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Dead Children found in Mass Grave - https://tommytruthful.


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Posted in: Tommy Truthful TV

Posted on: January 21, 2023

Dead Kids found In Mass Grave

TommyTruth ful T V


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Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

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Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

I know it is Hard to Believe but the Elites who harvest the kid's Adrenochrome are not
Human!!!! They have a mass network Globally From the Wars and Child Trafficking, they
have Unlimited access to children, And their Organs! Rockefeller had 7 heart
Transplants before he died were do you think they all came from? These Draconian
Bloodlines use babies as a food source, as they Poison us to keep us weak! If you have
any people watching this video leave a comment so I see what is going on, they try to

5 of 34 1/29/23, 21:04
Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

censor this info, Please share this!!

If you speak to someone who studies numerology they will tell you that there is an
uncanny relationship between numbers and words. They’ll tell you that letters and
words all have a numerical value and weight that is implicit of deeper meaning,
connecting other words of similar weight. In fact, this concept has been given merit and
studied in relation to biblical texts for hundreds of years. Kabbalist Jewish scholars call
this study gematria and believe that there is a hidden code in the Torah that contains

6 of 34 1/29/23, 21:04
Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

clues to current and future events.

7 of 34 1/29/23, 21:04
Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

 & “ ” w/“s” exception in Pythagorean Gematria sum to  

• is like   w/“s” exception in Pythagorean Gematria

•  is like  ,  , &   in Jewish Gematria
•  is like 
& in
Simple Gematria
• * &  all sum to   like  in Pythagorean Gematria

 w/“s” exception,  , &   in Pythagorean

Gematria sum to  
•  is like 

&   in Simple Gematria

•  in  , it means   &  ; it

8 of 34 1/29/23, 21:04
Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

also denotes the   symbology too and refers to   as well

 w/BOTH “s” exceptions &    in Pythagorean

Gematria sum to 
•  is like   (96 w/s/except.) in Pythagorean Gematria
•  is like   
& in Jewish Gematria
• is like

 &   in Simple Gematria

 like  in Pythagorean Gematria sums to

•  w/one “s” or “k” exceptions like   w/TWO “s”
exceptions sums to  like the  in Pythagorean Gematria
•  is like   in Chaldean Gematria
• is like in KFW Gematria
•  is like  in Pythagorean Gematria
•  is like  &   in Jewish Gematria
•  is like   in Reverse Reduce Gematria

 in Pythagorean Gematria 
•  is like  &   in Pythagorean Gematria
•  is like  &   in Jewish Gematria
•  is like    &   in Simple Gematria
•  is the   that   waited in   service before taking his wives &
his livestock: 
•  is the   that  suffered under ,  : 
 of  : 
• wives & his livestock: 
•  is the   that  ( & builder of the
in ) took to complete the   & his  : 

•  is the   that the  waited for : 

9 of 34 1/29/23, 21:04
Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

 in Pythagorean Gematria sums to 

•  w/BOTH “s” exceptions sums to   in Pythagorean Gematria
•    (    &    )
•  like     w/”s” exception written sums to   in Pythagorean
Gematria;   (written) sums to  in Simple Gematria
•  is like  &   in Jewish Gematria like   
&   in English Gematria
•  is like 

 &   in Simple Gematria

• represents the reduction or the loss of faith in the , having to cause
the bad tendency of the individual initiative to want direct that only by intelligence
and the human reason
•  persons of the family of   came in   ( )
• In the   of  , the   and the 
•  contains   (7×7+17) chapters, three of them having 
& . And 4+12+20 = 36 is 6×6

10 of 34 1/29/23, 21:04
Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

7+1+19+61= /16/
•  is the  /  ( ) in Numerology
• is like  ,  , and the   in Simple Gematria

• They Worrshi Saturn Watch This –


7+1+61= /15/
• is like   in Simple Gematria
• in & ; it
also denotes the   symbology too and refers to   as well.

7+1+1+9+6+1= /
•  is like    to approve &  order  in Pythagorean Gematria

7+1+6+1= /
• is like   &   in Jewish Gematria &
like   and   million viewers (7+8= )

 represents the    , the soul of man, and the macrocosm of .
 is represented geometrically as the  :  – : 

 is a   & means  :   in   &

 is the  th Month & 

 is the  th Month (Princess Diana's Death month)

8+31+19+97= /11/
•  is like   in Simple Gematria

8+31+97= /10/
•  is like  &  in Jewish Gematria
•  is like 

&  in Simple Gematria

8+3+1+9+7= /10/

11 of 34 1/29/23, 21:04
Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

•  is like  & in Simple Gematria

Marriage =   years
• is like  ,  ,  ,  ,  – ,  , &     in Jewish Gematria
• is like  & in Pythagorean Gematria

•  is the first sacred number; it is a perfect number representing the 
and in  ; also, it's

