BMUS 323 - Tabitha 7th Feb

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School of Music and Performing Arts

Bachelors in Music Theory and Composition


Unit Name: Research Methods

BMUS 323

Task: To write the background study of the research topic of your


Patrick Kangoga Rono - BMTC/MG/1699/09/20

Lecturer: Madam Tabitha Osoro

Date of Submission: 02-02-2023
Research Proposal

Research Topic

Investigating the influences on students’ career choices by parents and relatives: A case of
Kabarak University students

Background Study

There has been a significant increase in the amount of students in “Generation Z” who would
like to venture more into the art based courses and careers due to an increase in their popularity
in the last few years. With that, there has also been an increasing trend of relatives having a
choice and stand in influencing the career choices of the students who are about to join
university. This has led to many students in the university sector pursuing courses that end up
becoming too gritty for them leading to an increase in drop outs. Apart from this, there are
students who finish pursuing the degree, later returning the certificate to their parents and
moving on to their degree of choice afterwards.

Faith Nyamai, (2021) wrote, “The courses, which are classified under science, technology,
engineering and mathematics, are considered the most prestigious and competitive courses

offered by public universities, and they promise better career prospects upon graduation.” Our
nation and country has prioritized STEM courses more than the art based courses and it can be
seen straight from the primary education all the way to the working class individuals in our
country. Parents and relatives act as a mirror to the society as they are the closest things we have
to the outside society. The Kenyan mindset to focus more on the STEM courses has led to a
skeptical look from our parents on the arts as a viable career choice.

Apart from the society, the political outlook of the country has also had a huge effect on the
STEM courses being more valued than art with most of the politicians advocating for their
improvement in one way or another while disregarding majority of the arts. The overall belief is
that one who is not intelligent enough to do the STEM courses should now venture into the arts
as a “hobby” as it is not a sufficient enough source of income and it cannot sustain someone as a
career. The political system of the country greatly affected the educational system in that the 8-4-
4 system of learning that has been implemented in our country since 1985 when the former
President, the Late Daniel Arap Moi replaced the 7-4-2-3 system of education.

Mathenge, (2019) wrote, “The Kenyan public education system has historically classified art as
an extracurricular activity. Since 1985, the Kenyan education system has operated under
a curriculum called the 8-4-4 System, which places an emphasis on the STEM subjects (Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in order to advance Africa’s development. This has
resulted in a wealth of job opportunities, but only in those sectors.

Many of the students that I have interacted with in university have first-hand experience with
influences on their career choices, both in the positive and the negative in regard to their own
choice. They all agree that a parent’s view on what your career should be is important and they
have a say in what you end up doing as your career.

This research plans to paint a picture on the influences that parents and relatives provide in terms
of career choices and courses that university students end up pursuing.

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