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Nama : Patrick pieris:

Kelas : X-PB


the people asked if Surnai Kapitan could appoint or give us a place to live, before we left Upu Dorang
had a limit with urimesing. According to the story, the next day Surnai Kapitan and Kuweru went to
where the ema (black batru) lived to equip Kapitan Ema. After they arrived, Surnai Kapitan asked
Kapitan Ema to give a spear to Surnai Kapitan. Tomar's purpose for asking for this object was to indicate
a new area for the people of Ema. According to the story, what Surnai Kapitan did was throw, besides
that Surnai Kapitan said that now when throwing ale, they have a spear and they have to go look for it, if
they get the ale, that's where they live. After it was finished, Surnai Kapitan returned to Naku and soon
Kapitan Ema carried out Surnai Kapitan's orders and in that search Kapitan Ema was successful and she
returned to report to Surnai Kapitan. After the news was conveyed, Surnai Kapitan gave the name of
the place "HAU SA SIWA" or nine stones because the spear fell next to nine stones. According to the
story that in finding the spear, Kapitan Ema took the contents of the spear while the spears made of
tomato hair had sprouted, and according to the story, for some time the Ema people lived there. Eight
went to Sirimau for his fiancé named "SAPILA PATTIMAHU UPU LU MARUA LESI." As he passed he said
that in the past there were no people and pigs in this place why are there people now where do they
come from. At that time he also went up to meet Kapitan Ema and his people were very afraid because
they had never seen a human with eight eyes. Here, Matawaru chases away the pigs and says that they
must now get out or move from this place, if they don't move, they will kill them. After this he made an
agreement with the ema people, he went up to Sirimau to meet his fiancé. With this request, Kapitan
Ema and Surnai went up to show a new place again, the appointment of this new place was also the
same as the first. When Surnai Kapitan threw a spear and ordered Kapitan Ema to go look for him, while
looking for him he also met and at the same time he informed his people that they had to quickly get
out of Hau Sa Siwa and go to a new place, where they lived and was given the name "EMA MAKAREMA
LATU SAMA" SIMA” apart from that at the place where the spear fell, they also set up a Teung or land
center. And to further strengthen the brotherhood between the two countries, it was decided that
every three years a hot pela ceremony would be held between Naku and Ema in turn, and this had
already been done.

Names and Places as Relics of the Datuks according to each SOA, among others:
SOA PESSI, Teungnya named SOUWASA SIRILAHU which means POWERFUL, Mataruma named
TUTULEPI, Air Perigi named TESUTE TOMALARA which means Place to Drink Lots of People, Sago
Background named PIKANUSA, Upu for men is UPU PESI and for women is UPI PIKA.

SOA PATTI, Teung's name is HAULALUTU PALEMAHU which means PLACE TO KELL, the Eye of the House
is called SOUMAHU, Water Well is called WAI LILI LESI LAKAPUTI, Sago's background is called
NUNUMETE, Upu for men is UPU PATI, and for women is UPU SULI

SOA HUWAE, Teungnya named TOMA HUA SOULISA, Air Perigi named TALAMASO TOUDUPA, Sago
Background named ASARUHU, Upu for men is UPU HUA, and for women is UPU MONI.

The family names that exist today are Alfons, Gaspersz, Loppies, Muskita, de Fretes, Warella, Waas,
Piries, it is clear that this family comes from a Portuguese family name, including:

ALFONS from the Portuguese name ALFONSO

GASPERSZ from the Portuguese name GASPARSIS

LOPPIES from the Portuguese name LOPES

MUSKITA from the Portuguese name MOSQUITA

DE FRETES from the Portuguese name DE FREYTES

WARELLA from the Portuguese name VARELLA

WAAS from the Portuguese name VAS

PIRIES from the Portuguese name PIRES

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