“ ” like   in Pythagorean Gematria 

•  is like  ,  ,  ,  , &   in Simple Gematria

“ ” like ” ” w/BOTH “s” exceptions &  in Pythagorean

•  is like  ,  ,  ,  ,  , &   in Simple Gematria
•  is like    :  + + +  = 

like ” ” w/“s” exception & like   in Pythagorean Gematria 

•  is like &   in Simple Gematria

 in Pythagorean Gematria 
She is somehow the

12 of 34 1/29/23, 21:04
Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

4/21/1926 }  + + +  =  /  & is like 

•  is like  ,  , &   in Jewish Gematria
•  is like  ,  , 
&  in
Simple Gematria
•  is a   & means  : 

+ + +
•  in  means 
•  =   (Sacred #7 multiplied by the Sacred/Perfect #3) in 
•  is like  in Simple Gematria, Covid-19 happened 19 years after 911 After the
19 Hijackers brought down the towers!!
•  is like  in Simple Gematria, Covid=26

•  is like  & in Simple Gematria,
Illuminati Formed on 5-1-1776

13 of 34 1/29/23, 21:04
Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

 (E- -beth) like   w/“s” exception  & like 

in the English Reduction system ALL equal 
• sums to   in Simple Gematria

14 of 34 1/29/23, 21:04
Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

•  in   means  ,  ,  ,  , & 

• They used the Shot to hook us up to their Beast System VIA Blue Tooth!!
• Proof –

15 of 34 1/29/23, 21:04
Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

 in the English Reduction system equals   (8+3+5+5+5), which reduces to 8

•  is like   &   in Simple Gematria
•  sums to   in Jewish Gematria

 is like   &  in the English Reduction system equals 

•  is like   in Pythagorean Gematria w/“s” exceptions
•  is like  ,  , &   in Jewish Gematria
•  is like   &  in Simple

born and
6/10/1921 }  + + +  =  / /
•  is like “ ” like ” ” w/BOTH “s” exceptions & 
•  is like 
&   in Simple Gematria
•  is like   in Pythagorean Gematria

16 of 34 1/29/23, 21:04
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17 of 34 1/29/23, 21:04
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•  is the     & means  &  in 

•  in  is means  ,  ,  , & 

18 of 34 1/29/23, 21:04
Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

• represents the

• represents   and   and is the symbol of   and 

•  is formed of the   and the 
•  is the   from which all things come, and all must return
•  means   (  multiplied by the  ) in 

•  is like  ,  ,  ,    , &     in Simple Gematria

 in the English Reduction system equals 

•  is like 

, &   in Jewish Gematria

•  is like 


in Simple Gematria
•  is like   in Simple Gematria &  in Pythagorean Gematria
•  in the English Reduction system equals   (4+1+2+9+3+1+5), which
reduces to 
•  is like   (to approve) &   (order) in Pythagorean Gematria

19 of 34 1/29/23, 21:04
Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

•  is a   & means  :  in 

 like  & like ” ” w/“k”

exception in the English Reduction system equals 

•  is like 
&   in Jewish Gematria
• is   & means   ( ) in 

 like   in the English Reduction system equals 

•  is like &  in Simple Gematria
•  Date of Death: 8+3+1+1+9+9+7= /11/

 like   in the English Reduction system BOTH equal 

• is like   in Pythagorean Gematria
•  is like  ,  ,  , &   in Simple Gematria
• 13 degrees in the York Rite and 33 in the Scottish Rite 13+33=46

 like   in the English Reduction system BOTH equal 

• is like  (96 w/s/except.) in Pythagorean Gematria

 like    in the English Reduction system BOTH equal 

•  is like   (Space Shuttle Challenger in 1986) in Simple Gematria
•  is like   in Jewish Gematria
•  is a karmic number and these people need to  ,  –
,   and  . And it is the number of the good and the charity
• Osiris Chopped up into 14 Pieces, The Vaccines went live in the USA On 12-14-20

 like   in the English Reduction system BOTH equal 

• is like   &   in Simple Gematria
• is like  ,  ,  , &   in English Gematria

 like “ ” w/“s” exception in the English Reduction system equals 

•  is like   in Simple Gematria
• Also, the number of Parties ( for the   (ATS)

“ ” like “ ” in the English Reduction system equals 

•  is like   in Pythagorean Gematria;   }  =  /  =  w/o summing),
7/4/1776 ( )
•  is like   in Jewish Gematria

20 of 34 1/29/23, 21:04
Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

•  is like  ,    , &  in Simple Gematria

“ ” w/“s” exception in the English Reduction system equals 

•  is like   &   in Jewish Gematria
•  is like  ,  ,  , Icon,  ,  ,  ,&   in Simple Gematria
•  is like   in Pythagorean Gematria

