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Date: 3/0/-20 23
S.No./NNB/Projects/Drainage/2022-2/D- I

andParul Construction Co.-JV

M/S GA INFRA, Pvt. Ltd.
HawaSarak, Jaipur-302006
-Plot No.-61, Keshav Nagar,
Aniruddha Nagar, Bharatpur-321001
-Site Office, House No. 01 A,

Yashi Consulting 501-510, Fifth Floor Kailash

Services Pvt. Ltd.
Tower Lal Kothi, Tonk Road Jaipur-302015.
Site Office 245(B) Rajendra Nagar Bharatpur

to be
Subject: -Various issues of master drainage project Bharatpur,
discussed/resolved prior to or during course of its execution.
Ref: - Construction/Rehabilitation of City Flood Control Drain (CFCD), Ranjeet
drains in Deficient areas with
Nagar Flood Control Drain (RNFCD) and Storm

allied works on lump-sum turnkey basis in Bharatpur Town.


1. As per DPR page 12-13, para 3.1.2 unit 2 (CFCD) -

It has mentioned that "it is

the bridge cum regulator at ch. 166
proposed provide steel gates in
of water ater but such
(Jaghhena gate) to keep the moat full rains no


provision has mentioned in the
these gates must be provided to safe Bharatpur city against submergence in
case of sever flood.
2. As per DPR page 12-13, para 3.1.2 unit2 (CFCD)- It has mentioned that "after

traversing the total distance of 300 chains, it joins the main drain (unit-1) at
ch.206. With the F.S.L. of C.F.C.D (R.L. 558.70 ft.) is 0.5ft. Higher than the
F.S.L. of main drain (558.20 ft.) at the aforesaid confluence point ensuring no
back water of main drain in to C.F.C.D.". In DPR report FSL of Main Drain
has shown RL 558.20 ft but it is has mentioned 565.00 ft (172.212 Mtr.) in WRD
records. In TENDER DOCUMENT drawing CFCD invert level has provided
RL 170.420 Mtr. (At Ch. 8642), presently it has lowered down by 0.55 mtr i.e.,
169. 916 Mtr. Flood water may enter in Bharatpur City. At this location
drawing showing structure to be constructed for safe discharge of water from
CFCD in to Main Drain, has not provided in DPR/ TENDER DOCUMENT.

DOCUMENT and DPR drawing invert level of

3. Similarly, asper TENDER haas
Vatika drain at meeting point of Main Drain near
Noh Bridge
Pushp mentioned RL
shown RL 170.420 Mtr but in drawing for construction it has
water level in Main Drain has
169.680 Mtr, presently on checking at this point
found at level of 169.815 (0.135 higher than bed of RCC open drain). As per
WRD record FSL in Main Drain at this chainage (245) is 172.0992. WNater may
enter in city from this point also. WRD Engineer has suggested to provide
steel gate with regulator at this location. At this location drawing not showing
the structure to be constructed for safe discharge of water from Pushpvatika
drain in to Main Drain has provided.
4. Presently bed of Main Drain is highly silted and at some locations farmers
sowing their crops across the drain bed that is resulting raising water level
drain, there is no provision in TENDER DOCUMENT for de-silting of Main
Drain bed which is utmost required.
5. There are nine bridges/ puliyas are to be reconstructed at different locations,
drawing showing provision for passing of public utilities through CFCD
culvert has not provided neither in DPR nor in TENDER DOCUMENT.
6. In the DPR drain cross section has taken equivalent to wetted perimeter,
provision for free board has not taken, it may possible that flowing water may
spill out at bend/curve of drain being high flow velocity of 2 mtr/Sec.
7. At Sewage Pumping Station Achhnera Road, height of earthen wall of Main
Drain is about 3.00 mtr more than top of vertical wall of drain (Size 6.25x3.5),
Earth may fall into drain due rain of by sliding, EE WRD has warned not to
cut the embankment. It needs proper earth protection.
8. Contractor firm has carried out confirmative survey of work area but on
checking levels are not find correct.
9. There is change in shape of cross section area of open canal mentioned DPR
and TENDER DOCUMENT between Jagheena Gate and RIICO without any
10. Drawing L- section showing height of soil replacement in CFCD as per SPT
and PLT reports has not provided to NNB yet.
11. It has informed that in construction of open drain, this drain will be covered
by ferro covers at entrance points of Hotels, Marriage Halls, and in walkway
of Vishav Priya Shastri Park but
drawing showing such arrangement has not
12. In DPR map has overlapped over drone topographic map but it has
observed that this not accurate some
private lands are lying in drain
alignment which have shown out of alignment, these are to be corrected.

