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Performance task 2

Bible Sharing Program

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the subject

G12b: Growing as a Missionary Church

Submitted To:
Ma’am Florence Bronola

Submitted By:
Aeron Dwayne A. Gallate
12 STEM E - St. Jude Thaddeus

SLULHS - Senior High

February 18, 2022
I. Attendance


Riana Ornido

Jihan Aavril Dulay

Kyra Paus

Sherdilah Bolido

Aeron Gallate

II. Checklist

Content Remarks

Sending the Meeting Link(1minute)

-Bible sharing Program
meeting was moved to
February 15, 2022, 9:00
p.m. since there were a lot
of disturbances.

Waiting for the participants and giving of reminder/s

-The waiting time was
extended to wait for the
other participants, since
there were only three
students at that time.

Introduction of the program (3 minutes)

Opening Song (4minutes.)

Opening prayer (2 minutes)

Introduction of each individual(10minutes)

-Most of them already
know each other, that is
why it didn't really take 10

Activity/game related to the Gospel (10 minutes)

Gospel reading (5 minutes. w/ silence)

Time of Reflection (2 minutes w/ silence)

Sharing of reflection (15 minutes)

Activity: Movie (1 hour 45 minutes)

Closing Remarks (1 minutes)

Closing Prayer (2 minutes)

Closing Song (5 minutes)

III. Sharing of Reflection

In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus uses the example of the Jew and
the Samaritan, who would not ordinarily have been friendly towards each other.
However, out of all those who could have helped the Jew, only the Samaritan did.
Jesus tells of a man who was traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho and was attacked
by robbers on the way. He was badly beaten and left for dead. The first person to
pass the injured man was a priest, who crossed the road and continued walking. The
second person to pass the injured man was a Levite, a priest’s assistant. He also
crossed the road and continued walking without helping the man. The third person to
come by was a Samaritan, a person from Samaria. The Samaritans were hated by the
Jews. When the Samaritan saw the man, he took pity on him. He bandaged him and
cleaned his wounds. He then put him on the back of his donkey and took him to an
innkeeper, whom he paid to look after him. The parable ends with Jesus giving a
commandment to go out and do the same as the Samaritan had done.

Jesus was asked to confirm what he meant by the word ‘neighbor’. This is
when he told the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), to explain that
people should love everyone, including their enemies. It is easy to love friends and
family, but it is much more difficult to love those who you may not get along with, or
even those who may harm or hurt you. To show love to your enemies is to truly love
as Christ did. The parable of the Good Samaritan provides us with a beautiful image
of how to love others. This love goes beyond feelings and cultural and religious
boundaries to reach out to whoever needs care along the way. The Samaritan story
invites us to care for whoever needs our support, no matter who they may be. But
underneath this is another story, that to care like this for others is to experience the
grace of God in our lives, to know the blessing of being able to give without return, to
be able to empathize, to be privileged to serve.

IV. Short Activity

Activity: Bingo!
This is the bingo card that was already The game was introduced, the mechanics
sent to the participants beforehand. The were also explained by the host before
card is made online by using Canva. the game started.

V. Evaluation

The challenges that we encountered in The good attributes or impact of this

this activity were: activity to us:

1. The Bible Sharing Program was a. Learn the importance of

moved because our academic incorporating courage and
schedule conflicted with the compassion in our lives.
originally settled date and time. b. Knowing how it feels walking in
2. Availability of some participants other’s shoes and taking the first
3. Slow internet connection of some step.
4. Lagging of movie on the screens of c. Opportunity for people to gather
the participants virtually.
5. Waiting for more participants d. A time for each individual to relax
6. Some cannot turn on mics and reflect freely
because of background noises. e. End the meeting with lessons
learned from the activities.

a. We will no longer continue this activity even beyond the academic requirement
because we are all preoccupied with academics and would rather spend our
available time on other aspects, such as our academic tasks and health.

b. We, therefore, suggest that we may continue the program when a number of
individuals have the same available schedule. We might execute the Bible
sharing program face-to-face and welcome other individuals who are interested
to join.

Did you feel God’s presence through this activity? (why or why not).

We felt free and open to sharing our insights. Thus, we felt God’s presence
through this bible sharing program. We also learned the significance of being bold in
sharing His teachings and being compassionate to our brothers and sisters. If ever we
have not felt His presence, then it is a challenge for us to seek and recognize God’s
presence not only at prayer and religious events but also in our daily lives. Take a few
steps back, simmer down, relax, and search for Him because He is our guide if we get
lost and scared. Another lesson is that we should be careful not to overlook
something important.

We felt that God’s presence is genuine, full of love and compassion, and
complete, just like every minute that configures us also to have the courage. God’s
presence is never about suffering or strife. God’s courage and compassion can be
recognized in the periphery rather than the center, peacefulness rather than phrases.
By his grace, it is entirely feasible to contact him. As a result, it is available to us
regardless of our good or evil deeds. However, keep in mind that God will never force
His children to open their eyes and see him.

He fills the spaces that are open and ready to be filled. He eagerly asks
everyone to meet with him and waits patiently for us to make room in our life for what
he so earnestly wants to give us. In order to meet God, all we have to do is seek Him
out. To discern the source of life, joy, love, and transformation, make time for Him,
open one’s heart, and have faith in His presence and message.

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