“ ” w/BOTH “s” exceptions & “ ” w/”s”

exception & “ ” & “Annunakis” w/“s” & “k” exceptions &   in the
English Reduction system ALL equal 
• is like 
 &  in Simple Gematria
• : is like  & 
 in Jewish Gematria
•  is like 
&   in English Gematria

 like   w/“s” exception is & like   in the

English Reduction system ALL equal 
•  in  , it means  ,  ,  ,  , & 
•  sums to   in Simple Gematria

 w/“s” exception in the English Reduction system equals 

21 of 34 1/29/23, 21:04
Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

•  is like   (96 w/s/except.) in Pythagorean Gematria

 in the English Reduction system equals 

•  is like   &   in Simple Gematria

 w/“s” exception in the English Reduction system equals 

• is like  ,  ,  ,  , & 
 in Simple Gematria
• is like   (s/except.) in Pythagorean Gematria
• is like   in Simple Gematria

w/BOTH “s” exception in the English Reduction system equal 

•  is like  ,  , &   in Jewish Gematria
• is lithe like the , , 

& in Simple Gematria

” ” in the English Reduction system equals 

•  is like  &  in Jewish Gematria
•  is like  ,  &   in Simple

” ” w/“k” exception in the English Reduction system equals 

•  is like 

, &   in Simple Gematria
•  is like   in English Gematria
• further,   ( a way of writing of   for some people:  } g=7 d=4 numerically);
also, the ONLY state with a   Gematria (SG) is the rd State: 

“ ” like   in the English Reduction system BOTH equal 

•  is like  & in Jewish Gematria

“ ” w/”s” exception like “ ” & “Annunakis” w/“s” & “k” exceptions &

like “ ” in the English Reduction system ALL equal 
• is like 
 &  in Simple Gematria
• : is like  & 
 in Jewish Gematria
•  is like 

22 of 34 1/29/23, 21:04
Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

&   in English Gematria

“ ” in the English Reduction system equals 

•  is like  , &   in Simple Gematria

“ ” w/“s” exception like   in the English Reduction system

•  is like  &  in Jewish Gematria
• is like

• &  sum
• represents the  :  -pointed Star: ;
• is like  ,  , &   in Simple Gematria; & 
,   (Civil Rights Act of 19 ), &  Pythagorean
Gematria • 8×8 = 

“ ” in the English Reduction system equals 

•  is like   in Pythagorean Gematria w/“s” exceptions
•  is like  ,  , &   in Jewish Gematria
•  is like   &  in Simple

“ ” in the English Reduction system equals 

• is like ,  , and  in Simple Gematria
• is like   in Pythagorean Gematria
• also   in Pythagorean Gematria sums to 
•  and   the only  with  (Pythagorean

” ” like  in the English Reduction system equals 

• is like   in Pythagorean Gematria
•  is like  ,  ,  , &   in Simple Gematria

23 of 34 1/29/23, 21:04
Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

“ ” like “ ” & like   (magazine) in the English Reduction system

24 of 34 1/29/23, 21:04
Dead Children found in Mass Grave -


25 of 34 1/29/23, 21:04
Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

•  is like   in Pythagorean Gematria;  }  =  /  =  w/o summing),

7/4/1776 ( )
•  is like     in Jewish Gematria
•  is like  ,    , &  in Simple Gematria, They
show u who they are if you have eyes to See!!!

26 of 34 1/29/23, 21:04
Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

27 of 34 1/29/23, 21:04
Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

“ ” w/“s” exception & “ ” w/“k” exception & “ ” in the English

Reduction system ALL equal 
•  is like   &   in Jewish Gematria
•  is like  ,  ,  , Icon,  ,  ,  , &   in Simple
•  is like   in Pythagorean Gematria

” ” in the English Reduction system equals 

•  is like  , &   in Simple Gematria
• ( ) ( ) ( ) sum to  ,  ‘s REFLECTION
•  is a  & represents  : 
&  in 
•  is like 

” ” like   in the English Reduction system BOTH equal 

•  is like &  in Simple Gematria

” ” w/“s” exception like ” ” in the English Reduction system

• is like   &   in Pythagorean Gematria
• is like  &  in Jewish
• is like   in Simple Gematria

“ ” in the English Reduction system equals 

•  is like  , &   in
Simple Gematria

” ” w/“s” exception like   & like   in the English Reduction

system ALL equal 
•Add Your Email Here
 is like  &   in Simple Gematria

“ ” like “ ” in the English

UPDATES system
•  is like  &  in Simple Gematria
•  like  in the English Reduction system BOTH equal   (5+2+3), which
reduces to 1
•  represents   and   and is the symbol of   and  ; it is also
the   number (like  }  +

“ ” w/“s” exception in the English Reduction system equals 

•  is like  &  in Simple Gematria

28 of 34 1/29/23, 21:04
Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

•  is like 8+3+1+9+7= /10/  } Date of 

” ” in the English Reduction system equals 

•  is like   &   ( ) in Pythagorean Gematria
•  is like   (Goddess of Sex/Planet of Sex) &   ( ) in Simple
•  is like the date: 1+2+2+5+2+1+5=  of 
• These are the same Family who set up the secreat socitys Like the Knights Templar
1307 #137

Will the Governments Fall This Century

Aliens Or Demons 2023 Tommy & Papa Truthful

CIA Funded Company To Resurrect Extinct Animals Under the Guise of Climate Change

Ascending to the Beatitudes: The Wisdom of the Sermon on the Mount

How to Overcome Birth Trauma

29 of 34 1/29/23, 21:04
Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

• Knights Templar 1307 #137

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Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

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Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

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Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

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Dead Children found in Mass Grave -

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