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Hasson 1

Steven Hasson

Mr. Crane

English 101

3 November 2022

Rich Influence Poor

Many have their eyes on the future for it may solve all their problems. Problems that

include the ever-increasing wealth gap between the poor and the rich. The low-income class’s

desires to keep up on social mobility and status. Habits like spending money that they do not to

making unwise decisions with their money financially. According to the article, "The Semplica

Girl Diaries," by George Saunders, published in The New Yorker in 2012. the narrator; a

struggling husband and father of three begins recording daily in a journal he received for his 40th

birthday in order to preserve the present for future generations to read and comprehend his

actions, thoughts, feelings, and the circumstances in his era. After he wins a lottery ticket to

which the father chooses to spend his winnings on his oldest daughter's birthday, giving her gifts

of the upper class to her belief of ideal desires. Even adding the purchase of a Semplica Girl

arrangement. This article speaks on people’s need to consume to keep up with their peers and its

effects on the world and its future. Lower-income families fear falling victim to an

ever-widening wealth gap with the wealthy. The gap between the lower and upper class will

continue to increase in the future.

Spending money that you do not have on things you don’t need or want is one of the

main reasons for this ever increasing wealth gap. In tight money situations, any sort of money
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that goes to you, whether it is your weekly salary or a bonus, should go towards where it is

required. It should not go towards things that are not needed. According to the article, “…Pam

said, Partially pay off credit card… but it didn't seem exciting… it would be nice to do

something special for Lilly’s birthday,” (Saunders 9). In

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