Significant Figures

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UNIT 1: Numbers

Name: Date:
LEARNING GOAL – Rounding off numbers can lead to Estimation of values.

LINE OF INQUIRY- What is the significance of rounding off decimal numbers to Significant Figures?

ATL Skills
Communication- Communication Skills- Understand and use mathematical notation.
Thinking- Critical Thinking- Practise observing carefully in order to recognize problems.

Command Terms
Calculate: Obtain a numerical answer showing the relevant stages in the working.
Estimate: Obtain an approximate value for an unknown quantity.
Write down: Obtain the answer(s), usually by extracting information. Little or no calculation is
required. Working does not need to be shown




5. The population of Europe is 580000000 people. The land area of the Europe is 5900000 sq. km.

(a) Write 580000000 in standard form.

(b) Calculate the number of people per square kilometre, to the nearest whole number.

(c ) Calculate the number of square meters per person.

6. In January Sunanda changed £ 25000 into dollars when the exchange rate was $1.96 = £1.

In June, she changed the dollars back into pounds when the exchange rate was $1.75 = £ 1.

Calculate the profit she made, giving your answer in pounds (£)

7. The holiday in Europe was advertised at a cost of €245.

The exchange rate was $ 1 = €1.06.

Calculate the cost of the holiday in dollars, giving your answer correct to nearest cent.

8. Use your calculator to answer the following:

a) A rocket travels in space at 4 × 105 km h-1. Find the distance it will travel in:
i) 20 years ii) 30 days (Assume 1 year = 365.25 days)
b) A bullet travelling at an average speed of 2 × 10³ kmh-1 hits a target 500 m away. Find the time
of the bullet's flight in seconds.
c) Mars has volume 1.31 × 1021 m³ whereas Pluto has volume 4.93 × 1019 m³. Find the number of
times Mars is bigger than Pluto.
d) Microbe C has mass 2.63 × 10-5 grams whereas microbe D has mass 8 x 10-7 grams. Find the
heavier microbe. Find the number of times it is heavier than the other.

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