13. Similarly, Heeradas- Pushpvatika drain has proposed in the private land
along NH21 but no such drawing revenue map overlapped NH ROW, drain
alignment and private land provided in DPR.

14. In design drawing of open drain height of vertical walls has finalised but how
meet out problem of high or low ground level in vicinity of drain has
not provided.
15. In the lining work of canal, it has observed that bed of canal is much below
about 3.5 mtr) to nearby ground and water table is higher than bed level,
hydrostatic pressure and swelling of soil exhibiting pressure on slopes and
bed of canal. Safety measures shall be taken in construction of canal as per
manual for canal lining (GOI) copy enclosed.
16. Heeradas- Pushpvatika drain crossing Ram Nagar Do Mora canal at CB 262
at this location what arrangement has proposed not shown in DPR as well as
17. Similarly, drainage of L.B. Shastri Nagar and Malipura of Sewar has proposed
in to Alan Canal. L section and chainage of this canal has not provided in
DPR/ TENDER DOCUMENT. This canal has been levelled by local resident
beyond Sarson Anusandhan Kendra to meeting point of RNFCD and no
provision has taken in DPR and TENDER DOCUMENT for its de-silting and
making its profile as per WRD design.
18. CFCD construction is being taken
up in covered structure from Kali ki Bagichi
to Jagheena Gate. Its
length is 4845 Mtr. As per information available there are
only 4 nos. of de-silting chamber have been taken up in this length. There is
no specific lighting and ventilation systems has provided. During course
cleaning ventilation and lighting systems are must for workers health and
19. Inspection chambers to inspect of water flow and situation of
material, dissolved particles and status of drain
intervals are also needed.
at particular
20. Similarly, in Pushpvatika Drain recently a
open of drain has been
modified into covered drain. It needs also similar treatment
above. Moreover that traffic
as discussed
this covered portion. Because, at
arrangement is also to be
provided with
some stretches.
present suffice road width is not available in
21. Inlet details with its section and
level at which
during course of CFCD walls construction.opening
for inlet drain to
Otherwise it may cause of
problem to create an opening after completion of work.
22. In present scenario
of soil.
Bharatpur city facing the major problem of salt properties
Owing to it all
types of structures deteriorated. We have taken up
CFCD project in RCC structure, which may also face this kind of our

problem after two to five years. To prevent CFCD, RCC and CC structures
from salt problem its treatment during course of work is must.

23. RCC structures of CFCD in submergence, therefore it needs to safety of steel

trom rusting. To prevent steel from any type of corrosion in submergence
structures, during course of work remedial measures can be taken up.

24. To prevent concrete from salty and increase durability, safety measures can be
adopted. Any expert solution in this context can be considered during course
of work.

In view of above facts and to resolve it, a joint meeting has been convened
with Executing Agency and Project Management Consultant on 08.02.2023 at

11:00 AM in the undersigned office. You

are make it convenient
requested to
and attend the meeting with your Design Consultant /Experts and decision
taken authority please.

3 T | 20 23
(Bahadur Singh)
Executive Engineer (Projects)
Nagar Nigam Bharatpur
S.No/NNB/Projects/Drainage/2022-23/D- 2627 Date: 8/ 0/ 24S
Copy to following for kind information:
1. Hon'ble
Mayor, MC Bharatpur.
2. Chief
Engineer, UIT, Alwar.
3. Commissioner, MC, Bharatpur.
4. SE, MC, Bharatpur.

Executive Engiheer (Projects)

Nagar Nigam Bharatpur

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