Can be facilitate discussions with difficult to reach persons.

C. They may lack computer skill

D. There is no advantage.


A street survey is the classic method of carrying out market

research. In spite of new technologies they still offer exceptional
value for money. A major benefit of street surveys is the personal
contact between interviewer and participants. Street surveys, carried
out by experienced, fully trained interviewers, provide a unique
opportunity to engage participants by using show cards, illustrations,
sample adverts or packaging and a range of other stimuli. 

Online survey or internet survey is a questionnaire created

as web forms with database, which is completed by the respondents
over the internet. Respondents receive online surveys via various
mediums such as email, embedded over website, social media etc.


In creating your survey form, it is important to be guided by the

following. The purpose of doing an online survey is to collect data
and use that data to determine which markets are a good fit for our
new or existing products so we can expand into those markets —
whether it's market research for your product or survey, or research
into industry trends — you've found an opportunity to conduct a

1. Write a brief but clear introduction. What is the survey all

about? What is its objective or purpose? How long would it
take to answer it? Where will the data be used? Will the
responses be kept confidential? And other related matters.

2. Design your survey form in an attractive, simple and easy-

to-read way using appropriate colors, font size, and
arrangement of the parts of the survey so that the
respondent can easily move from one part to another in a
logical manner.

3. Keep your instructions in answering the questions using

short and simple language.

4. The format of your survey form should be well organized.

5. Pilot test your survey.

6. Include at the end of the questions a simple “Thank You” in

appreciation respondents.

7. You are now ready to post your survey form.

C. Engagement WHAT’S MORE

Getting Started Using the Google Forms

(The teacher will log on to DepEd Email account. The learners will
then access the account with the supervision of the teacher )
Let the pupils create a survey form using Google form.

How to Create Online Survey Forms

To create an online survey using Google Forms, you must have the

• Google account

• Chrome web browser

• Google “one click” Forms Web Application

Procedure on how to create an online survey:

1. Log in to your Google account. Click on the FORMS web app

icon. The forms icon will appear when you add a new tab.

2. Click one click

The one click forms web app opens a new browser tab that
has a blank form.

3. Accomplish survey setup.

Write a title for your survey. Explain it in two sentences.

There are three checkbox options display at the top of the survey

• Sign in to view the form.

• Users are allowed to add responses.

• The respondent’s username is automatically collected.

4. Add and edit questions. Each question has a Question Title and
Help Text field. The HELP TEXT field is a box used to explain a
ranking system. (For example, you may use 5 to indicate the highest
or best and 1 as the lowest or worst).

There are seven types of distinct questions in the Google Forms:

• Text- used for obtaining short answers

• Paragraph text- used for getting essay responses

• Multiple choice- used when presenting several answers to

choose from

• Choose from a list- useful for questions about categories

• Scale- used when ranking answers

• Grid-used when providing 1 to 5 responses

Divide long surveys into sections or pages. Headers or Page Breaks

between questions are provided for long surveys. Insert these items
by clicking on the + Add Item menu in the upper left at top of the

5. Edit the survey Completion Confirmation.

Customize the text that respondents will see after completing the
survey. To do this, click on the More actions drop-down menu found
in the upper right corner then select edit confirmation. Be sure to
thank the respondents for participating.

6. Distribute the survey.

Click email this form to distribute the survey.

7. View responses.

Gather survey responses in a spread sheet saved to your

Google Drive. Open the spread sheet to view the responses.

8. Edit the survey later.

If you need to edit the Google Form later, open the spread
sheet from your Google Drive on the Form menu item, and choose
Edit Form. This will return you to the original screen used to create
the survey.


Try to create a draft of customer satisfaction survey on

Longganisang Imus and get the feedback of your classmates and
teachers. Read and study survey questionnaire.

Answer the following questions:

1. What was the most difficult part in conducting an online


2. What can you say about the data you have collected?

3. What can you deduce from the data you gathered? Explain.

D. Assimilation WHAT I HAVE LEARNED?

In this activity you will create an online survey using your chosen
online tool and collect the survey data using your social media


Arrange the steps in creating a survey. Write 1-5

Register on your chosen online service provider.

Process the online survey data. Collect and tabulate the


_______Summarize and come up with your results.

Share your findings.

Know for how many days your survey form is to stay

online until you are able to gather the number of respondents you

V. REFLECTION Essay/Situational Analysis

On your journal, answer the following questions:

1. How do you make an online survey?

2. What is the importance of online survey?

Prepared by:

Teacher III

Checked by:

Master Teacher II


Principal IV

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